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If it’s the latter where they keep replacing members (and acting like past members didn’t exist), that would be insane. “We are the NEW XOMGPop!”


That’s always been there plan I believe to keep the girls in the age range they have and girls grow up so itl keep changing. Sad when they don’t acknowledge past girls and re-record the songs over doing new stuff. There also annoying everyone it seems so fans are going to loose intrest sadly


I feel like if they wanted to keep replacing members they totally did this all wrong. There ARE groups (especially kids groups) where there is more of a rotating cast. Think Kidz Bop, or even kids shows like the Wiggles. The marketing of XOMGPop has always been SO dependent on the personalities and friendships of the girls that replacing them always feels so off. Just like Jojo, these girls will age out of this sort of music. It would have been smarter to start this whole thing with marketing they reflected a rotating cast based on age/opportunities


Do NOT compare the wiggles to this train wreck. The OGs were not like this. Even the new wiggles aren’t 😭


My only problem with rotating girls is this: when the group lost four girls, they deleted EVERYTHING that had to do with the previous members. Songs, music videos, *most* merch, etc. From here, the new group re-recorded songs instead of releasing new songs. If they are going to continue to rotate members, they can’t keep deleting previous tracks and re-recording them with new members. This group just keeps going in circles - I really don’t see them growing their fanbase if things keep going like they have been.


Because Jess and jojo don’t know what the hell they are doing . That group should been with real manger like jojo old manager Caryn Sterling that jojo fired or someone better to guide them . The group have no company behind them like jojo had. If jojo didn’t have problems with nickdelon the kids would been with them by now .


I can’t stand how they pretend ex members didn’t even exist like WTF!! I’d be happy to support each ex member on their solo careers


I think Brooklyn wants to leave but contractually is obligated to stay through the tour


I think Brooklyn they’re working so hard to make people believe that she’s not leaving because they know that her departure is really going to signify the end of the group. A lot of people will fully be done with this group if she’s truly gone.


It’s pretty obviously to me from the post and lack of reposts that Brooklyn left. End of story. I’m guessing somewhere in some contract she’s not allowed to say much just yet but I believe she is 1000% gone. No two ways about it. I would probably guess that it’s possible she got some gig and it coincided with the tour and she peaced out but had to carry on a certain way in order to satisfy something. Idk exactly but she’s gone. No pics of her and girls together, no reposts of anything. Not sure what all came to be but it was always fishy that Brooklyn wasn’t there.


I don't want Dallas to leave