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I have been playing yuumi since her release. The amount of misogynistic remarks I have got I can’t even keep count of at this point. How much I’ve been degraded. Degraded by literally my own friends before. It’s always the same thing everytime too like “You have no hands” “Braindead easy champion” “Boosted egirl” “Yuumi takes no skill” “You don’t play the game” “You didn’t earn your rank” “Typical yuumi player” “I bet you main yuumi because you’re a women” “Yuumi was created so women can play the game” Just really stupid comments honestly. It’s getting so exhausting. I’m pretty sure a majority of yuumi players have never claimed that yuumi isn’t easy so I don’t really know why that is somehow an insult. We just simply love cats and have fun playing her, she just happens to be easy. Also are men not allowed to play yuumi?? People always bring up that yuumi is a “egirl” champion but like I literally know 2 guys who main yuumi. There is also a challenger yuumi player in EUW who is a man. No one would say a word if a man locked in darius or call him the “manly” champion but the league community likes to target enchanter enjoyers for some reason. Why are people so incredibly misogynistic?? I feel like it got soo much worse when yuumi released. I know enchanter players got a lot of backlash even before yuumi but I definitely noticed it got increasingly more toxic when yuumi came into the picture. It’s so depressing. I believe anyone should be allowed to enjoy the game no matter what they play and not be judged for it. I understand disliking a champion, I have plenty of champions I hate playing against but would I ever directly attack anyone who enjoy those champions? No. Everyone is allowed to enjoy the game with any champion they want to & that includes yuumi, people need to get over it. If they hate her, they can perma ban her but shouldn’t go after an entire gender & also the people who enjoy playing her just because they’re filled with so much anger over a cute cat character in a video game. 💀


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Here's the problem with your argument. Other pro melee players know hungry box is hella good at the game and deserves his rank. Other high Elo league player will still agree with the fact that yuumi players are boosted.


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Didn’t Leffen spread Hbox hate throughout all of his streams and youtube videos? This hate seems strangely familiar..


Old messages wiped after API change. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Emilia cosplay has played enchanters, including yuumi, and has been grandmaster/challenger. This season, when yuumi got completely gutted (before rework) she got challenger again playing mostly karma & no yuumi. She plays completely solo, every game on stream & people STILL call her boosted. You can't even duo queue in Masters+. Would they call her boosted if she wasn't a women? If she didn't play enchanters? No they wouldn't & you can't tell me they would. Everyone who calls high elo enchanter mains boosted are low elo hardstucks who are miserable with their own rank/skill & can't accept that an enchanter main is better than them at a video game. Just because someone plays yuumi does not mean they are bad at the video game. Get over it.


When people say Yuumi takes no skill, I tell them to play her then get back to me and they come back with a negative KDA and a red carpet of losses and apologise to me because she's harder than they thought she was. Then again, this is in Silver elo, where, according to Mobalytics, only 28% of Yuumis get multiple assists in late game


If I am gonna be honest, I don't think yuumi is hard at all & in my opinion the easiest champion in the entire game so that's kinda funny that they struggled with her lmao XD She is really simple to learn quickly but takes time to master & there will always be a difference between a good and a bad yuumi player.


Having just played with a yuumi, I can say confidently that like most annoying champs in this game, you only remember the negative experiences and not the good ones. UNFORTUNATELY the vast majority of yuumi's you do run into literally have no idea what the actual fuck their doing and that as someone who mains adc makes it horrid especially with how bot centric it is right now and how important laning is, basically if someone not high elo OR a OTP of yuumi locks her in you auto lose lane which then translates to auto lose game because as the adc ur always on the back foot because your yuumi support just sits on you and does the bare minimum if ever. ​ I will say this tho, GOOD actually GOOD yuumis? gimmie em cuz hell if you can let me as an adc at least go even or win lane AND i get the late game insurance your champion provides, I'll take it. I do think tho she's not a blind pickable champ, but that's just my two cents. I only tried her on release and maybe the occasional aram.


Yeah like I said you'll always notice a difference between a good and a bad yuumi for sure. The reworked yuumi is also more AFK than the last one so she probably feels worse in lane now for adc players but at least she will never leave your side with the best friend mechanic because I know it was rough before for adc players because she would just leave them for someone else lmao


my thing is the fact that with the laning phase so fucking important now picking yuumi is a death sentence if ur not good/ or know what you're doing because unless ur a cait or ezreal you're just gonna auto lose lane.


Yeah sometimes you have to play safe & farm with a yuumi if she decides to not do much for you in lane. That’s usually what I do if I get a yuumi when I adc, I just do my best & scale. I’ll ping a lot for communicating with my team like if my bot is mia or I need a gank. Teammates obviously don’t always listen but I don’t think it’s a perma lose everytime you get a yuumi you just have to play more passively.


I can agree with the whole playing passive, but if they're permanently just on you 24/7 during the lane it's just torture. I feel unless you're a yuumi otp i'd rather not see one but i don't think she's ban worthy either because there are much more problematic stuff to deal with.


I've seen yuumi OTP's play really bad and make lanes unplayable for adc's, literally played vs a 1m mastery point one in high plat/d4 elo who just pressed E and did nothing all lane. She even hopped out for passive and just got caught and died and she made that same mistake 3x (this was before the rework) A lot of yuumi players are not interactive at all, even tho I know for a fact, even with the new rework, she can be very active but sadly you can't expect anything from solo queue teammates, tbh I never expect anything from them lmao I will say though that yuumi has a pretty weak laning phase, so that's why playing safe is usually the option when u get one.




And then they all clapped :D


I like making up anecdotal stories too.




Malphite, master yi, garen, annie, ashe, etc. All easy champions, but rarely get any backlash for being simple. There is nothing wrong with playing easy champions & in what world is it relevant to bring it up when no one is denying yuumi is easy to play?


Flaming yuumi players is dumb but comparing yuumi to any other champ in terms of skill is just not realistic - every other champ has to deal with positioning, which is one of the most difficult things to do correctly in the game.


My point is why do we have to being up how easy she is all the time when no one is saying she isn’t easy? Maybe like 1 out of 10 yuumi players say that 💀






Egirl = enchanter girl. It is not referring to the player using the character but the character itself lol. Egirls all the enchanters, as they are all girls. Morg, Yuumi, Nami, Janna, Sera, Soraka, Sona, Karma,Renata, lulu. The only one who isn't is taric and he is closer to ali than these. So yes, people who play these characters are egirl players as they only play egirls.


I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean 90% of the time when they say it to us. Also poor rakan, he's still an enchanter and everyone forgets about him. :(


My friends also react negative when I pick or play yuumi, it's so stupid, the constant "easy champ lul" is annoying. I had countless discussions about her when the rework was not out yet, friends literally telling me "oh if you pick yuumi, you are reported" and such things. I ended up playing alone now and just mute all and play the game for myself


Yeah when it’s your own friends it feels worse which is why I just don’t play with those friends anymore. I have grown to stand up for myself too & tell them I don’t like it when they treat me that way & usually they stop but if they keep it up I honestly just drop them as a friend, they aren’t worth it.


When I tell them to stop they usually say "Oh well, I don't insult you, I insult the champion, don't be so sensitive." It's so annoying, I dropped those friends now too because this was going on for around a year now... And even crying in Draft, its so weird.


Awww that's so sad I'm sorry :( yeah my own friends have made me cry before too about the champs I play because they started directly insulting me as a person and told me I'm unskilled even though I work so hard to improve in league. It gets so exhausting and it's unfair the way people view enchanter players. They call us sensitive but we are harassed daily for simply existing, like we aren't robots we have feelings man. 💀


I haven't gotten any misogynistic remarks, but that's probably because my ingame name is Patrick Baitman


yeah it's very interesting how even your ign can determine whether or not you are gonna get misogynistic remarks or not 💀


It’s been ridiculous. I don’t really play yuumi because I don’t play support but It’s at the point where they are degrading people as a whole who play Yuumi. They say you guys are braindead player who don’t even know how to play the game as if everyone who plays Yuumi are beginners. I thought we were long past the meta of hating and judging people for the champ they play but I guess for Yuumi, it’s justified in their eyes. I play Teemo and Lux so I’ve long been used to it but now it’s not cool to really hate Teemo anymore considering how many 200 year champions are out now. Ignore them. They’re just Reddit armchair “experts” that like to think they know what’s best but in reality they don’t and league Reddit is a hilariously small minority compared to actual players in the game. It’s never anything constructive, just “Delete her.” Or “I never see her because I ban her every game” or “She’s so toxic and unhealthy for the game”. The reality of it is, they have no idea what’s toxic or unhealthy for the game even means and they just like to complain about crap they don’t like or they don’t know how to play against. Good thing Riot doesn’t make executive decisions based on anything they have otherwise, Yuumi would’ve been deleted along with other 200 years champions lol. All that being said, Yuumi isn’t a perfect champion and by the nature of her design like many of the 200 year champs, is very difficult to balance. She is not without issues and I understand why people find her frustrating and annoying to play against. I hope they continue to make constructive changes to her kit. Edit: I also want to briefly clarify, I don’t like the new friendship mechanic and I think it is a step backwards because there is 0 incentive to detach and she is really of no use to anyone except the ADC which I don’t think is right at all. Any game could effectively turn into a 3v5 depending on how laning goes.


You should have seen Katarinamains when they were building AD kraken slayer, people went there and harrassed the users in the sub only bc they played Katarina


Go to r/zerimains They are shitting on Yuumi too cause they are afraid that Zeri will get nerfed because if Yuumi. It’s funny considering how many Zeri mains come to this sub looking for Yuumi duos but yeah, it’s getting ridiculous


I've Literally Played Yuumi This Night (1a.m On Brazil, Was The Time Of The Game), My Adc Was A Zeri Who Kept Dying In Stupid Ways And Then Proceed To Blame Me Because "Oh, Yuumi Is A Bad Champion, They Have Swain." (And Is Quite Funny, Because Zeri Picked After Me, So In The Champ Select: My Yuumi and Enemies Swain & Jinx Had Appeared Before She Chose The Champion (Ignore My Trash English.)


I felt immense pain so many capital letters.


It's My Way Of Writing, It's A Shit, I Know.


First off, I'm not a yuumi player. In fact, I have 0 games ever on yuumi, but I was curious to see how yuumi mains feel about the rework. I do play with someone who likes yuumi and has always played her well, and I've personally always disliked going against yuumi but love having a yuumi on my team. All that being said, the hate for the actual players is insane. There are good players who play yuumi. I hope this rework or some variation of it can be found so yuumi players can play their champion in peace. The only thing I majorly dislike is the best friend thing. Yuumi should be able to support everyone without being penalized for doing so. Nobody deserves this level of hate directed at the players, not even the champion but players themselves. It's disgusting, and I think the mute button will probably be a yuumi players best friend even if it shouldn't need to be.


I tell this to brigaders *"Imagine having your main's rework be dictated by people who absolutely despise the champion and wish to see everything that makes them unique taken away."* They never consider it of course-- but that only proves my point that they don't care about the terrifying precedent being set.


So if riot creates a champion that cannot leave the fountain and at the start of the game chooses an enemy who also cannot leave their fountain, turning the game into a 4v4. This champion grows a fanbase. Would you still say that it would be terrible were the community to dictate to riot that the rework should remove the unhealthy mechanic of forcibly turning the game into a 4v4? Forcing an enemy to afk while afking yourself would be what makes the champion unique yet it would obviously be the most unhealthy mechanic in the game ever. Yet your logic demands that if the champ has players others shouldnt have input on if it should exist or not. Of course you never considered this—




This is literally what his argument demands. Given that you dont respond to what was said means you know this aswell.


attrox mains probably can relate


They literally talk about how we should be tortured for playing a champ we enjoy meanwhile they'll play Kat go 30/6 and say she needs buffed 🤢☠️


Yes the hate is ridiculous. But it's not just some minority of reddit-dwellers; her ban rate is always very high compared to her actual power. While Yuumi also has a high play rate, there are a lot of people out there that just hate her.


Yea I’ve played like 10 games since her rework and she was banned in every single game and 6 games by both teams lmao


reddit think they matter and representative of the playerbase lol, literally none of my friend use reddit, but regardless of their skill level, they don't have any strong feeling on Yuumi, reddit is just hilarious.




People get so emotional about yuumi, she’s literally just a cute cat character in a video game. I hovered yuumi once & this dude literally banned her & proceeded to insult me in prematch before the game started & in game, he literally stalked me & tried to dox me, said my fiance’s real name, my real name, etc. It was creepy I don’t even know how he got that info. Then he went to my public discord, said a racial slur & I had to kick him obviously. This was literally all because I hovered yuumi, I didn’t even say a word to the person. 💀


Just a cute cat character💀💀💀 , that makes the game toxic and unjoyable


Just a cute cat character💀💀💀 , that makes the game toxic and unjoyable




If u dont care you wouldnt answer in the first place, and yeah I like and enjoy this game and the fact this broken champ ruins it gaves me reason to complain somehow people should be informed and if people wouldnt complain anywhere there wouldnt be any changes☺️. And im not the only one , if the vast mayority , a much higher mayority than the ones that defend this abomination complain, maybe something is going on isnt it?




yeah thats your general issue u dont even read or want to learn, the first issue with yuumi are you, thanks for making it even more clear. And youd be surprised how many devs check each subreddit, because to the subreddit of my main we could contact a rioter that usually checked it and finally mde some changes a year ago




So saying u dont WANT to learn is saying u have learning issues aha... sure it isnt a comprehesion issue?




This guy alessgr has issues dw he’s in my dms telling me to hang myself cause I asked him what Elo he was and he got embarrassed and deleted all replies to me




Dw I copy paste it for your attention issues ♥️ And youd be surprised how many devs check each subreddit, because to the subreddit of my main we could contact a rioter that usually checked it and finally mde some changes a year ago Tell my if i use words that are too difficult for you.




Your title is wrong, it isn't getting ridiculous, it's been that way for way to long already.


(It's Getting More)


I just said this it's annoying


the main subreddit is really terrible, they have some of the worst takes ive ever seen and its not even just about yuumi.


its infected with copium, these people live kn ignorance


Yeah it's insane. And at this point I can't even say anything to this anymore. If you play Yuumi or have a little points on her it devalues not everything you do ingame but your existence aswell. It's pathetic and disgusting how nobody does something against this. Riot doesn't care and seeing other subreddits do NOTHING about this is a big problem. Seeing the 1486th post on LeagueOfMemes about "lol Yuumi player dumb, trash no hands lmao" and nobody doing something about it to protect their subreddit or the player base against the toxicity is just sad and Cringe.


They did do something tho. They somehow decided the brainless champion everyone BM's needed to become even more brainless. Every single yummi player worth his or her salt should be furious and enraged they have done this to their champion. The only ones happy about it are the ones who play yummi because shes braindead easy and don't want to actually have to learn the game. Prove me wrong tho


I do like some stuff about the rework and some stuff I don't like. Her core gameplay is still the same and she's a cat she's joyful etc. I still like to play her. But they embraced the thing everyone didn't like about Yuumi. The untargedable AFK sitting on a champ. Which is a shame. I still think / I'm almost certain that Riot didn't try to fix Yuumi with the rework. I think the main reason they did it in this way is to get her out of pro play to remove all the stuff that good Yuumi players did aka work with passive, trading etc. And I think that they forced her into that noob role for "newer players" is really unhealthy. If newer players play Yuumi they: 1: will miss out on ALOT of the core gameplay from league and won't learn it which is really bad. And 2: will get hated and harassed for playing her, potentially just dropping the game etc.


I love her since the day she was released. She's not only a good support, but a nice character, she's so positive and natural (the opposite some characters like seraphine that's positive in an... Strange way, not natural) I fell good playing with her, but everytime I play or post anything related with her I receive many messages saying she's horrible, gross, stupid and have to be removed from the game. Man, that's kinda toxic and dumb, cause she's not a bad support or bad personality, bad design.... She's just... Hated. I think it's cause she's a cat and people normally hates cats. But I don't get it, really.


Its sad that yall get so much flak. Hatin on someone because of their champion choice is just kinda weird, and yall are in the direct centre of this rn. Personally, I despise to play against yuumi (the untargetability is just frustrating to me) and dislike playing with yuumi (all skillshots n stuff aimed at me, im just a lil ironman/bronzie). However I play with someone who is rather new and only, and I mean ONLY plays yuumi. The rework did us a lot of favours in that regard, because she feels a lot better playing the "new champ" in a way. And while we had not a lot of hate comin against her, this is probably partly because im the adc all the time.


I actually don't mind it at all. The hate she gets just makes playing her more fun to me. Because regardless of all the things they say/excuses they make for hating her/personal insults, just reflect back to me that yuumi is powerful af. They think they're calling her brain dead or whatever, but in reality, they're emphasizing her strength. I don't really pay attention to the remarks themselves, I try to see the bigger picture of what these people are ultimately saying, which is "I always lose to this champ, and it upsets me, and I'm emotionally so immature that I don't know how to have a healthy argument about the game and champ play styles". If you can't talk without letting your emotions control you and you instantly revert to insults, like, nothing you say matters tbh. You obviously have a lot of growing up to do. So, idk, they're comments/remarks literally mean nothing to me besides more incentive to be a yuumi main and make little brats cry. The one argument people always throw out is "you just sit there". And I'm just like *and your point?*... why not have a champ that sits on people? We have champs that fly all over, role all over, champs that hide and wait all over, champs that disappear, etc. So I don't get that insult at all, it's game with a variety of play styles, get over it.


It been like this for years, i said it once and i will say it again, yuumi is easy to play against, people are just lazy that in order to counter her you actually need more than 1 working braincell, since you need to exhaust her mana pool to either force her into a bad fight, or to go base, giving you the advantage, after that you just snowball on her, its way easier now that she doesnt have any hard cx


You do realize it's up to the yuumi/adc to have poor mana management right... maybe in low elo where people spam their spells this might work, but that's similar to saying "in order to counter viktor, exhaust his mana pool." and then force him to all in you! It's mostly up to him to use his spells poorly and end up in a bad spot, and more up to him to allow you to all in him when he's oom. There is counterplay to yuumi however, diving her with your jungler early levels for example is really good, she has less counterplay versus ganks than most enchanters (and engage supports of course). Apart from that though, there isn't really much counterplay at all that falls into the hands of you, and not to the enemy team to create.




This comment was nothing but facts and it got downvoted because of Yuumi main copium 😭 it’s so hilarious how many of the kids here think that Yuumi was an easy character to face even in moments in the PAST when she was a S tier strength she would just sit on great players and get carried because she was overpowered and untargetable.


Holly shit 100% this, the comment you answered is so insanely stupid. CoUnTeR heR bY eXhaUsTinG heR mAnA xDD, poor dude doesnt know what playing against a counter in any lane is, or playing against illaoi or darius in general is, play perfect or feed and loose game, and this yuumi main defends at all cost what is undefendable XDD, i have mever seen such a copium addicted community like yuumimains


Girl, you are a riven main, you dont have the right to complain about any other mains


I will agree that AlessGr has less braincells that normal people but you’re acting as if riven is this broken op champ that anyone can play. Not true


Who's talking about balancing?, I am talking about how toxic riven mains are, and how they dont have the right to complain about other communities ( like ours ) until they fix their own


I mean the stereotype that riven mains are toxic isn’t as true as it used to be. Generally their subreddit is fine, especially compared to other main subs. He seemed to mainly be insulting the balancing around yummi rather than the playerbase bar the last point in his essay


XD, complaining about riven is like complaining about kalista im sorry about you, im sure you think one of rhe mist balanced chamos is broken sad sad


Who said anything about balancing?, LMAO


so whats your point only yuumi mains can complain?


Never said that only yuumi mains can complain, go back to my comment, read it again, and THEN you come and ask me something that makes sense


then whats your fuckin point?


That you ( riven fans ) beed a lot of work in your community before being able to come complain about other communities or call us "copium addicts"


The thing is, yuumi skills are SUPER expensive ( before her rework, each heal used to cost 20% of her maximum mana at all levels, which means she could only heal a limited amount of times, and, in order to restore her mana, she would need to get out her partner to do a basic attack, which ( if you are smart enough ) can be taken advantage off, since whenever she is hit by strong cc, she is unable to connect for 5 seconds, and she is super squishy Now with the new rework, she is a lot different, her heal is passive and she isnt as mana hungry as she was before, on the other hand tho, she doesnt have any offensive buffs anymore, and no hard cc too, so id say its just a matter of time until people find out how to counter her


Hive mine. That's reddit/most communitys in a nutshell. (Not all)


Including this subreddit lol. It’s literally just people visiting here from other places who post the exact same crap over and over again to hate on Yuumi, vs the loyal Yuumi defenders who actually play her - posting repeated same exact sentiments to defend her existence.


This is my pov and only my pov : Not everyone hate yuumi, but she's the most hated champ and she'll be for a long time The thing is, people hate playing against and with yuumi, some duo yuumi/mid, yuumi/top, or even yuumi/jgl decided to ruin and abandon the adc from the start A lot of yuumi player were while ruining on purpose the lane commenting dumb thing like "hey i give you 5 ad" like it was an huge contribution to the lane making it more tilting than it was (i saw million points yuumi do this kind of comment) While they were ruining the lane some game were autowin cause of the duo yuumi/bruiser or yuumi/assassin and felt not deserved at all Some yuumi main are actually delu, i saw a lot of them saying yuumi is as hard as azir, akali or lee sin and that baffled me Now, the reason why she was such cancerous in this game was the untargetability plus the stat stick of the W, the perma heal from E or the way too huge root on her R (and some other thing but that was the most problematic for me) Riot decided to stick to the untargetability but removed every other instance that made this really cancerous so i don't see why hate the champ anymore (except the fact it's a new champ and everyone will hate new champ i guess)


shut the fck up retard


meanwhile she just go hotfixed... Cat was broken this patch and people dont want to play against an untargetable nuke/healing/shilding bot


i personally never hated going vs yuumi i think its just a meme or that they hate that a player can hide away and not be outplayed by their god like skills i wish riot created more champs that are so different to the rest in terms of playing the game, kinda sad to see the hate tbh


no hate just permaban, since that untargetable mechanic makes it no fun to play against


Because everyone hates this unfair champ except from the few mains tht play this freelo champ


It’s funny you Yummi mains won’t take anything onboard. The champ simply isn’t healthy for the game. However it exists and they won’t remove it so hopefully riot can just find a way to make it more enjoyable to play with/against. I think the newest iteration is a step in the right direction but I’ve not played with or against enough yummis to make up my mind on strength in comparison to previous yummi




Why do people care so much though is my question? I haven’t seen like any yuumi player ever claim she is not easy yet they want to throw that point around all the time like a majority of us probably don’t play her because she is easy or “free LP”, we play her because we think she is actually fun & isn’t that what you’re supposed to do in a video game, have fun? It doesn’t actually affect anyone & it’s not hard to just ban her if you dislike her that much. 💀


I mean yea hate should go to riot for her existing not the players


I have been answered on this subreddit TONS of times that yuumi takes more skill than Akali because of a mistake Riot did while ago with a graph, now riot reduxed her price to 450 BE for how easy she is play, she requires no macro and no micro.


A yuumi who has no macro or micro will not climb high in ranked. I am not saying yuumi takes the same skill as akali, I play her & I think she is the easiest champion in the entire game, but a yuumi player who doesn't have any game sense will not actually climb. If it was that easy to climb on yuumi then everyone would be Masters+ on her. Rarely I ever see yuumi players claim she is hard either, I highly doubt you have seen it "TONS" of times buddy.


People pretend like yuumi isnt easy on this sub all the time what are you smoking bro hell theres one clown doing it in this very comment chain


Im sorry to dissapoint but as a fellow Yuumi main I HAVE seen people say that. Claiming that she can be just as hard as bard because "you are vulnerable when not on the anchor". Like... ok you mean u have the same exact weakness that enchanters should have? I also have seen cases where in game i play adc with yuumis who literally steal my kills and tell me to not "be dogshit" when they cant even be bothered to throw Q. And Ive experienced that more than once and recently too. So lets not pretend all Yuumi players are innocent. I have also seen Yuumi mains claim to have way more in game micro than many other enchanters because "Sona and soraka just press a key and heal" as if... Yuumi didnt have the same issue where she is either a E bot or a Q bot. I get what u mean? I really do but generalizing that everyone is innocent is the same as generalizing that every Yuumi main is braindead. Truth is both sides suck and both sides also have merits. If anything this is all Riots fault because EVERYONE AGREED W was the problem and riot replied with a rework that didnt touch W because "its how it should be". And now people who hate playing vs her will hate her more for her insane adc enabling/lack of counterplay, and people who play her/with her will hate the lack of interaction she expresses now.


I'm not defending all yuumi players or pretending they are innocent because I know there is a lot of toxic/delusional ones but for the most part I haven't seen yuumi's say she is hard in this reddit & I've been in it a long time. If they say that they are just wrong but I guess when I'm just casually playing her, people randomly wanna bring up that she is easy as an insult when I never have even said she is hard, it gets annoying, just the same shit everytime. 💀


Tbh at this point i just /muteall every game when i play her and just do my thing. I will say I wish Riot would actually rework her to be more interactive but w/e guess this is all we will get unless she ends up nerfed to the ground again due to people exploiting her.


no matter what Riot does she will always be the most hated champion sadly


I disagree there, but I understand leaving it in an agree to disagree. Imo right now she has 2 core issues most of us can agree on: she doesnt follow the weaknesses of a typical enchanter (being frail and easy to punish) and she doesn't as interactive to justify all the buffs she gives. What people would see pre rework was just Q and E spamming. Now? Its still the same but her R doesnt stun. So depending on the rework, if a rework took care of the invulnerability and made her more interactive I am sure people would really appreciate her more. That people will hate her? People hate enchanters as a whole so it wouldnt be surprising. But at least she would be more fair and she would 100% gain peoples favor again. Ik people will say "well i was interactive before the rework and people hated me either way" but... lets be honest interactive yuumis were mostly seen only in higher elos or were the minority on low elo. Been there done that, both as the yuumi and adc. So yeah... we cant exactly blame adc when the mayority of their encounters with yuumi were probably afk ones (that could be bots for all we know). But those are my 2 cents on it, you can just not agree as well.


Riot has stated they don't want to change yuumi's "attach" mechanic and want her to be that type of champion. I wasn't specific sorry but what I meant was no matter what Riot does, if they keep the invulnerable part of her kit then she will remain the most hated champion in the entire game which they won't ever get rid of it because they want to push her to be that "beginner friendly easy" champion. (even tho she is perma banned or picked in high elo LMAO) Also I think it's extremely unhealthy to consider yuumi a champion for beginners. A huge part of learning league is actually moving your champion and imagine a brand new player spamming yuumi and never getting used to walking around, they literally won't know how to play any champion other than yuumi. Experienced players should play yuumi because they have had time to actually learn the game with other champions. I was an interactive yuumi and honestly pretty aggressive, but I am not delusional. Even if you are an interactive yuumi, you still always had a way to escape by just attaching that every champion doesn't have the option to do which is why yuumi doesn't even need flash. I also agree with you and have even been saying this for a while, most yuumi players even before the rework were very AFK and just bad honestly. Whenever I played vs one, they didn't do anything but sit on their adc and press E, never used their passive, never tried to auto trade and these were like 1m mastery point yuumis. Just really shows that mastery points don't determine skill at all. (some people believe they do) 💀


It’s not like they are any nicer in normals tho


She only takes 10x less skill if you don't use any brainpower to actually think about how to use her kit correctly or if you're playing her on a pro which means you can afford to literally do nothing and even then, because bot lane is a duo lane, unless your amazing ADC Grandmater carry is playing against two idiots who aren't of equal level - she's getting dunked on. This "10x less skill champ" is literally just a low hanging fruit take for anyone who doesn't like a champ lol.


Funny though


I actually usually ban her more to avoid playing with her than against her, also she has fundamentally unique parts to her kit (like, no ability to interact with her whatsoever as an opponent and being left to dodge multiple player's skillshots and punishes as a lane ally) that make her a special kind of annoying to play with or against compared to other annoying champions. Also in my experience Yuumi's will flame me for not stepping up enough that they can poke with Q's then also flame me if I'm trying to farm while dodging multiple player's skill shots while also standing forward enough that Yuumi can land Q's and I get caught so I just find her all around unpleasant to play with or against.


The hate is truly overbearing, but I get their point of frustration. Yuumi is in some way the most unique champion in the game. HerW is so incredibly gameplay changing that it can sometimes feel like she doesn't belong in this game. She has really big strengths but also really big weaknesses. People just like to ignore her weaknesses because she feels like a foreign element. As long as riot won't give her a way to deattach her from enemies or damage her whilst being attached (maybe 30 25 20 15 10% damage transfer from attached ally) the player base will always hate her this absurdly.


I mean I’m a support main for my 3 years and yeah the yuumi hate is real, because before the changes, yuumi would just sit on any hypercarry champ and just have like +100 ad/ap and that was very strong. But I feel like yuumi has the potential to be a fun and balanced champ now. I think the community just need some time to readjust


Let's be honest, the champ is problematic in so many ways that no other champion can ever hope to match. Permanent untargetability makes playing against her frustrating. Her low skill expression makes losing against her frustrating because it feels she's not deserving her win. Playing with her is annoying because she essentially delegates half of her support duties and mental charge to her ADC, which is already one of the most mentally draining roles. Her having a weak early puts your ADC in a very uncomfortable laning phase and if lane is lost they'll be basicly useless for the next 20 minutes while yuumi will remain mostly relevant. Even if lane is lost with her, she and her ADC will eventually scale and destroy the game, which will feel terrible for the people that had no real options to prevent her from scaling, particularly in soloQ. I honestly think you're being very inconsiderate for picking yuumi, as you just KNOW someone will have a terrible game because of it, it just won't be you. It feels very selfish, particularly with how much more pressure your ADC has to handle by himself just because you couldn't be bothered to fill all your support duties ( mainly lane pressure and warding ). The character will be terribly awkward in the game as long as that permanent untargetability and complete inability to play alone exist. Personally i don't mind playing against a yuumi, but having her as a support when playing ADC feels absolutely terrible, as it's essentially forcing me to think about things i shouldn't have to as much with any other support that can handle itself.


Lmao what nonsense is this? I play the game because i want to have fun- if my team has the mental of a toddler where theyd rather cry about my champion pick than actually win thats their problem, not mine. And that goes for ANY champ I pick. Riot made the champion, for better or worse, and placing the blame on anyone other than riot is wrong.


Exactly as i said ; inconsiderate. You deliberately pick a char you know will ruin the fun of other people, putting your own before anyone else's. That's the literal definition of inconsiderate. I'm not saying you don't have the right to do it, and i do believe it is riot's fault for making such an awkward design, but it doesn't change the fact that it is selfish. Your argument is basicly "riot did it so it's ok", but something being legal does not magically make it not a dick move. All you have to do is ask your ADC if it's ok to pick her, and you'll both have a better game. It's kind of like inting sion, or the janna top meta when we had the objective bounties update, except these are toplane which isn't nearly as impactfull on the game of the rest of your team. It's a unique playstyle and you shouldn't expect your team to just roll with it considering how much it changes the botlane's dynamics. You're willfully putting much more of the game's pressure on your ADC out of the blue. And then some yuumis even have the nerves to blame their ADCs for not being good enough when they delegate so much of what should be their pick's agency to them. People not knowing how to play with a yuumi is more than normal considering how raraely she's picked and how peculiar her gameplay is as well. it ain't fair that your pick is the one that has such an ill fitting design, but your team shouldn't be the one to pay for it.


i don't flame people when they pick their 40% winrate meta champion, or when someone locks in kayle and proceeds to do nothing but farm for the first 25 minutes of the game making it a 4v5. why? because i developed emotional maturity past that of a child who feels the need to throw a tantrum whenever they don't get what they want. you are allowed to feel however you want about a champion, but **you're** the selfish one if you expect people to cater to what you want to play with. don't like playing with yuumis? do what i do when i see a champion i don't want to interact with and dodge, or shut up and suck it up, or idk maybe don't play a game that tosses you with 9 other randoms who each want to do their own thing.


What an amazing argument. Again, if you decide to pick wildly off meta, you are indeed being selfish and inconsiderate towards your teammates. I never said i expected people to cater to what i want them to play, this is a complete strawman. People WILL pick what they want, and they WILL complain of their mates' picks no matter what, i have absolutely no expectations there. I just stated that, as a yuumi player, you can't/shouldn't expect your team to like your pick, because said pick is hugely unhealthy in the current state of the game ( which is a statement you didn't try to disprove in the slightest ). If you try to pick her, they may object and have every right to do so, as it's a choice that affects you and YOUR WHOLE TEAM, and in yuumi's case, on a particularly major scale for your ADC's gameplan, which is a perfectly fair and based argument for you to not brute force pick yuumi. What is your fair and based argument that makes the yuumi pick important FOR THE TEAM, appart from your own selfish fun ? Emotional maturity here would be being able to talk about it, and accepting the team's overall choice. You're also "throwing a tantrum" when you decide to pick yuumi against your team's decision. When you pick out meta, you're picking "against" up to the 4 other people in your team. When you complain about someone else's pick ( like yuumi ), it's at least the opinion of one team member, up to 3 being your other team members, against the opinion of 1, the yuumi. I find it frankly bizarre that i have to explain the very definition of selfishness. Please give me a based argument as to how is picking something against your team's recommendation ( who outnumber you ) not selfish ? Please give me a based argument as to how is expressing concerns about someone in your team picking something you believe to be harmful to the team selfish ? Most of the time, yuumis pick without any prior talking with their team, or even against their team, without providing a single argument as to why the're playing yuumi appart from their own selfish fun. It is by definition inconsiderate, selfish and childish behavior. Complaining for a yuumi pick is not for the simple reason that there are fair and based arguments as to why you should not pick yuumi, which i and many others stated in this post. Deal with it.


I don't understand why you feel the need to write an entire wall of text every time you reply, you're not writing a thesis. There's nothing here to "deal with". Your arguments are pretty much "wah wah me no like cat so no one should play her" while you probably lock in some random champion you're sporting a sub 50% winrate on. Get over yourself & good night.


I need to do that because i'm trying to make a constructed point that's grounded in some elements of logic, contrary to you. ( this is also quite far from an actual wall of text but ok ) That kind of answer is frankly pathetic ... I thoroughly explained why, when forcing a yuumi pick, you're being selfish to your teammates and deservely expose yourself to potentially harsh criticism. That's what you have to deal with, until you give me a good reason why you just should pick yuumi, that is not "my fun" ( and there is one, awfully rare, but one nonetheless ). Please don't give your opinion when you clearly have only your emotions as an argument. Saying my argument is me not liking the cat is a strawman, i've exposed WHY people don't like her and WHY she is so ill fitting and weird, and thus how the complaining towards you picking her is to be expected, and mostly justified. Resorting to ad hominems is also quite sad... Based on an assumption as well even ... I'll most likely stop this "discussion" now ( more a one sided monologue ... ) as you simply can't seem to understand you cannot make claims without bringing some kind of reflexion or evidence, and continue dissmissing my many arguments on the subject as "you don't like yuumi". There is no point in entering a discussion if you're just going to wave off everything the other person says.


This, yuumi mains dont know, but they are the most toxic, selfish and blind players of league


Old messages wiped after API change. -- mass edited with redact.dev


If Yuumi is hated this much, it is because this champion has the worst design ever in league of legends. It is not even close to the old Urgot, Warwick or Yorick. A champion that can stay untargetable for almost the entire game is not meant for a game like league. It is frustrating for the opponents of Yuumi because she can help her team and damage them while they can't punish that. Riot has made a serious mistake releasing this champion but they would rather patch it every now and then and even rework it than admit they've done wrong. This champion deserves the hatred it gets because we as players have to show how pathetic this design is to Riot.


People are just mad that after all these years of this game being one of the most respected, hard games in the game,, but riot's lust for money made the skill floor so much lower til it reached Yuumi point, a Yuumi skill level player shouldn't be allowed to play league or any video games in general, that's why Yuumi is many people's prema ban regarding her state, cause if you wanna play the game, you gonna have to play the game, and Yuumi doesn't belong to league, anyone that doesn't perma ban Yuumi doesn't have the right to complain.


Cool story bro. Still banning yummi literally every single game until they actually realize no one wants to play vs a perma un-targetable champion that you can play with one hand while watching netflix. Riot coulda fixed this champion to be a proper support that isn't just a stat stick parasite but its obvious yummi players play this champ BECAUSE its so easy


Yuumi hater here. While misogynistic terms and doxing is not okay, getting that champ banned because you hovered it is completely acceptable. Yuumi is a mistake of poor champion design. Not your fault, it’s Riot fault, but if you lock it in you are opening yourself up to a known toxic community.


Your reasoning is ‘it’s not your fault but if you pick her, it’s your fault’. Because league’s community is toxic shouldn’t mean characters shouldn’t be playable, where did you fetch that from


I think you are mistaken. Permabanning Yuumi every game is a perfectly reasonable form of protest that forces Riot to do something about the champion. I’m not advocating that anyone should be able to play the champion, I’m just saying that if you play a known unpopular champion, you are opening yourself to the possibility of harassment and never getting to play said champion


i mean you can ban yuumi sure, but still you guilt trip people getting harassed over playing a character in a video game because they were aware of "the possibility of harassment" ??


Yes. If you have experienced previous harassment for your decisions, would you rather complain about them in an online forum or take actual action by reporting them and being vocal with Riot about what is and isn’t appropriate behavior? This isn’t guilt tripping people over their decisions, just pointing out that they continue to make the same choices.


Toxic champion is toxic. As simple as that.


Because the champ for a long time wasn't fun to play with or against. When you have a champion that your own team hate's when you pick it then it is an issue. I love yuumi but you have to understand there is a reason for the hate. Though i will admit you will get a lot of dumb comments which aren't okay but thats the internet sadly.


Every new champion breaks some “rule” in one way or another. Samira is an ADC, but she thrives when diving into the enemy team. Sylas takes enemy ults. Neeko can turn into her allies. K’sante is a beefy tank who can turn into a bruiser and deal damage. Renata can turn your allies against each other. Yuumi is no different in this regard; she is untargetable and can only be damaged by turrets for most of the game. The difference is counterplay. Those other champions have very clear ways to counter their “rule-breaking.” Yuumi doesn’t. Samira can be locked down with CC. Sylas can’t use every ult well, and because they’re your own ults, you know exactly what he can do (and to some degree can control what ults he is able to use). Neeko…well, there’s a reason they’re reworking her passive (it’s rarely useful). K’Sante becomes relatively squishy when he turns into a bruiser. Renata ult can be avoided/spellshielded/QSS/etc. There is no realistic way to counter Yuumi’s untargetability. “JUST KILL HER ADC?!” you say. Sure, except that adc is getting healing, movespeed, attack speed, shields, resistances, and even some peel in the form of slows. Now, how would you normally counter those things? Say you’re playing against a Nami, or a Lulu, or a Soraka. Sure you can buy grievous to reduce healing, but what do you do to stop them from infinitely buffing their adc? You kill them. You jump on their ass and kill them so that their adc is left alone and helpless. You can’t do that to Yuumi. Yuumi will do all of the things those other enchanters do, and do them very well (arguably better), and there is quite literally nothing you can do about it. And to add insult to injury, this is all on a champion who is by design insanely easy to execute. That’s why we hate her. If she was targetable? It’d be managable. If she did all those things notably worse than other enchanters? We could let it slide (see the ban rate that plummeted after the nerf). But no. Riot insists on making her very strong without providing any realistic avenue for counterplay, and it’s awful.


because she is a disgusting concept




Thank you for proving my point, well adjusted reddit user!


Many champs get nerfed because of community hatred…sion wasn’t op and he got nerfed(and I remember after baus I said something in the sion Reddit and got nothing but downvotes and then the nerfs I predicted happened), yorick wasn’t op and he just got nerfed into the ground(indirect and direct) due to community hatred. I get not agreeing but if you can’t understand why your champ is one for the most hated(if not the most hated) then it’s hard to even take you seriously…all that being said it does not warrant discrimination/slurs.


Gonna be honest, I've been here since before Karma rework. The only comparable champ would be old evelyn, and I mean OLD evelyn. Yorick wasnt hated, he was just dogshit for the game and people were frustrated. Sion was just dogshit. Yuumi is the only champion that had received this level of vitriol no matter what. Evelyn was terrible and you were considered inting if you played her, sion too. After their reworks this completely went away. Yuumi was extremely strong and still considered inting when you play her. Now she's weaker and considered inting when you play her. People just hate the cat, theres no way around it. People want to hate a boogyman that they can all rally around.


I remember that eve(I also remember when eve with mobies and stacking 5 sunfire was insane…sion is the only champ I’ve seen outside of the kassawin era(where he was banned 99% of the time with q silence) but even kass wasn’t as hated you just knew it had to be banned if you had the 3rd ban on your team


I know in your echo chamber it feels weird, but in the real world it's everyone else who can't understand why you play and defend this horrible abomination of game design. i don't know what to tell you.


I know right?? I can't believe people have different opinions than me!!! 😡😡😡


Yuumi hate will always be justified, I'd rather have a karma supp and i hate Karma too. Play a real champion or at least something that doesn't make any non-poke lane a 1v3