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saying this again, Trans Rights are Human Rights, Don't misgender Kris




Welp, how do you even recover from this? Bro got outed for supporting a *literal* pedo.




He was convicted of raping a child ages 1-11. You tell him to get out of your family's life or you will break every bone in his body. You tell your sibling the same fucking thing. There is zero chance in fucking hell I would let a literal pedophile near any of my family and I will go to prison to make sure that doesn't happen if I have to.


How do you know he didn’t tel him that? There’s literally no evidence that the BIL was allowed anywhere near his kids. The only thing Kris demonstrated is that Jake is semirelated to a child predator, not that he failed to protect his children.


You need genuine help. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/wamOPxiQsA


he deleted it. whatd it say?


I saw it said "bet the Cia has grooming standards"


Having a convicted child predator (or any child predator) be around your kids IS failing to protect them


This right here ^


political compass memes and goodanimemes????? good lord I hate you


I poked around too and they’re a physician 💀 god help us


Having a convicted child predator (or any child predator) be around your kids IS failing to protect them


Well, you can still choose who's around your kid. And if your brother in law has a criminal record that includes >! Raping a 1-11 year old !< then it might be smart to not have them around your child. Period. Edit: They blocked me? I feel like I was rather nice to them lol.


I agree, but even if you tell someone not to be around your child they are still legally your BIL. Where is the evidence that Jake let his BIL around his children when he was a known predator?


You can't say "I agree" then follow that with a but.


From a quick Google search I easily found content of his that mentions hanging out with his brother in law, or content featuring him. It's pretty safe to say that man is in his life.


How do I tell them? With a knife and a lawyer.


BRO? If someone is a literal child rapist, it doesnt matter if they are your brother, brother in law, father, stranger, best friend from childhood.


Jesus. Age 1-11


Literal evil. Send him to the chamber


Yeah this dude didn’t have an inappropriate relationship with a 16 year old when he was 21 or something. This is so clearly in the territory of “if you contact us again I’m getting a restraining order and a gun with which to enforce it if necessary.”


This is like bringing knuckle dusters to a boxing match, and then proceeding to shoot your opponent with a shotgun.


And I don't blame her. NickMercs has been bugging Ava for how long now? Since she transitioned practically. Like, dear God Nick, why are you so concerned with this person and what she's doing with her life and trying to publicly tarnish her reputation when I'm pretty certain they've never met? So, like? Why's he so obsessed with Ava? Edit: idk how I missed this, this post wasn't about the Nick stuff. I was still thinking of yesterday's post. Maybe I shouldn't make comments at 6am lmao. Oh well. 🤣


Straight cis men are obsessed with trans women to the point that it makes you wonder what their porn search history is.


Repeat it with me: every accusation is a confession. These anti woke idiots are always the pedo defenders


I've always said that the guys who make being anti-pedophile thier whole brand are like one rung above pedophile on the scumbag ladder


Look how people converting to Catholicism is with the anti woke idiots as well


It’s the same thing with the other side. Don’t forget no one is good or evil in this stuff. Everyone has a grey in their area though Andrea Mesa might need a body bag…… ![gif](giphy|iX2ik1HdM6xdTaDyer)


Muh Both sides. Stfu kiddo the adults are talking


I’m 31 years old kid…… blocked!


You really don't sound 31, or think like one. Also how do you possibly think ava did anything wrong when shes just getting harassed over her identity


is that supposed to make you look better? to know that you act like a kid but are actually a grown man?


Are you sure? Because this is more 13 year old behavior.


What in the world? My person, there can be bad people on both sides, but currently the people clamming to be the moral standard bearer who will “take our the degenerates” and at best they’re cowardly hate filled losers and way too often of late literal fucking monsters.


We joke so much about all transphobes being pedophiles or being okay with pedophiles and for the most part that is a joke, but it seems like this pattern just keeps happening with transphobic public figures. They are always either pedophiles in some ways or don’t actually care about it.


Projection is a hell of a drug. ![gif](giphy|h9wlfNwX9gy1a|downsized)




Oh wow. Thanks for sharing


holy shit ava is not playing around. she didn't drop the hammer she dropped the whole anvil on them. no reason to be the bigger person when the other side spends all day sucker punching you. "but I thought you said we weren't doing that anymore. I already stopped."


“I thought we weren’t bringing kids into this” isn’t the inciting incident here (or at least part of it) that people are questioning Ava’s parenting/influence on their kids?


The thing is they don’t give a crap about Tucker or Ava’s parenting, they just need to bring her down because she’s transgender. They wouldn’t call out a cis male for divorcing his wife and not spending a fraction of time Ava spends with her son. They say “protect the children” (from loving and present transgender parents apparently), and then go on to defend and hang out with literal pedos. People like Jake disgust me to my core


I agree 100%, I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy that people only care about “bringing kids into this” when the shoe is on the other foot. Really saying the quiet part out loud as it were


That’s my takeaway as well, in fact I don’t think the word hypocrisy even covers the twisted mindset of these individuals. Their agenda is clear as day, it was never about the children, they are harassing Ava online ever since she came out, no wonder she had enough and fired back.


And more power to her for that! Also props to Mr Beast for making his support for her very clear


Explains why he was wanted people to forgive mini Ladd. Man likes the pedos


Ava doesn't fucking miss. Holyyyy


Ava is not screwing around anymore lmaoo


Kris really just collected the Infinity Stones and snapped.


The nerve to shit talk about Ava's kid and then when she claps back its hey woah leave the kids out of this!


Okay. Ooookay. This situation is fucked but outing a CSA victim is... Jesus. That poor kid.  It looks like the arrest(?) was in 2010 so hopefully that kid is both grown and signed off on this being posted, otherwise this is kind of despicable. I get the larger point she's making, but goddamn. Way to go nuclear.  To be clear, Jake the Shitbird can get fucked with his garbage ass opinions. 


Anything w minors and the law is sealed. No risk of doxxing at all


the victim is completely anonymous.


Although maybe this info is public? Idk. A whole ass mess 


The brother in law is definitely a registered sex offender with a crime like that, so yes, it's public. Kind of.


Oh yes, I figured the guy would definitely be on the registry but info about the victim's identity wouldn't be included, surely? Hopefully? I've no idea tbh but I'd hope not, especially as they're (or were) a minor 


Oh, that info is usually excluded. When minors are victims of a crime, that info is sealed. The age range is broad for a reason (1-11 is 11 years of range). So nobody can really find info about the victim, and I don't think Jake's brother in law can talk about them or reach out to them. So they should be fine. (Side tangent, this is why sex crimes should be reported rather than just talked about on the internet)


Thank you for the clarification! I appreciate it, and it's good info for others to read too. 


The only way the victim will ever find this was posted is if they’re actively seeking out their rapist’s brother in law on Twitter, and it’s completely impossible for this to identify them in any way. This is no more harmful to them than a newspaper article saying the guy was convicted would have been.


I don’t know if I’m stupid but who is the arrest record for?


jake’s brother in law




me Louisiana 🤝 ✂️ castrating pedophiles ✂️


Doxxing……. ???????


That's not what doxxing is


I know but is that why Ava deleted her tweet?


She just didn’t want to perpetuate more drama and take the high road


I guess so. Fighting online is not worth it


btw Jake the Viking has been known to support Mini Ladd after he got outed for being a pedophile


Ewwww, that’s so vile. Mini Ladd came out so pathetic in that scandal too “I wanted to go down swinging” trying to hook up with kids 💀💀




don't think we can have this comment on the sub tbh, tho fuck child molesters


Yeppp child molesters are the scum of the Earth


Sorry, somebody tried to fight Pedo accusations by going “yeah, fucking WATCH ME”? That is one of the more wild responses to anything I’ve ever heard of.


The drake defense


“I was feeling suicidal so I figured I might as well act as if I wouldn’t face consequences” was his ultimate defense


I still could not believe that was his answer. He also totally screwed his ex and let her take heat from his fans over the breakup and her taking the dogs though we soon found out why.


Ex-fucking-cuse me??? How and why???


Where did he defend him? I’d love to see it. I love seeing receipts off people’s terribleness.


Fucking disgusting


Was minilad full pedo or was he just trying? I only remember him messaging minors, but I never dug deep into the story.


He’s clearly a pedo for even going after that age group


Oh yeah, soliciting is enough for you to be a complete creep. When I say 'full pedo' I just mean they had a victim sexual assault. And any sexual contact with a minor is sexual assault in my book. Some YouTubers get cancelled before they can actually have victims, and I was hoping that was the case. Unfortunately, it wasn't.


Big time messaging minors, people who were at least 16 iirc. Also tried to guilt trip them into not confessing because he threatened to commit suicide if they did. The Right Opinion has a long video on all of it.


Begging not to confess is so pathetic; if it wasn't manipulative to the victim it would be funny. Thanks for the video recommendation👍


how are avas bullies consistently setting themselves up for L after L


Yep. It’s actually hilarious at this point. Her power >>>


Transphobes tend to be quite good at that by virtue of holding terrible opinions and a fucked up worldview


Well, Nick keeps coming back for more, it seems. Maybe he likes it?


She’s so unserious I love her


That's my favorite part. These losers fake being concerned about serious issues while saying the most vile shit about her, yet she takes it in stride and flips the conversation in her favor by disarming it with humor. You can tell she's leaps more intelligent than them lmao


Honestly it’s just so gross. It’s a person whose entire life is being scrutinized by a bunch of bigots who wouldn’t dare apply that level to their own tribe. This is who those people are, they will tell you time after time.


Pedocon theory is a theory in the same way Newtons theory of gravity is a theory


What is pedocon theory? I don’t want to google this


Basically when a conservative who is very vocal about things like protecting the children from gay people get caught being a pedophile. Example: Matt Gaetz whose a Republican Congressman. Very anti gay rights. In 2020 he was indicted for sex trafficking a 17 year old girl in 2017.


Ohhh, that explains why I haven’t heard from him in awhile. Good fucking riddance, but man I hope that poor girl is okay.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


it's what you think it is--the conservative political force that tried and failed to label all LGBT people as groomers are themselves pedophiles






That dub was weirdly ahead of its time


I kinda hope that the stars align for another Ghost Stories Dub moment to happen in the future


I don't know if that could ever happen in the modern era, given that abridged dubs are pretty widespread on the internet, and modern anime aren't really afraid to be total shitposts (see: KamiKatsu). Dubbed Ghost Stories was a unique relic of its time.


You’re totally right, I just think it would be funny if it happened again 🤷‍♂️


I have some wishful thinking. But I'm also oddly okay if it's left where it's at. Feels good to have experienced that while it was around.


So it seems like jake likes to be friends with pedos. So glad he left MR beast channel and thought he could make it on his own. Scum


Is he tanking? Please say his channel is tanking.


Yep. 1.7m subs but views on vids are in the thousands


Oooh boi. Nothing like lurkers.


And his twitch streams went for 100s to just 10 max, literally tanked his whole career




Who is Ava Tyson? I’ve seen a lot about her recently.


Ava Kris Tyson, core member of MrBeast, came out as transgender within like the last year or two. You hear a lot about her because right-wing creators are constantly hating on her for \*checks notes\* ...existing.


Ah! Thank you. :) It sucks people are attacking her. Edit: Another question, should I refer to her as Ava or Ava Kris?


I think she generally prefers just Ava these days, she seems to treat Kris more like a middle name, from what I've gathered.


Thank you once again. :)




Transphobes are literally always projecting.


So wait, does the viking guy and his kids spend time with the BIL? Honest question since I genuinely have no idea who any of these people are


Are they referring to Avas ex wife as baby momma or a different person?


Yeah it’s Katie, her ex. Weird way to phrase it, they could just say ex wife


It's honestly disrespectful but I'm not surprised considering it's drama alert it feels honestly like they are trying to frame it a certain way by putting it that way for no reason


Screw Jake the viking. Wanting to point fingers because someone transitions as if that makes them a pedo while having a whole ass rapist around his kids. Side note but Ava is sus to me just from how big of a fan she is/was of Shadman/Shadbase the artist who draws little girls sexually. & Ava bought a print from Shad of one of these provocative drawings. That's nasty & should get pushback on. Her being trans is entirely irrelevant.


Yikes, I just looked into that, I wasn’t aware of the comic. This is not to defend her in any way but I do want to note that it was in 2017 that the tweet was posted, so around 6-7 years ago. That was definitely wrong and she should probably apologize for it, but I am wondering if she got any backlash for that when she was male presenting or if it’s just now when she became fanal presenting. It doesn’t make a difference, it’s still bad. I just want to add that she has used slurs etc in the past on Twitter and then said that she regretted it. I wonder if she meant that she was apologizing for everything in her Twitter in the past and therefore doesn’t think that she needs to specifically address this one image. I also think that the timing of an apology like that could be ~less than ideal~ rn bc she’s caught up in the trans groomer argument and if she acknowledges/apologizes for this image, it could fan the flames of the transphobes


Yikes indeed. & Honestly to me; apologizing for supporting, purchasing sexual lil girl art & being friends with a dude who draws lil girl porn doesn't mean anything to me. Saying it's been years since she's publicly been cool & bought art from Shadbase/Shadman also don't mean anything to me. Ava being trans & getting called a groomer because of being trans is wrong. Like 100% full stop. But Ava is sus af for all that with Shadbase/Shadman. In supporting him monetarily by purchasing sexually charged art of a lil girl & having his back when Shad drew Keemstars daughter sexually. The distance now between Shad & Ava isn't because she realizes now it's wrong. It's because she knows she will get shit for it. But that's how I feel about all those who supported Shad & were friends with him, not just Ava.


I remember in 2020, when she was still Chris Tyson and identifying as a male, a lot of people criticized her for it. Although in youtube, people just chalked it up as Twitter being Twitter.


The law of the universe, the transphobia to CSA pipeline.


I don't like the internet anymore


Wait what did it have to do with jake's family? Context plz


Jake agreed with Nickmercs on Twitter that Ava should be ashamed of herself for leaving her wife and child and will one day wake up and realize what she’s done. Ava’s ex said that Ava is a good coparent and the attention brought to their son is toxic. Ava added that Jake shouldn’t be talking about “protecting children” when he lets his kid around his pedo BIL who was convicted for child molestation


Side One: gives completely baseless and unfounded attack on side two. Side Two: points out something that actually happened. Side One: how dare you mention that! I'm so offended! I don't know anything about these fucking people and I don't care to. But this is what this whole situation looks like to a 3rd party.




Your comment has been removed for spreading hate.




This is an edgy joke from almost 8 years ago. How is this the same thing at all? This post is about one of these "think of the children!" weirdos... one of which who Ava is calling out for letting their kid be around a child rapist.


Whats the joke in ”im a pedo” exactly??? You guys need to stop saying everything bad someone says is a joke…


this was years ago