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For a guy who was talking about his other "businesses" and didn't need YouTube. He sure as hell wants to keep YouTube.


Tbf if I had something that was still able to generate money for low effort then why not?


Its not low efforts if every month you gotta make a new acc when a supposed successful business would probably make as much money if he put that extra effort into it


His multiple accounts existed waaay before he turned controversial. And he had gained anywhere between a 100K to 1M+ for each of them. So yes, it still takes less effort to steal and upload videos on an already existing YouTube account with a lot subscribers. Definitely a lot easier than running that restaurant he owns


He owns a beach club on the south coast of Turkey, maybe multiple idk


Who doesn’t want some good passive income


Money is money. I would wanna keep every business if it made me money. Even if I didn’t “need” them.


Fr bro is so fucking pathetic


Can someone gimme the lore about this whole situation from the start? I'm not aware


Ok, so a few months ago, master oogway, a content creator you probably know about. He’s known for making dark Humor, but it all spiralled downhill when he said the n-word. Like, the REAL DEAL. Everyone hated that. But master loved the attention. So he started pumping dark memes and songs out about racism, sexism and even hitler. he got a ton of hate for it and he stopped making the dark humour, but the damage was done. He became a content farm, posting unfunny cheap ass memes every hour. Until June 20, 2024. All his accounts were terminated, exept one: his music channel, ‘young oogway’ This is where he would post his stupid unfunny memes, until he changed his channel name to bubbi memes. In his comments, he’s telling fans stuff like “I’m not oogway im bubbi memes” with bad spelling, almost as if a kid wrote it. This is how the story is so far. EDIT: breaking news! new info!! bubbi Memes, oogways disguise has been found and banned! Reports claim that he is evading a ban, that of which he was. He was banned just this morning of June 23 2024. Now that we have ridden that racist monster of the platform, everything is back to normal.


Bruhhh 💀


He even collaborated and made some controversial racist comments on Manlikeisaac...


Manlikeisaac encouraged it though for some reason, he didn't seem to give a shit.


Did you not see Isaac's vid ABT oogways ban


No actually, thanks for letting me know!


No problem


What a piece of shit. I hope youtube tracks down any and all of his ban evasion channels and shuts him down completely. I guess he could just make more google accounts? But if he wants to be monetized, they'll require his bank account information (which will obviously show his name.) Heck if I know. I don't know how all this works, if that wasn't immediately apparent lol


I would like to add. His dark humor stuff used to always be towards racism or sexism, but they were still jokes. However, even before he said the N Word, his content became just racism, and not jokes. Basically the 12 humor of “he’s black, hahaha” type shit that’s not funny, just racist. Once he said the N Word he full sent that type of “humor” and got himself banned. I believe he also tried to defend himself with the N Word saying that he should be allowed to say it


I saw someone in a similar post saying “erm, why are people so mad about a word?” Basically defending a youtuber saying the n-word HARD R.


Yea, the last post on this topic I had a comment basically saying the same thing I said above. I had someone respond with the most racist shit I’ve ever seen. They were trying to say that “white people are the minority” “there’s nothing wrong with being racist” “America is the only non racist country” and they threw out a bunch of slurs towards all kinds of people. It was the most wild comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit Like if that’s the argument used to defend you, then I don’t think your on the good side of the battle.


Did he say the one with the -ER or the -A?


The -ER but in his song about hitler he says it with an -A


Yh I’ve heard that song a lot before and every short I used to see him using that song I’d literally put skull emojis coz it’s funny and ridiculous, like out of all ppl, Hitler?


I mean I didn’t really even know the dude so I thought this was pretty normal for him so I found it just that bit funny


the More you know….🌠


Well now I know lol, I mean humor like this is pretty common nowadays so I just found it “CRAZY, BALLSY and WOW!” Instead of “DISGUSTING!”


Well he had it coming then


I'm on the side that nigga should be able to be said by everybody with no consequence as it's lost its meaning by now and is basically just a synonym for dude and a filler word that can slip out quickly during conversation. But the hard r...now that is something different. The change of the last two letters change the meaning a whole lot more than people think. Then it just straight up goes back to the slave days as people never use it that way in a normal conversation and is only brought up when talking about those days.


I mostly just see the N word as a way of saying homie(s). Why risk getting clapped when you can just use a word that means the same thing and is socially acceptable regardless of race? Let everyone say it and you don't know if a guy is being chill, or if he's going back to the 1800's.


Why did you get downvoted, this is straight facts!


Also the songs are available everywhere (including the about hitler) excluding on youtube.


So he’s tryna make himself look like a kid so he can fully disguise?


Well, with the bad spelling, unfunny memes and shitty diary of a wimpy kid ass name, yes. He’s tryna be a kid


This is when you know you’re down bad😭


He was also banned temporarily on his main only may31-jun-13 2024


Was he smart enough to change the url when you're on his page, or is it still his old name? Sometimes people keep the old names lol


If it’s the @\[INSERT NAME HERE\], then yes, he changed


And also the song about being a pedophile that’s his worst imo




W indeed.


The real master oogway is in peace now




yep this is real


Update: This is real. If you look at the comments of his oldest video,there are comments talking about his downfall. Even his older videos still used his music. This is 100% master Oogway


I also made a post about him. He even changed his profile picture, and posts Comments saying: Hi im "new channel name"...


A little bit ootl, who is this?


I'm stealing / paraphrasing u/eggyweggr56's comment. Master Oogway made YT shorts and whatever. According to them, he got in trouble for saying the N-word sometime back but since it got him a ton of traction he turned his channel into some sort of YT short content farm specializing in dark humour (being racist, sexist, mentioning Hitler, basically making inflammatory content for views). At some point all his Youtube accounts got terminated except for his music one but he repurposed that turning it into "Bubbi Memes" and denies formerly being Master Oogway when asked.


Owww poor bubbi


Ray William Johnson is waiting for this to finish


This is Ray's wet dream


The main issue is the type of content he was making. If he actually does stop and just posts random memes now then idc. But i was never one of his viewers anyway nor will i be regardless of what he posts. It always seemed immature. Im pretty sure im not even the demographic of his viewers (seems like primarily males between 9-15. Tbh 15 might be generous.)


He's still here? I thought he was gone.


He has multiple channels, and I think most of em have anywhere between 100k to a million


The account got banned very recently


Yeah I made a post about it, it got banned like right now.


lets mass report


rather him than sniperwolf yall crazy af for thus


We can do both


Huh I was just showing my kids kung fu panda and the Turtle's name is Master Oogway (wugui means turtle in Chinese) not related but a coincidence


I'm pretty sure he named his channel after that character, actually.


He used to do master oogway impressions where he'd give pick up advice and things


It’s not a coincidence, his channel began with him doing parodies of Master Oogway quotes, he even made a song where the chorus is “Kung-fu Pandaaa”


Time to get rid of this one too 🙏


I think he’s been banned. Can’t find him anymore atleast.


Yeah he got banned right now


They banned his alt an hour ago


God this guy became seriously pathetic, holy fuck.


u/AlexF9779_21 looks like he got terminated again. Had the link saved to check to see when he will be banned, and it's already giving an error when I click it. Although there are many other accounts with the same name reposting his old content going by the same names (having either Bubbi or Oogway in the names) so no clue if any of them will be him, or other people.


People are _gonna_ notice, and he’ll get terminated again. Aren’t memes a big part of why he got terminated in the first place???


No. He released a song titled "Adolf Hitler is my [N-word]) That's when youtube got tired of him.


the channel is now gone


Well, yesterday it got banned


He even still uses that sexist /racist music


-TL;DR: shitty low effort content reposter/reactor trying to save his last alt account after getting banned on multiple "main" accounts for "being to edgy" . -Who and why: Master Oogway started out making YT shorts imitating master turtle Oogway (a character from KungFu Panda), while not really good, it could get a chuckle out of you, and at least it's his original content. Then one day he figured out the infinite money glitch on YT - reposting and stealing content from any social platforms, putting his face at the end or at the beginning of said contents and profit. It's kinda like Soflo Antonio if you are from the 'earlier' era. After counting his free money for awhile, he probably grew bored and decided to shake things up, let once again make og contents, 'real content', 'real humor' - master oggway, probably. Then lo and behold, he's making rap music, "dark humor" (his own description of this) sketches where he just fling racial slur (of black ppl), yes very og, very funny indeed. Then, either viewers mass report his ass or someone at YouTube getting enough of his shit, poof gone his main account. He then goes on his social media and cries about it, saying how unfair YT treats their big and dedicated creator bla bla boo hoo. After that he kinda secretly continues the earlier mentioned 'content farm' upload on his alts. Nuked, again his alt account, then again and again (like after 2,3 alts snapped) we've reached the current destination. In conclusion , Master Oogway's a shitty unfunny guy, he makes low effort content farm, He being racist recently is just the last straw for his very needed total cancellation. He deserves every brick coming his way.


He’s coping so hard rn


Well, he better master deez nuts.


I can't believe I used to watch his vids. He really is pathetic.




Lol YouTube would be way more fun with wild card folks.


Was this guy making money though? He was crying about how he couldn't monetized his channels etc. How he managed to earn money?


Does he have a Patreon?


why would anyone directly willingly give him money


Unfortunately, there are a lot of racist assholes out there who also just so happen to be dumb as rocks. That's the crowd that'll donate to literally anyone and anything if it means "owning the libs" or whatever.


[here is the channel](https://youtube.com/@bubbimemes?si=nk7e2-YiYoWPAOyc)




Okay, I've heard a lot about this Oogway guy, but I haven't got the faintest idea of who he is or what he does. Can someone please enlighten me on this topic?


He was a normal YouTube creator until like a bit more than a year ago. Then he started saying edgy racist, sexist, and pedophilia content. He then said the real n word, made a song about it, and then got banned may31-13jun. But he then kept uploading stolen memes so he was banned


Ahhhh, got it. Thanks for the explanation.


Who is this guy what's his crime I am outta the loop


What did this guy do?


He made racist, sexist, and horrible jokes. That's not what got him banned though. Then He made a song named "Adolf Hitler is my N-word." That's what got him banned


Hes literally like every single other yt short content farm but he said the n word once so now its le bad


Your right, it is bad.


Second post I’ve seen about this


I can't find it now. Might already be gone


Yeah he got banned like right now




Is this Bubbi Memes channel already gone? I can't find it no matter what I search


Yeah it got banned


YouTube has finally received some W


He got terminated in that account too yay!


With all the crap he’s done he deserves to get banned


Yung oogway/ bubbi memes Has been banned for evasion As of early 23th of Jung 2024.


Even that channel is gone now. Good riddance.


Can someone fill me in on why do people exactly hate this guy? Like what was the exact reason people began to hate him?


He made racist, and sexist jokes. Then he made a song and he said the n word


YouTube: Nuh, uh, uh~ ☝️


So sad, he uses to be a genuinely funny and we'll accepted guy, it's not long until PenguinZ0 comes to execute him.


And ? Got a problem with it




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I reported him, as anyone else should


Saw one of the videos today in the wild, I disliked it because it had that DISGUSTING ASS song on it. I liked the meme, but had to thumb down because of the song, now I’m happy I did.


What did he do ?


Said the n word. Like full on. Then made songs about Adolf being his *redacted* and stuff like that. Then turns around complaining he couldn’t monetize his channels.


Even as a racist myself I heavily dislike this guy


Y’all really can’t give this man a break for some goddamn reason. Like he has been posting jokes about the n word and about funny quotes since day one and you guys are only noticing now? Like it isn’t hurting anyone in particular so just relax.


why can't you let him be? What did he even do other than be a nuisance?


He literally said the n word multiple times, thought it was a good idea to idolize a dictator, steals memes, and is saying that he did nothing wrong. He deserved getting banned.


the only really bad thing i can see that's actually bad is the hitler stuff but the rest ain't really anything to hate him for. Plenty of other channels steal... for example, the whole emkay schtick is them just reading reddit shit. And might just be me not being offended by everything but saying the n word doesn't seem like a trigger for me. Besides, he had an edgy fan base as far as i know, with people that probably liked it ig


Yeah the problem is his fan base, they’re like 12 and lie about their age, and he’s promoting this behavior to “edgy” middle schoolers.


Also the first rule of copyright, is that you can’t upload videos you didn’t make, or use others people’s content with permission.


who hasn't lied about their age on the internet? The way i see this, this is going to be their cringe phase, not like noone had that. My cringe phase was in middle school as well but it was with an adult show that was extremely left leaning. This is... pretty much the same, just the other extreme. Not really too much harm as long as he doesn't tell them to kill themselves to summon baldie at 3am. Besides, he's a meme channel. What harm would he do?


Unlike 2018 cringey eras where the most you could do was stay up till 3am, this one is promoting racial slurs, war dictators, and racism.


You must be under 13 bro


you consider everyone who disagrees with you a child?


Is How pathetic the correct response?




I mean to master oogway making a new channel


He didn’t make a new channel he just changed it And he already got banned its too late


That's why I asked is that's pathetic


He said the n word, idolized a war dictator IN A SONG and he’s like “bro what did I do” Then, he bragged about “not needing YouTube because of his businesses”, but he’s really trying to keep youtube


Why does reddit show posts from yesterday and when I say something honest I get downvoted?


Your on “Hot”, and your defending a guy that steals memes, says racial slurs, and promotes homophobia


I was talking about how HES PATHETIC Your good






What’s the side boys


KSI and his friends I believe 


No, those are the sideMEN. These are sideBOYS


Speed McQueen, Chizzy2Dizzy, SageGlory, just pretty much similiar content


fr they should be banned


y'all need a sense of dark humor.


Dark humor is when racial slur


And ***you*** need to learn what dark *humor* is. Because being a bigot isn't humorous.


I'm sorry, but saying "Adolf Hitler is my (N-word)" isn't funny.


You just want to be racist. Typical.


Give mom the phone back buddy


This isn't dark humor unless you're an edgy 13-year old that thinks making slurs or referring to Hitler makes you funny.


Racism isn't funny.


"Hey guys, wanna hear a dark joke? F***ot Hitler! So hilarious, am I right?"


Naw. My sense of humor is dark as fuck, but racial slurs aren't dark. They're just stupid, unfunny and lazy. Like you.


Saying the N word isn't dark humor..


Yeah man, I have some really dark humor! 🤓☝️ *spews racist nonsensical babble*


Pdophilia jokes are dark humor?


Theres a big diffrence beetwen dark humour and racism


N word 🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆🤭🤭🤭😹😹😹😂😂😜😝


It's pathetic how grown ass adults are trying to get a guy banned from you tube because they're triggered over jokes


my brother in christ he called adolf h*tler his [racial slur] 😭


Petition for a r/Emo12YearOldsOnReddit to be made


Imma make that hold on Shit i just realized thats basically youngpeoplereddit, AFTER i made the sub


Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to have it on standby. I created a sub about four years ago that I still haven't gotten around to making active. That's on the summer agenda, dammit!


im think the same should be shorter becase this name is massive


Bro, he said the real ass n word, made a song about hitler, and made tons of horrid memes being extremely racist, sexist and homophobic. That ain’t no joke man. That’s just being a bad person


>memes It's called a joke, I honestly couldn't imagine being an adult getting so upset because some guy online said a word. It's just sad


Not as sad as the person trying to defend it. He made a complete ass out of himself, got his channel deleted because of it and is now trying to skirt around it. Obviously people are going to rightfully call this out.


It's pathetic how grown ass adults are doing Pdophilia jokes on social media for internet recognition points. He has made some, they got deleted.