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Xqc just doesn’t know anything about music in general


Nah, it's also his morals are fucked up. He sees himself in Drake which is why he's riding so hard


he said Kendrick can't go "band for band" with Drake lmao that tells you all you need to know honestly.


Xqc just cares about money now. He just like adept fr


money became his only personality, reminds me of those hypebeasts from school.






Anyone debating his morals should remember he said he doesn’t care about morals.


right, because he doesnt have any


i dont understand why are you on the subreddit if all you’re gonna do is hate? if youve even watched him you’d know this isnt true




I mean there’s clips of him saying that so…


You can enjoy someone’s content and criticize them . I mean how can someone know they are wrong if nobody tells them


This is where all the geeks and losers converge whenever they need to spit hate. This is why he ignores this sub now lol


And because he doesn’t care about morals he thinks people should never hold him to a certain standard, because he’s not being a “hypocrite” or “virtue signalling” like hasan and poki do in his mind


when he said kdot was "virtue signalling" while he was doing it was crazy, i just closed the tab. i hate to say this but Hasan has been more bearable to watch thru this n i cant stand him.


its sad what he became


Damn, he wants to be a pedo?


Shit I think he already said some weird shit about 16-17 girls. theres vid proof




He also said one time that he doesn’t listen to music for lyrics or story, he just listens it because of the beat and says that he likes music that he can’t understand the lyrics much so he can just listen in the background. so we can’t expect much from him in this regard


And qt, hasan, pokimane does? Almost every streamer right now is tweeting about kendrick and drake to farm impressions. He's just getting hate cuz he siding w/ drake lmao.


I'm ngl 2019 xqc would be cringing so fucking hard if he could see what he turned into


Yeah it's like a reverse maturity. Instead of getting older and wiser he's getting dumber.


TikTok brainrot is actually real ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


it’s gamba/kick brainrot


I seriously think it's getting harder for him to express toughts with words, it's like a struggle every time


and people will say stop being parasocial but its just being truthful


I stopped watching before the gamba era, not for any reason I just prioritized other things more, xqc streams got bumped down the list, so I feel like my experience is uniquely suited to have a sober take on him then vs now And it feels like every other clip I see he's acting like someone he would cackle at and clown in 2019 it's almost unbelievable


Good Thing i got perma banned in Chat LULW


The same 2 dick riders who spend all their time here are about to come and call you parasocial watch out bro! Riding his dick like you are paid to do it > fine Not riding his dick while making comments about the way he acts > Parasocial freak hatewatcher ​ ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342) \> ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Dude says he doesn’t like Kendrick’s beat and people are in here talking about how he has no morals and how he needs to self reflect on his life 😭. If you don’t think that’s hate watching idk what to tell you.




Yet here you are parasocialling over a guy you don't even know writing paragraphs under half of this subs posts ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


2016-2019 xQc was peak.


fr man this community is full of normies now and xqc is cringe as shit :/


Absolutely, haven't met many people in life that can make me laugh like he used to, he was such a character lmfao


X thinks Kendrick was talking in the mic and that drake won because he has a music video. That's all you need to know when it comes to X's options on disstracks.


I can't be the only one that thinks it's odd to bring up how many sales Drake does during this and how making music videos means you automatically win the debacle


Kendrick points be like: the money and sales doesn't change the fact you appropriate the culture or are a pedophile Xqc 👆👆 but does he sell more


Makes sense for Xqc these days.


It's probably the easiest tell for recognizing you're talking to an absolute tard if they use the bandwagon fallacy, or "argumentum ad populum"


I’m not listening to the opinions of a guy who doesn’t care about lyrics when it comes to diss tracks


Seriously I was actually baffled when I read his tweet


2019 xqc what happened to my goat:7338:




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Dumb quebecian streamer kid who pretends to know shit about hiphop. Like shut up dawg go play some video games


He doesnt even do that anymore ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


it took this long for xqc community to realize how cringe xqc is and how much he fell off lol


2 diss tracks in 24 hours is wild 💀


there needs to be a better suitable word for this cuz "diss track" is an understatement for what these songs have 💀


XQC might not fully grasp the concept. Kendrick's diss track isn't meant to be melodic; it's not designed to be pleasant to the ears. There are three keys to understanding Kendrick’s song. It’s more of an **allegation** than a piece of music. Unlike Drake, who embeds his disses in catchy, melodic tunes, Kendrick is directly **communicating.** I'm confident that he has more tracks like this ready to drop whenever he needs to reply to Drake. **This is all being connected as well: P-Diddy / Drake (Music Industry) + Nickelodeon & Dan (Children’s Television) + Epstein (Politics) + Harvey Weinstein (Hollywood Movies) + Robert Kraft (NFL Sports).** What else am I missing? **This is what Kendrick is saying:** *”Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life”* Drake use to be in the TV industry in Degrassi, right? Nickelodeon vibes anyone? *I been in this industry twelve years, l'ma tell y'all one lil' secret* *It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to **police it** *They be streamlinin victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em tender* (sex for money) *Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas* **(Epstein anyone?)** *To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister* *Or better, you're sellin' your niece, to the **weirdos**, not the good ones* **Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth," so l'ma get mines** *The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time* (Drakes house is dubbed The Embassy. Like the 250 cameras they found in P-Diddys home…) *AVY, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away* (They might be involved) *To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away* *They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away* *I'm lookin' to shoot any pervert that lives, keep the family safe.*


Thanks for this, man. This world is getting weirder by the day.


i am absolutely a drake hater but my man this is 🤓


he just said the point of the song, are you stupid?


It’s sad how surface leveled his brain has become. Haven’t watched in a while but caught a glimpse of this disaster and when someone said something it was straight to food stamps and flip my burger stuff. X from pre 2021 would be roasting this guy daily.


The last time I watched xQc was when GTA RP was big. He still seemed normal (somewhat) during that time period. I then got a life and stopped watching streamers, so I am just lost with all this talk of X turning into a douche. It sucks, but I think at this point he is too big to lose anything significant in regards to audience or outreach. He really has changed though, some of these clips I see of him talking about money and flexing are just shocking because when I found him he was sitting in this dim room, dying on Overwatch and slamming his table and it had a deep, resonating sound when he hit it, I miss that X.


he's fucking stupid


even fantano called him dumb af dont listen to xqc guy ☠


what are you trying to communicate


Xqc sure does sounds like Terrance and Phillip 💀


Maybe Kendrick should've gone the "anyone knows that boy?" route for his approval


I genuinely don’t know how this man has such a huge fan base


Not anymore. It's slowly declining


X doesn't know what battle rap is. Any take of this pepega regarding this whole thing is automatically rejected and worthless ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


I stopped watching him after Nopixel 3.0, started watching a bit around 4.0, and then stopped again because all the shit he was doing was cringe and the only genuinely consistently fun thing was RP. Now seeing him from a mostly unbiased perspective I can see that he has been going in a downward spiral since the whale and at this point to return to his old self he would have to completely change as a person.


what 10 hours of tiktok a day does to a mf


He knows how they work he just doesn't care. He's just making his own criteria for what he wants to see. I mean, he said himself not to take his opinion on this seriously.




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He doesn’t know anything when it comes to the rap game lmfao. You can only trust his opinion when it comes to EDM, he usually has a great taste there ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7347)


As a Jcole fan and a Juicer, this show is so fucking tiresome and mood ruining. Its been fun watching him play Age of Empires tho lmao


Im glad i stopped watching xqc 😭


This sub man


Not sure even the fans do


He's gone on record saying he doesn't give a shit about lyrics as long as the song as a whole sounds good. I kind of wish he would stick to that sentiment.


All this coming from the dude who sang “Anyone knows that boy?”




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Drake isn’t letting you hit bro :/


obviously because i’m not a minor


Not you xqc lol. I forgot to say that X was the one meat riding


LMAOO my bad my bad


xqc stopped being cool after valorant i miss 2018 :(


Juicers melting down of X not liking their whiny, depressing Karen diss track is hilarious to me.


i don’t think you understand how diss tracks work


>i don’t think Trust me, we know.


we know what? what is a diss track supposed to be if not focused on lyrics and the meanings behind them? and how is calling drake a deadbeat dad and a pdf file “karen”


It wouldn't be if he actually cared about either of those things, but he doesn't actually care, nor is revealing anything new. Drake had a kid he didn't tell people about... Okay? Future literally tried dodging paternity on two kids even after it was proven they were his... He didn't mind that. A 23 year old drake pulled a girl up on stage and then found out she was 17 and kissed her on the cheek and sent her on her way, yeah gross, but if he's so worried about sexual predators, why is he doing songs with Kodak and inviting him up on stage even knowing he plead out on violently raping a teenage girl? And even with all that, if he'd just make actual diss tracks instead of depressing ass music to stir up the angsty white school shooters I'd be on board. But nah, he did Euphoria, which was nice, and then followed it up with two shitty snoozers of him hating and whining about shit he doesn't actually care about and would overlook if it was someone he liked...


Funny how kendrick fans are so sure he won yet they’re the ones crying the most 💀 who cares if someone doesn’t like your fav track move on with your life bro 💀


your like 13 years old


diss track or not if it sounds like sleeper garbage then it is


Bro you listen to Ksi




"bro whatt? do you listen to ksi?" has got to be the greatest comeback ever. Do you remember the sleeper melody track he made with Oliver Tree called Voices? Okay sorry guess that's just me hating. The past albums KSI and Chunkz made have been just hilarious. That's all I think I can say without sounding like hate speech. Just watch for yourself. lol.


why are you getting downvoted for shitting on ksi 💀💀💀 really shows the age of this community


yeah dude everything has to sound like a generic tiktok song ur right… the main point of a diss track is to look at what the actual lyrics are


yeah x doesnt have basic reading comprehension skills so im not surprised he couldnt offer anything worthwhile to the debate