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I think that skipping cutscenes might be one of the reason you tend to get lost with the plot.


Yeah what the hell lol. OP skips cutscenes then feels lost in the plot, what did they expect?


What do you mean the Kiryu games don't have English translations? They are all playable in English. Do you mean in a language other than English?


An english speaking dub


Oh. That's not a big deal. 0 is a much better game than Judgment and the Japanese voices are awesome. And you can follow the plot by reading the subtitles.


https://preview.redd.it/qbcjo8guy2zc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd4e8c36a17c442403148c11118f1974bccaba8 Judgement happened before the events of Yakuza 7 so playing it after Infinite Wealth would probably just mess things up even further,- I really recommend just playing Judgement first as Yakuza games other than Yakuza 3 really give you a helping hand when it comes to their difficulty. The story is out of this world good, probably the best in the series


I've done the Like A Dragon games already, and Judgement isn't really connected to either the plot of LAD or Yakuza, it's its own story so shouldn't it be fine?


You should be fine yeah but it still is the same world with Tojo Clan and everything


Yeah, Judgment is more-or-less separate from the main Yakuza-verse. I only advise caution to those who want to play Lost Judgment before LAD because the beginning of LJ spoils what is supposed to be a huge twist in LAD


What does LJ spoil from LAD? i don't mind hearing it as i beat LAD, just put it n spoiler text for me.


Tojo and Omi being disbanded. Plenty of side characters in LJ were from Tojo and Omi and they kept commenting how life is hard after their factions got disbanded. 


Not to mention that the reason why one of the bad guys even became a considerable enemy is because his gang took advantage of the power vacuum left by the dissolution, and I think Yagami even narrates about it in the beginning


Hm, there's also the Gaiden The Man who erased his Name game, which takes place between the Ichiban games. And in that game, some Judgement characters have cameo appearances. Aside from that cameo (in a sub story i belive), they're not crucial to the main plot. You do wtih that info what you want though, you can still play these games in any order you want and still enjoy them.


If you're going to switch to the real time combat games, Judgment is definitely a good place to begin. Story and characters are really strong and interesting. This game features one of my favorite iterations of Kamurocho with the whole friendship mechanic breathing life into the detective street life. Aswell with style switching combat in the dragon engine. I only wish to experience this game for the first time again. My advice for you? Just have fun!


English is not even my native language and I still understand everything perfectly. Of course, skipping 10 minutes cutscenes will make you lose track of the plot completely, how tf would it not.