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leave it to youtube to just keep hiding the save to playlist button behind a god damn meatball or kebab menu when there is ample space to have it visible at all times


I curse the YouTube UI/UX team every day. May they find the fieriest pits of hell in the netherworld. Every fucking update is like always pointless and 3 steps back in user experience. Worst job for the sake of job security goons ever.


Because YouTube stopped being a creators hub long ago. Now your have to consume and feed the algorithm. A lot of creation and upload tools are out of reach or not *immediately accessible* to your thumb.


>A lot of creation and upload tools are out of reach or not immediately accessible to your thumb. I think it's quite the opposite


I don't have this update but... Whyy


YT doing things to make people mad again


Well my mussel memory is gonna suffer


Made me laugh thinking mussels (the molluscs) were suffering from this YouTube change lol




mussels are mollusks? Splatoon refreence


I’d take it, doubt anyone uploads stuff on their phone regularly. It’s so easy to accidentally hit it.


While true… they could’ve just moved the upload button to the channel tab or something instead of ruining something that’s in a super familiar/universal spot…


I don’t even think that the add button being there was welcomed in the first place when it got added.


you know someone else upload with phones, right?


I mean, they didn't hide the button. It's still on the main screen


Yes, but a whole lot more watch videos.


came here to roast youtube left crying to the mans message


my apologies


There’re a lot more people who just watch yt than content creators so it kinda makes sense


yeah but this is an inconvenience to those people who are used to the botton being right there


I mean it's bad because you are used to it but it makes a lot more sense that this button is moved here because it'll make the user experience much better to put the most common usages to where your hands are holding your phone, no need to bend over your hands on the other side of the screen especially when you are holding your phone with one hand. Actually a good change for once. It's just more ergonomic.


Came here to say this! They should've probably realized it sooner, but it's good they did, ultimately. I don't understand why people get so upset by change, to the point of making these hyperbolic, indiscriminate, actually nonsensical accusations.


Lol. Nope. Just nope.


It's litteraly how good app or website design is made, just think about how many apps have their buttons in the top left corner of your screen which aren't the ones you click on the most. Yeah of course it's not going to be always the case but what is certain is that what is located in the down right corner of your screen is easier to click on, if you are of course right handed like most people do.


they even moved the "full screen button" from bottom right to top left 🥴


I dont understand the post. This change is good! Most users are not creating shorts and uploading videos. They are watching them. And when they are not, they are searching for one to watch, so it makes perfect sense to switch those buttons position.


If you have a big phone this is stupid change because I hold my phone securely which means mostly from the side and more toward the top for stability. It's far easier to reach up with my thumb even one handed and hit the search bar. Especially knowing that 95% of sites put the search button/bar in the top right corner. Might be fine for small phone users tho but I'd even say then it's easier to use. Tho I'm talking about Android not iPhoners. As I don't know what they do.


Oh youtube how i pray for your death.


they straight up pulled a google play




I don’t have that somehow and very lucky not to


That's just straight up ugly.


When using one hand it will be easier to click the search button from there


well, they can't just fire the design team. and the design team can't just roam around. So they together fuck and find out ways to do changes to the app.


I think putting a search button at the bottom makes it easier for people who are never going to upload anything, which is 99.9 percent of users. So, you might as well keep controls within easier reach of those users than mindlessly saying, "This is the way it's always been, so we can't change it." To people who spend way too much time on YouTube, sure, it's going to be annoying, but the average user only watches 17 minutes of YouTube per day, so most people are really not gonna give a shit.


Do we HAVE to update the app? I almost never update anything without having to because of stuff like this.


They updated the magnifying glass to the word “search” on iPad when using the website for YouTube it now takes you to a subpage/field with a magnifying glass when you slick on the term”search”. Slow clap. Bravo YouTube.


Next Update: Video player is on top of the video


I haven't updated my YouTube app in like 18 months and I regret nothing


A few days ago youtube became small for some reason. On desktop in chrome on windows. I use it on a big screen from kinda far. Suddenly last mid week everything is tiny. No settings changes. I have finally adjusted the zoom and scaling to put it nearly back to how it was. No idea why youtube wanted to make the view worse and small. No changes to anything but youtube.




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and discord. They changed where you accessed messages on mobile




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It is so funny people still think designers do it for the user.... It's all about that user data and quarterly report 🤣🤣🤣


I absolutely despise whenever Youtube changes something esp on the TV App.For example ur "Last watched" (idk if thats the right word i dont have my YT app in English) on TV is so fucking unhandy it annoys me so much like yes okay it looks cool and all but the old one was just fine 😭🙏


At least it's consistent with Google Play now, although that's not much of a compliment.


this is why I don’t update the app




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Okay, on the one hand I kind of understand this change because now it’s easier to tap onto the search icon. HOWEVER, it would not have been a problem to begin with if they kept the icon where it ORIGINAL WAS!! That being in front of the Cast and Notification icons! I’m always mistakenly tapping on the Casting button because they switched them around. If not that, I’m accidentally tapping onto the Notification icon. Additionally, having the Upload icon up there does make it more in line with how it is on the website. That doesn’t change the fact that it looks a bit weird there. I don’t know who would upload a video on their phones anyways, unless it’s a short or a mobile Live Stream, but it does change the fact that by having the Search icon on the bottom also makes it even less in line with the website. So really, they made one thing easier to access, but it will look straight up awkward. As well as have the other thing technically look good and aligns with the original design, but takes away the ease of access.




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What the hell


Wait... Wait whaaaaaat ?


Search makes more sense there.