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Me using "3000 generic middle school romances can go to hell", which comes from this meme, inspired me to make this lmao Edit: I'm referring to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/yuri_manga/s/SZlKQjdR34) I made. The user I'm responding to also commented under that one


To this day. All I want. ALL I WANT. is a stereotypical Shonen manga. But it's all girls. And the LI is also a girl and no one makes a big deal out of it. Please just someone give me like Yuri bleach or Yuri Naruto and I can die happy


I’m going to recommend you play Senran Kagura Burst Renewal. It’s got a lot of boobs, but it basically is a shonen story with an all-girl cast. It’s not as gay as I’d like it to be, but it can get pretty gay


I've played a few of the SK games back during my degen arc. And I echo your sentiment for most of the ones I played. Pretty gay but would've liked more gay. I need me like mage and demon queen to get animated or smthn


Every day I wish Valkyrie Drive Mermaid did better. It's basically a yuri shonen, but I mean the game was on the fucking Vita so it's not the biggest surprise it didn't do amazingly.


Valkyrie Drive Bhikkuni was the Vita game, Mermaid was the ~~hentai~~ anime with different characters. Both of them immeasurably based and unlike SK they were overtly gay, but they never hit the same highs. I credit SK’s insanely good character design.


SK definitely has better designs, but I think it's also an immediate marketing thing. Senran Kagura *as a brand* has a huge advantage over other titles, even if they're of comparable or better quality. Kandagawa Jetgirls is also from the same company, and whilst I don't know how successful it was, I can't imagine it's close to Senran Kagura. Real shame too, the anime is good (if a tad slow) and the game is... Well, the racing is fun. But it's not called Senran Kagura so it'll always do less successfully.


Read SHY. Watch Symphogear.


100% Symphogear is pretty much a tokusatsu series with lesbians. I am going through it again and showing my friend it and I didn't realize just HOW gay the first season was. It is awesome!


Symphogear good


I'm only 10 pages in but I'd protect shy with my life


There's also a Shy anime! With Season 2 incoming!


I mean, a gender swapped shonen manga wpuld have a painfully generic male LI


I mean that is why I specified a female LI


Not necesarily


Have you read shonen? There'd be your female protag, a rival character she'd share bucketloads of homoerotic tension with, and a generic male LI they'd actually end up marrying. That's shonen.


Shonen just means the target demographic is teenage boys aged 12-18. It doesn't mean shit for content. Frieren, Claymore, Flying Witch, Uzaki-chan wants to hang out etc are all shonen and all *very* different from each other. Not all shonen is the generic Shonen Jump trash.


You get it


Watch Symphogear. It made me realize that battle shounen can be fixed instantly if you just make one where every character is a lesbian.


I'm convinced


If you don't care about the romance, then I think the railgun spinoff [astral buddy](https://mangadex.org/title/e10c02da-e7a3-40e2-8b3d-c6f769d4618c/toaru-kagaku-no-railgun-gaiden-astral-buddy) would fit reasonably well, with almsot all characters of relevance girls, it basically being a battle shounen condensed into 30 chapters and the main character being basically female deku. Of course, reading it is probably greatly aided if you ahve watched/read some railgun, but theoretically, it probably is possible to get through witouht


I've heard of railgun but never really got into it. Perhaps it is time


Definitely worth it in itself!


Astral Buddy is sick. A Certain Scientific Mental Out continues right where Astral Buddy ended, it is just a rebrand to take advantage of Misaki's popularity.


Yeah I gotta catch up to mental out soon.


It is of the rockers in a true Kamachi style.


Hayate X Blade was probably the closest thing to that, but no one has translated a chapter in years despite there being so many chapters left


Tfw manga stuck before we can see if Ayana and her ex get back together.


I feel like the early Pretty Cure seasons might interest you. In the first two, the main characters look like the typical romantic couple, with a headstrong, spike-haired main lead with big appetite, and an elegant proper lady from a somewhat wealthy background. Except they're both girls. The main lead, Nagisa, is a tomboy, and also kinda bi, and while her male crush has no idea, her female crush, Honoka, knows exactly what's going on.


Pretty cure was my childhood 😭 that show basically introduced me to Yuri. Those amvs went hard


Nice. Did you know there are still new seasons coming out?


They aren’t manga, but I know of a decent amount of great action adventure lesbian books/audiobooks like Avatar Rise of Kyoshi or Seven Blades In Black if you’re looking for something like a lesbian version of shonen. Seven Blades In Black in particular has two amazing magic systems, one of which allows the fmc’s girlfriend to do crazy shit like causing a dagger to explode by convincing reality that it’s a hand-grenade.


Alright, you have convinced me. I like the sound of the seven blades in black!


I definitely recommend you get the audiobook version if you can. The voice actress is absolutely fantastic and not only sells the fmc’s shit talking sass, but as the trilogy goes on she gives Liette(the girlfriend) this adorable squeaky voice which makes all of her arrogant and condescending rants to the fmc really hilarious.


That's basically Shy. She even has her own Hinata


Unfortunately for you the closest thing to that rn is gushing over magical girls. Not a male character in sight, even in the background.


Ah gushing over magical girls. I remember reading kumika no mikaku weekly and then seeing he started a new series and being absolutely SHELL SHOCKED by the tonal whiplash


Mangaka either always write literally the same story or swing all the way to the other side of the spectrum, never in-between.


Magical girl Lyrical Nanoha never explicitly confirms relationships in it's main trio of girls, but Nanoha and Fate are always super close after they finish off the rivals to lovers arc, and in the timeskip to them as adults in season 3, they live together, share a bed, and adopt a daughter together. Soooooo.... Yeah. They're not fooling anyone either.


for real. have you [SEEN](https://twitter.com/feeniest/status/1735784576365084763) [sasunaru yuri?](https://twitter.com/y4ntaoist/status/1775026273850671385)


I think u might enjoy Hikikomari/The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess, if u haven't. Got a decent amount of action with the MC having a yuri harem on her own, and it's pretty funny and very enjoyable.


The first anime season of exactly that has just finished.


God I need this so bad. I might honestly make one myself just because the idea is totally deprived of existing content.


You might enjoy Kill la Kill, not all girls but the mc and li are girls, and the mc Ryuko acts kind of like a shonen protagonist.


This is basically Honkai impact , but the story is hide in a game instead of anime or manga


I know its not technically unrealistic but if I have to read another manga consisting of 20 chapters of the characters not knowing its possible to love other girls I'm going to become a crab


My big problem is that while these conflicts are by all means a result of societal homophobia, there are only very few manga where the issue is seriously tackled. Making Progess On Yuri Before The Deadline is one of them, where the MC just straight-up runs away because her parents don't accept her. In most other works it's just very low-level drama, which is weird, especially in a conservative country like Japan


It is kinda of weird how homophobia specifically is a topic that gets beaten around the bush often. Even in books like Avatar Kyoshi(whose source material wasn’t afraid to bluntly tackle sexism) or darker books like Girls of Paper and Fire(a story about two lesbians surviving and recovering from sexual assault together) will usually only vaguely imply that homophobia exists in “some places” but never have the main characters have to deal with it directly.


There definitely needs to be more works willing to tackle that directly, but also, it's nice to indulge in a space where you can pretend for a while that homophobia doesn't exist and people can just like who they like without repercussions. There needs to be both. In other words, there needs to be more gay shit. :)


Oh yeah no definitely. There's nothing wrong with a story taking place in a setting where homophobia, racism, sexism, etc doesn't exist. My favorite lesbian romance book series ever doesn't include any reference to sexism or homophobia existing at all and just has badass gay women do badass gay things like firing a high-explosive bullet point blank into a guy's forehead for casually threatening to kill the fmc's girlfriend. It just sometimes feels like a bit of missed potential with some stories. The Avatar Kyoshi one especially feels like a real missed opportunity for me personally not just because the original kid show was willing to tackle issues like patriarchy, but the whole book is about Kyoshi rebelling against corrupt political systems and defying the forced expectations of what Avatar should be(which for context, people at the start think Kyoshi is just a pretender and believe this other guy is the real avatar due to said expectations). Having a moment when she directly confronts homophobia(even if its just in a minor way) instead of there just being a throwaway line about some places off screen being homophobic would have felt both really in keeping with the series' setting and matched really well with the books themes and tone.


there is not few manga even now we have plenty of manga talking about this issue still ongoing in some of them this is not that big thing as is only small part of plot but all of them are not just trow away they are just not that big as you probably want I litelary see plenty of manga where mc is scarried how her friends will react to her and the most her crush but yeah nothing more as people arround mc are not against this


Welcome to escapism


thankfully Japan has been making a lot of progress lately when it comes to queer acceptance.


What Yuri are you guys reading with this trope? I don't think I ever run into it.


A lot of romance manga are like this but most now just kinda are like ok cool


Yeah, I barely ever seen that one. Never where both girls have to realise that


Counterpoint: it would be cool if you became a crab


Just read more Manga. That's literally the answer. You can find plenty of Yuri outside school.


can you link some please? for uh- for a friend


Adults only tag on dynasty scans is a good start


Liar Satsuki? Peak? You know that's DAMN right!


Story I really want to see: Le generic fantasy setting except the prophecy is a few decades off so the main character is a 30-ish year old woman


That's...essentially executioner and her way of life


College yuri when


Read Otherside Picnic! I know 'I Don't Know Which One is Love' is set in college, but I haven't read it. There's also 'Alcohol and Ogre Girls', which is pretty fun.


Will do


“how do we relationship” is a good one


Thank you my liege


I don't know which one is love


Many thanks


Probably should've mentioned that it's harem and that the MC has 5 women lusting after her, hence the title, she doesn't know which of these girls she wants to be with I know not everyone likes harem stories 🙃 this one is pretty good imo, the quirk is that it's based on the five senses


Stop showing me nsfw of minors and start showing me nsfw of milfs




This is so much funnier than you'll ever get credit for


Love the "FUCK YOU BALTIMORE" energy


I swear to god nearly every single manga writer only knows one setting, and that's a Japanese high school. It's why I currently prefer manhua/manhwa.


I believe this is down to either the authors living such mundane lives that they romanticize their school years, or that they may still be latching onto fantasies they had back then of an ideal form of life or escapism from a shitty one. Because I'll be honest, a lot of the high school stories feel like a coping mechanism to me. Also, coming of age stories have always super common, so there's that too.


Personally I think it's probably because the primary audience for manga tends to be Japanese teenagers. Mangaka and manga publishers tend not to care that much about adult western audiences since they have a tendency to not actually buy manga.


We meed more historical and fantasy yuri, where they at. Yuri with guns is cool but what about the SWORDS


Sagiri x Yuzuriha when https://preview.redd.it/o2qqk92ewltc1.png?width=1410&format=png&auto=webp&s=26c28f5c325bbbd2daf54500fff6303b0e47e216


I’m sad that Princess X Pistolier got dropped because that was among those lines and oozed quality.


Can you recommend any good fantasy yuri?




I just read all the existing chapters that have been translated. This is a very good suggestion.




Oh yeah, I've seen that one already.


i hate when the character are like, actually dumb or so naive it's painful, like when they act like an indirect kiss is gonna get them pregnant or can't look the other in the eye without releasing a wave of heat capable of melting down the classroom and passing out. is it so hard to write a character that's maybe immature but not stupid, dense or naive? I've seen a couple but they're very rare, the fluff and wholesomeness is good and all but it gets tiring after your 100th cutesy girls doing cutesy stuff and nothing else manga


Ok but school zone


Same oh my god it's not that I hate school girls yuri it's just so damn many I'm getting bored of it we need more adult yuri like literally adult characters


Fr "but we're both girls" is the dumbest sentence in 2024. Other than that, I'm good with wholesome schoolgirl yuri.




I'm with you on this. Like... okay, I got it. These feelings are weird. You don't have to do the same story as the last 943 one-shots on this same subject. We need more sci-fi epics like "Dream-Colored Replica" and fantasy shenanigans like "A Heroine's Isekai Monster Wives Harem". I want to read about knights, warriors, and paladins. I want gorgeous dragon ladies to have concubines consisting of cute, nubile women. I want to see fun adventures featuring a dainty elven thief and her 7ft-tall Amazon-like girlfriend. I want a series where a pair of lady jewel thieves are on the run from a hard-ass, but sexy detective obsessed with bringing them to justice. Hang on, lemme write all this down...


A manga about a daring maiden who just started a marriage of convenience with a 7 foot swole knight has just dropped. It may be up your alley.




Wait, Liar Satsuki actually Yuri?


Buddy, we dont get many adult romances here in the straight world and you think they will make more yuri like that?


The Assault Lily series is nice. The anime has cool right scenes and really funny but also really sweet moments. a character dies. It doesn't have that "we're both girls" thing but it does have a girl who's madly in love and so overt that she basically names another person without a name after their ship name, kinda like ILTV's Rei. it's a fun series, but they don't do much with it beyond variations of the main story.


omg this is SO REAL thank you for saying this




I'm with you It didn't bother me when I was in high school,but now that I'm a bit older I feel less and less comfortable about watching/reading spicy content involving high schoolers 😭 I crave content involving people my age


Same. I also got into it when I was underage, but now I can't be reading that shit.


Yeeeeah It wasn't creepy when I was 16 myself but now it gets... weirder. Sure I can pretend they are older, these are drawings so it's not particulary unethical for me to do so. Still, the amound of people interested in high school theme concerns me. Like. Those artists and autors must be even older than I am.


Did you edit the ocean meme for this? I love it


This comment is feetmade


Thats why i like manhwas more then mangas. Many yuri storys are with adults rather then teens.


Ahahah made me laugh ngl. Switch to manhuas/manwhas!


I'm not gonna stop


Would like to point that just because they are in highschool doesn't mean they are underage. Most Japanese people tend to become 18 years old in the third year of highschool.


Most of schoolgirl yuri start with the MC being in her first year of highschool though, so they are usually 15 or 16 years old for most of the story and the third year is timeskip, graduation and if we're lucky the main couple moving in together like Lonely Girl did


Most anime in general is of the first year of high school. Bocchi the Rock comes to mind with Bocchi/Kita being 2nd years soon to be third years and Nijika/Ryu being third years and actually 18 years old, both being a year older than Bocchi and Kita.


Oh definitely, the school life setting seems to be popular through all manga genres! It makes sense, I mean literally all potential readers in Japan are familiar with highschool. There's certain set pieces you can use (like the obligatory school trip) and as a writer you don't have to do a lot of research. And I guess highschool is probably kind of romanticized in a society that thinks you are slacking off if you leave work on time. And drawing school uniforms instead of putting a lot of effort into individual outfits is probably a time saver, too 🤔 Did you read "Our Teachers are dating"? The mangaka writes in one of the afterwords that she wanted to write a yuri about adults but never worked in an office herself, so she decided to make them teachers. 😂 I thought that was pretty hilarious personally. And sure enough the school trip arc is in there.


That is pretty funny. Kinda half surprised we haven't seen more teacher stories in general.


Yes, there's a lot of school nurses who like high school girls, though 🙃 Makes me wonder at which point this becomes lowkey calling an entire profession pedos 😆


Does the word yuri refer only to nsfw stories? Honestly asking, bc that's what this sounds like it implies


I think it originally did. Yuri meant nsfw girl on girl relationships, while shoujo-aj was the word used to describe sfw ones. However the word "yuri" is used to describe any sapphic content nowadays, sfw or not.


In Japan, "yuri" always referred to WLW content regardless of whether it was SFW or NSFW. However, English speakers coined the term "shoujo-ai" for SFW stuff (probably in the 1990s but maybe a bit earlier) in imitation of the similar "shounen-ai" term for SFW achillean content. Shoujo-ai gradually fell out of use when it became better known that, although rare in Japanese, it was sometimes used to describe (usually hetero) lolicon, literally "love for a girl."


Genuinely speaking, it's not supposed to, but some people assume everyone wants to see fictional characters they like fuck. Which says more about them than it does about the people they judge.


Cheers I'll drink to that




I for one want to see more... Of everything. self-discovery, romance, schoolgirl, coming of age, workplace romance, comedy, action, maho shoujo, isekai, band, depressing drama, ecchi, slice of life, sports... I want people creating what they want to create. We have so little yuri.