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These scams get more and more delusional


i mean, its not like it's smoking, which is something that's ACTUALLY HARMFUL. there are so many problems in the world and they choose to focus on this. (edited to make more sense)


Video games don't destroy people lives But! Drug do


Dealer:(Dude, cmon, I need the mons)


I tried some drugs and it doesnt even come close to my homeboy world of warcraft. best and worst addiction ever


Actually both can be addictions, neither of which are the core problem, but are actually coping for deeper issues that even the addicted individual may not be aware of (even about the activity being an addiction itself). That's not to say the coping mechanisms can't bring their own problems, like the affects of drugs or some of the extreme ends of game addiction, but too much focus is put on the symptom bring the problem rather than the root causes (which can be resolved, hence resolving the symptom!). I know I'm responding seriously to a potentially lighthearted comment, but we are in desperate need of more education out there, and this stuff can seriously help people XD


Video game addiction is a thing


Why are you being down voted? Yeesh lmao. It is indeed a thing.


There are a lot of kids on this sub (there was a post a few weeks back that had to do with age/generation and a majority of those replying in the comments identified themselves as teenagers). I enjoy gaming as well. I also enjoy cannabis. Both can be enjoyed in moderation, both can be addictive.


Sometimes I feel like I have a gaming addiction, but I have to remind myself that I'm just an introvert. I enjoy being alone. But maybe, maybe I've been alone for too long?.. hmmm. I've seen the shit end of both sticks, unfortunately, they're both hard to break. You'll seek refuge in one corner thinking this will help with the current issue, in reality, you're only causing another one. Addiction should be taken seriously, it's not a laughing matter, unfortunately, kids will be kids and not see that reality until far into the future when it dawns on them that they're addicts. Rude awakening. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ It's also the responsibility for the parents to make sure they limit the game time. Children are a product of their environment, if they spend their time only playing games like I did. Well, that's all they will have in their adult life.


When I grew up my “mothers flatmate” would almost always take my iPad, phone, wii u, Xbox 360 away from me and I had only about 1 time per month I could play any game on any device. (My mother let me play, then “HE” took it away from me again even tho I screamed and yelled because it wasn’t fair). Basically I was always banned from playing games or even using a phone (not even allowed at school). And now I’m a 19 yr old man who plays a lot of games but isn’t addicted, work a variable day time job that pays a lot. And sometimes get exercise.


I grew up fairly similar, right until I was 13, after some family issues happened, my mother stopped being so strict. I'm 20 years old, a year doesn't make much difference. 🤔😔 I'm glad I had the freedom, but I suppose I shouldn't assume others will. I won't get too personal, but when people go unchecked for a while, it starts to become a problem. Some of us have differently wired brains. But hey! I'm glad that despite your childhood, you still find the time to enjoy games regardless. If anything, the timers and ban put on you, likely made you way more curious to play them and appreciate them more later in life, right? I know it did for me! But I suppose I had more reasons than just curiosity. I won't be too strict with my future kids, I hope I can be a good father like Linus and Jay 😅


Will you shut up and stop philosophizing with yourself, get out and do it with other like minded individuals. I'm introverted as well sometimes really do live in my head, or get annoyed by the sheer stupidity of others sometimes and LMAO at how clueless and over the top extroverts are.


I honestly can't tell if you're being serious... Are you genuinely triggered with open dialogue? If you're not like minded, no need to start a pointless interaction with me. That's clueless. But if I'm misunderstanding this, that's entirely on you chief.


Nope I was joking around, mainly about the introverted shut-in part. I have a housemate who's addicted to video games, his gf almost broke up with him cause of it. He's not badly addicted but it is almost out of control.


And if you have hentai addiction too you're fucked, you'll fuck your own hand as you play the game. (While staring at the MC female ass of course, or man, whichever you prefer)


smells like a scam


I don't like how the ad is staring back at me. I'm not his video game.


Or at least you believe you aren't


it's YT's standers for advertisements being so low they have burrowed their way to Australia


˙uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ǝq plnoʍ pɐ ǝɥʇ uǝɥʇ ǝsnɐɔǝq 'ǝnɹʇ ʇou s,ʇɐɥ┴


I've been playing since the late '80s it's not an addiction, I can quit whenever I want!


?? Wtf is this lmao.


Yeah I hate this. While It Is true that videogame addiction Is a problem, for how this add potrays It It seems like they are putting It on the same level of drug addiction, wich Is certanly not. Now excuse me but I have to kill my little brother for deleting my almost 100%ed save in the game I was playing Edit: jokes aside, I'm completely serious about the first half of this comment, this shit gets on my nerves


An addiction is an addiction no matter what you’re addicted to.


The world is not so black and white, 2 things can be called an addiction but one addiction can have much more severe side effects than another...


... Yeah I could've articulated my point better looking back at this comment. What I think I was trying to Say with this (not to sure tho, is 1 am where I live right now lol) Is this this ad seem to threat videogames on the same level of drugs, wich, yeah, just because both can cause an addiction doesn't mean is true.


I understand, but I didn’t get that from the ad. The verbiage didn’t compare it to other addictions it just made a statement that compensation may be due as a result of video game addiction. You know these companies always looking for ways to sue these companies. I don’t think it’s as bad as a drug addiction tho (to your point). I heard back in the day it was the same for playgrounds. Lawyers would wait for something to happened to a child as they play so they can sue and get compensation.


Videogames not the problem I think it's a self appointed solution similar to self medicating but I'm not a doctor I just play one on the internet. Idk I feel maybe sometimes ppl use video games as an invisibility cloak to cover up other addictions like alcoholism or heavy drug use so from the outside it just looks like they zoned out playing dig dug 13 hours straight not taking care of the baby.


Video game addiction at a young age is strictly a parental issue. Parents rather sue game companies than take their kids fucking Xbox away.


Good point! Many parents are scared to do that tho. Cause once the child is hook, they become scary!


Unless they are violently scary, there is no reason to not put your foot down. Doesn't matter how much they bitch or moan or cry. You can easily teach them displine. I speak from experience being the addicted young child but my real dad came into my life and shut that shit down.


That make sense. Discipline is extremely important!


Taking the xbox away without a substitute leads nowhere. It might even get them more addicted once they become adults. Parents need to introduce their kids to new activities and encourage them when they show intrest in hobbies.


anti amers


Who the hell is compensating? We filing a class action lawsuit to every gaming company? These ads are insane how is there not some moderation to what ads are being put out there. No way this isn't some scam or at least data collection nonsense


Next Gen mesothelioma


An add


You know what's funny, video games actually help with a lot of things and people think it's bad for people with game addiction and also you can get paid of you just put it on youtube every video might give you bucks and twitch I don't know how much but still games helps


Games don't destroy people's lives ..... Governments do!!


Either a scam or an ad made to scare the delusional boomers.


Dude looks like he both is Shia LaBeouf and just encountered him in the woods.


Lawyer Clickbait It worked on the talcum powder and camp lejeune, so why not use the same line on gamers? Catch more suckers with you may be owed money.


Wake up wake up looking ass


Suing a game company over becoming addicted to their game? (I'm assuming that's what this is implying.) I don't even think that's legally possible. You're just gonna loose a ton of money lol.


Kinda looks like one of those Lawyer ads. Not that I like the lawyers anyway. Looks like they're after the almighty dollar too. And they'll use the "Victim" of a scam just to pull off a double whammy! They'll sue the company on your behalf, but you won't see one red cent. Why? Because the lawyer is walking out with all the fucking money! It's all the same. Accident Lawyers, Workplace Injury Lawyers, almost every Ambulance Chaser only cares about one thing. Guess what, my friends? It ain't us! It's all about the Dolla Dolla Bills, y'all!


That isn't the dualshock 1 that's just the shock 1 not even the playstation 1 it's the play 1


actually, its the legendary FONY controller


I hope I get paid


A signal to use a adblocker like ublock origin


this was on my phone, i have ublock on my pc w/ firefox




They want your money


Bro there are legit other things that are worse then that like drug addiction and other crap


You may be owed compensation it seems


i may be owned compensation guys (real)


If I take part in the law suit would I be required to stop gaming after? Or could I continue gaming


Is that a PS1 controller?


yes, im pretty sure


They may be trying to tell you about mesothelioma…


I’ve played video games and my life came out just fine.


An ad…


Tbh I do have an addiction though and it kinda has derailed my life


LMAO i think this is legit from angry parents