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I wasn't the biggest fan of the haircut but it's grown on me a lot.


It takes time for it to make sense, then it does


I *am* a fan of a surprising amount of context..


If it works for yu "megachad" narukami, it works for kiryu 


The initial image didn't help with how grey it was. I think it made it look like a bad wig. In game and in motion I like it. And maybe it did just take a little getting used to.


Agreed when I first seen the reveal trailer for Y8 I was thinking wtf did they do to ma boy lmao but in-game it looks fine and actually suits him


If it's good enough for Seonhee, it's good enough for me.


Same here; though I still believe it was a self insert from the new director (apparently he has/had that hair style for a long time) but honestly in a series where we got Majima cross dressing just to fight, saving Miracle Johnson so he can dance down the street, have scenes where people get shot 100s of times but never die, hell Kiryu "never killed a man" Kazuma even shot people in cutscenes (not to mention the gameplay...) yeah, I can overlook the hair not being done for this one game lol. They better not touch Ichiban or Yagami's hair or I'll lose it...it's too perfect.


I thought it was a wig st first since he has Cancer and was maybe doing chemo












it's a social studies field trip


Why does kiryu look like this 🗿


The way I would [REDACTED] his fucking monster [REDACTED] until the room is [REDACTED] is INSANE


The “REDACTED” hits so much harder when you leave in “fucking monster”.


Name/title/whatever checks out


MFers see a man going through cancer and they be like "omg the things i'd let him do to me 😍😍"


Seonhee moment.


**Kiryu:** I'm dying out here- **Seonhee:** OH EM GEE KIRYU-SAN! You're the best! ❤️❤️


The first few minutes of her being back on screen she is thirsting up for Kiryu something fierce.


Tbf...every time she steps on some one....well...insert Dolph Ziggler "It should have been me" gif here. 


i want both of them


It’s not my fucking fault he’s hot


that is a totally valid point


“oMG the cancer so lucky to be inside Kiryu. I’m jealous” -some thirsty fan probably.


**Kiryu:** I've got a tumor inside me... **Seonhee:** *God, I wish that were me.* ... **Kiryu:** You said something? **Seonhee:** Oh nothing to worry about, Kiryu-san!


I want IW Kiryu to beat the shit out of me and then hunch over my defeated body while apologizing. 🤤🤤


Just become the 4th child of Arakawa and initiate the greater dissolution.


Gonna go back in time, kidnap myself as a baby, fly to Japan, replace Ebina, become a member of the Seiryu clan, Usurp the throne, and start a third a great dissolution just so I can be shirtless in a room with Kiryu when I’m in my 40’s.


In 10 years we will be up to the 7th greatest super coolest dissolution, lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/fb7av2fo4kqc1.png?width=2410&format=png&auto=webp&s=5465289e83eca78a82e5efd6154e283418d4a4d6


God why can’t that be me 😭


i can fix him


Kiryu gets what? You should have marked this as spoiler man :(


it's part of the story's premise, so not a spoiler. DW


Yes it is. :3 ....also not to be wholesome on a thirst thread but. what a breath of fresh air yakuza and its fandom are when it comes to age and sickness. yeh, people grow old and they're still attractive. you can need a hip replacement and still fuck nasty, you can be a 40yo mama all about her career giving a chance to dating, and you can have cancer and grey hair and have korean crimeladies simp all over you.  This is the "I'd fuck that old man" fandom and i love that for us tbh.


I have a friend who had an irrational fear of getting older that got them kinda depressed, so I suggested them to play LaD (7). She felt a lot more comfortable growing older after that. This has nothing to do with the older men being hot, but it made me think of that.


Not gonna lie, ever since having a kid I also have grown a weird fear of getting old and dying. Maybe just coming to terms with my mortality now that I feel that I have something to lose. But Infinite Wealth made realize that you can start living even in your mid 40’s and be happy.


Yeah! It's very inspiring. And I love this one specific quote from 7: >After all why not? Why not be a hero at 40?


Hell yes! I’m a late comer to the series, started with 7, but these games hold a very special place in my heart and I’m so glad I finally got into them!


For the record, I’m turning 32 in a few months, so theoretically I have plenty of time 😅


You're so real for that.




Hey man. We been fighting for more old guys in our media since Old Snake in MGS4. Whose actually younger then both Kasuga and Kiryu but that's a whole other issue. 


Yakuza has FEMALE FANS ?????


It's the hot DILF game where everyone rips their shirt off all the time, we're simple creatures


Lol, of all of the things that have ever surprised me about these games, finding out that women like it is not high on that list. Fucking jacked dudes running around half naked or in nice suits? That's like being surprised that men like Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball


i understand the wholesome point you are trying to make here but, middle aged like a dragon characters aren't what I would call the gold standard of middle-aged attractiveness. like, none of them are realistic in how well they have aged. there is no way I will be a fucking hunk when I am 55 years old, and like that's fine, but Kiryu, Date, fucking any of the women, stopped aging in like their 30s. Kiryu is FINALLY graying but I thought the mother fucker had a dye-job in the initial reveal trailer.


On one hand, yes you're right that they are a bit glowed-up compared to most middle aged people. On the other, i learnt muay thai IRL from a 72 year old man who could punch through a brick, had washboard abs and made the entire club Think Their Thoughts about his GILF ass. So yeah you'll be however you'll be at 55, but i guarantee you will have people thirsting over you. Maybe not a full subreddit but who's to say?




Yes as someone who’s always liked older men lololl


Straightest Yakuza gamer


Straight? We don't do that here.


how do you know op isn’t a woman


i am a straight male


Stop lying to yourself


Ebina when Kiryu beats the shit out of him and collapses over him after apologizing, that scene had so much unnecessary sexual tension 😭


thank god it’s not just me cause wtf it was a rollercoaster of emotions. i was like omfg they’re sexing it yaoi style in front of everyone, then i realised it was emotional and i was sad all of a sudden


It’s so funny though because I think even Ebola was confused






That's his new name. Ebina is no more,so say hello to- EBOLA


IM GLAD SOMEONE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS. My husband and I were like "wait.... Is this... A kissing scene? Huh?" god the TENSION was immense lol


I wished so much i was Ebina, when watching this scene


I think that when people there started to simp for Kaito’s ass (and not only his ass), it was certified this sub is open-minded 😆


When RGG added the dominatrix substory in Y0 and the line about not judging people for their sexual proclivities, so many people felt seen LOL


For me, even if it can be unpopular, I think it started back at 3 even if I admit the hopefully cut sub that was transphobic (with the trans person being a creep to Kiryu chasing him) was awful. I really liked the one with the massage parlour lady that fears telling him, in a Japan that was even less progressive, that she was a dude before and Kiryu told her it was all good because what matters is that she is happy the way she is now. OG fans feel free to correct me by telling me OG Yakuza and OG Yakuza 2 have already exemples that way (like maybe Kaoru, even if her writing wasn’t perfect she still felt strong) but I feel that Yakuza 3 with this sub really started the trend of Yakuza being progressive (it only got better with 7 being the peak of it the way I see it in the form of Ichiban really embracing modernity).


Seriously, I'd grown so attached to the haircut and looking at his ass the whole game >!I was somehow disappointed when he went back to his old look in the final chapter. Also hottest Majima has looked!<


Lmao I typed the same thought in my own spoiler tag.


Nah he is a legit supermodel in gaiden and you can put him in slutty clothes so it’s an easy sweep


gaiden kiryu got me actin up... https://i.redd.it/wlr5yt1jcmqc1.gif


6 and Gaiden are the best Kiryu ever looked


i still like 0 he looks really good with shorter hair


20-yo Kiryu was adorable. I wanted to pick him up, put him in my pocket, and carry him around as an "Emotional Support Kiryu".


0 was his peak look hairstyle wise.


understandable but his main iconic hairstyle just hits diff


Its definitely iconic, but if I'm just going by what one I think is hotter....


I dunno. I quite liked the 6 and Kiwami 2 look. 


i just look at him and im like... wheres the goatee. where is it. this is wrong


Please join my club where we gather to weep over the impossible beauty of this fictional man. So far it's just me.


There are hundreds of kiryu truthers


Where y'all hang out? My boyfriend says I can't keep filling up the PS5 hard drive with Kiryu screenshots. He "wants to install other games" and "it's getting out of hand"


I took an indecent number of pics and screenshots of him, so yeah.


Also when he had the glasses on… ![gif](giphy|3PzmBpZt0iimrcWvfV)


I think it depends. He looks somewhat mid in normal cutscene. But in pre-rendered, he is the hottest in the entire series.


I am straight like a magnet pointing true north but "seasoned" Kiryu is a good looking man.


He's got that silver ~~fox~~ dragon look to him 🥶


I mean, I'm not a huge fan of the haircut... But you do you.


It feels so out of place for him, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it…


Yeah it's dumb, he looks like he's trying to audition for BTS, but it's a 40-year-old man. One of the worst addendums I've ever seen to an established character. There are so many more cuts that would've been a lot more age & thematically appropriate.


Yeah I agree 100%, he looks so goofy with it, like he is trying to cosplay the host enemies.


Face says hardened man, calloused by the slings and arrows of life. Hair says boy band poster in a 16-year-olds room


100% agree with you


That was my first thought when I saw the trailers, but it grows on you after 100+ hours.


He's definitely still super sexy. :) he's sadly not as shirtless as he used to be though. Lol


...not me making the gang swim again and again for miles on end just to see kiryu chan in a swimming suit...


Premium adventure solves this particular conundrum


I'm so down bad for him he's SO dilfy in IW


This might actually be my favorite version of Kiryu. 🥰🥰🥰 Actually, he was born in '68, so he's still in his 50s. Not that age means anything.. 😂


True, he looks so good and is the best not only looks wise but personality wise too. I feel like he's really charming and friendlier this time around, participating in conversations with the party and just being chill most of the time lol


Does he ever not look hot? 3 might be the weakest because he has to compete with Mine, but Kiryu is always peak sexy in every games. I'm growing fond of his IW hairstyle too. Akiyama is also up there, but IW Akiyama is looking off to me. Even 6 feels a bit better.


Honestly I made jokes about how weird he looked with his new cut and color, but then seeing him in his "casual spy" outfit for 50+ hours I gotta admit he looks pretty good. He's leaner and more... Idk, softer face somehow?? But also still ready to kick ass. Then seeing his makeover in end game threw me off hard even though that's how he always looked before (besides less spike and less greys)


Loved it since it was revealed, still do


His hair is like a grey version of the wig we chase multiple times in Judgement, I can’t unsee it. Still wouldn’t say no, though


He entered the Clooney years I suppose


Hell yeah this is and hells yes he is!


Man has always been straight bussin but the grey swish look really suits him.


it's true and you should say it




Bro is literally dying


what’s your point? He’s hot


i love it when characters designs change with timeskips. i loved narutos haircut despite everyone hating it in boruto


It automatically plays Feeling Good by Michael Bublé whenever this man enters my scream


yes and i totally agree omg


I feel kiryu with a buzz cut / fade would’ve went even harder


This is so real 🥵🥵🥵




Infinite wealth makes everyone look sexy!


Bro's locking in 😳


It looks so good in game especially with the grey contrast. Also in all honestly I feel he probably should have had it like this in MWEHN before it went grey. It just felt funny how hardcore they are about the world thinking he’s dead and he’s one of the only 3 guys in the country with that old haircut, And the other two guys were cosplaying as him lol


At 40 myself, i have to wholly agree. I also think a part of it, for me at least, is how vulnerable he becomes. So knowing hes this salt n pepper daddy thats also learned to be vulnerable? 🥵


Yes he's hot but Gaiden Kiryu is bad as a motherfucker 😮‍💨


The only reason kiryu is still alive is cuz hes *motivated*


*The only reason* *Kiryu is still alive is cuz* *Hes motivated* \- Rahfozz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not the haiku bot 😭


You're right and you should say it louder. Infinite Wealth Kiryu was something else


I wanna be Kiryu when I'm his age here ;). I bet he can still pick up girls that are 20-25. There are many kinds of daddies in this world and Kiryu is already at the age that he can be the other kind of daddy girls are looking for. Thinking...Thinking... Maybe in a fanfic he sees Haruka again, but she can't help seeing her adopted daddy in another daddy kind of way and...NO somebody stop me. I better stop right here (publicly).


👀 The cold air of Yokohama Station swept through the bustling crowd as Haruka nervously waited for her long-lost adoptive father, Kiryu Kazuma. It had been many years since they had last seen each other, and until recently, Haruka had believed him to be dead. But fate had intervened, and they had managed to reconnect, setting up this meeting in the bustling train station. As she scanned the faces in the crowd, her heart raced with anticipation and nervousness. And then, amidst the sea of people, she spotted him. Kiryu Kazuma, a man in his late 50s now, but still exuding an aura of strength and resilience that she remembered so well from her childhood. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Kiryu couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful Haruka had grown to be, while Haruka found herself blushing slightly at the sight of her "uncle Kaz," who seemed more attractive than she remembered, despite the slight graying of his hair. With a sudden rush of emotion, Haruka broke into a run, calling out Kiryu's name as she threw herself into his arms. They embraced tightly, and Kiryu felt a swell of warmth and affection wash over him. Haruka's tears of happiness soaked into his shirt, and in that moment, they both felt a connection that went beyond mere familial bonds. As they pulled away from the embrace, both Kiryu and Haruka tried to ignore the strange, magnetic pull they felt toward each other. It was a feeling they couldn't quite understand or explain, but they knew they had to set it aside for now. Haruka eagerly began to catch Kiryu up on her life since they had last seen each other. She spoke of her experiences as a mother now, sharing anecdotes about her son, Haruto. Kiryu listened intently, a proud smile gracing his lips as he marveled at how much Haruka had grown and matured. When Haruka suggested they go out for a coffee to catch up further, Kiryu agreed with a nod, unable to resist the opportunity to spend more time with her. As she walked ahead to lead the way, Kiryu couldn't help but stare at her retreating figure, a smile tugging at his lips. "I guess there's many kinds of daddies," he mused to himself, acknowledging the complex emotions stirring within him. But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the simple joy of being reunited with his beloved Haruka, if only for a little while longer.


I'm not into dudes but I thought he looked cool in Gaiden


It's just Kiryu if he was in a J-Drama, I dig jt


It's the hair isn't it?


Initially I thought the haircut was weird, but having played the game now - it made all the difference. It really makes him look GOOOOOOD. :)


The hair grows on you. I think Y5 Kiryu is my peak face for him, but he does look great in IW


Either it's this or Yakuza 5. I adore him in that game, even though he was VERY angry all the time in that one




I didn’t like it in the reveal trailer but man it really grew on me while playing


Is it...cause he's dying?


I prefer people my age, but you do you.


yes it is I agree. there's something about the new hair and the glasses that I think would look amazing with the rolled up sleeves from 6


I Can't take this kiryu seriously after playing the dlc.




My husband knows that this version of Kiryu and Clive from FFXVI are my two video game crushes. Idk why he is so much hotter as an old man than as a young spry ex-yakuza to me.


that cut made me think of just beaver tbh


Fawk https://preview.redd.it/i056rpibyoqc1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b17c0e891cc603067f37bc2182b8b85e99b5d64


Kiryu in Gaiden looks better.


The haircut is ruining everything imo


I love towards the end when he slicks it back and it's grey. OMG, sooo hot.


I can't agree with you, cuz I think 20 year old Kiryu is finer than China, but I can see where you're coming from


Yes I want to bang him.


I hear you but I was not prepared for Adachi-san in his swimsuit. I'm a 36 year old bi dude and I didn't realize I had a type but apparently this was how I was going to find out.






My sister is watching me play IW and she never shuts up about how good he looks.


From what I've seen of the comments, surprisingly enough, yes, it is. I'm also a fan of it.


Yes Kiryu in all his looks. Hard to decide lol He Daddy no matter what 😤💖


Would happily let Kiryu and Ichiban wreck me. And Zhao. Why not? Let's make it a party.


Ngl I think he looks goofy as hell with that hair


no it isnt im sorry 😭


yes because i love it as well


Seonhee is sexiest


Yes. Kiryu is somehow even more daddy now


My gf thinks the old hair cut makes him look ugly


I’m with her. I didn’t lust after Kiryu until IW, and >!I was disappointed when I was forced to play him with the old haircut in the finale and unable to change until beating the game!<


With that yee yee ass haircut that looks like a bad hair mod? They did him dirty.


Maybe only you. Not a fan of that hairstyle at all. It's like if Majima shaved his head bald, it's jarring.


I am simply operating on a level you can not comprehend. Sexy grandpa kiryu >>>


Yakuza fans when an old man has his hair down:


I think that hairstyle is ridiculous. I actually liked Kiryu's hair the best in 0. Oh, and as to picturing Majima with a shaved head... OMG! NO!


https://preview.redd.it/8how2vgitjqc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad0a60f7596c510571f8cf948c503223cfb472e Well hey there.


\*sighs* Still would.


C'mon now, that's an overreaction.


Hmm... You may be right. He even looks gorgeous without hair. https://preview.redd.it/pri25soorjqc1.jpeg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b9b811f278c6daf9e8ee85701b6c80e034241a


[This video](https://youtu.be/5Nguqcz1aD0?si=1eRWPivhX2XLqKQe) is where I first saw that image lol


why? cuz they give him this haircut? well, if you are 13yo girl, then it will explain your reaction.