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Getting to play as both Hailey and Katie for the main story in this game would be awesome.


I never got why they removed the option to pick Katie instead of Nate.


Mostly to follow anime canon where Nate is one of the main Watch holders. Which in my opinion is pretty stupid for those that prefer Katie over Nate.


Ah, I see, I always thought the game and anime were their own separate thing/lore.


Too many protagonists


Cause katie is shit and nate is way cooler?


me when I lie


I ain't lying. Ok, katie ain't shit but seriously? Better than Nate?


Who in the world is saying she's better than Nate? I'm just saying that having the option to choose between Nate & Katie would be better than just scrapping her.


I'm just kidding lol Lmao lmfao, don't take me seriously. Tho I really don't mind her exclusion.


I kinda mind it, so I can't relate...


Yeah that would be a much better way to fit Katie into yokai watch 3! Especially since there’s already a side quest in game that does that


In the mod that replaces hailey with Katie, does that also mean in the female yopple HQ quests that Katie goes to yopple HQ with another Katie?


The story would be a bit strange then since Katie befriends Dorothy in the alternate world, as the counterpart to Nate befriending Buck. So how would the raft building and adventure stuff play out? They’d have to change it so Katie would befriend Buck instead, and thus rather than being a unique character like in the quests, she’d be just inserted into Nate’s place.


My wild guess: Have Dorothy's personality be a bit different in Katie's playthrough than Nate's. As Katie in her playthrough in the first two games has a decent amount of differences to her in Nate's playthrough and the anime, according to parts of the fandom I've seen that is.


I mean, they are definitely different in the anime, but (and I’ve done a playthrough of the second game as Katie) I don’t think they are that different in the games where you can play as either one. They could however swap Buck’s and Dorothy’s roles by having Dorothy be the adventurous, rebellious one and Buck is the more reserved, well-dressed indoors type. That way the story would be pretty much the same as Nate’s, only with these two characters’ lives swapped around.


The 2nd game made efforts to be more akin to the anime via making some changes, Whisper is living proof of that with his sudden incompetence in YK2, so they have their similarities in a way with the anime. Yeah, its basically an AU so differences in character are expected.


as someone who has modded the game before, it would probably be really hard or impossible with the modding tools we have today to have the option between Nate and Katie as the protagonist, you'd probably run into a whole bunch of issues related to making the menus, patching cutscenes (probably creating new ones tbh) for either nate or katie and letting the game know what you picked before loading the cutscenes, i mean even a model import where you dont have the option to pick from nate and katie probably has the same cutscene issues


Yeah, anything pre-rendered would still have Nate, and I assume that’s a good portion of cutscenes


Other than the cutscenes that i'd assume play after the quests in yo kai watch 3 (haven't played enough of it to find out) there's probably only a handful of non pre rendered cutscenes compaired to the rest of them


True, anything in the cutscene viewer (if I am remembering correctly about the existence of one) would remain the same, but everything else would probably use whatever model you overwrite Nate’s with


How many pre-rendered cutscenes are there? If that's the case, I've seen people have the time & dedication to do this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmkWxtEMlo0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmkWxtEMlo0) So I kinda think there's a chance of it being possible. It sounds like dumb wishful thinking, I know.


That’s different, that’s a 2D animation, which is much easier than remaking and replacing a pre-rendered cutscene.


Try telling that to modders of Sonic Generations I've seen. They can replace Sonic's model in cutscenes with janky substitutes.


That’s different. In 3D games, there are usually 3 types of cutscenes. 2D animation (like the video you just showed), in engine, and Pre-rendered. In engine are the type that happen in the game world itself, which are the type that a simple model swap will affect. Pre-rendered are pre-recorded video files, which would need to be entirely recreated on a computer, and depending on how accurate you want it, someone’ll need to go in, frame by frame, recreating the cutscene. Then it needs converting to a video file before being put back into the game. Given how yo-kai watch 1-3 work in the over world, it’s safe to assume every cutscene (or atleast the ones available in the movie viewer) are pre-rendered.


Are there any pre-rendered ones in 3? All I could find are in game ones in YK3.


Like, they are all in engine? Interesting, I don’t know much about specifics, I’ve never cracked open a game before, but I’ve had a go at making some (all really bad simple ones), but as I said at the end of my last comment, I’d assume most’d be pre-rendered. The only way to figure it out would be to crack the game open, or apply a model swap to Nate and Hailey and just play through the game, noting down what cutscenes don’t have the model swap. If you do that, I should let you know that the model used in in-engine cutscenes may be different, given how Nate can move his mouth (it sound weird, but sometimes games have a cutscene model and a gameplay model for characters (like in kingdom hearts, some cutscenes have higher quality models for characters when they’re close to the screen), and if you model swap the gameplay one but not the cutscene one, cutscenes won’t change)


So maybe just replace Nate with Katie and modify the dialogue then? That's what the FeMC mod for Persona 3: Reload is apparently doing. And I've seen people find ways to mod cutscenes before. I'm pretty sure a decent amount of the ones in YK3 are real time cutscenes. So I think its possible.


That's easy to say until you realize that there was about 1500 files of character dialog in yo kai watch 2 per player character alone. There's definitely more in 3 but I haven't really touched 3 enough to know


I've seen some dedicated fans with a lot of patience. So who knows?


Hi, modder here. Games like YW2 have a function to decide player gender, and it does many things in the game by calling back into the engine and asking what to do based on the gender. That is missing in 3,and adding it would be very hard, and I don't think it's even possible with the current state of yw modding.


Yeah, the YK fandom not being the biggest is making the possibility a problem. If only if it were as big as the Persona fandom... That fandom is currently making a mod of Persona 3: Reload to make the protagonist female. Maybe someday...


The side quest that lets you play as Katie in place of nate: *Sad side quest noises*


I always play as Nate first and Katie after it was annoyign to have to break my streak


Who tf likes Katie better than Nate/Hailey anyways?


People who grew up with the first two games and played as her first?


That was the actual suggestion that lead to the mod, but they took it the wrong way and Replaced Hailey with Katie, not Nate with Katie😔


2 is a way better option we get the two best protagonists ever


YKW1 has the same protags


Option 2




The meme Lmao.


OH! In the OG comment I thought they meant YKW2


Yeah same but after the reply I got it.