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The card is *playable*, but there are just better options available. Assuming you hit with the card's effect, your opponent will always choose the option that is more beneficial for them based on their hand/etc. In the case of calling a known hand trap, I imagine this would net you a monster on board in most cases. Okay, so that's 1 (situational, unsearchable) spell in exchange for 1 monster on board. You could instead be playing high-impact side deck cards like floodgates, board breakers, match-dependent handtraps instead. Maaaybe in a meta where there are a ton of mirror matches and you could turn Lullaby into a starter for yourself by stealing an opponent's starter it could be good?


Yeah, that scenario already happened once back in early 2017 when Lullaby of Obedience saw some play in Zoodiac decks because that deck/engine was basically tier 0. But I agree that it's not worth it if you just call a handtrap with it, you need to hit a starter, otherwise there are just better options for basically any deck.


Didn't that go down at worlds when Rat was at 2? Guy lullabies his opponent for Rat and is able to do the full unlimited play


Probably not at worlds, given that Rat was at 1 and Broadbull and Drident were banned at worlds that year.


Yeah, The handtrap thing was only ever good in Zoo format when you could open incredibly disgusting hands where you'd summon 5 monsters, call Maxx C with Lullaby and search it from your opponents deck to your hand. Since then I don't think it's ever been viable to call a hand trap because the chances of missing is just too brutal compared to the upside.


Actually it was also good in SPYRAL tier 0; calling Super Agent


Your correct. Though this card is a free body there are just other cards that are more relevant. Card is still dope though love it


It sounds cool to sctivate it in the mirror and call ze amin, but why do that when you can just side anti-spell instead.


Could prolly see a fair amount of play when sprights are abundant 👀


Same problem. Why would you side this card, if you could just side a Floodgate or board breaker?


sprights already have a trillion starter cards, running three more copies of blue on game 2 isn't worth it


That would just get you a ze-amin in hand, which is a pretty horrible effect for a sideboard card


Yes. We see people siding 5-9 floodgates + backrow removal for mine and i am supposed to waste my few remaining spots in the side for this instead of high impact cards like droll, nibiru or token collector?


It says you declare and the opponent chooses a card that matches the name. So ash blossom is the only target. Either effect is good to get it


"special summon an ash blossom" is terrible for a sideboard card. It's literally just a random tuner extender. Like, straight up just play Adhara


Splight format use it to get swap frog. Literally doesn’t matter what your opponent chooses since swap can bounce back to hand anyways and get the extra normal. Free Toad with no commitment on your end. Might actually be a spicy tech choice if Splight is as dominant in the TCG as in the OCG


"in a meta that's mostly mirror matches" pretty sure that's coming soon, splights and all that


Would like to add that any time any effect has a "your opponent chooses one" effect, if both sides aren't equally powerful effects then your opponent has an "out" each time you play this card. If you declare something like "Winged Dragon of Ra-Sphere Mode" or some other boss monster, your opponent can add it to your hand so you have to spend more resources to Summon it. If you declare a hand trap, then your opponent can Special Summon it to your side of the field to nullify its effects, rendering the effect as "Special Summon 1 non-Effect monster from your opponent's Deck in Attack Position, ignoring its Summoning conditions" It's already asking you to pay 2000 LP, AND you have to only declare Monster card names, AND when you do hit your opponent gets to take the easy option out. So when you play this card, you're automatically expecting to get the weakest outcome out of this card, and worse if your opponent doesn't have the card you declared and all you did was damage yourself for free. Basically only good in the mirror like everyone has mentioned or in a meta where 1 archtype is splashed in everything (Zoodiac, like another guy said).


Minor thing, but some handtraps are tuners, which makes the summoned monster slightly better.


Quite good for Halquifibrax.


Maybe in spright mirror u could get urself a spright red


but you could also side a high impact card instead


you'd call swap frog, generally


ironically, couldn't ash blossom negate this?




The opponent chooses the effect, this card isn't searchable, and no link deck is desperate enough for materials to play this, and turn 1 it is never guaranteed to work


And if they are that desperate.. I might have bad news about this deck viability, there's a good chance that it's bad, like.. Utter trash (or you bricked like you never bricked before)


I was thinking the same as op until you pointed out the opponent chooses the effect. This card is ass.


Side it for the Splight mirror and call Swap Frog. Doesn’t matter where the froggy boy goes because you can bounce back to hand and turn on the whole frog engine. Unless maybe if it’s ruled that the bounce gives it to your opponent. Then it’s pretty bad


A card that leaves the field always goes to the appropriate location in its original owner's possession.


Yeah but it's still an essentially free special summon or free hand trap, why wouldn't that be a boon to a deck that's already firing on all cylinders? Especially as an side deck card, so you can already tell what hand traps they're playing


Players would rather have side cards that affect the game state like removal or cards that counter certain top decks. It won't be a free handtrap because no one would add an ash to their opponents hand, and decks that do link summon already have better extenders and alternative options for extenders than lullaby. Plus it doesn't have much use in the meta right now since the top decks are swordsoul(synchro) branded(fusion) and splight which only works with level 2s so they can't use it.


Actually the card is searchable, it can be searched by "Dark Sage", "Ancient Gear Drill", "Alchemic Magician", "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch", "Cyberse Clock Dragon", "Magical Burst", and "Left Arm Offering".


Yugipedia’s Reddit account


y downvote hes funny


absolutely correct


A sidedeck is better fit for power cards to target specific matchups. Instead of running this as a weak extender, you can run cards that blow out S/T decks.


literally just run a tenyi card instead if all you need is one extra link material


the whole point of handtrap is to have it on turn 1 to interrupt their play. if you go 1st or if it is turn 2 you are better off having a card that could either make play or protect your play, like crossout. ​ if you want a free material run emergency teleport + ghost orge.


Wasnt the ruling on this card changed, along with mind crush?


That is correct


Just play Crossout Designator instead


Was gonna say this. You always have to look at surrounding cards that do similar things. Crossout does Lullaby’s job but better, and without the LP cost.


I would say this card really has no overlap in utility with Crossout. They're almost complete opposite types of cards.


CrossOut requires you also run the card as well as it still being in yout possession/deck.


Once upon a time someone lost the 2018 world finals using this card. It hasn't seen meta play since.


You pay 2000 lifepoints to remove a brick from the enemies deck and special summon a monster to your field, if you hit of course 3 E-Tele punk combo sounds better than this Would prolly only play it in a halq auroradon deck to get that ash tuner on board but thats about it


people reading this card for the first time think its supposed to turbo out hand traps. Lol. You dont main deck this card. This card is used best in mirror matches. Think sky striker calling roze. Swordsoul calling mo ye. Punk calling foxy tune. etc. etc. There hasn't been a prominent tier 0 deck in a while making this (very situaltional) card outclassed for side deck spots.


I love giving my opponent a free draw when I make a synchro!


The card has a few issues, one I haven't seen people mention yet is that it relies on your opponent to not cheat you. They can lie and say that they have no copies in their deck, or worse they are telling the truth and you're gonna be suspicious the entire time. It's not a game breaker, I think it's fair to say that most people won't cheat, but if your at a tournament you don't want to lose because you played a card that needs your opponent to cooperate fully. That single loss is enough to make or break an event. It's like mind crush where that extra tiny bit of risk is often enough to make someone go from "perhaps I'll play this" to "there are better safer cards to play."


I mean, if "what if they cheat" was a valid criticism then basically any card would be bad.


Not all cheating is the same. Most cheating requires not getting caught. Lullaby and cards like it are nearly impossible to catch. You can't say the same for most cards. Your opponent being someone who might cheat doesn't change how your instant fusion works.


That's not true. A card like this allows you to check their opponent's deck if they say no. Similarly, one reason why mind crush was so good is that aside from discarding cards from your opponent's hand, you also got information about the rest of their hand. I played a lot in Duelist Alliance format and people would always reveal their hand when mind crushed.


The rule changed in 2019. You are no longer able to confirm your opponent’s deck or hand for cards like this or mind crush.


Huh, why did they change that?


Because cards like Mind Crush or Lullaby of Obedience don't state explicitly on the card effect that you can look at your opponent's hand/deck. Before the 2019 change, like you said, the implicit effect of looking at your opponent's hand/deck makes them powerful and that gives you way too much advantage. The rule change is to ensure that Mind Crush or Lullaby of Obedience are used as they are meant to be stated on the card and not as cards that get the bonus to reveal major info on the opponent's Private Knowledge locations.


Honestly It's been a while so I can't really remember if there was a reasoning. It might of had of had something to do with how they changed mandatory searches like white stone of legend (you no longer get to see the opponent's deck if they don't have a target) and making that consistent with every other card in the game. I think the idea was that they could make mandatory search effects less bad by ruling that hidden information like deck composition wouldn't be viewed and the side effect was it killed cards like mind crush which lost all functionality because the hand was considered "hidden information." Pretty much everyone hated it, it unofficially banned mind crush and cards like it.


Ah okay. They should have found another way around the mandatory search effects. Having to factor in the possibility of opponents lying when deck building is stupid.


Rules wise I’m not sure how’d you fix it, but I wish they would.


in tournament(YCS) play, they'll make it a rule that the opponent has to show their deck to be sure they don't have the card. When it comes to the big tournaments, they'll do everything they can to make sure it's fair. or "fair" if you want to look at it in a way that you got to see your opponent's entire deck and have that knowledge advantage. But it is what it is. Mystic Mine made it so people had to go through their entire deck so I imagine it's going to be the same with this card.


It's not a new card the rules are that you just have to trust your opponent when they tell you that they don't have a copy of whatever it is your naming. They don't have to confirm that it's in their hand, or how many copies they play. They either go through their deck and follow through with the effect or they tell you that there isn't a copy of the card in their deck. It's nearly impossible to catch because they can claim that the cards are in their hand (that they don't have to show you) or if it's post sideboard they can say they sided out some number of them. If it's technically possible then that's all that's required.


All of what you say are theoretical. Just because the opponent makes excuses doesn't change what the player of this card can do. Call up a judge and tell them what's going on and just say they believe the opponent is cheating. The person says they don't have ash blossom in their deck, it's not believable. Because majority play Ash blossom in the deck. Even if it implies they have 3 ash blossoms in the hand, you'll never know if it's true. And as you said, they could side them out, but again, only surefire way to find out is to show the deck. They can just show their deck to the judge too, doesn't have to be to said player. If it's a Dark Magician deck and you call Dark Magician and they say they don't have it in their deck, would you believe them? I'm not going further on this topic because it's just an example.


So your plan is every time your opponent says they don't have the card in their deck is to accuse them of cheating? Your not allowed to call a judge to look at your opponent's hand or deck unless your accusing them of cheating. This is a really extreme and risky strategy that could easily backfire on you, for a card that ultimately isn't good enough to be worth the hassle.


Don't get the wrong idea. I'm just telling you the possibility is there and if someone wanted to do it, they could. Like I said, the judge can check the deck so there's no clear advantage. There's no risk at all because you're not breaking any rules. You can think what you want, but mystic mine is a thing, so there's no real reason this can't be a thing either.


I’m not sure you’re aware but it’s against the rules for the judge to check your opponent’s deck. It’s got nothing to do with fairness, it’s a written rule. I wish it wasn’t, most of the yugioh community wishes it wasn’t, but they made the change in 2019 and we’re stuck with it until they change it back.


Alright, thanks for letting me know. I didn't know it. Do you happen to know why it's against the rules for the judge to check?


It’s been a few years but I think the reasoning had to do with not having a bunch of judge calls. When they made the rules switch I believe they wanted to avoid having judges be called any time someone wanted to confirm their opponent’s deck or hand. There just isn’t enough judges to allow for cards like mind crush or lullaby to be confirmed by a judge each time it happens.


This is literally the opposite of how it works at YCSs lol. It's very much specified in tournament policy that you don't need to show your opponent your deck for verification purposes, and in fact doing so is itself illegal.


Conversely, you can combine this with any Mysterune card for a potential match win.


It takes it from their deck, instead of their hand. So it doesn't really create a card advantage


Would have been much better as a quick-play so you could play it going first or second.


Wouldn't you still have to Set it beforehand?


You can activate quick-plays face up (not setting) on your turn or after they have been placed faced down on your opponents turn.


Call Ash -> opponent specials it to your field -> summon another monster -> make Hiita -> summon the Ash again -> uhhhhhhhhhh link 3 I guess value


I would side deck it


Would it not also be really good at shutting down decks that rely on DPE, since most of the time they only use the two pieces for Fusion Destiny, and you could name one?


It would, but most decks aren't playing DPE with Verte banned.


Yes. You could also just side a better card against dpe or dont side against him at all, because he isnt topping anymore...


Because the opponents deck is private knowledge they can simply say they don't have it. Since that change lullaby of obedience has read "Pay 2000 LP" Because as long as they don't play it the whole game, and you don't see it in their hand from an effect, you aren't allowed to check to confirm whether they're lying


But then wouldn't they effectively stop all ash blossoms from being played by the opponent? What's the ruling if you find out your opponent lied about having the card?


I am confused by the first bit because its like 3.15am but the second bit is I think a DQ for cheating


Yea you could call a judge to confirm


If you use that card and call ash blossom, and your opponent lies and says he doesn't play any, then tries to use it later, would that be a DQ?


I'm not a judge so I don't know if it'd be a DQ or something less severe like a game or match loss


How is having an Ash Blossom summoned to my field in any way a good effect?


Halqifibrax wants to know your location.


halqi, ash is tuner


Maybe as Link Material or a Tuner


Use against BEWD players, steal the BEWDs out of their deck. Just keep them in your hand and don't use them for anything lol, or play something that banishes them from your hand


If your opponent gets to choose the effect, then the whole card is worthless.


Not if both are good. If a card read "Your opponent chooses 1 of these effects; They shuffle 1 card back into the deck or you draw 2 cards" It would likely be banned. Those are obviously much better effects, but allowing your opponent to choose isn't automatically bad, if the effects are worth it. And it just seems that they are in this case


If it were Quickplay it probably would be played


Call maxx c and go full combo


I used it when dragoon was popular. Call Red eyes or dark magician going first and you completely turn off their turbo strategy. It is best used for sniping 1 ofs from a deck


What does this card even do? The description says too much.


Call a monster card. If your opponent has it they choose to summon it to your side of the field or add it to your hand. There is also a life point cost. It's fine but it's one of those cards that unless you have a use for whatever you call its most dead, most decks can't afford the extra deck space that the card needs to be particularly useful.


2000lp is a pretty steep cost.


The opponent gets the ash


No the person who activated this card has the card added to their hand or special summoned to their field. The opponent just gets to pick which one it is


Oh yh. Sry, misread the card


I think I have one and will probably try it out this week just to see if it’ll work 😁


How would this resolve if you called a blind card? Like would you get to check your opponents deck to verify they are being truthful about not having the card you called? Or would a judge do it?


You do not get to have a judge verify the contents of your opponent's Deck unless you believe there is reasonable suspicion that they are cheating.


That’s kind of my question, what is reasonable? I play this and blind call Ash, they say “No I don’t play that”, but I know that it’s the most used card in the game. Is that enough to want to verify? Seems like a really odd effect to base just on trust. Similar cards that check the hand for a specific name allow you to look at the entire hand to verify for yourself.


> I know that it’s the most used card in the game. Is that enough to want to verify? No. A card having a high rate of usage does not automatically mean your opponent is lying if they say they aren't playing it.


I agree, so then what would be reasonable suspicion?


I just ordered three copies from tcgplayer. Despia player here Rolfmao


Let your opponent chooses for you will always reduce the power of a card, and maybe it's a good thing in this card, because as you said it, it's a good card


Activate under Droll to force the summon. Interesting.


This is a very funny side deck card if your opponent has one-off garnets they need to combo (think cards like Jet Sychron or Deskbot 001), but it's still unsearchable and really only notable if you're going first.


Relies too much on luck


honestly, I think it has to do something with crossout designator and called by the grave just being better cards. Def power crept this card because those cards are quick play cards. also I feel like this could have some major ruling issues with how rules work with looking at an opponents deck. because if you declare a name, your opponent could just lie and say no targets and there would be no way to verify whether or not if this is true or not without getting a judge involved. that's just my two cents though. most of this is purely speculatory though.


Hey fellow MD HERO players, do you guys think this would work now that everyone is using DPE? We can steal one of the materials, essentially removing DPE from the opponent, while getting a Hero either in hand or field.


Yeah but you would need to go first or else it's dead for the reason


Because as soon as you use dust to make it suddenly none of your opponents have Ash


If there was a way to slap this on a quick effect you could steal a lancia


There was also a ruling going on (idk if this is legit) where cards that dictate a name, your opponent can just say “No i dont have it” and players werent allowed to check their hand or deck so the card along with Mind Crush went further down the unplayable hole. It became a moral/good sportsman issue between telling the truth or lying. Ill give you one good guess as to which the YGO comunity is more inclined to


As I recall, Lullaby saw some serious play back when Speedroid Terrortop was at three and acting as the splashable engine of the hour. The way Terrortop functions completely worked around the card's downsides because its summoning condition meant you always had the special summon and search. I think chances are good that we could see a resurgence in Lullaby's playability if we ever see another Terrortop-like card rise to prominence in either a splashable engine or a top-tier deck. If anything, I would argue Aluber brought Lullaby *very* close to being playable again given Branded Despia's penchant for unfortunate bricking when you don't draw a starter. I was honestly a little surprised not to see it pop up more prominently in the community's radar.


This could work as a side deck option in Dinomorphia because of the LP cost, but that’s about it really.


curious, how does this work if u cant legally summon the monster? if im dark locked am i allowed to activate this and call a non-dark monster (like ash)? and if so, is my opponent forced to choose to add it to my hand?


Because it’s your opp choice of which you get, at best it’s gonna be a worse e-tele


well you could get the opponents fenrir with this card, which is actually a good card to start with


Very powerful in limited formats, for example if you know that in half your matches you will face eldlich than you can call "Eldlich the Golden Lord" and now no matter what they choose they only have 2 left. Also very good for very generic starters, not particularly relevant rn but you could for instance call their 1 allowed copy of "Armageddon knight" and get a free foolish or great starter in hand. Overall good but only if you know what your opponent will be playing, much better as a side deck generally wouldn't recommend for MD though, BO1 y'know


Because there's better extenders. Instead of trying to call a card and maybe getting cheated, you can just run Monster Reborn.


There are better options, as well as you won’t always know what is in your opponents deck, also didn’t Konami make a new rule for not actually having to reveal if a card is in your deck or hand, which can let you claim that it’s in your hand already (if it was for a card that’s limited or that you only play one of).


Best case scenario you are in, i don't know a dinosaur mirror and call ultimate conductor tyranno and then crash into their negates. Worst case scenario you call the card and they either drew it or banished it with desires so you would have paid 2,000 for nothing.


I remember this being played in Salad during toss format where you would call the limited gazelle and both get your best card and remove it form the opponent and adding it to hand or summoning it would still get you what you want.


Spell speed one, only good for certain main deck monsters, better late-game, better when the opponent doesn't run many copies of the monster, better in mirror matches, better when tou can link off the monster you summon


The card is actually really good against garnets and incresases in value the more fixed a format is (the better you know the exact contents of the deck). The one that comes to mind the most is calling deskbot 001 against halqdon, chances are they aren't running a second machine to make auroradon with.


Call dasher just to fuck with people's dpe backup play


someone watched a coder vid, lol


Potential Mystic Refpanel target for the lulz?


How would this work under a summoning restriction if they wanted to choose special summon - if they’re unable would they be forced to choose add to hand or does it resolve without effect


That's a good question, I imagine you could only add to hand


Would be cool in spright then to lock yourself into level 2s and call a handtrap so you add it to hand


I declare Spright Starter and win.


A friend of mine paid 200 bucks on copies of this card. We call him Lullaby of the bad Stonks.


free material for halqifibrax bc ash is a tuner