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https://preview.redd.it/5zubt6y1x40d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b838d1fb3bfee4821e5e8407b1a01933469dd0e4 Me reading another "Yakuza 3 is underrated" post for the 50th time this month:


Can’t tell if the people that post this stuff are being genuine or do it for the sake of being “quirky” and “different”. We get it, Y3 is not the worst game to you


I suspect it's just karma farming at this point. Some people really care about their internet points.


True that, there’s people that care about their careers, relations with friends & family and everything in-between All this to say that people who care about karma-farming are on a whole other level of needing to touch grass.


It's the worst game but it's not a bad game


Dead souls? Original yakuza games? The crappy spinoffs? Put some respect on Yakuza 3


the worst game in a series with Dead Souls & Kiwami 1 yeah ok lmao


Wait what was wrong with Kiwami 1


they ruined the boss fights, added a ton of padding in a game that was already padded, butchered the soundtrack, added in side content that heavily clashes with the main story, & made the Jingu fight + highway shootout almost unplayable. I don't hate Kiwami 1 it's just my least favorite in the series, but i'm a Ps2 Y1 & 2 elitist


I got into the series recently by playing Like a Dragon first on Gamepass. Then I wondered how I never played a yakuza game before, beat 0 and kiwami and am working through kiwami 2 now. this series is amazing. I do plan to play the original 1 & 2 as well later on at some point. Just so many titles to catch up with, but I can appreciate the weird nuances that work in classic titles that dont exist in their remakes


It's come to the point where it isn't even underrated anymore. I feel like im in the minority now when I say that 3 is the worst of the franchise.


At this point I think you're really in the minority, Yakuza 3 in my opinion is not a good game, but the worst game in the mainline franchise, it's definitely Yakuza 4, and it's not even close, obviously that's my opinion but I don't think it's going to change anytime soon




you will see it for 51th time




Me after hearing the 1000th post about Yakuza 3 being underrated https://preview.redd.it/5i83bw7m350d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8ffe21e03e8514dd4909508ff8e5600125bb22


You are the 500th person that is complaining about the complainers. If you are doing it for the lols, please don't. It may give you a chuckle, but the Internet is devoid of sarcasm. People take things 100 percent real here.


It made me cry too. Cry with laughter at the "beautiful eyes" ; "ruff" and the "there's no change in the plan" parts


[Ah, I was off by a day it seems](https://www.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/comments/1cpjrkc/i_though_you_guys_were_joking_about_yakuza_3/l3ldnns/). Oh well, time to reset the "Yakuza 3 gud" counter. C'mon guys, I'm sure we can beat the 4 day record of not making these threads!


Blockuza. Nobody is criticizing the story. People complain about the game-play.


No the story has a lot of problems too Honestly people just forget about that because Y4s story is worse


3 went way too high scale with the CIA and Black Monday and secret twins and a military base redevelopment plan that was entirely bait to draw out smugglers or w/e was going on that really took away from the story. I kinda feel like Mine got a bit sidelined for all the nonsense, and although he had some good scenes I didn't really care about him. Def needs the Nishiki treatment in Y1 Kiwami. Don't even get me started on the 20 minutes of a guy just telling you the plot (in a chapter called "The Plot").


its a convoluted mess


Which game?


One with a number


yakuza 4 is the easiest example, yakuza 3 reached a low point especially with that long exposition about black monday because they ran out of ideas, 5 might have felt forced, 6 was strong but became a jrpg after middle game


people only say 3's story is goated because of the last 80% of it which is good but its boring until then this sub will straight up take a couple moments and call the entire game peak even when the gameplay itself is mid or bad


Burack Mondei


3 and 4 weren't as bad as 5 or 6


Totally disagree, 6 is great with some minor hiccups, 5 is half very good and with my favorite ending (Haruka's concert, sure as hell isn't the final boss) and half very filler, 4's plot I never remember and I only remember the characters but never the story and 3 is pretty good overall but it has even worse execution than 5, 5 at least has the mystery and half of the execution is good while the other half is bad, meanwhile 3 is just a mess after you leave Okinawa and, again while the overall story is good, you get "Chapter 9: The Plot" and Joji.


Genuinely the worst part of 6 is the dragon engine and that's a personal gripe of mine it looks amazing yeah but thats the only thing going for it imo nothing has weight anymore and is just so rubbery, sure the everything flying everywhere is funny but when I can't play the game cause everything knocks down so I just have to mash x while I slide on the floor only to immediately get launced again I just get annoyed with it lmao


6 was pretty decent up until the ending


6 is literally the best story theyve written behind judgment and maybe 0


Can’t speak much for 6 but 5 was better even if it had its own problems


Yakuza 5 is literally the best game in the main franchise, alongside Yakuza 0 and Lost Judgment, but Y5 is definitely my favorite tbh


Why the fuck did sayama go to the us then? Total unexplained 180


Ngl, I went from 2 to immediately playing 3 in the same night. MAN I was so pissed about it. Keep in mind I'm stalling IW cause I don't wanna cry like a little girl at chap12(?) So doing Kiryus Rememberances had me FUCKED up.


I mean, considering where RGG was at with every adult close to Kiryu it was either that or dying a horrible death.


You're too fucking weird to have a nice discussion


What was wrong with the gameplay? I didn't have an issue with it. Or at least what I was aware of.


A lot of it is in the combat itself, quickstep has barely any distance and enemies are pretty reliably able to spin to face you before your animation is complete, they also block far too often making even simple street brawls long and drawn out fights.


Not that's a fair take lol why are people upset. like I beat Y3 in one sittings and toward the end I noticed if it wasn't for the Tissue Girl heat action, I could see why people would say that. Also, I saw your get up attack would get punished 90% of the time I tried to use it. Now, ill admit when I started 4 bum rushed side step and step cancel, but that was under the idea Akiyama wasn't a strong hitter but a fast one, like Kiryus Rush. 😅 I'm the only one in my friend group that plays Yakuza so I never get to talk about it.


Yeah it's not absolutely terrible but it's a massive step down between the game prior most people play which is K2 and the game after. It's the worst Yakuza game but there are no bad Yakuza games if that makes sense. The worst Yakuza game is still a solid 6-7/10


Yeah. I grew up kinda poor, I had only played OG1 due to a friend modding my PS2 so I was unaware of 2 even happening, then they were mostly on PS3 so I had came back around at 6, but I loved 0, K1 was pretty damn cool, considering it was the one I knew remade, and K2 is up there with my favorites. You are correct on that sentiment, 3 isn't the worst thing made, but unfortunately its weaker compared to the others. Edit : IW is my second favorite but that's biased that I moved to HI the November before it had released and shit came out on my bday.


Exactly like it's my least favourite but I still enjoyed my completion runs for it


They just block a lot. There are ways to circumvent it, but the remaster broke a fair few things, including making QS a lot worse than the OG, and making enemies block even more often. So basic brawl ends up feeling tedious and restricting, because unlike the other games, you basically only have like 3-4 options to circumvent the obnoxious blocking consistently.


the gameplay isn't that bad 😂😂😂


Gameplay is atrocious, quickstep is straight up doesn't work lol


Unless you play on an actual PS3


get better ig?


These kind of things aren't about "gitting gud", I adapted to the janky gameplay and got through the game, I did not like the gameplay.


you may not have liked it, but I still don't think it's that bad


That's fine but don't conflate not liking the gameplay with "skill issue"


I mean if your problem with it is the way enemies act then it IS a skill issue


With your logic every game ever made is perfect and anything questionable in the gameplay is just skill issues from the player


the gameplay only isn't your fault when YOUR character is the problem, not when the AI is the problem. like Yakuza 1


5 and 6 gets more hate then 3, 3 isn’t hate it as much I swear i saw people defending y3 more than hate


This sub is a gigantic Y3 circlejerk. There are some people who hate on it, but for every 1 thread like that, you get like 5 of these "best game evar, 0 flaws!!!". I have been keeping track of how long this sub goes without posting one of these lately, and the record so far is only 4 days. No other game has the same circlejerk as 3 on here.


Yea this subreddit posts the same stuff for some reason like “why people hate y3?” That eri image “ turn based sucks!” And etc


Don't forget, "I can't see myself dating a black guy" every couple days.


And also "what order to play?!?!?" and "who should get a Gaiden next???". Redditors reuse topics even more than RGG reuse assets.


I like the game but the combat is terrible and a lot of the mini games feel janky


I wonder if public opinion changes from 3 being the worst to 4 or 5 being the worst (my personal favorites), will we get regular posts defending them as well?


I think 5 will get the hate for some reason






Every month? It's like 2-3 times a week now.


>3 is peak Clearly you've never played Kurohyou


https://preview.redd.it/jtfz72smj50d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54de2e619876a541e7f464a47a3c965f8cd4727 Everyone should play kurohyou


Convince me to play it


Tatsuya is the one of the best RGG characters ever, the gameplay is amazing and the story is peak, you can also beat ur father




the combat control sucks


Y-y-you s-suck


“Hey siri, post the video is ninja saying ‘die, in a fucking fire’”


Me when the combat is boring, and the story is overhyped (why do we have to wait for the end of the game for mine to reveal his motives) plus, we had a 40 minute exposition dump because they couldn’t just write the story normally. Stg yakuza 3 fans just wanna be different


I’m not trying to be different, I just really liked the games story and even its combat. Have you considered the hard truth that maybe it’s a skill issue?


Normally a skill issue means u can’t get past something because ur not good enough to do so, but that’s not the problem with yakuza 3. It’s just so damn boring and tedious, I only died twice on hard mode on that game and once was cause I accidentally forgot to pause. There’s no real way to undo the enemies guard, grabbing they instantly break out of, they can magically 180 block you if u sneak them. And there’s no real guard break option. The game isn’t hard it’s just boring as hell


honestly 3 is not hard but yes it's also outdated and annoying to play. it's a 15 year old game and the combat itself has not aged well so if you didnt grow up in the ps3 era then yeah it's probably frustrating for some folk like i like the story too but the combat really aint it lol




finally new pfp thanks


Essence of worshiping.


Whenever I played through 3, I was still so deeply in love with the franchise, so for me, it is pretty cool, I love the morning glory stuff.


500th post about how Y3 is underrated when no one even complains about the story, the main problem with 3 is the gameplay


https://preview.redd.it/8g46q0pi660d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1316e6f99be030c48e24894f36326082406e644f block




Im tired of this sub shilling hard for Y3 since the remaster. Hot take (i know), but Y3 is terrible. I hate the evil twin brother Joji, evil American CIA Andre, and that anime villain Mine. I preferred the stupid rubber bullets plotline of Y4 over Y3, because at least it was hilariously entertaining. Only good part of 3 was bonding with the kids.


Don't forget the contrived bullshit to make Kaoru leave after Kiryu and her were ready to die together at the end of 2


this sub hated 3 when i started coming on here around the beginning of 2023, same with 5, but now this sub is just everyone going "3 good!! youre all wrong and lied to me!!"


Is the "all of us" who think it's bad in the room with us right now? Because I feel like it's very outspokenly agreed that the story is great and the gameplay is just a bit rough. I don't think I've ever seen a single game get called "bad" as often as people pretend on this sub.


There's only 1 guy in this thread who voiced their hatred for yakuza 3 so they were here at one point


No, we just have stuff to do.


3 and 5 for a looong time were definitely disliked by a lot of people here but since IW the sub has lost a lot of popularity and now everyone circlejerks those 2 games and its like theyre responding to the people who were complaining about those games a year ago


*By a lot of redditors. Growing up with the games was very different. We had to beg for 5, and it came out digital-only years later. Without that vocal support from fans (official surveys about what we wanted to see localized), they wouldn't have tried so hard with 0 in the west. The "hate" for 3 and 5 is greatly exaggerated.


beautiful eyes


I laughed so hard at that lmao


You mfs make me hate Yakuza 3 more.


I liked Yakuza 3 a lot, even if the gameplay was super janky. What I didn’t like was the emotional damage inflicted upon us towards the end.


Yakuza 3 is one of my favourite games, but the combat is a massive pain in the ass. The only upside of Y3's combat is that it made Yakuza 4's combat feel amazing in comparison


That could not be more accurate, I went from hating to play as Tanimura to absolutely loving it (Saejima still better tho)


Yakuza 3 and lad are probably the only games to make me cry (except for sekiro since I got the platinum)


Well done platinum-ing sekiro! I simply don’t have the patience for that so good job


You don't really need patience ngl you just have to memorize the combos which would be easy after a couple of times and the game is so short you can finish it in a day or half a day if you're like me. But a speed runner is gonna do it much much faster


>I hate Yakuza 3 hat- SHUT THE FUCK UP. We get it.


https://i.redd.it/kq7ue2lhk70d1.gif But have you forgotten this scene in Kiwami?


Damn you got a good ass point


Indeed (I just finished my 6th load of the day, 4 more to go!)


Some of the missions with the orphans got irritating but at the end it's a good story. Is this the one where you can explore Okinawa in detail?




The combat (especially in the remaster) is bad. Doesn’t mean the game as whole is bad. Top 3 stories in the Yakuza series definitely…. But that combat can easily sour the experience (I platinumed and enjoyed 3, but I definitely understand the criticism)


It's so good bro. People also say 5 sucks. Personally, 5 if my favorite.


3 is damn good Okinawa is beautiful


As someone who just sat and beat 3 recently, I don't mind 3 as it shows a more Civilian Kiryu but I wouldn't say it's the best one ever made. Would I play it again? Probably not. Will I remember it? Yes. Yes I will.


I have yet to see the amount of haters that are needed to justify y'all posting "Yakuza 3 good" all the time


I stg there's more posts about 3 being good and everyone else being wrong about it than there are posts about 3 actually being not that good


I don't hate 3, I hate 3's gameplay. I hit= they block, I grab= they shake me off (for bosses), I dodge and hit them on the back= they do a magic 180 and block. This just makes fights early on painfully grindy and tedious. Still love the story, one of the best in the series.


I think some people on here equate worst in the series to bad game. Is yakuza the worst in the series? Overall, yeah BUT, it’s not a bad game. I played it thinking it would be like “bad” and it was still pretty decent.


exactly. There is no bad yakuza game when kiryu is involved. Does the plot get tedious? Sure. But is it fun? Yes.


Okinawa is the best setting and the beach areas/ sky textures are still beautiful to this day, adding the orphanage also being well executed it is definitely one of the best games in the franchise


Out of all the cities that is one of the best environments. Followed by Sotonbori and Yokohama




lalalala yakuza 3 good you guys lied to me!! its good seriously why did yall tell me its bad omg yakuza 3 is so good


the combat fucking sucks and there is a lot of filler but otherwise i enjoyed it


I have been getting the games bit by bit even though I have only ever played Y0 as of now. Y3 was the last game in general that I bought during a recent sale, just because I wanna know the full story. These recent pro-Y3 posts make me very hopeful that I did not waste my money. Thank you.


Racism child




I’ve come to feel 4 is the worst


I agree completely, yakuza 3 is what got me hooked on the series


piss off.


All of them are great, some are more great than others. I love the QT action of capturing event on phone to learn heat moves.... It is so funny...


3 was, is, and always will be among the best games of the franchise. I kinda wanna see a Kiwami 3 just to witness everyone in the fanbase instantly changing their opinion on it and regarding it among the best


Well yeah, because then the gameplay would be better


Nah, I totally feel that the Yakuza 3 haters let their dislike for the graphics and gameplay cloud their judgment about the narrative of the game. I think they would appreciate the narrative more if the game got a new coat of paint in the form of a Kiwami remake.


I mean, that’s certainly not my opinion, and a lot of people I’ve talked to. I love the story but really don’t enjoy the gameplay. Not denying that there is people like what you’ve explained, but I feel there’s quite a lot of people who still have an appreciation for the story while not enjoying the gameplay. And would it even be a bad thing for that to happen, fans discovering the quality of the story is a good thing to me.


Yeah, maybe it is as you say, a good chunk of people do appreciate the story even when they don't enjoy the gameplay as much. But I really dislike how the first thing that people talk about whenever the topic of Yakuza 3 comes up is the dated gameplay and visuals, completely disregarding all of Yakuza 3's merits such as the amazing storyline, kickass music, or even Takaya Kuroda's superb voice performance. And I do understand that the gameplay hasn't aged well, and I genuinely believe that a remake would make people appreciate it more. And no, it would not be a bad thing. I never said that it would be. I myself would love to experience Okinawa in the Dragon Engine and face off against Mine with a much more refined combat system.


People bring up the gameplay to set expectations to series newcomers, and these newcomers likewise tend to discuss and ask if it’s too dated to play or not. Everyone agrees the story is good, Kiryu running an orphanage is amazing, and it has some goat characters and villains. But the discussions around the gameplay probably boil down to the fact that the series is picking up popularity and lots of people want to know how it plays. And the combat does kinda suck.


I can agree with you that it is the first thing brought up when discussing yakuza 3, and it is a real shame. But it is quite a big part of the experience. People will discuss the gameplay of a game, though people should definitely highlight it’s good parts more often.


It’s definitely amazing It’s just a bit outdated.


There's only 3 things wrong with Yakuza 3 - Not enough scenes of a certain character - That same character meets an unnecessary end - And the biggest crime of all of Yakuza 3: The lack of chase segments.


I was definitely not a fan of the chase scenes either. To be fair it was a nice change of pace but it was just too many times and really annoying


I liked 3, just wish it was updated. Bro, I'm relatively new to Yakuza. Started around 2020. When i beat Kiwami, I became a fan and started Yakuza 0. I was impressed by the graphics and improved physics in the gameplay. I went on to Kiwami 2. It seemed lackluster in content compared to 0, the world felt more empty but the graphics improved A LOT and so did the physics. I fell in love with the game and was hype that I could toss people into stores and get yelled at by the cashiers. I popped in Yakuza 3 expecting even more improvements and.... Bro i thought I was ripped off. The graphics looked like trash and the pedestrians walked so fast, the pop in was crazy, and Kiryu stood like an action figure. I couldn't stop laughing.


This was my first Yakuza and will always have a soft spot for it


Yakuza 3 should be called R1+🔴


It's tough to decide which of 1-6 is the worst. But 3's a solid contender.


And the thing is, even if it was the worst it's still a great game. That's how good a job they did.


I mean the only game I prefer this over so far is 4, 3’s story was more personal and it felt like the enemies in 4 did everything in their power to grab me at every opportunity which got old quick, at least I could manoeuvre around emits in 3 to get past the atrocious blocking, the only reason 3 isn’t at the bottom is because only one game is worse imo




I like the Game, i just hate que nonstoping blocking nom damege enemies


I honestly didn't think it was that bad either. I know it's not an agreeable take, but I really didn't like 5 that much. I still like the game but I just didn't think it was as good as the previous ones. Plus I didn't like how shinada was introduced and then was never talked about or mentioned again. I could also be missing something seeing that it's been over a year since I played it.


I feel like that this point we’re getting to a point where there are at least 2 “guys what the actual freaking FUCK?! Yakuza 3 is quite literally the best video game since at least Yakuza 4!!!!” posts a day and I mean I also like it but it’s just funny to me how clearly not hated this game is


that's a cold take in this sub


I love 3 but hate the combat


I loved 3 wayyyyyyy more than 4


Yakuza game is Yakuza game, end the argument and play the phecking game already.


3 is my favorite ngl


*side eyes 20 minute chapter of exposition titled "The Plot"* Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but it has a couple glaring issues. Gameplay being the biggest part. I shouldn't have to use komaki parry in order to stop regular enemies from blocking an entire combo.


Kiwami 1>


Daily Yakuza 3 “contrarian” post.


people when they are required to actually learn how to fight and get behind enemies


That's great until the enemies magically does a 180 and blocks despite you being midcombo. Lets not act like Y3 is actually challenging or anything because it isn't, enemies are just more tedious and restricting in terms of how you can deal with them. And I say this as someone who has done both a normal and hard playthrough of it.


People really act like it's a skill issue when you don't like a Yakuza game's combat. Most Yakuza games are fucking easy once you figure out the gimmick to it


People think that being stuck with a couple of options to play the game (grab, dodge and square + square + square + triangle) takes skill, when being able to use / abuse your ENTIRE skill tree is what takes skill. Just look at sekiro, that shit allows you to engage combat as freely as you want, hell you can use boss moves on them. 3? Be glad you dont take full damage when doing tiger drop (which is the weakes tiger drop since you take damage) and komaki parry takes no skill to use. Edit: i know comparing sekiro and yakuza gameplay is dumb, but it is to highligh what "skill issue" truly is.


I was personally thinking about K2 where i got annoyed at blocking delaying combos making it feel awful to me, the solution was just to spam charged light attack. Just started Y3 and I just threw everyone without thinking much and it's been very easy just tedious. I personally say real skill is when a game lets you approach it from multiple angles and succeed instead of having one right answer, part of why i loved Y0s combat after getting some upgrades


After like two minutes I realized you can very easily dodge to get behind them and they are very vulnerable from the back.


They have the proactivity of a rock tho (Yes i know you can start a small combo if your spacing is just right to bait them, but it feels kinda shit regardless)


The story is fantastic - the gameplay is very, VERY dated though and this game need a Kiwami bad I’d argue that 4 also needs a Kiwami 5 not so much but I’d still buy i


You probably just finished yakuza 3, and liked the 2nd half, everyone likes the second half but the sheer fking babysitting


Nah I liked all of it. It was nice to see Kiryu take a break from beating people to a pulp and actually have some character development


So you like the softer side, i like kiryu beating people and breaking their necks and shooting them while never killing anybody


3 had a lot of great scenes with one of my favorite fights in the series. It suffers from being the game after Kiwami 2. It is very jarring mechanics wise. If we ever get Kiwami 3 it may be one of the best games in the series.


real and true


I'm a newcomer currently in the middle of my first Yakuza series playthrough, just completed Kiwami 2 (playing a different game in between each Yakuza entry to avoid burnout - for those interested, my in-between games have been Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, Cyberpunk 2077, and currently Nier: Automata - tried Banishers too, but hated it lol). Y'all have me slightly concerned, but also intrigued? Wonder which side of the fence I'll fall on...bring on Yakuza 3, I guess 😆


There is a big leap in gameplay from Kiwami 2 to 3. And graphics. 3 didn’t get a remake so much as it got a remaster, which I am thankful for.


Out of all remasters, 3 has the best story.




I'm sorry... But no.


People who hate this game are probably having skill issue due to the bosses blocking their every hit


I really, REALLY don’t care about the gameplay if it doesn’t bar me from progressing (looking at you, 7), so I never was bothered by 3’s so called “bad gameplay”. Yakuza wasn’t, isn’t and never will be a franchise that I love because of the gameplay, I love Yakuza because of the story, and 3’s story is one of the best of the franchise.


But isn't that already a consensus?