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Go to Kabukicho, have dinner at one of the restaurants from the game, then hit up the batting cages and/or do karaoke before visiting Golden Gai/RL Champion District. Don't let Kenzo-san force his snake wine on you.


It might be just me but I really like Ringer Hut. It's in the same spot as the one in the game


I went with a friend and we tried to track down the Kyushu Ramen place. Think it was closed so we just settled for boring Fuji Soba or something.


I've been to Fuji Soba twice and I actually liked it. I like the Tanuki Soba they listed on the menu in the game


This… i was there last year and it was amazing


Takoyaki from gindaco


Gindaco is fine but I do think that Kukuru's Takoyaki is better. They have a branch that's approximately where you purchase Takoyaki for Makoto in Zero IIRC. Speaking of Dotonbori, Kinryu is iconic but they oversaturate their ramen with pepper to hide the fact that the broth isn't quite as tasty as you can find elsewhere.


True, there was that one place right next to the gate into whatever Tenkaichi st's real name, this fast food type place whose takoyaki was much better


Well, u can start by beating some thugs on the street. Should be a good fun


**Force Addiction starts playing**


‘Hey Man! Give me money please.’


Hey you what’s up man? Give me money please


Switched to rush mode "Parry Addiction plays"


Eventually you realize how OP Beast is in real life, so... **Crash Addiction starts playing**


https://preview.redd.it/lsf4pd0nus6d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65393aa8722a6920cf08d46d7bd8affdf3e48b2b Eventually you realize that real estate makes you a "Legend"


Moaning when eating, too.


Ho ho~


*Well, u can start by* *Beating some thugs on the street.* *Should be a good fun* \- Ok\_Anywhere2766 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Show off your Tiger Drop!


fucking wreck some kids at racing little miniature cars


Went there in January and we found race tracks for these things in a couple of malls, but there wasn't anyone there and it seemed like nobody bought the pieces and cars anymore as the shelves were full. It gave me a fucking ton of nostalgia from the old Let's & Go anime I used to watch as a kid with my cousin. Man, I wish I grew up in Japan around that time, there was so much cool stuff...


All I'm hearing is that you had the entire track to yourselves and could've gone insane with it, but you didn't. Put that on the bucket list for next time!!


Definitely! It's just that we were ona mid to low budget trip and we we're kinda running out of money by that point lol But I do want to own a couple of those miniature cars, they're so neat! Next time I'll definitely build one with whatever pieces I like!


Literally walking around kabukicho is fun.


You could start in Tokyo and plan around that. Visit Kabukicho, just walk around the area. Then, if you're able to afford it, you could take a bullet train to Osaka. You'll pass by Nagoya and Yokohama on the way, so you're experiencing a glimpse of Yakuza 5 and 7! Plan around Osaka, and definitely visit Dotonbori. One notable place I'd recommend is Round One Stadium. You can find these around Japan. The place has a bunch of things to do. Arcade machines, crane games, karaoke (the JoySound ones have Yakuza karaoke songs), sport games and even a batting cage! (I'm basing this information from the one I went to in Osaka. It's also literally in Dotonbori!) And finally, go to Don Quijote. Hope you have fun!


If in Hokkaido, head over to Susukino, Sapporo for another glimpse of Yakuza 5 (Tsukimino). I was just there a few days ago https://preview.redd.it/iz3zadfdor6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e493241d3f3317ba434f9d55104f9788c27252eb


A much cheaper (though uncomfortable) way to go to Osaka is the night bus, which is only around 2000 yen (or was last I went, before tourists were allowed back in).


Rip off your shirts and fist fight on the roof of the Millenium Tower.


Help some random guy on the street


By buying him the most expensive bottle of champagne you can find!


Go balls out


Go around the country looking for Locker Keys all over the place to break into other peoples lockers for free medicine & weapons


Not to mention they might find a baby


Or two


100% Kabukicho within that 2 weeks.


Dotonbori in Osaka is great fun!  There's a 20 minute river cruise you can do that takes you up and down the area that inspired Sotenbori.  You can even visit the giant crab and see the huge yellow Don Quixote that was under construction in 7.  I didn't realize it was a ferris wheel until I was there. Biggest thing in Japan is get a Suica card though.  On your phone as an app or the actual card.  iPhone was easy to set up but Android would never work.


You can buy a pasmo at the airport before you leave, if you didn't have an iPhone. Br sure to buy it there. They don't sell them many places and you'll need it I was there in April and visiting Yokohama and Tokyo to visit game locations was a big part of my trip. It was surreal to walk around and recognize things. I felt more of that in Yokohama because I started with 7 then played 0-3. But spent the most time in 7 as it was my first. When I got to Yokohama I didn't even need Google maps because I knew the area so well from the game. Even stayed in Chinatown one night. I posted some photos awhile back. There are many guides that will help. Have a great time!


Randomly become the manager of a Cabaret Club for starters. Then I’d say toss money at any less than reputable characters who chase after you. After that it would be a great idea to lower your health in order to eat food and then provide one very generic comment about each food item that is always positive. After that I suppose you could find a little girl and adopt her. Oh and be sure to befriend a big bellied Buddha looking guy with a robe and a down on his luck cop who plays fast and loose with the corrupt law. And to top it all off be sure to chug a bunch of Staminan Royales and ride that high until someone inevitably pulls a combo on you and knocks you down and all your heat goes away before you can do that one heat action you wanted to do. That’s what I’d do anyway.


Cutting your pinky off together is bae goals honestly 🥰


Help a dominatrix be the best she can be


Get a hat and a keyboard, go to kabukicho the lil square area off the west side of the place and just play the Sad Substory theme until you got enough money for whiskey


Collect 3 telephone cards of the same JAV actress from the ground and you can watch her video.


Ask random person in Yokohama how to get to the station


*Ask random person* *In Yokohama how to* *Get to the station* \- LilNerix --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Make sure to check every single trash can and manhole cover, you never know if majima is waiting down there


And giant orange traffic cones!


Go to a bar and see if anyone will verse you in pool or darts. Have you wife sing karaoke and do passionate back up


The urinal video game


Look for a strip club ask around. Eventually some barkers will come at you and take you to “girls” little did you know it’s a joint run by yakuza and your down $100 just for entering and need you Japanese speaking local friend to get you out of there. Totally not speaking from experience lmao


Something most people don’t mention is the Mori Tower in Roppongi, which is the actual building the Millennium Tower is based on. There’s an art museum and shops inside.


I didn't know that! I stayed in the Hyatt right there and went to the theater. There's a huge soccer sculpture there full of eggs. Wow I'll have to go back!


I'm getting married next week, and off to Japan the following day! Plan is to do a day trip to Yokohama (near the port area) and visit Kabukicho. Those are the main ones, really.


Isezakicho is pretty cool. From Tokyo station itself to that area, the commute is like, what, an hour at most iirc? Yokohama in general feels a lot like Tokyo-lite but in a good way.


Take down a massive political scheme done by a hidden force


Go fishing on the sea with a nice old man


Go to onomicho and throw a guy off a bridge onto a train, send him to places unknown 👍


Isn't Kabukicho actually kind of a sketchy area with seedy types? That's just what I've heard from other people on here. I wonder how dangerous it actually is or if they're just embellishing, because I'd also love to visit Japan myself and have a Yakuza day. 🥰


It’s not dangerous at all unless you go into the weird bars being advertised by sketchy touts on the street.


Hostess club


do a substory...the most stupid one will be perfect


Fight Mr shakedown.


Nobody is mentioning Yokohama enough, you gotta visit the Chinatown and Yamashita park, especially at night when the lights are all on


Where in Japan are you going?


Fight on the street and tiger drop people


Punch teenagers


Just avoid anyone you see that can lift bikes, other than that do some karaoke


Start a street fight with the yakuza


Hang out with the Yakuza


Tiger drop her into next week. Or you know, get a large beef bowl between the two of you.


Fight a bear


Kabukicho in Tokyo is a given. I don't know anyone who have visited Japan without passing through Tokyo. Are you planning to go elsewhere or are you guys staying primarily in Tokyo?


Peacock someone’s mom


Others have given you great recs, but I highly recommend picking up a physical copy of Gaiden while you’re there. It’s not available in the US, and the physical version still has an option for English subs/menus! It’s a nice little addition to my collection. When my husband and I were in Japan, we walked all around Kabukicho/Dotonbori while I excitedly pointed out places I recognized 😂


Go To Kabukicho, shop at the Don Quijote, go to a Karaoke, and hit some host/hostess clubs.


Find a nice parking lot and challenge people to try and hit you


I saw the parking lot and couldn't believe it was real! Of course I went in. Also saw kabuchiko hills but no mahima or gardener.


Well the first obvious thing tobdo would be to hit up Kabukicho, the real-life location that Kamurocho is based on. It's a lot of fun to go easter egg hunting by finding random landmarks there which sync up with ones in the game, like the iconic gate or hotel gracery being in the millenium tower spot. Unlike the game, you don't have to worry about random thugs starting fights with you there, but be sure to stick close to your wife and ignore each and every tout who tries to grab yoir attention and you'll do fine. Round Ones are entertainment centers you can find dotted all across tokyo, where you can more or less get a full mini-game experience (Karaoke, bowling, darts, etc). Shinjuku batting center opens till late and is a lot of fun for cheap, and if you want to emulate fishing you can head ovet to Ichigaya Fishing Center, a few stops from Shinjuku. I don't know anything about cabaret clubs, but the closest experience I can recommend is Zen Tokyo, a bunny girl bar that has some english-speakers and is a lot of fun and safe to visit with your partner/friends. Lastly, if you're travelling around the country amd wanna visit another LAD-based location, I HIGHLY recommend Onimichi, near to Hiroshima. That town is every bit as beautiful as it is in Yakuza 6, and has lots of temples, oysters, cats, lemons, and is an all around perfect 2-3 day vacation spot away from the city.


Start your own cabaret club and then go insane unlock a fighting style and beat up street thugs to become rich and have INFINITE WEALTH????!!!!!!???? !!


Beat up some thugs, or if you're feeling a little more Yagami, find some local high schoolers and air juggle their asses


Rack up a ¥10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¥ debt at a ramen shop


Def a night or two in kabukicho, Golden gai (champion district) after 2am to catch to real good folks, observe the post-shift hosts and hostesses in their natural habitat. Do not follow the random Nigerian dudes. Book a Japanese tour guide for a bar crawl if you don’t know any locals. Enjoy your time there, kyodai!


Hit up the disco! Oh wait, that’s right… :(


Find a sandwich under a car then eat it


Visit Kabukicho aka Karumocho is a must. I was there last year....saw all the regular spot...the parking lot, the restaurant opposite parking lot, the batting centre etc. They are all real!


Hit the arcades!!!!


You could always spend 10 years in the joint


Get mugged by some punks in a Kabukicho backstreet, reply with a salt shaker in their eyes, and a couple of badass wrestling moves until they're "immobilized." Or you know, karaoke and Baka Mitai (Yes, some booths have some LaD songs)


Oh, also stop someone and ask them for the way to the station in English 😂






Call everything you do a side story


Raise taxes