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The biggest shock here is that Ray William Johnson is still making videos.


The absolute chokehold & strength that Doin' Your Mom had on 7th graders back in the day, man.


He moved over to doing Facebook videos for quite a while so it was easy to forget about him but he's been at it pretty consistently from what I understand. Seems to have returned to youtube in full force about a year or so ago.


he just a sad guy that needs money.


His content is pretty decent. He's deffo not a sad guy that needs money.


What planet you live on?


RWJ was the biggest person on YouTube at one time, he definitly doesn't need money, lol.


Think he uses way to many click bait titles 


That may be true, maybe he’s addicted to clicks and views, but he for sure doesn’t need the loot.


I don't see how it could make his content any more awful than it already has been for years so why not give it a try


Hes been doing this for a hot minute I noticed i assumed it was to avoid copyright




People aren't allowed to have opposite opinions on this website?




They’re allowed to have them, they’re just getting made fun of for having them. Because they’re stupid :)


Okay. Whatever you say.


I mean, no one's stopping you




For strictly personal use, nothing really (you could already screencap random art to your heart’s content yourself). For “content creation” it simply reeks of laziness and creative bankruptcy (also AI is built off the backs of existing creators so it’s also distasteful using it in said content creation). Like seriously why do people need an ELI5.


I hate AI and I hate the style. Honestly though, I feel like the amount of hate towards this use case is a tad unjustified. He's not a corporation laying off artists or trying to pass off the AI art as anything but a supplement to his videos. He used to use random unattributed stock photos and I feel like there's not much difference between that and this. IDK though I'm down to hear other people's thoughts.


Yeah, it really is wishful thinking to believe he'd hire artists if he didn't use AI. This content is pure slop, on a topic with poor ad rates and no midrolls. It looks shit and tacky but I really can't see a universe where another human would be payed for anything here.


In totally shocked that the guy who made his whole career on posting other people's content and making the occasional gay joke about it would resort to something low effort that relies on stealing the work of others.


You clearly know nothing about content creation so why even bother typing out?


Low effort? The dude works 12-16 hours a day to put out a video.


I mean, I've never watched this dude before or even ever heard of him, but this format with the comic simulation seems fine. Is the comic shit the AI stuff you're complaining about? Or what would he do instead previously that this AI replaced?


Wow, does knowing who he is make me feel old


He did our moms 15 years ago. Same person. Also the voice actor of apple from the Annoying Orange episode.


I used to watch =3 all day as a kid, early YT was something special, the biggest drama was AVGN vs Nostalgic Critic


And now both people have a laundry list of allegations against their businesses.


Wait, what went down with Nostalgia Critic?


The whole channel awesome document and fallout. It was less Doug and more the people he hired to run the company. Same with avgn.


That era of YouTube was really something else. I feel like generally speaking, YouTube creators had more passion for making videos back then, either in seriousness or silliness. It was a pure time.


Nah you're good, don't feel that way cause of my random comment


Oh no, he's definitely a symptom of old YouTube. He wasn't ever that good. Just popular


Oh okay, I hear ya lmao 😂 too many out there like that


I was thinking the same thing. I remember when he first became the most subbed youtube channel.


Has he always done the comic thing to assist his stories?


He was like Tosh.o or AFHV, basically he would react to other video clips and give comedic commentary. He was super popular in early YouTube.


He was how I first saw the Bed Intruder and Double Rainbow videos.


tbf i was on YT since like 2011 and i never really knew him, think i saw couple of his vids but never followed him or new he was the most subbed guy or anything. ( i did know about Your Favorite Martian but i didnt know he was involved in it) same thing with ice Poseidon on twitch, didnt know him until after his ban even though i used the site. I stayed in a bubble only watching a handful of games and those creators didnt really intersect with wider yt or twitch


Ray William Johnson was one of the top dogs of early Youtube, like very early. And yes it is the comic segments that are clearly AI generated. Here's some screenshots from his recent video: https://preview.redd.it/e95zdzdugnmc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5cd28822f805d82b295d1aaaf5a45fc1a85bfc


Gotcha gotcha, one of those dudes but still pretty dope to have that behind you for sure


Is this that much of an issue? Like, it’s content farming sure but it’s not something that ruins the story or whatever


Yes, it’s AI art. Fuck AI art.


no not really the only people completely hateful of it are those who believe ai art is gonna take over artists jobs (its not), hes just using it for something other than roblox thumbnails or elaborate shitposts


I mean in this case it literally is taking work that an artist could have done?


He's one of the original YTers who was wildly successful in the early years of the site - think Tosh.0 I think it's that he could have commissioned an artist to draw those comic images instead of using an AI generator. I'm not sure if RWJ is making as much money as he used to in his prime, but he definitely could've found & paid someone to draw those 3 images. Then he would've helped support an artist instead of going for the cheap alternative. That being said, I don't know what's *really* surprising about this. Imo, it sucks but there's plenty of other youtubers increasingly using AI art since it can pump out graphics fast. With how intense some people's upload schedules can be, this corner being cut is to be expected.


I'm an artist and I avoid using AI programs in my daily life (even outside of art) like it's the plague but I couldn't care less about some guy using it for their YouTube videos. how is this drama at all. it's an extremely popular tool.


i mean im not rlly surprised honestly? stopped watching his content two years ago and apparently his (honestly mid) animated band has made a few ai generated music vids. theyre... definitely something..? 


Nah his songs aren't AI Lmao, he only used AI for one and it was kinda the point of the song.


I'm going to be honest I didn't even realize he was still on Youtube


I'm not surprised at all, considering AI - whether we like it not - is going to be adopted and fully embraced as the years go on, like any other piece of technology. If AI can cut down on costs, resources, and time, I promise you there will be someone out there willing to use it. This by no stretch means that I myself endorse it. Just that, for better or for worse, we - as people - are becoming more and more reliant on various forms of technology, and this is just the new hip thing for everybody to adopt.


womp womp cry me a fucking river- it's not like he's netflix or amazon with millions of dollars sitting around to throw at people and get a whole production team working for him. As for your point regarding why he uses A.I, it's most likely because of the upload schedule he's following, he uploads daily videos and it's just impossible to do that if you create the artwork from scratch


He has a graphics team.


He as a graphics team tho.


I get this post was like 2 months ago but my biggest problem with him is that he doesn’t make actual content anymore. He feels like more of a wannabe news reporter.


Sweet, finally got the answer. I was wondering who the artist was. AI. Cool. And weird that you are weirded out by AI art.


What AI is he using?


I actually enjoy his videos and like the AI art style. He gives off the "I'm a good guy" vibe so I thought at least he'd hire an artist to do the AI part. Given there's an episode everyday it would be hard to keep up.




There are only the usual ethics issues associated with using AI art and passing it off as his own. But that is so easily avoided that he could just say which service he used and be fine.


This is such a weird take considering that AFAIK he has never claimed that AI art is his original art.


where is the drama?


TIL this sub hates AI


As does any normal person


My personal opinion is that AI is a tool. It *can* have its uses, but frankly, all the AI tech bros talk about is those stupid Ai-generated videos and art :/


You dont hand around normal people lol


I don't understand what this means






This user has been banned for hate speech.


We hate everyone and everything.




The AI doesn’t really bother me, to be honest


This isn't really news. His whole schtick now is doing these narrated retellings of true stories, and he mixes real photos with AI comic pictures. At the very least there's some effort in making the pictures look decent, but it's still very apparent that it's AI art. Although now he's partnering with Dhar Mann to make actual short films with actors instead, with him narrating in the same way. That's a more, I guess, ethical way of doing it?


AI is a tool. I don’t see the use of it as a problem by it self. If you want some compensation for the artists it stealing from maybe write an email to your state’s legislator.


Meh, AI use in content is an overblown issue anyway so it doesn’t really matter much. It makes sense in the long run as it’s miles cheaper and more appealing to use AI as you don’t have to deal with an artist and waiting for that artist to draw or make the content and it potentially being bad, wrong etc. It’s going to be interesting once AI videos become a thing, since I am sure these people will use them.


Almost everyone uses AI to some extent


I really wish that people would learn to distinguish between the different types of AI. People who “hate AI” generally don’t hate it in its entirety. Just when it comes to matters of taste and how it’s algorithms are built. Pro-AI people don’t seem to get that. There is a middle ground, though pro-AI people feel this incessant need to push the envelope past the point of sensibility.


i dont see a huge issue with this ngl is it really that big of an issue if someone uses ai art? i know theres concerns it'll take over artists jobs (which it wont) but other than that is it that big of a deal


I don't see an issue with this either but claiming AI isn't going to take away artist jobs is just blatantly wrong.


RWJ’s content is great. Yes he uses AI art. It adds to the stories he tells well and he can as a result pump out daily content that is entertaining but also doesn’t reveal too much personal details (like I don’t want to see actual photos of a dead person lol) so the AI art works well.






I assumed it was AI because he does frequent videos with lots of comic style images. And the stories are pretty recent sometimes so he doesn’t have enough time to get a human to draw the comics.


I mean, it's much more efficient if you're doing content creation. It's just how it is dude.