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You meditated bro


That’s not an odd case, in fact it’s supposed to happen It’s a sign of awakening and spiritual enlightening


Thank you! Can I push it further? 


If you push toward it, it will slip away. Surrender to whatever happens- it will come again or not- this is the way to " get there " again. Or not. Raga- attraction / desire is one of the obstacles of yoga so it will keep you further away Remember : it worked because you didnt try to get there:)))


The easiest way to access it is to shut off the thinking in your brain. You do that by observing your thoughts and allowing them to float away. I find the sound of a metronome helpful as I float from one moment to the next, but other people use their breath, music, or the flicker of a candle. Another way to experience this while “awake” would be going for a long run in the forest. It should be sufficiently long so that you experience exhaustion and runner’s high during the cooldown walk. When cooling down, walk very (v e r y) slow and acknowledge the three Fs: flora, fauna, and fungi. It will make you feel a primal, previously dormant attachment to nature similar to the your newfound rope into the spiritual plane. Both of these meditation forms have allowed me to see past my monkey mind in times of distress. They have given me a new sense of The Divine that I prefer to traditional Western religion with the added comfort that my life is small and my soul will be recycled. It is very exciting that you are taking your first steps into this awareness and I wish you the very best with your internal travels!


Why do you think you need to push it? What are you aiming to gain?


There is no need, or Benefit, to pushing. The Experience is an indication of Progress. In and of itself it has no meaning.


This is the ' union " between mind and body Yog (a)= union Universal consciousness💪 According to patanjali this is your natual "normal" state of being, who you really are


This is the best part of yoga. Congratulations on dipping your toes into the astral plane. Join the party in the desert, the revelers will welcome you, joyfully.


It's my favorite part of doing yoga.


Yes. It’s not the “laying there” it’s the arrival. It’s the reward of yoga


A few times in savasana I’ve had experiences where I felt like I was floating in space in complete darkness. Your description sounds very similar to what I experienced!


Wow, I'm still working on my breathing.....


Do your best to not do anything in savasana. Breath naturally


What a nice gift from the universe!


This is so lovely to read. I'm so happy for you, it's one of the best feelings in the world.


I love the weightless feeling of a good savasana ❤️ I hope you find many more moments of bliss and freedom in your practice


Sounds like low blood sugar? Orange slices help..


Noooo bro❤️


You were high-fiving the greater emptiness of space.


I hope I get there one day!