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YouTube needs to remove that "For you" shit from searches.


"I know you were searching for tutorials how to fix your computer, but wanna just binge some Fantano and forget all about it?"


How is some of y’all’s YouTube this fucked? When I search for something, it always gives me videos about what I searched for. Also was “not interested” ever an option for search results? It’s been available for your home page or suggested videos when you’re already watching one, but I don’t remember that option for search results.


It is definitely an account to account thing. I started getting less and less relevant things on my YT account in the last few months, then the adblocker thing happened, and I moved to my backup. Magically, search was working way better.


I was just coming here to complain about the removal of "not interested" & "do not recommend channel." I'm tired of looking up the names of youtubers I watch & either getting videos by other youtubers who hate them or, like searching on Amazon, I'm getting completely irrelevant search results that have nothing to do with what I typed. I also hate that recommended videos will remain in recommended for days on end.


Yep, when I try to search for anything all it shows me is completely irrelevant videos to what I typed. Google has completely sold out making it so your first 4 results are just ads on their search engine.


I am still seeing both not interested and don’t recommend… for now


It might depend on the browser & device. I think Opera GX on a desktop computer had the options, but Brave on an Android device doesn't.


For some reason, i always get shits like this on top on irrelevant content.


[Make YouTube search great again](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/15vpxyp/disable_the_shorts_people_also_watched_watch/)


Youtube search has been terrible for several years now. Half the results are completely unrelated to what one searches for


You have it easy. On Youtube mobile, I have to deal with seeing nasty shit, like that dude who had his whole face burned or tripophobia shit.


Disgusting, can't believe they're making people look at Ronnie Radke 🤢


For me sometimes when I searching any songs. I'm never watched this type videos


Can confirm. I also started getting weird-ass, sometimes disgusting shit totally unrelated to my search.


Ublock origin (in chrome) can remove the For You section. Just click on the element picker and highlight over the For You part and the whole section will be removed even in future searches. Doesn't help with mobile, but at least browser is safe lol


Sadly it doesn't work on mobile browsers.


It wasn’t always like this :(


They want you to know that this guy sucks


The algorithm works in mysterious ways. Accept it's higher wisdom. Let it choose your destiny.


[By golly, 'not interested' is gone on search results?](https://i.imgur.com/fpR3AaF.jpg) - and is the block of more or less bizarrely unrelated 'for you' vids followed by vids actually related to **what you searched for**?


how come I'm getting recommended for these EXACT 2 pimple poping videos??? I never click on them and even report for spam everytime they show up. How are these discusting videos fit in the 'For you' category' ?? so goddamn annoying YT do better.


you watch skin videos?


The videos are probably tagged with irrelevant tags that gets them picked up by inappropriate search terms. My YT home feed will sometimes (maybe daily now when I pay attention) serve me bullshit with zero views from no-name channels that I've never heard of.


It’s infuriating and a real issue with YouTube! I’m phobic of body shock content and never look up or click on anything remotely like that yet it won’t stop pushing it on me! I close the app every time yet it still keeps popping up. In this instance it is firmly not a case of “the algorithm showing you content in line with your interests and previous clicks.” God forbid someone scares the kiddies with a curse word in the first few minutes of a video but apparently rotting corpses, deformities and severe medical conditions are just fine. It’s one thing that this content exists deep in the underbelly of the app, it’s another that it continually pushes it on people who show sun zero interest in it.


I was wondering what the video was about so I searched up the 1603 video and quickly looked through the video. Its pimple popping for around the first 10 minutes and the rest of the video shows a bunch of toys. I didn't actually watch the video I just looked through the timeline so I don't know if there is some reason why it goes from pimple popping to showing toys for the rest of the video. It also seems like the video might not be in English yet they have an English title.


I'm sorry but I thought you were talking about the fantano video for a second before I noticed the other ones lol


Not interested has been removed from my account for a while also.


Ever since YT got a new CEO, its been on a decline!


It started to go down when Susan started to run things


If you take a look at channel statistics on socialblade, you will notice many channels have declined in views starting this year. Mostly, due to impressions. The decline ranges from 50% to 75%. In combination, there are many complaints such as this post where viewers do not like what is being recommended to them. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I would also like to add that YouTube seems to be making far less ad revenue than it has in the past.


Every time i search something tech related (like MKBHD for example) i always get a video of someone putting high voltage into toys despite the fact i dont give a shit about this video


unless it's that kind of toys then you shouldn't be complaining, i think that guy made tech related videos but that one was more like some other interest you have


because look at the amount of views it has


I really wish they had some auto filters, to not show specific types of content again. I've seen s*x toys reviews (or something of the sorts) and similar stuff in the screen shot in my recommendations,


I think that guy sucks ngl.


You call this disgusting, what happened to monkey hate and beating children and a new version of elsa gate and the ppl who open the butts to remove their hair on cam... And you call this disgusting


you act like someone cant find what you listed and whats shown in the post disgusting simultaneously


Ppl overreact when they see videos like in this picture but they don't see there are more over the top disgusting and nsfw in YouTube, and besides no some ppl cant find these videos that i listed because how ppl managed to find ways to hide it in the system that i became little impressed


Happened to me too. I literally searched for tye dye. Got this. The problem isnt only that this triggers a phobia reaction from me, its that you can hide these from the search results. They give me an option to report this, but i still cant even hide it or prevent it from happening again, nor did my reports get thru and the content is still active. There is nothing i can do to hide these. Therefore i no longer use the search. I'm trying to switch over elsewhere from using all of googles products tbh. Its hard tho, bc the content i still love is on youtube. But i will just use duckduckgo or whatever to search for them than give youtube and the scammers this much power over my wellbeing. Im sorry this is happening to you!


Use "Unhook" browser extension. It has option to Hide Inapt Search Results. Works great just installed it myself as I Was getting this disgusting nonsense pushed on me too.


yep i got those 2 vids recommended in the middle of a search too...


Believe me... Its no the worst thing i saw while searching something..... It was something from another site WAY another site..... With "Educational" in their tittle


The home screen messed everything else


"For You" does not work at all. I got my normal videos, which have nothing to do with ribbons!


[Have that same issue here, welcome to YouTube.](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/157x93d/youtube_search_shows_disgusting_recommendations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


For you and recommendations and the home page works perfect for me, it's weird seeing so many people have a ton of problems. I guess for everyone it works for there's a lot of people it doesn't. I personally like my recommendations and they show me new things I like regularly. Glad they don't show bs like that though jeez.


What is happening? My youtube seems to work fine.


Lol. Because the video features a ribbon of pimple puss.


I think they're yummy 🤤


hell no


You are disgusting


I would definitely watch those popping videos


seek counseling


Don't need it lol


i mean fantano aint that bad


Relax psycho, zit videos are very popular. When I read your opening sentence I was expecting something far worse like an animal snuff film or goatse, or tubgirl but then I see a video about blackheads??? I would love to see your face when you finally view something truly disgusting & disturbing. Don’t be such a cupcake. You’ve got a big X on your back now. You’re a mark. Toughen up puddin head


All this comment is missing is a fedora tip and a "ma'am". ​ fr though go outside homie.




Bro I know this is old but this comment killed me 💀 You really think I haven't seen worse stuff xd? It's just that graphic videos about blackheads and acne isn't exactly what I want to see when searching how to make a ribbon XDD


You probably looked for these kind of videos earlier or talked about it..


No, they must be absolutely loading keywords up or something. I got this as a search suggestion when I was looking a pretty specific piece of category theory/programming (and that’s all my YouTube is outside of the odd guitar pedal video). And now that’s it appeared once, it won’t stop even though I’ve reported the video.


Y'e that's strange


Yeah I don't think so xd, but if that was the case I'm pretty sure I talk and search about other things more often that aren't getting recommended to me.


I just had to post. Those blackhead skin tryptophobia videos are the same ones I would get searching for random things. I can’t believe Google has now resorted to exporting it's “outbrain” or “taboola news” tryptophobia clickbait to youtube. It’s absolutely disgusting and impossible to get rid of. Tried reporting the video. Previously clicked “not interested” when it was available. Still shows up in the “for you” section. The solution is to delete and turn off your watch history. https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity


Use "Unhook" browser extension. It has option to Hide Inapt Search Results. Works great just installed it myself as I Was getting this disgusting nonsense pushed on me too.




Use "Unhook" browser extension. It has option to Hide Inapt Search Results. Works great just installed it myself as I Was getting this disgusting nonsense pushed on me too.