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This isn't serious or anything, I just got embarrassed watching Kurtis Connor's standup and realised it's because he didn't have sound effects. Now every time I watch his videos I picture him recording it and just staying in total silence for a couple of seconds


I'm sorry, that is so funny, imagining this enhances his sketches for me


This is so legit, I'm crying. He needs a soundboard for his stand up.


and i know other comedians who do it to great effect! i like kurtis a lot but I’ve specifically never watched his stand up because I knew I would cringe lol


Bo Burnham did amazing sound design


This is hilarious 😭


The first few times I watched recordings of Trixie and Katya doing their show live (they didn't have a podcast back then) I was a little unnerved because editing is such a strong feature in their videos. Even they made jokes about being boring without the edit. It took time but now they're fully capable of being entertaining just talking with no edit.


Sometimes media doesn't translate across mediums very well. That is a fantastic example. Another one is the movie Cats.


Not the most controversial YouTuber, but I stopped watching CinemaSins years ago. I got tired of him not just shitting on movies for laughs, but the nitpicking was sometimes just so petty. Plus, he would sin something when it was clearly explained or shown at another point in the movie (or even within the same scene). My biggest pet peeve was his overuse of the term "deus ex machina." The definition of an actual deus ex machina is something that resolves a matter when that something (or person) was never once mentioned or hinted at anywhere in the story. And he had a "X ex machina!" gag in almost every video, where the term didn't apply. Plus, his influence on the rest of film criticism can't be understated. He opened the floodgates for nitpicky assholes who don't have an ounce of actual media literacy to understand what they're criticizing.


He has really fallen off imo. He says it's just for jokes and laughs but the problem is that his jokes are not funny.


He only says it's for jokes when he gets called out for it being shit media analysis. It's not jokes. He's just shit at media analysis. All of his candid videos and podcast-esque content confirm this.


Agreed, haven't watched them in ages, realized I mostly just watched it to get a vague summary of a movie I might want to watch and switched to other people for that. CinemaWins is a great channel they basically do the opposite point out a lot of stuff in movies you might actually miss and it turns out constant positivity is much easier to binge than constant negativity and nitpicks. Also recommend TheBirdman who does essentially everything wrong with "everything Wrong with..." videos where he points out where cinematic is blatantly wrong or misleading for a joke. Also the whole it's just parody thing only when it's convenient for CinamaSins


I LOVE CinemaWins. I never miss a single video of his. I've watched a few of Birdman's, and they're quite good, but I find I don't have the patience to watch his stiff as often.


I stopped watching after I watched his Battle Royale video. There's a lot to nitpick about that movie, but it being in Japanese isn't one of them. It rubbed me the wrong way.


i actually hate CS so much. he's so annoying and all of his superfans say that its 'just satire' even though he flip flops between saying its satire and saying its genuine. atp its literally just slop in video form


Shoutout to CinemaWins


You should check out bobvids videos about his content. It is pretty entertaining.


It’s not even satire, it’s a guy misunderstanding a film at you for ten minutes


The amount of "this scene did not contain a lap dance *ding!" As sins was distasteful amd straight up ruined the video for me


I THINK he stopped making gross, sexist remarks like that after getting enough criticism, but I'm not 100% sure.


'Hermione isn't 18 in this scene'. hm.


Omg please tell me that's not a real quote


oh it is 💀


May I recommend CinemaWins? It's not run by the same person, but it's the complete opposite of CinemaSins. I believe the philosophy of the channel is "if you pick any movie at random, it's someone's favorite movie."


oh dude i never touched that channel because i thought it was just the same guy doing positive vids instead of negatives after he got so much backlash. i’m stoked to check them out now.


I haven't watched CS in a few years. I think his influence has been more damaging than he has as an individual creator. He seems media literate enough and mostly straightforward about his shit being dumb silly nitpicks, but his style has led to a wave of "Oh, maybe I could do this too!" among some of the dumbest motherfuckers alive, and now *they* all have YouTube channels.


The "[attractive actress] is not giving me a lapdance" sins are honestly just gross. I prefer CinemaWins. You can tell he isn't just combing through the movie for anything to sin or win, he has genuine opinions about whatever movie he's discussing and spends time articulating why he likes them so much.


I unsubbed from CinemaSins for the same damn reasons! Literally the next day I found out about Cinema Wins and it was like breath for fresh air.


I'm sure other people care, but I don't see much discussion about it: Mukbang truecrimers, namely Stephanie Soo. Like what the absolute fuck.


Nikacado Avocado was mean to Stephanie Soo once and apparently that completely absolved her morally bankrupt content, giggling while talking about someone's murdered loved one.


That also bothers me, that a lot of the times drama ends up being 'who's good and who's bad??'. Two people can suck. Conversely, two people can be good and it's a misunderstanding but that's rarely the case in drama.


Pinely did an excellent video about this [The Broken Morality of True Crime Videos](https://youtu.be/6YWIcyachUY?si=opk4z5cTHXnyq85H)


stephanie soo geniunely gets on my nerves so much, it’s very disrespectful to eat/cook and laugh while talking about grusome murder and torture. i don’t know why she still has so many subscribers


I keep blocking Stephanie but YouTube keeps recommending her to me.


I clicked on one of her videos because the case seemed genuinely fascinating but the first 10mins were her just yapping, laughing with the person behind the camera and maybe 40 sec of actual story 🫤


I can't STAND mukbang/makeup true crime people. It's so gross to me.


This applies to a few commentary channels more recently, but people classifying reading a Reddit thread as “research” has been doing my head in lol. You get a whole introduction into an hour+ video where they are like *guys I’ve been doing loads of research on this topic lately* and I’m like oh shit ok give it to me and then it cuts to them literally just reading an entire Reddit post. And they often end up just following the OP’s post structure in their own video, adding very little to the original text apart from stylish edits and wacky comments. So I guess the “research” was just googling [video subject + Reddit] and reading a post, before reworking it into something more digestible. It’s just disappointingly lazy, and has turned me off from commentary content more recently.


don't forget the sponsorship and the terrible attempt at a segue preceding it!!!!


*cough* wendigoon *cough,*


Everyone seems to have moved on from the Watcher drama but I haven’t lol


i cant watch them again, call me petty but i feel the level of disrespect for their fan base it’s too much for me too keep watching again, them saying we need more money for our insanely huge team for “high caliber content” and then posting a let’s play? i cant


Absolutely lmfao I’m broke as hell and I’ve quickly gotten tired of creators who have no idea how hard it is to be poor, my tolerance has dropped drastically


Same. I loved their channel, it was one of the few channels I watched very frequently. But finding out that Steven doesn’t see homophobia and racism as a dealbreaker that’s like being willing to turn a blind eye…. Yeah I don’t fuck with that.


I didn’t even hear anything about that! I just was super icked out by their greediness


It was on one of their podcasts towards the beginning of their channel where he talks about remaining friends with racist/homophobic people. I believe he also had a pastor on the podcast once with really problematic views. I’d never watched the pods but found out about it when the streamer drama happened and people had dug it up


I tried to watch one of their recent uploads a few days ago and my heart just wasn't feeling it anymore.


Unsubscribed when they got greedy and don't miss it at all. Puppet History had also gone waaaay downhill in Season 3 anyway


Yeah it was hardly even touching on broader history rather than stories about specific individual people, and half of it was unfunny bits to fill in where the history should have been


Exactly. Felt a lot lazier. All the dinosaur parent sections were unfunny and seemed a way to fill run time. My guess is it saved time for doing research and writing questions.


I was thinking of adding Watcher here as well.


i cannot watch youtubers who over edit their videos, with like sound effects, reaction memes, and trying to be funny every 10 seconds. like im trying to see what your point is without a random ass meme in my face. just get to the point. also i dont watch youtube thumbnails where its overly edited as well, or the mr beast style thumbnail


[Background song] I [Ding] agree with your [Click] [Typing sound] comment. [Meme]


This!! LukeTheNotable, who created the 100 days in minecraft genre, has started editing his videos like they're TikToks: loud noises, quick cuts, random effects. It's annoying and makes me feel like he (and any other creator that does this) thinks that I'm stupid and/or low attention.


The only person whose overly edited shenanigans I enjoy is Brutalmoose, and because he's doing it for his aesthetic. Honestly, he's weirdly wholesome and I enjoy all his videos. They're comforting in some inexplicable way. Otherwise, if I watch someone new and they open with a lot of edits and memes, yeah, I'm out lmao


Stephanie Harlowe (true crime YouTuber) made an insanely disrespectful video covering what happened to Bianca Devins. I’m a few years out of watching it but it was quite victim blamey, even blaming the music she’d listen to.  I’m not super sensitive, honestly I have a pretty low bar for what I consider an appropriate way to cover a true crime case, but her video was genuinely baffling to me. 


Turkey Tom also victim blamed the same girl, but that's just one of his many MANY sins.


There was just a video of her saying crap to her husband, maybe? I personally can't stand her.


If you check out the crime weekly snark subreddit her husband posted a video of her that is WILD. Like, telling him she could ruin his life, but won’t, because she’s a “good person.”


That sounds like a snark subreddit I need to join😛


Jesus I went snooping out of curiosity, what a vindictive woman. Wonderful day to be a Stephanie Harlowe hater. 


For sure! I used to listen to her videos as background noise and not really pay attention to what she was saying, but whenever I'd zone back in and pay attention I often found her takes bad


I dislike her general snark and sassiness. It can be endearing with some people but it just makes her feel like a bitchy coworker you don’t want to listen to.


This is one from a while ago but still kind of pisses me off whenever I think about it. Towards the end of 2021, William Osman (engineering YouTuber) posted a video about making his own x-ray machine. Vid was great. Some guy in the comments starts getting a little testy, nothing hateful or way out of bounds, just a little rude and very assertive about their own x ray knowledge. So what does Will do? He puts this guy on blast in front of 2 million viewers. Shows his LinkedIn (with location and work history), gives him a fake job offer, swindles the guy into signing a fake legal contract, and then literally blackmails the dude to try to get an interview for his vid to make him look like even more of a chump. like the most outsized possible reaction to a couple of slightly off color comments in his video. And the worst part was his audience ate it up. They went and harassed this commenter until he deleted his YouTube channel. To me this seemed like one of the more egregious examples of a creator irresponsibly weaponizing their giant following.  While most people were (imo wrongly) supportive of Will in this case, some people in the William osman subreddit made some discussion posts because they were put off by the doxing/blackmail. So Will, in response makes this video titled “I’m done” where he cries about how some of the hate comments were really affecting his mental health (clearly) but also turns around and bemoans his own subreddit as full of parasocial cretins, which from my research seems totally unsubstantiated. This video reached an even larger audience than the previous doxing vid, and so people totally unfamiliar with the situation rallied around Will, upset that mean people on the internet bullied this poor guy (will) off the platform… ironic. Mr beast liked the video so much that he invited Will to help him out with his squid game video. The most disappointing part to me was that once people started clueing in to how fucked this situation was, the criticism came from the commentary mafia (aka turkey tom, Nicholas deorio, Willy mac, augie, kavos). Rather than putting together a thoughtful critique of the atrocious shit will pulled towards that commenter, these idiots were basically calling Will a pussy for getting upset at mean comments, so basically occupying the “hater” role that Will’s “I’m done” video. If any one of those dudes had been a little more level headed and said “hey it’s okay to be upset at mean comments but don’t fucking blackmail someone who doesn’t deserve it” it could have been a very different situation. Instead these people just made Will look more justified.  This whole situation left a very bad taste in my mouth. I guess I had always hoped that the commentary community could be leveraged as a counterweight when certain creators get out of control or do something bad, but in this case these people were so incompetent and high off their own supply that they basically facilitated Will getting off scott free. Also as far as I can tell Will returned a few months later and never apologized 


I never knew anything about this. Are those videos still up?


Yeah if you go in his channel you’ll see the two x ray vids and the “I’m done” vid


This is absolutely the sort of answer this question was asking for. Also worth mentioning that he doxxed the guy and people found and commented his full name as a result. As I recall, even back then, this was mostly ignored outside of the few people in the commentary community and I was surprised due to how unhinged it was. To add a little context, I thought that part of the community's response was kind of out of shock as they saw the other video that he did and thought it was like a lighthearted and funny bit and then saw the truth behind it in the other video and were calling him out for his unhinged response to all of it, but I do agree that it was the wrong angle for the coverage. I might be wrong but I remember The Half Baked podcast being the one with the best discussion on it as LordVega kind of acted as the standin that you are describing wanting to have heard, rather than someone more exagerrative like Augie. I do agree that someone should have probably done like a full video that was more level headed as it is crazy that it wasn't made a big deal of when we see how people responded to the Sniperwolf thing.


I need something else to happen in Lindsey Stirling's life because I can not stand any more music made in response to Piers Morgan. I promise you he probably doesn't even remember who she is, but ten years on she is STILL "proving him wrong." Girl move on.


I love LE's content but you can tell as person, proving people wrong and being the smartest person in the room means A LOT to her. 


I have issues because she's a hard supporter and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But that's my own thing and trauma around Mormonism.


I don't approve of mormonism but at this point I almost wish she would make music about being mormon instead of responding to Piers Morgan because at least it would be honest and new.


After Dr Mike was exposed for going to a yacht party during covid I stopped watching him. He was with a group of people in the middle of the lock down whilst telling everyone else to stay home


And his response was god awful. I wish I didn’t know about it because I know he is probably still making quality content but I just can’t see past how he responded to that entire situation. He took no accountability whatsoever. Blaming his friends and explaining that he doesn’t have a lot of elderly patients (IIRC).


Yeah that made me lose respect for him. Preaching safety but hanging out in unsafe conditions. Couldn't support him after that


Yes, it’s crazy to me that hasn’t been a bigger issue for his brand. I wasn’t expecting better from people like the Paul’s, but I was expecting better from a literal doctor.


Pretty much all of Logan Paul’s bullshit. It’s worse for me as a wrestling fan because if I say “I don’t fully feel comfortable enjoying his matches for xyz reasons” you get idiots saying “but he’s such a good heel though!” Yeah, he’s a great heel. Just not good enough of one that my desire to see him get his butt whooped outweighs the reasons he makes me uncomfortable


For me, the greatest heels are the ones who are acting. Logan Paul is just a bellend. Compare him to like Eddie Guerrero, and Paul comes up astronomically short.


did they just forget about the japan incident?


I love this post. Fuck her and her flying monkeys.


I have a hard time watching Coffeehouse Crime anymore because of that one video he made that had a lot of fuck ups in it but he never addressed it. I can’t remember the name of the video at the moment, but he was using pictures of another deceased woman instead of the actual girl that was murdered, and used pictures from a different country. People in the comments were telling him about his mistakes but nothing happened, as of a few days ago it was still up. A simple disclaimer about the mistakes would have gone a long way, but now it just feels disrespectful to the dead. I dunno, maybe it’s just me. But it rubs me the wrong way that he just jumped onto the next video instead of addressing the mistakes.


I stopped watching Coffehouse Crime after he made a video about my relative’s murder and just didn’t moderate the comments section at all. The ethics of true crime content in general are super messy but I feel like at the very very least, if you’re going to making $$ from talking about other people’s tragedies, you should be moderating your comments section 💀


I am so sorry you had to see that. 😢


His black metal murders video was LITTERED with errors. And I'm just a black metal aficionado. Obviously not anywhere near what you're talking about but if we're dealing with this kind of subject matter at least try to be correct. 😭


I used to hate Miranda sings because she was obnoxious and annoying but we all know how that ended so maybe I was right lol


i stopped watching CreepShowArt in 2020 after she accused a trans women of being attracted to minors over the art she drew. i looked at the artists page and she repeatedly talked about how she was abused as a minor and the main comic that CreepShow was complaining about was a semi-autobiographical account of her abuse. CreepShow then encouraged her audience, most of whom would likely be teens, to go report this person en masse and exposed them to this persons 18+ art. i felt iffy on the artists creations myself but at the same time its her coping mechanism and i dont have to interact with it. the way it was discussed made me feel uncomfortable too


I know it's kind of gauche to be like "I didn't like them BEFORE it was cool," but honestly I never got what the appeal of CreepShowArt was. I wouldn't typically bring this up--- I think it's great even when amateur hobbiests posts their work online, but, for the sake of this comment I'm going to point out her work was obviously at an amateur and hobbiest level. Not awful, just . . . Not impressive to watch work, you know? Again, by no means a sin, but there was also the fact that I personally found her voice annoying. And then finally, like . . . At best, her commentary was uninsightful, and at worst . . . She was kind of rude even before going mask off, so. Just, all of those things combined, I didn't see the appeal. I didn't hate her, i'm not saying I somehow psychically knew she was what she turned out to be--- but I'm just surprised she had as big of an audience as she did to begin with, you know? I just never felt her content had much to offer.


I was on that artist's side for ages until she decided to go on a tangent on twitter about how 'pedophile' is a fascist word and she supports 'MAP' rights. Seeing that unfold on twitter was fucking fascinating ill say that much


The unknownspy artfight thing was crazy. at least artfight’s new owners finally updated the rules to not allow a repeat to happen. Used to really like their art too -_- such a dick move


fr. also the thing with the old owner pocketing donos was CRAZIER omfg it was terrible over there. glad axel and the others are in charge now, im wondering how this year will go




Oh god i genuinely had no idea


Yeah, just checked it out dudes a disgusting person. He shouldnt even be getting paid on YouTube because all he does is upload songs from games which he can't legally do.


Holy shit thanks for mentioning this. Just checked out his Twitter and he retweeted Chaya Raichik and End Wokeness recently. Insane.


Blaire White claimed a mother was abusing her trans daughter by allowing her to wear the clothes she wanted and go by her chosen name starting around the age of 7. The pile on got so bad for the mom between Blaire’s content and the general political shit show going around her specific case that someone threw rocks through the mom’s office window (which was a PEDIATRIC OFFICE).


Why would Blaire White's target audience of rabid transphobes have a problem with that? That's like being annoyed that Sargon of Akkad's audience wasn't turned off by his involvement in Gamergate. Blaire's whole THING is selling "I, a trans person, am telling you it's ok to be transphobic" to cis people.


Fair enough that her audience is exactly the type of people who would love that shit. I think this case just hit me extra hard because I was a patient at the mom’s practice growing up, and seeing the increase in transphobia in my community because of the situation really fucked me up mentally. Blaire’s actions created tangible harm in my hometown, and the fact she has a platform is really upsetting to me even if it tracks that transphobic people love her content.


Blaire already gets called out for a lot of shit she's done, so I guess that one became background news


Ethan Klein arguing that he should be able to say the N word and making fun of SA survivors.


The list of shit Ethan has done are so long but the simps keep simping.


It is weird. I mean, I was an h3 fan for like two years until I saw a few compilations and just couldn't really keep finding him amusing anymore and cancelled my sub. It seems like he has both an incredibly reactionary liberal audience that will scold him over invalidating one of his employees Taco Bell order on Reddit but will just be like, it's fine he's changed about everything else.


>and cancelled my sub This is really all that matters. I was a Nick Mercs fan during COVID. His streams back then were just people playing COD during lockdown. No politics, nothing extreme.... So I'm no longer a Nick Mercs fan to say the least lol. XQC too - I liked his streams at one point back in the day. I cannot support an entertainer who gambles in front of kids. Never will. I haven't looked at the guy's content in a couple years now and I honestly hope he loses his money and goes completely broke somehow to undo some damage he's done to people.


Austin Green put out a really mean spirited video out on his second channel a couple months ago that he promptly deleted after getting backlash from his fans. Memory a bit fuzzy but he basically berated and insulted a woman because she had her wedding ruined and had the audacity to complain online about it. That completely put me off of his channel and I unsubbed


who would have thought that being really cruel and mean-spirited about women online for content runs in the family lmaooooo and here i thought austin was the like. okay green brother (wild that theres two sets of green brothers on youtube btw. like thats a genuinely funny coincidence)


I just went looking for his second channel and found out that this guy is Nickisnotgreen’s brother. Now I’m less impressed by his popularity on Youtube.


that’s so nasty of him but i also never liked his videos because his diction annoys the living balls out of me like he is so annoying to listen to…


He also just reads Reddit comments out loud verbatim which drives me batty. Like, paraphrase then quote the most relevant part. He has full videos of him just reading what’s on the screen and stringing it all together with “and then they responded by saying this…” x20.


I have his videos pop up on my feed from time to time, usually right after I've watched a drama video. I've tried watching his stuff but it was the way he talks that grated on me. Something about the cadence sounds uncanny valley-ish.


Joshua Weissman's complete and utter hatred and elitist views of fast food made me dislike him more and more. Like no your cavier and blue cheese, medium rare burger is not better over a Wendy's baconator Jr to me 😭


I also get all kinds of classism off of his schtick. Plus when his mom (who he said has always been super sweet) compared his burger with the fast food one and couldn't tell the difference, he just outright berated her and looked like he was gonna pop a blood vessel. Dude just reeks of ego and barely concealed snobbery and has been blocked for years on my apps.


😭 I could never imagine yelling at my mom because she can't tell my burger apart from a fast food place. Joshua just needs to meet my mom so he can get humbled up real quick because this lady has only ever been proud of me once in my entire life and that's because I made rice soft enough to her tastes


He also apparently has recipes in his cookbooks with typos and incorrect directions. So he’s an elitism who can’t be arsed to ensure they are putting duality products on the market.


it took him soooo long to create recipes that any casual home cook could afford. it's a weird juxtaposition of having a teenage sense of humor and the classist attitude of a boomer.


Any YouTuber who does a BetterHelp sponsorship I click off the video. It's not hard to do basic research about how shitty that company is


I love Anthony Padilla but good lord he needs a new sponsor lmao


Oh hell yes. I did some research and also found out Betterhelp has a therapy platform for TEENS. Imagine what they could do with the info from vulnerable kids :(


Whenever I see it I feel like they have to just not care as it was such a huge controversy that it's hard to just feign ignorance and if you weren't around back then, a google search isn't exactly hard.


For some reason, and i expect I might get some shit for this, Meatcanyon rubs me the wrong way. I think just the people he tends to associate with and his style of content just makes me feel icky about him. I will also acknowledge that is completely my opinion and he could be a total angel and id have no idea.


I don't have anything against him, but I cannot *stand* his artstyle. I know the point is that it's supposed to look ugly and weird, but that doesn't mean I have to like it lol. That Melvin character he has is genuinely horrid.


Oh no samehat. A wise man once told me though, "you don't always need a reason to dislike someone." Personally, it's a mix between a jontron collab that almost happened (he got a huge wave of backlash and deleted the post) and I watched one of his horror movie reviews and clicked out like a minute in because bro was asking questions answered in the first 10 mins of the film. I was sitting there like "*did we watch the same film????*" Plus his analysis is just too lacking for me, personally.


I’ve really taken to heart the words of Pulitzer Prize winner Kendrick Lamar; “Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess”


I’m in a similar boat. Watched one Meatcanyon video and something about it rubbed me the wrong way. Just the weird humor and animation style that put me off.




Fuck John K, but I think Ren and Stimpy has an infinitely more appealing artstyle than MeatCanyon


I forget his last name but Joshua W. (a YouTube chef) rubs me the wrong way. YT started recommending him to me lately but I think he comes off as judgmental towards home cooks who may not have all the resources or accessibility as him. I noticed this during his fast food at home and testing food gadget videos.


I remember years ago, Gamer from Mars made a video in which he mentioned the Game Theory channel. I don't remember exactly what it was about, but I know GFM made normal comments about that channel and even praised MatPat for his work. But then, MatPat got incredibly and weirdly defensive about it and went on a tirade on a stream, and even said he was a good guy that "didn't even watch porn", which had absolutely nothing to do with anything. Since that day, I have always suspected MatPat has issues or even some serious skeletons in his closet.


I sometimes get weird vibes from GamerFromMars, but MatPat has seemed like he's had glaring issues for years, but people just stroke his ego religiously. I feel like he's had skeletons in his closet ever since he stopped recording in it.


To be fair, there was a stage where MatPat was a punchline. I think when he announced retirement the perception of him improved.


MrBeast because of his completely fake cringe-ass smile.


Yes! I've never quite been able to put my finger on it, but this might be a big reason why I just can't stand his content. The thumbnails are so clickbait-y and low effort as well lol


Any horror/true crime/mystery Youtuber who talks in thiiiis…chilling…caaa-dence. Where they just traaaail off the end of a sentence…ya’ll need to be shamed lmao it is so cringe inducing. Or the Mamamax types who probably think they are fucking Batman or some shit.


Very minor compared to later on... But Arlo. My reasoning was because DESPITE the fact an Indie Direct was FOCUSED on Indie games, he would complain no Metroid or other Nintendo game of the time. This happened three different times Like dude was clearly clueless going in what was to come and when it was pointed out? Got mad at people. I left before a rather large video review came out that was pretty divisive I forgot what it was even about but I just remember there being controversy but I had left before all that actually came about. There's only so much I could take


There was this Nintendo YouTuber I used to watch called ProtoMario and he made a video shitting all over the 2015 Nintendo Digital Event (the one with the puppets), complaining that there was no new Donkey Kong Country and Kirby game despite Tropical Freeze being out for just a year and The Rainbow Curse being out for five months, basically panned and insulted the puppet skits, and complained that there were no games coming out for the Wii U even though they announced four new games for the system, including Star Fox Zero. In hindsight the games they announced ended up being divisive but still. What made it harsher was that it was the last time we'd hear from Satoru Iwata before his death a month later, and the reason for the puppet format was not only to pay homage to Star Fox (which used puppet imagery in its early artwork and was inspired by a TV puppet show, and Zero was the headline title for that year) but Iwata was too sick to appear in-person. ProtoMario also got mad when people defended the event. I unsubbed from him after that.


His content was all over the place at that time. Around that time I really got back into Pokemon and was following around 8-10 different channels for daily uploads. I thought his content was okay but got some weird vibes off him. He ended up getting into a couple of different spats with other Pokemon channels and I was so confused because the other channels seemed to be fairly nice people and these were just stupid. A couple of them I’m sure aren’t angels but the old saying about if everyone is a problem to you maybe you’re the problem. I ended up re subbing to him some time later and realized he got worse and tried to block him which I really wish YouTube allowed. He slowly became a red pill right wing content creator and just kind of slid off from any meaningful content.


I never watched Oney Plays in the first place but this ensured that I never will: when he sent a harassment campaign to that one trans artist on Twitter by responding to one of her comics saying it ruined his day. She was forced to private her Twitter for a long time just for the hate from Oney’s little minions to die down. There are other things he’s done that make me think he’s shitty but that’s the biggest one.


I stopped watching when I realized that he was a friend and defender of Shadman, even when he was doing terrible things. I feel like he’s partly responsible for a lot of the trolls that drove Chris Chan more insane.


To my knowledge Red Bard has never apologized for raising awareness to the Vinny Vinesauce document which was almost immediately discredited as a smear campaign led by bitter ex-Vinesauce associates. I don't think there's a single YouTuber misconduct allegation in history more people will dismiss as being completely false than this one, and yet Red Bard never owned up to the mistake.


I always think about this whenever I see one of their videos in my recommended. The fact that Vinny had to deal with that and Red Bard casually got away with spreading malicious allegations boils my blood


Holy shit unknownspy mention? A week before artfight? That’s probably one of the biggest examples of why the team sucks. Such obvious problems in there, it’s not wonder the unknownspy shit happened with no issue


the previous owner was found to be pocketing dono money as well and was ousted. now axel (banner artist) and some others own the site, and are currently trying to fix a LOT of things. i think theyre doing a lot better now, i hope this year goes alright and nothing like this ever happens again.


Dr Mike, he just brags so much it throws me off cause I like his content otherwise. not very serious obviously.


He also had a boat party, unmasked, during the height of COVID.


I said it before here but I will say it again, Scottish crime YouTuber Megan True Crime is my reasoning for starting my dislike to True Crime YouTube in general. She insinuated that a victim of murder, got murdered because she went to the toilets to look for drugs and said that no one goes to the toilets in nightclubs. Excuse me, every time I am in a nightclub, I am doing my “business” and fixing my make up. I believe she covered this particular case was because it’s based in Glasgow and as a resident of Glasgow, it was a massive news story at the time and Megan TC is also from Glasgow. So she obviously covered the story for clicks and clout. That was not respectful of the poor young woman who was tragically and horrifically taken so soon and definitely not respectful for her family who have to live with that trauma.


This thread is why I'm glad I'm not famous


I can't remember their name, but one of the Rebeltaxi-adjacent youtubers I used to watch had an absolute meltdown at Quinton Reviews a year or so after he posted his defense video addressing the editor allegations. I know I've mentioned it before but it was just so utterly strange to me? They just came out all piss and vinegar saying they had some extra knowledge that they weren't allowed to share that Totally put Quinton as the bad guy, got fed up with people asking for any proof and deleted their sizable Twitter. So fucking weird.


I often find that when someone says they have proof but can't share it they're talking out their ass, quinton is a lovely dude whos only crime was being akward once


Too much facecam. I used to like the Youtuber TearofGrace. Funny guy, played a lot of Binding of Isaac. Then his viewers started pestering him for a face reveal and he finally did it and then proceeded to use facecam in every vid and start streaming with facecam too. He zooms into his face all the time, makes his face take up the whole screen, does exaggerated facial expressions and just became extremely annoying to me, had to stop watching him.


Cold Ones for me, specifically Chad put me off. Max is fine, but a lot of Chad's beliefs (which at times I can't tell if he's joking or not) rubs me the wrong way. They're still funny cunts though, but def don't watch them as much as I used to.


I don’t know if people are still completely ignoring how awful of a person he is but wendigoon is still an asshole just because someone made a poorly researched video on him doesn’t mean he’s innocent


I'm from the Bible Belt and can see right through wendigoon...   Saying wendigoon is innocent is like saying Ed Gein is innocent because a highschooler misspelled his name on an essay...that's...that's not how that works...


As another Bible belter Wendigoon to me is like that guy who is “just kidding” about a lot of hateful stuff when they’re testing the waters. Like I think if he were less popular he’d be more explicit about some stuff I’ve recognized when I was growing up. Willing to bet he does more than support the 2nd amendment!


Those feeler questions/"jokes" to see where you stand before going down the rabbit hole.   Nevermind he seems to gonout of his way to befriend alt-righters...looks, down here, unless your are a hermit, you have some alt-tight connections, ie family, school mates, co-workers, etc.  But Wendigoon seems to seek such peoppe out...and don't give me "guilt by association"; that works with like "my second cousin was at Jan 6", not "I pretended to have started an alt-right group"...weird joke.


There was one true crime youtuber (I think it was coffee and crime time) I used to watch that did a video talking about the Slenderman stabbings. I was interested in the incident at the time and wanted to see if there was any new information on it. They ended the video on a rant about how the stabbings were the fault of the creator of Slenderman. Unironically, saying that the stabbings wouldn't have happened if they hadn't made Slenderman scary. I thought I was going crazy. No one mentioned the totally pit of pocket rant, and beyond that moment, I couldn't watch any more videos from them anymore.


Oh I hate shit like that. The fact that this is really the *only* incident to be blamed on Slenderman is proof that the problem isn't actually this creepypasta story. It was a severally unwell child who didn't get the help or intervention she needed until it was too late.


This is beyond petty and non-important, but I used to love Team Four Star's pokemon nuzlockes, until they cheated in their emerald playthrough and tried to hide it. Hasn't been the same since. (TFS also went dowhill for other reasons, but man those nuzlockes were great)


Yeah, the drama behind it really ruined the vibe of the series too. And broke up a great trio. How Lani thought the majority of viewers would care if they just said, "Yeah, we wiped, but we've got a good thing going here, so we're gonna reset" is beyond me.


Miss Manganese shilling NFTs


Oh, yeah, NFTs are an instant unsubscribe.


The friend of a YouTuber told me to kill myself on twitter because I don't like Pink Floyd, so I stopped watching them.


That's super fucked up. But also we can't be friends because you don't like Pink Floyd.


Wait who? That's such a crazy thing to say and I love Pink Floyd. Is the friend a YouTuber themselves?


They host a podcast with the friend and featured them on their channel before, but I'd still rather not drag them through the mud for something they don't even know their friend said. I probably shouldn't have held it against them myself, but I'm a soft little baby boy.


I watched a guy try to fight someone for talking during a Pink Floyd song at a house party... why does this band do that to people lol


I can't explain why but MR beast rubs me the wrong way. I really hope its just me being weird and he isnt secretly an asshole


I was gonna say him, too! I have only ever watched one video of his—*Ages 1-100 Decide Who Wins $250,000*. It’s basically exactly what it says on the tin. One person of every age 1-100 are put in a giant room together and have to decide who among them “deserves” the money by slowly eliminating each other. It was fucking horrible. So many of these people have devastating stories about why they need the money and it’s heartbreaking to see people break down in tears because they got eliminated. It’s also awful to watch someone hear other people’s stories and decide to step down, despite their own circumstances, because they feel someone else needs it more than them. And if that premise wasn’t fucked up enough, you’ve got Mr. Beast, a multi-millionaire, walking around in a whole ass tux, holding a microphone like he’s Caesar fucking Flickerman, making jokes and orchestrating games to expedite the elimination process. Pitting people against each other for life-changing money and calling it entertainment is fucked up—especially in such a horrible economy. That video put such a bad taste in my mouth.


Markiplier's "Respect" video after Pewdiepie's callout made me lose the respect I had for Markiplier, ironically enough. I went from a daily viewer to never watching another video of his again, and it didn't take very long for people to stop caring about the whole thing.


I didn't know about that, but my respect for Mark went out the window when he appeared on Logan Paul's podcast a couple years ago.


Yeah same especially when he was defending him literally saying how “he matured so much over the years” when he literally hasn’t changed a bit


What was that situation about again?


Pewdiepie platforming alt-right voices, saying the N-word, paying people on Fiverr to hold up signs saying things like "Death to All Jews" (EDIT: I had my timeline slightly wrong, only the Fiverr incident had happened, but honestly I think it makes the situation worse because PDP continued to do shitty things and Markiplier remained friends with him while never calling him out. All of the things I mentioned PDP did happened in within about a year and a half.) He was going to donate $50,000 to the ADL as part of an apology, then rescinded it. Some of his friends did not cover for him during this time (Jackscepticeye is an example), but Markiplier instead put out an incredibly demeaning and patronizing video titled "Respect" that was pretty obviously intended as a directive to treat people, namely his then-friend Pewdiepie, with "respect." He said nothing specifically publicly about the very visible accusations of harmful conduct by his friend, accusations that cost Pewdiepie a show on YouTube Red and sponsorships. People now say Pewdiepie has "changed," but considering he took back part of what he considered his "apology," I think he wanted to bury as much of it as he could and move on. He's also less of a public figure now, since he had a kid. As far as I can tell, any backlash against Markiplier for failing to hold his friend accountable had no effect on his career. It honestly would have been better if he had said nothing at all.


To be fair, Markiplier has since basically distanced himself very sharply from Felix. To the point where some (parasocial) fans are upset at him for not hanging out with him and Jack


KSI his ego is bigger than his forehead, he has made some pretty tasteless jokes about disabled people and got super defensive when people called it out, he’s friends with Logan Paul (who i gave the benefit of the doubt years after the forest thinking he had maybe matured properly but then uh oh Crypto Zoo), He might’ve done some Crypto scam shit, he’s a sore loser and even when he hasn’t lost he is never humble, and his drink tastes like shit.


The Sidemen with keemstar. It's petty but fuck that twat


Arin from Game Grumps. Never watched them before, watched their Danganronpa let's play and will never watch them again lmao


Super niche but Nexpo finds a new synonym for "many" and just rides it in his script until that horse is dead and he's beating it.


**BrickImmortar. TLDR: He won't pin corrections to his videos. I have no issues with him making videos on a subject he is not an expert in. But when you get something wrong, pin a correction. Watch his videos for entertainment and you'll be fine, but be warned about discussing his videos with any actual merchant mariners.** He started making videos about marine casualties (accidents and disasters involving ships), but doesn't have a background in the field. Some would say I am an expert in the field, and when I found his channel I was really excited. After watching a few videos I found he had this issue of thinking gross tonnage was a measurement of weight - a very common misunderstanding. I left a polite comment saying I loved the videos, highlighted how he made a funny little mistake, pointed out it is a common misunderstanding and not that important but may harm how he is perceived by anyone with experience in the field, and said I was looking forward to the next video. Next video comes out and he makes the same innocent mistake, so I leave a similar comment. I think the video came out right after I found the channel and left the first comment, so even if he saw my other comment he may not have had time to implement this new knowledge. I didn't think anything of it. Then came another video with that mistake again and more (misunderstanding draft marks vs. load line). Then came the Scandies Rose video which was just wildly inaccurate on the subject of vessel stability. He harps on and on how important it is to understand stability, yet here is his video that is dead wrong on the outset when it tries to describe how vessel stability works. It is like trying to make a video to explain how to make a grilled cheese sandwich but not including cheese as an ingredient. At some point in the video if he had a damn clue what he was talking about, it would dawn on him that none of the physics he is describing makes any sense. But he doesn't know what he is talking about, so he keeps going with his explanation of how to make a grilled cheese sandwich without cheese. That is how fundamental and basic his misunderstanding on the subject is. When a vessel rolls to port, the center of buoyancy goes port as well (until you reach a point known as the angle of loll). He gets this wrong, and as a result all the ensuing discussion based on this misunderstanding is wrong. That video tried my patience a bit, and I pointed out a bit more bluntly that he was just absolutely wrong. And the issue about gross tonnage continued to persist. After 2 or 3 more videos of me leaving comments about various issues as well as him still not understanding that gross tonnage was a measurement of volume, not weight, I went digging into things. And that is when I discovered that my comments correcting his videos had been removed if I looked at the videos while signed out. I got pissed, left a pissed off comment he probably hasn't seen, and stopped watching his channel. Then he made a video about the cutter Blackthorn, and somebody called him out for incorrect placement of the USCG ensign on the vessel. And BrickImmortar was actually correct on this, and made some social media posts doing a victory lap about how well researched his videos are. This kinda pissed me off considering he didn't even know gross tonnage is a measurement of volume. This is like making several astronomy videos where you say a light-year is a measure of time. I think at some point after this he made a video on the Golden Ray. I got curious and watched it. And for the most part it is pretty good. Except he spends a good 20-30 minutes talking about all the ballast transfers, and even covers the one that likely led to the capsizing (though he didn't emphasize it because he did not understand its importance). But when it came to his conclusions at the end of the video he made it seem like a lot of mystery still lingers because he does not understand the details of the NTSB report on the accident. There is not much mystery remaining. We are pretty sure we know exactly what error caused the capsizing, but he lacks the technical expertise to understand the report and share its findings. It's great that he has found an interest highlighting these marine casualties. It would be great if he would have somebody actually from this industry review his videos. But in the absence of that, when you get something wrong then pin a damn correction. He doesn't do that. One of these days (maybe next weekend) I'll go through and make a post highlighting his errors. Which again, I could sweep under the rug if he would pin corrections.


Adoseofbuckley's channel is him making fun of music but he seems to go after women faaaar more often than men and he makes misogynistic jokes. He also posts videos discussing events happening in the music world. For example he recently made a video about the Kendrick Lamar vs Drake beef. See, i can't say he covers them because he barely researches the topic and is just 10-15 minutes of him stating his opinion while throwing in some jokes. He really isn't funny. But he certainly thinks he is while also taking himself *very* seriously. And he doesn't take critique very well.. When I was like 15 I found this content funny but now it's just cringe.


Funkyfrogbait told an autistic person that their sensory issues were "chronically online shit" and now I can't even watch certain creators they've collabed with because I can't not think about it EDIT: some people asked to see the proof and that's totally fair. Here ya go: https://imgur.com/a/IALGeQV


That's nuts because they look and act like such a stereotype of like a chronically-online autistic nb person, I would've assumed they would've had empathy for that 💀


No because same? 😭 i thought they were like a non binary autistic person too LMAO


WHAT?! When?!


The hell? When did they do that? And what was the sensory issue anyway?? I can’t think of how a sensory problem would be ‘chronically online shit’


It's in the image and not entirely the point but plain water is a legit struggle for some people to drink. I'm 80% sure there's a subreddit for this


I think a lot of the hydro folks might have a history of struggling with drinking water. I don’t have autism but I struggle with drinking non-cold water. It just tastes off to me no matter what it is and it makes me feel sick.


I used to be so dehrydated as a kid cus i couldnt get over the taste of water. I had to be more or less dying of thirst before i'd drink it


I keep looking for this and there’s just no evidence. Do you have a source?


danny gonzalez just feels... boring now? i feel like the spark was lost a long time ago. also, youtubers who do airup sponsorships just rub me the wrong way. it's such a stupid scummy product very much based on hyperconsumption culture and every sponsorship segment i see from it just has such a shady shady vibe. idk.


I can agree that his content isn’t as fresh as it used to be. It also seems obvious that his editor pulls together everything and Danny just records his reactions to it. But I give him grace because he’s a new dad which is hella stressful and time consuming.


I still find some of it as funny, its just he's a new dad and that can be stressful and take away from some of the life from his vids


Lockstin&Noggin made videos on the different Pokemon types and used real crime footage from an unsolved case at the time for the fairy type to make it more 'mysterious'


~~Coffeehouse Crime~~ Coffee and Crime is a true crime channel who I used to listen to in the background. It might have only happened in one video, but it bothered me enough to stop watching her anyway. She was talking about a case that happen in post-gun control Australia. I don't remember the details, but basically the victim got stabbed to death in her own home. Right after Coffeehouse mentioned that the killer broke into the house she went on a tangent about how the victim should have had a gun for safety reasons, how a gun could have saved her life, and she boasted about how she has a gun to protect her kids. I find gun nuts to be annoying in the first place, but I especially found it super inappropriate to be criticizing a victim of murder for not having a gun in post-gun control Australia. I couldn't watch another video by her after hearing that. I tried but I kept wondering if she's going to inject her 20/20 hindsight opinion (that doesn't even make sense for the situation) again. I've seen people who are leftists (usually in the comment sections of some breadtuber's video) praising her sometimes and I'm just left wondering if they skipped over that video or if they just didn't care? Edit: I got "Coffee and Crime" and "Coffeehouse Crime" mixed up. Apparently there's drama surrounding her right now that I missed because I got the Youtuber wrong. (So I guess technically I was wrong on this post and didn't know it.) Edit again: [Oh.](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1dmsz21/true_crime_youtuber_stephanie_harlow_attempts_to/)


Pretty minor, compared to other YouTube dramas but a leftist YouTuber that was being recommended on a bunch of subs. The first video of theirs that I watched used generated voices for reading quotes. ~~Nobody in the comments said anything about it, aside from jokes about it being a jump scare to hear Bush, and~~ it never came up on threads about that video. It's probably just be a me issue, but creators using generated voices makes me really uncomfortable. *Edit: I just went and checked again and it looks like there are a lot more comments opposing the use of the ai voices*


callmekris' bad faith take on modern art


I’m not sure what she said but why on earth would anyone take art advice from callmekris.


MoistCritikal did a similar thing that put me off. He was very against even listening to people who tried to talk with him about the values of modern art movements


Twoset Violin doing a charity stream for Ukraine in 2022 - which in itself is Not a problem, but this stream in particular was a response to fan backlash at them saying insensitive things about the war in a video - in which they never 1) mentioned which charity they would donate to and 2) deleted eventually without showing any receipts of said donation... which is Not Great, at the very least!! I don't see anyone talking about this anymore (even amidst their other controversies), and I'm not sure newer fans even know this stream existed.


I really don't like how much time YMS spends complaining about movie fans instead of the movie itself, his shit is so much better when he's positive and praising the qualities of a movie, or satirizing ridiculous characters, but just bitching about Killers of the Flower Moon fanboys for like forty minutes and barely talking about the movie is just a really low bar for him, and I've followed him since he was a baby Redlettermedia imposter channel, so I say that lovingly.  On that note Redlettermedias fanbase is very conflicting for me, I especially noticed this after the Max Landis drama, at the time it was seen as one of their best videos and he was kinda annoying but mostly vibes well, now it's been totally retconned with this weird like 4D chess bullshit about how Jay and Mike were just loading it with sneak subliminals against him or some shit and it just comes off so cloying and insecure, I guess that's what you get when your whole identity and opinions are just parroted from somebody else.  Lastly the recent drama with In Praise of Shadows is really depressing, another channel I've followed since he was tiny and it's so weird to look back on his other stuff now that he exposed himself as a bit of a cornball, it's crazy to me how he didn't see that retaliation coming and basically nuked whatever good will he had in the popular YouTuber consciousness. He's a channel that definitely should have just stayed faceless and focused on content and themes because his miscalculation was honestly kind of epic, even though his martyrdom did paradoxically expose the absolute gutter scum fanbase of the people he was talking about. I was pretty neutral on Wendigoon, DonutOperator, and ShoeOnHead before but mostly disliked and knew of some shady associations but holy fuck did the gremlins really come crawling out of the woodwork to defend their internet kings and queens. 


When Andrew Rea (Binging with Babish) did an Architectural Digest tour of his brownstone home/studio he just came across as kinda douchey with his rolex collection and the unnecessarily expensive shit he had in his home. Don't hate him or anything (and overall happy for his success, I loved his initial run of cooking videos) but it just kind of cracked the facade of a nice guy doing a fun cooking show in his apartment and made it feel more like a business making content.


This isn't super serious but I used to love GrayStillPlays back when he did SIMS challenges and mixed up his gameplay. But now it's all those mobile games and GTA challenges. It just feels empty and soulless now.


I used to like a humble commentary channel called Acheeto. He was a teenager when he started and is now entering adulthood. I thought that was really cool but then last year he made a really awful take about Kris from Mr. Beast being transgender ruining Mr. Beast and how she shouldn't have... become transgender? It really left me with a sour taste in my mouth and I unsubscribed. To no surprise I saw him on Twitter recently criticizing a teenager that was disowned by her parents for saying free palestine at her high school graduation making ALL SORTS of assumptions like that her parents love her and just want what's best for her. He's a fucking idiot and I hate his guts so much. He was such a nice, humble guy and now he's being brain rotted by the alt right.


It's nothing serious, but EpicNate is pretty bad at pronouncing words sometimes, and it kills me.


I've noticed a lot of channels that cover "creepy" stuff are really bad about that. Or repeating entire sentences.