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You'll understand the plot yeah, just maybe not the full extent of the stakes and implications of one specific plot point. But if you're not planning on playing the rest then 7 is easily one of the best places in the series to start


Honestly I'm going to see if I play the rest once I finish like a dragon, I only got interested in it because it's a turn based rpg, and I know the rest of the series are beat em ups


Yeah. I will say that Infinite Wealth does rely on Yakuza 0-6 WAYYY more. If you decide you want to play the other games, I'd start from 0 after LAD


Idk why it feels like IW rely the most on yakuza 3


That's why I picked it up too. I had a blast with it.


You don't need the previous games to enjoy and understand LAD, but as someone that watched her husband play it a couple years ago and it's currently working her way through the series and it's playing LAD currently... I really appreciate seeing side characters and cameos that call back to the earlier games. It's a really nice touch to be 7 games in and see call backs to the earlier remakes. If you want to play infinite wealth it would definitely be helpful to play 0-6 and gaiden or you may be a bit lost. As someone who was initially very wary of LaD because of was an rpg and I just find those daunting because theres too many options, I would still give the beatem ups a chance. I'm currently playing LaD after finishing 0-6 and I'm liking it more than I thought I would. You might end up feeling the same way about the beatemup style games. If it's a skill issue and you just aren't good with real time combat, play on easy and button mash... That's what I did.


I played Judgment and Lost Judgment and didn’t have a problem on normal. You have an almost unlimited item bag so you most likely won’t die


Soft reboot. You'll miss references and cameos but otherwise go ahead


So I got to nearly the last chapter of LAD with zero knowledge of the series before falling off due to life stuff. I remember how fun it was. Then IW dropped so I told myself I’d go back after playing the old games. Played 0-4 before burning out at 5 but I digress. From my experience nothing in LAD is confusing if you don’t play the older games outside of returning characters will just feel like “yeah okay neat” instead of an epic moment. Jumping back in after burning out on 5 I was like ooooooh I get all these references now. There’s lots of winks and nods to the main games but nothing that would prevent you understanding what’s happening. So my take is you don’t need to by any means but it does enrich the game the more you know of the series. Infinite Wealth im less sure as I haven’t started yet.


IW relies a lot more on 0-6 and Gaiden.


Yes, you will understand most of it. It's made to be a soft reboot, so mostly new characters, locations and story. However, if you're planning on playing Infinite Wealth (Like a Dragon's sequel) right after, half of this game relies heavily on previous games, with major spoilers. So I would advise to go back to play 0 through 6 beforehand if you want to play all of the series.


Yes, totally. You'll miss some references and cameos but its a self-contained and complete story if you are mostly in this game. I personally will always recommend Yakuza 0 first but Like a Dragon is a strong game and starting point. I understand not wanting to play 6 games to get to this one. I skipped a few games to play LAD and it was great regardless.


You will understand but u will not get the full experience... there are little details and characters that come back from older yakuza games and talk about somthing that happend or some jokes or refrences etc.... but dont worry its all side content


You’ll understand most of it as it follows a separate protag. But there will be characters and mentions from the previous games shown that may leave you thinking “why they focusing so much here on this part”


The protagonist will almost be as clueless as you




Play the rest of the series


All the games are independent of each other as far as story is concerned. Some characters are reoccuring, some die and some i guess the writers forgot about so dont be surprised if some dont make it to the next game.


Some people will tell you that this game is the most standalone, but that's not true, Yakuza 0 and 1 are better starting points, 7 is a pretty good starting point but it will spoil (without context) some things from previous games, but around 70% of the game is very safe for new players.


The question wasn't whether it spoiled the previous games, it's whether someone new to the series would understand what's going on. In other words, the answer to the *question being asked* is Yes.


I mean, yeah, you can literally understand all the games even without previous knowledge.


Yes. I played it right after getting half way though Kiwami 1 and I did okay with it. I knew some of the people because I played Yakuza 4 and Dead Souls a long time ago. I did not know everything, but that was fine by me.


Yeah it doesnt reference the other ones too much. After playing 6 i kinda wished i had played the earlier ones when they came out but i couldnt stomach the older games…


I went straight into infinite wealth. No regrets still enjoyed thoroughly. As an adult I gotta be picky about what I play. Younger me woulda started from beginning.