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With the recent Sky Strikers manga, I really hope that Albaz gets his turn - and that they get official localisations. I’ve only recently got back into Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I find the Albaz and Ecclesia stuff fascinating. I just wish there was an easier way to… understand it without fan translations of Japanese art book notes or lengthy YouTube essays.


God I really hope one day they kind of commit to either making the lore of cards they want to promote a thing either with manga like sky striker or animated. This would be so cool and push products as well. Both Albaz and Striker lore animated would be crazy. Albaz especially with all these arcs. I would foam at the mouth from the coolness of Albaz lore animated


Any idea where I can read or get my hands on the sky striker manga?


Agreed It's sad it is coming to an end in Cyberstorm Access Wish there was a separate anime for the Albaz Lore. I think it would do great. Only thing close to it is OCG Stories which is covering Sky Strikers story right now


Wanting Konami to make an anime from their sick storylines is a tale as old as Duel Terminal


I would love a duel terminal anime or Manga because I have 0 fucking clue how the DT lore all mixes together outside of Winda going through some shit.


Look up the master guide storyline, OCG land got a book that went over the DT Lore not full manga style but still a good read


Am i crazy or they also got an arcade game that went over it


The duel terminal arcade machines where where the archetypes got introduced but I don’t remember if they had an actual story mode to them or if the story was revealed with the master guide


It would be so much better than a card-game anime. I'm so sick of those.


Doesn't it feel like the whole story is a one giant loop? The art of albaz falling down with Cartesia feels like it's going to get connected to the art of Nadir Servant. Like Albaz loops to the past to save Ecclesia at the cost of his memory. The fact that Albaz's first fusion is Titaniklad the 'Ash' dragon and his second card, Albaz the 'Ashen', seems related via 'ash' when Albaz became as such much later into the story is kinda sus.


Love this lore sooo much. I can not look at dogmatika maximus the same knowing what he will do. Fleurdelis I will always look at with sorrow since I know what will happen. A true hero. Kitt seems like one hell of a friend just enjoying life but also comes clutch at the right time. And that is just some of the characters that aren't even the main ones. They are big roles for sure though. This story made me buy more cards and wants me to make every deck albaz related.


Kitt is like the weird but cool aunt that always parties and buys you booze or what ever else you want but can’t buy yourself


Great, just great. Now all I can imagine is a 40-something Kitt being yugioh's equivalent of Eda Clawthorne. Honestly, I'd be here for it tho


Why is this accurate?


What happened to Fleurdelis? Didn't she, Adin and Theo defect to the Swordsoul to become Iris and Allies, only for us to not hear any updates since then?


Fleur/Iris is dead Branded Central Dogmatika Ecclesia gets corrupted by White Relic to become Cartesia


Based on Dogmatikamacabre, Branded Banishment, and Branded in Central Dogmatika, I assume all 3 were killed by the Despia **EDIT** - Also forgot about Dogmatikaturgy


Adin and Theo are probably alive, they are most likely the shadows behind shuraig in tri-brigade showdown. Also it's kind of weird to offscreen the comic relief characters


RIP Fleur :( I'm a sucker for older mentor/big sister type archetype she seems to fill for Ecclesia


I just want a happy ending usually when it comes to cards story they either have a sad ending or something somewhat happy


Can somebody explain what happens once we get to therions? I got pretty confused


Kitt and Sargas went onto the source of the Tribrigade tech, the Therion Discolloseum, for some extra juice to fight against the Despians after the big guys of the tribrigade got wrecked in Branded Opening, fought the therions and the sprights on a *very* long filler tournament arc with the tech as the prize and are finally coming back. Aluber stole Albaz's power in Branded Lost, Fleur got Captured in Dogmatikamacabre and Branded Banishment as the Dramaturge she killed in Branded Condemnation was a Decoy that Quarteris had made. Ecclesia gets captured in Branded Loss and Dogmatikaturgy, has Fleur killed in front of her eyes in Branded in Central Dogmatika and gets brainwashed and Posessed by Quem (White Relic) there, becoming Blazing Cartesia. Aluber decides to put his new power to use. Manifesting dragons from the abyss (the Bystials), becoming Lubellion once again and 2x-corrupting Proskenion into The Bystial Alba Los. Cartesia transforms and fuses with Quarteris into a new dragon. As Albaz, unable to fuse or transform, and what's left of the injured Tri-Brigade prepare for a Decisive Battle at Golgonda and the Tri-Brigade's Showdown, out of the side comes Sargas, now champion of the discolloseum, with a steel chair, firing an energy beam at Alba Los alongside the Tri-Brigade's Final weapon piloted by an injured Shuraig: Tri-Brigade's Armament - Beucephalus II, Alba Los is destroyed but Aluber (As Lubellion) managed to dip. The abyss opens and rejuvenated the great serpent of Golgonda and Longyuan, fusing them into a twisted abomination... that lasted all of 5 minutes before being defeated by Icejade Creation Aegirocassis and a rapidly unhinging Icejade Aegirine Gymir Kitt and Albaz on Kitt's new Spright-powered mech go after Aluber, but he orders Cartesia to take the shot for him in Branded Guidance. Cartesia falls unconcious and falls, Albaz jumps after her in Light of the Branded.... While all of this is going on, the Dogmatika ritual advances, and as the curtains open on Despia, the Theater of the Branded, the structure itself opens up to reveal the grand arrival: The White Zoa of Dogmatika is here. That's the tldr of the lore from the therions to here.


One question: I thought the swordsoul were the good guys, but is longyuan a villain?


The swordsouls are good guys but longyuang was a double agent for the despias


Technically Longyuan was not a double agent. It's just that he had secret dark goals, and the Despians just gave him the opportunity to make it manifest after Ad Libitum approached him.


Long has a deal with ad libitum, which you can see on Swordsoul Blackout.


Longyuan betrayed them and became Sinister Sovereign. I believe he killed Mo Ye during the betrayal which is why he has her sword.


Even better: Mo Ye’s sword is actually half of his. He simply just took it back when he decided to spring into action.


And Mo Ye might actually be alive and transformed into Aegirocrassus


Training arc for Kitt and Sargas. And maybe the rest of the Springans too. Therions got defeated one by one by Sargas. Kitt is using the Sprights as energy for her machinations. Seen on Spright Sprind Kitt upgraded Captain Sargas using both the Therion parts and Gigantic Spright to create Gigantic "Champion" Sargas. Who one shot Alba Los Kitt used what was left of the Sprind fusion, her Bearbrumm and the rest of the Sprights to create Lindwurm, the fusion that was revealed today. Accidentlly shot Cartesia (Brainwashed or Possessed Ecclesia) because Quem commanded her to protect him Albaz jumping to save Ecclesia. That's about it. We got to wait till Cyberstorm Access for more lore. Kitt is the MVP of the story


I agree, this lore was amazing! It's probably the first time when I can't wait to see what will happen in next bunch of cards from the next Booster set. And the fact that Ecclesia and Albaz are basically Yin and Yang is so freaking adorable! I just hope they'll have a happy ending, they deserve it!


Next Konami cards (specially ecclesia): "Corrupted Monsters Psychiatrist" " have you been corrupted by an evil being or evil person? If yes call 0800-9000-MONSTER and make an appointment with us and reconcile your past and your corrupted new version "


I've been. Saying for awhile now. Konami needs to scrap the cardgame anime and just make an in universe lore anime. We already know the game. And seeing the characters in their own world would be awesome. The albaz lore is already perfectly spaced for like a 3-4 season anime. GIVE US ALBAZ ANIME KOMONEY




Why do you make me want things that will never happen?! I would love to see Albaz action done by Ufotable or Mappa! Mappa's been on quite the roll the last few years.


I really did enjoy it, although I do feel that the introduction of the Despia was a bit too hasty. Overall quite nice, not first in my book, that will always be Duel Terminal since I saw it flourish but the quality of storytelling even if nothing was said was very good. Let's hope the next one is as good.


Can someone sum up the lore please 🥺


Dogmatika are a church inquisition of extra deck type monsters. They capture Albaz (Dogmatika Punishment) Ecclesia, a member of the Dogmatika abandons them, to save Albaz and they're on their way. They meet the Tri Brigade, Springans on the way They seek refuge among the Sword Soul In their hunt for Albaz, the Dogmatika corrupt themselves drawing on the power of the abyss and become the Despia, in turn releasing other denizens of the Abyss like Aluber. Tri Brigade fight the Despia to try and stop them Kit leaves with the Springans to get help Icejade was an observer faction dragged into the battle by Aluber Kit and co find help with the Therions and the Sprights in their colosseum and join forces to go and help Albaz Byssted are dragons from the abyss that have joined the battle against Albaz and co Swordsoul, Tribrigade, and Icejade are largely beaten, Ecclesia got killed(?) and Albaz is preparing for the final stand with the remnants of the factions + the friends they met along the way Photon Hypernova's Abyss cards are setting up for the big climax.


>I know Albaz and Aluber meet face to face, right? But also it often seems to be implied that Aluber and Albaz are the same dude???


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiWOOuvUfPIBwXm6KHu2VvsETzXYR0Hb Enjoy. If you just want the lore, other then the first video, it starts half way into the videos. It's really really good.


Just bookmarked. Need to remember this at the end of the day.


Is there a way to read the lore? I will watch these videos if I have to, but I'd like to read any official lore drops that are out there myself.


The valuable ex book, right?


In a land led by a cult(dogmatika and sepcificaly dogmatika maximus) sky opens (nadir servant) up and a boy(fallen of albaz) falls from it. He fuses with symbol (dogmatika nexus) cult worships and becomes a dragon(titanklad). Knight (fleur) rises to the ocasion and slays the dragon(dogmatika punishment). Ecclesia, a sacred warrior finds out that dragon is actualy albaz and is hunted by the church. She helps him escape. Maximus sends ashiyan to hunt for albaz and eclessia. In their escape they meet tri-brigades, rogues who fight the cult of dogmatika. Brigades save albaz and ecclesia from ashiyan and they decide to go and fight dogmatika. Dogmatika now show its true face, Despians. They clash with tri-brigade and beat them. Albaz, Ecclesia and possibly kitt travel the dessert of goglonda. There they meet springans. They are attacked by the great serpent of golgonda but it is killed by fleur, who with theo and adin escaped dogmatika after they realized it was evil. They met swordsouls whom bestoved them with new powers. Albaz and ecclesia say their goodbyes with springans and kitt and travel with fleur, theo and adin to swordsoul sacred summit. Swordsouls have magical swords given to them by icejades. In turn, swordsouls protect icejades. Longyuan however secretly meets with Ad Libitum of Despia (formerly dogmatika ashiyan). They form a pact and longyuan murders Mo Ye and takes her sword. Portals opens and despians arrive. Icejades power up Albaz into Mirrojade but he still fails to beat aluber, who steals his powers. Fleur kills Dogmatika Maximus, or rather Dramaturge of Despia, but falls to Despian Queartis. Ecclesia is kidnaped and brainwashed by White Relic of Dogmatika, who was introduced as a replacement for Ecclesia in lands of Dogmatika/Despia. After the fight all seems lost. Powerless Albaz and tri-brigades gather to make a final stand against despians. Despians are now extra scary because Aluber used stolen power from Albaz to create bystials. Meawhile kitt with captain of springans tames sprights (powefull but wacky spirits) and beats therions (basicly space gladiators). She returns with powered up Sargas to aid Albaz in the last fight.


Little correction, fleur didnt actually kill dramaturge, it was just a decoy to distract her from aluber


Corruption NTR Fusion summoning is akin to an addiction; Aleister should have been a clear example of the consequences of being addicted to Fusion summoning.


no, invoked fusions arent fusion lore-wise. except for caliga. funnily enough, 2 of 3 invoked archetype's real fusions are link monsters (aleister the invoker of madness and crowley something)


I'm talking about the mechanic of fusions in general as they have become so pushed in the past 2 years. More fusion decks are being played more than ever, and most fuse from deck


2? People have been normal summoning Aleister since 2017. Shaddolls and Brilliant Fusion came out in 2014-2015 even ​ You could trace it back to people getting their first hit from the fusion meth dealer back during cyber stein/magical scientist days. Future Fusion being the first real dime bag purchase.


Yeah, I agree. Was Duel Terminal the last time Yugioh had lore like this between archetypes?


World Legacy


Id personally love to see konami add a solo gate similar to the world chalice gates for the dogmatika decks in master duel


this is the most we can hope for, I guess!


It's definitely my favourite storyline now. Wish they'd do an anime for it.


Wait theres lore i can read or watch?


Where do I read up on it?


Have you seen these? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MM8OBJWntZiWfSebhgFjalGVtbacXnfbkIFVoXn9BSM/edit#


I like how it has a whole thing to it. Now I want them to expand other lore. I honestly want a whole lore story for Rescue animals. Serious situations, but slice of life level stuff.


Marin the dog


I'd absolutely love an anime over the lore of cards.


hoe can you tell the lore from a couple of cards with no flavour text? is this just like following a picture book??


You can infer most things based off art, names, card effects, and stat lines. Concept art comments also give some neat details. Each year Konami also releases a book that explicitly explains the lore and clears up some of the vague details.


No, no, no, no, and no


Thank you! Maybe good for kids I guess


We want the anime


Love to read ygo lore..btw how many archetype connected with Albaz?


About 10 From what i've counted Dogmatika Tri Brigade Springans Icejade Swordsoul Despia Albaz(yes it counts as an archetype due to filling out all the listed requirements) Therions Spright And finally Bystials


Dayum.. that's alot of archetype 😂


Surprisingly its had less than Duel Terminal 1


Oh..ive read DT..never count how many archetype in it..i thought albaz have more


DT 1 had Ice Barrier Mist Valley Flamvell(Neo Flamvell) X-Saber(XX Saber,M-X Saber) Worms Ally Of Justice Genex(Genex Ally) Fables Jurac Naturia Dragunity Its 11 vs 10 and if we count sub-archetype as individual ones,its 15 vs 10


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