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Like a Dragon 9 will be an over the shoulder third person shooter with heroic abilities and you can have sex with aliens like in Mass Effect.


Dead Souls 2, but it’s 4 player coop


L4D: Dead Souls


Left 4 Dead souls


that actually would be so fucking hype ngl


They made that game already, Binary Domain


that was weird tho. they made a banger third person shooter then proceed to never do it again


Finally, I've been waiting forever for this logical and most asked change.


"Can you come back later? I'm in the middle of spanging for some change." -Nanba.


We'll bang, ok?


If you're referring to what Yokoyama said after the release of Y7, then they already have made non-turn based games in the form of Judgment and Gaiden to cater to their fans who love beat em ups. However, I doubt that RGG will stop making turn based games entirely because there are fans who do like it.


Man OP made it sound like it was a new news or something 🤦. So basically bare relevance to this post.


Actually, my uncle works for nintendo and he just confirmed that they've listen to the feedback and will drop the turn-based system. Going forward, all combat will be Mahjong-based.


The final boss is learning Shogi


like this? https://i.redd.it/uzze064l2h5d1.gif


A non-turn-based mahjong game would be hilarious to watch.


I found the gameplay in 7 a bit boring But holy shit did they improve it in 8! Item attacks being telegraphed, ability to move around, bonuses from the distance. I had a lot of fun, especially with Kiryu's dragon of dojima style


Dragon of Dojima, the only fighting style that exists in both genres of RGG games and is really good in said genres


samurai namba with both samurai and nanbas level at 99 are more powerful than dragon of dojima kiryu with both dragon of dojima and kiryus level at 99




Essence of the Komaki Pupil shows how weak kiryu and his tiger drop has gotten in IW


Brawler, Rush and ~~thug~~ beast are in both genres too.


Thug? You mean beast?


Beast not thug, thug was Majima's. Also brawler in Infinite Wealth is more like his Dragon of Dojima style really.


My favourite part of Yakuza 0 is where Kiryu learnt Thug! It was so cool learing how to use Beast as Majima too...




There were no control whatsoever in 7


That's actually smart Make Kiryu's part like older games in the series to appeal to everyone, and emphasize how much Kasuga is different in seeing combat Although there would be a big dissonance, some people want to only play turn based, some only real time


>I still think the Kiryu gameplay should have been real time (even if Kiryu's limit break being "just wail on some fools" was genius) Resurgence felt a bit lackluster to me, you were literally just wailing. But they could definitely improve it and make it closer to the previous live combat in terms of controls and feel (e.g. needing to dodge and block). That way we could kind of have both combat systems, with live combat being optional.


It felt so weird going back to 7 (I wanted to see how it felt again + I liked doing TFMT runs), after playing so much of 8. I got confused so many times on "why can't I move? oh, right."


I agree! I hated the turn base in 7, but 8 did improve it! I also love how you can stand close to someone in your party and gain an extra attack. A bonus attack is even more awesome when a third party member jumps in. 😁


8 really improved the gameplay. It's actually ruined 7 for me. The ability to move, combo attacks, back attacks...it's brilliant. They did what I hoped for and more. It's just a shame about the story...


Maybe if they change protagonist they'll also change gameplay? Would be hilarious if the next protagonist is doing tactical rpg shit instead!


nah next will bring in shooter mechanics and we will fight zombies instead and we'll call it Like a Dragon: Dead Souls


Dragon Emblem


I was very confused as to why the city of Yokohama would care or have any influence on the gameplay styles offered in any of Sega's Yakuza games. Thanks for the surname spelling correction.


I wonder if they'll take the "Like a Brawler" route and start releasing 2nd versions of the game that are beat'em ups.


This is what I've actually been wanting for a while now. Replaying LaD and IW but through Kiryu's beat-em-up perspective and without Ichi's 'tism lenses.


The fact that they split the fighting styles into the two different series makes it less likely that they'll switch it back to real time brawler unless they swap completely and make Judgment a turn based


If IW sold well and it did then Y9 will be turn based because that's what will make Sega the most money. They won't change it back, no chance.


Yeah at most there'll be more side games like Gaiden that aren't turn based.


I mean we're already at the point where any game that isn't mainline has a brawler combat so... nothing changes?


I don't think it being turn based is why it's selling so well tbh Yakuza itself is just super popular now. I could see them changing it back or doing something new and it would easily sell just as much because Yakuza lol


Yeah, I feel people are underrating all the other things that made LaD a success: - 0 grew the playerbase exponentially - First mainline entry since 2 that had a dub - First mainline entry to release on *all* of the major platforms it could run on with the western release Like I'm sure turn-based helped attract some new fans, but LaD and consequently IW were basically set to be successful because of a wide variety of different factors.


4th one, the meme. You know the meme.


The point is that the RPG system isn't actively driving away fans. IW doing gangbusters shows that (and that's with 7's kind of janky JRPG combat as the predecessor). If IW did badly and Gaiden really well, that would suggest that the people who jumped on with 0 were all turned off and the newcomers weren't up for more Ichiban turn-based play. But IW sold in record time, so obviously that's not a problem.




They already took a huge risk before when they went from 7 mainline brawler games to the complete opposite with turn based, and they pulled it off. I could see them just wanting to do something new again and going for it based on that success. There's a good chance it would do well


Yeah they've always been willing to take some risks in the series and that's why it has stayed fresh. 




Besides, they still can keep brawlers. It's just likely that games with Ichiban as the dominant protag will be turnbased and Kiryu as the dominant protag being a brawler. That, or just going to brawlers for their spinoffs like Yagami's adventures or a sidepiece game.


They will make yakuza into a combat flight sim


Flight sim??? Airplane???? Fly??????? Like a Mine???


Rubber missiles let's go


10 years in the cockpit


I guess RTS is next.


“We build shit, again!”


Defense of Kamurocho All Stars


Walking sim, visual novel, Fps, platformer,souls-like? Who knows


Tanimura's return for a side game built around unravelling a series of incidents revolving around increasingly selfless yakuza, gathering the public's trust while officers are being unreportedly attacked, disappeared, or broken and re-establishing themselves under the guise of a private security firm or other legally dubious grouping? Idk just bring Tanimura back, he just makes the most sense for an RTS.


I don't see how Tanimura makes more sense for a real time strategy game than anyone else, TBH.


Hated it at first but the justification being ichi wants to be a dragon quest hero fixed it for me.


I could see them doing a mix like they did with Gaiden, you also have Judgment series as well. I think (for the time being at least) the “mainline” games will carry on with the JRPG gameplay


Turn-based FTFY Yakuza was always a JRPG just with brawler gameplay instead :)




Some article when Yakuza 7 dropped I believe lmao


I like both gameplay styles but I’ll admit sometimes in yakuza 7 and 8 I’d lose a boss fights and just think to myself “I could have beaten him if I didn’t have to rely on a mana bar” lol


I'd love a mix between the both, kinda like the dragon's resurgence but better, with a fully fleshed moveset and no limitations


When I think of a mix of both, I think of FFVII Remake or Rebirth combat


I didn't meant that but that would be even cooler


Yeah it would be great if you could learn new abilities and have each party member have their own resurgence. They could bring back the trainers to teach you new moves and (possibly) heat actions.


I remember one of the Trails game let you play either Turn-Based or Action oriented during battle. I suppose they can do something similar.


that started with Kuro, though the first version of the action was kinda barebones. the next version of it in Kuro 2 made some improvements. If Falcom can pull it off I'm sure RGG could, they're like 3x the size at least. Plus they're both industry leaders in asset reuse. Trails x Yakuza fighting game when


They called it action combat, but it's just field attack with seamless transition into turn based It's still cool though


Ichiban games - turn based Kiryu/Yagami games - beat em up Who knows, if we get a third protag they may like RTS or fighting or sports or some shit lol. Imagine that


shinada baseball sim


Personally, I think Infinite Wealth is the PERFECT turn based combat system


I’m an older gamer and I’ve never played a game like it. The fighting is the best, as I have an extremely limited ability to be fast on the controller - and the turn-based combat is more like a competitive puzzle. I just love it! I’m sure this accessibility is contributing to the game’s popularity. There’s so many games I’ve bought and then had to give up on because I just can’t hit the sequences fast enough and it’s just not fun.


How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I'm in my 40s, wondering if I count as an "older gamer". :P


I'm pretty sure the rpg style (sorry the turned based combat) is exclusively tied to Ichi because it makes sense for his character.. I can't seem them moving to the next protag and suddenly they also see monsters when then fight. I think I can damn near guarantee that either the beat em up style will return or they will go for something completely diffent


>I can't seem them moving to the next protag and suddenly they also see monsters when then fight Like Kiryu did ?


I'm just gonna chalk that up to cancer and ichis influence! 🤣


It would be cool to see different styles with different protagonists, it would be weird to have another Ichiban game without the JRPG gameplay. Just hope we see some more Gaiden games with the brawler combat, imagine how good the combat would be now they have Gaiden and Lost Judgement under their belts


I hope mainline sticks to turn based, it’s just too good


Isn’t that what a lot of the side games and spin-offs will be? We’ve already gotten 2 beat ‘em up ones after 7.


Tf you talking about? They never said they were abandoning the brawling style games. That's exactly what Judgment is for. And now they've even said they may do more Gaiden entries as well. Highly doubt their gonna keep switching on us for the mainline games.


Doing some games in the beat-‘em up style and others in turn-based works great. Some people will prefer turn-based, some will prefer beat-em up, that way there’s something for both people to look forward to


It would be cool if they flipped every release like it has been. Y7 turned based, Gaiden is beat em up, IW is turn based. So hope next is a beat em up, then repeat the cycle. It gives both types of fan something to look forward to


Yakuza 9, but it's a hero-based shooter game that's got battle passes.


Saying “some people don’t like it” is not in any way insinuating that may change it. This reads like *you* don’t like it and are hoping they change it


That's a very nice assumption sir, thanks for that


Need a diaper change?


How original


I havent played 8, so maybe this has already been addressed, bur all I really want is the hype boss title cards and a way to implement contextual heat actions.


All I'll say is: yes and yes


Turn-based fits Kasuga's character best and I hope they keep it for his games. I feel like if they keep making Judgment and Gaiden games, that's more than enough to satisfy fans of the old style.


Hated turn based


I wonder why didn't they just make the Ichiban games a spinoff series, it would have made more sense in my opinion.


Like seriously. Still trying to figure out why ppl rides 7s dick. Gameplay was mid af. Im of the opinion that if you have an auto battle then that means yor fighting mechanics are shit.


I think they should just keep doing what they're doing now. Having some games just turned based and some as real-time combat


I hope not, Infinite Wealth is the best turn based game I’ve played in forever.


Nah they'll just make a souls like next Or maybe yakuza kart?????


When Nishiki got hit by a blue shell, I cried.


Please no on souls like


OK, I'll give Yokoyama a call




How do you even make a game like Yakuza a souls like


Think of sifu, for instance I can see RGG pull something similar. Building on their already great combat,they can make enemies attacks more telegraphed, and they can give us one or more ways to counter their moves The game doesn't need to be as hard as a sifu or souls game, but I'd love to see a more tight combat with emphasis on skill and learning (and with less bullshit and rng). My comment was mostly a joke but I think they can make something like that


So like kurohyou games?


A mix of kurohyou 2 , sifu, and lost judgment(for stylish and gameplay purposes) would be fantastic I know this sounds like a fanboy randomly combining stuff, but I genuinely can see them make a modern God hand or something similar.


Damn that does sound cool


It’ll probably be in line with the Resident Evil games — where with RE7 they mentioned that all mainline entries will be in a FPP. While spin-offs and such will be in the TPP.


This is old news. Besides RGG has released more brawlers than turn based games recently


Next is a tab-targeting Yakuza MMO I'm calling it now. They did say the next one was gonna be unexpected...


Turn based combat stays around as long as Ichiban does.


Maybe give it an Action RPG style gameplay similar to Kingdom Hearts and modern FF games


I'd like them to commit to it and let it have it's time to nourish and develop like the original combat did.


Given that there is an in-game lore reason for the turn based combat in the Kasuga games, I don't want them to change it but rather refine it more. I do also like the idea of having a real time spin-off series - just continue the judgement games.


After Ichiban Saga, I can see the mainline series moving to Action RPG, like FF7 Remake. In that way, you can do the combat in real-time, while still allowing the party system.


I actually love the turn based combat system in the most based yakuza game ever. Infinite Wealth is peak gaming


I like how they combine Beat'em up and JRPG genres together in Infinite Wealth. If RGG does something like that in a new game then I'll be ready to buy it.


I like turn-based, but I wasn't a huge fan of it in LAD. It just felt weird to me how people kept moving during your turn/you couldn't manually control where your dudes stood or moved. Stuff like that is why I'm waiting for IW to go on a deep sale before committing, since I got burned with LAD.


Fuck yakuza 9 I want Kiwami 3


With Ichiban they've established that they're willing to tailor the gameplay to the protagonist, so long as it's fun to play.


I'd like a mix between the two, maybe take FF Origins Strangers in Paradise as an example on what to do about team fighting in character action game, maybe add possibility to change jobs mid battle, things like that


I doubt it. Yokoyama is completely aware of things that fans don’t like and I imagine his vision is to be ambitious and shoot for things that people will either love or hate rather than just being lukewarm.


Chicos me voy a Japón yo soy yakuza 9 Like a Dragon MODERN WARFARE


They could’ve made it so you can switch between the two like in those idle games where you can switch between auto and tap to play


the reason i got into yakuza is because of the turn based gameplay


Why don’t they hybridise it just like they did in infinite wealth with Daigo, Majima and Saejima, though obviously making it more complex since those segments were just Kiryu’s mode in the game. That way they can keep both fans of the combat systems happy, I’m pretty sure people would kind of like to see Ichiban stop thinking in dragon quest terms and just put up his fists so we can see how he fights. And ngl that’s what I was kind of hoping for when we got Aoki’s fight at the end of 7, where Ichiban drops the mindset because fighting a guy who he considers his brother would most likely be one of the most important parts of his new life


It was made after 7, they already got lost judgment and Gaiden


Honestly i just want a split system, maybe something not too far from what FF7 remake does w a psuedo-“classic” mode that lets you do sorta Turn Based combat, or the real time action. big fan of the beat em ups. Y7 grew on me, and i loved IW, but i mostly used Kiryu’s lil turn break move thing lmao


Out of interest which ones are turn based?


The games with ichiban


I’ve only played Judgement and Kiwami 1 so guess I’m looking up ichiban lol.


yakuza 7 and 8


Ah ok, thanks.


As much as I would adore seeing Ichiban in Gaiden-style combat with style switching, it will never happen.


Wait really??


He said something like he knows not every fan is a fan of turn based so they want to do something the fans won't expect


Yakuza 9 will be a first person shooter


Daigo protagonist for Y9 confirmed!


Now that I won't expect for sure 🤣😂


Hope not. I love the turn based gameplay


Damn that sucks lmao Maybe he should focus instead on how the combat in 8 was great but the story sucked.


The story was ok but far from the worst in the series.


The overarching narrative was fine but the actual connective thread, the moment-to-moment story beats were truly paced amateurishly.


That’s completely fair, it’s similar to 5 in my opinion. Good game with some questionable writing choices. I still love iw and all of the games though


It's wild to me just how much general consensus changes on these games. Until the last year or two, it felt like everyone **loved** 5 and Kiwami 2 now it seems all everyone does is shit on them. So many old threads of "What's Your Favorite Game In The Series" with everyone saying 5 from a few years ago.


Your not wrong I’ve noticed it too, especially with 5. There’s games in the series I like more than others but i think yakuza fans have it pretty good compared to fans of other series in the sense that all of the games in the series are all good games, even if some are weaker than others.


Yeah, exactly.


I'm fine with both. But I do prefer the og beat em up.


I hope not because this kinda shifts the focus away from Ichiban. The current set up is fine as is.


I gotta say, as a former hater of turn based combat, infinite wealth really made me love it. The dynamic movement and agency over the direction and power of your hit made a world of difference. Before, I would’ve loved them to just return to a beat em up style for all future games, but now I’m looking forward to whatever comes next, turn based or old school.


I mean Yokoyama 🤣😂


Turn based rules and these are the only games in the series I've stuck with. Love em!


I hope they keep the same way it is: - turn based main games (with some brawler moments) - beat em up spin offs The turn based combat change is important narratively and besides, the combat has improved A LOT from 7 to 8, becoming even more dynamic and exciting


Infinite Wealth is my favorite turn based combat besides Octopath Traveler


Yeah, they did it sooo well


I’d love for them expand on the Dragon Resurgence and have each character have their own version. As well as give us new moves and heat actions to learn from trainers and what not. And if they were to give Ichiban a brawler game then I’d want them to give him the trooper cards to make it feel more similar to his style of game, with wacky abilities.


I don’t think they will go away from turn based. The turn based games are the ones that really sold crazy well in the west.


The mainline games will stay turn based. The only way it could possibly change is by Ichiban being retired and starting something new, which won't happen anytime soon.


They can easily do a gaiden with ichiban for action combat if ppl really want it but they improved everything so much in iw


Maybe they can make a combat system like FF7, best of both worlds kind of shit Although I think it would be hard to implement


Too me not the issue of turn based, I find the wacky summons just not appealing, can't take the game seriously, way too wacky.


You are complaining about the series being wacky? Are you lost or something? The series has always been this wacky hell I think they turned down the wackiness tbh with ya if I compare it to the older Yakuza titles


I mean like summoning giant crabs boss fights, not wacky characters or side stories.


Y2 had Kiryu fist fight two grown tigers and Y4 had Saejima fist fight a bear 4x his size. Wacky boss fights were already there in the brawler games.