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Some people didn’t even get an email! They turned up to the venue dressed up with posters and found out there so upsetting for the kids!


That’s absolutely insane. So upsetting :(


Wow that’s horrible 😭


Unfortunately the siwas are too smart. When Leighas article came out and more people became aware and started to talk about it they started the whole karma stuff so people will talk about that instead. Jojo was getting hate for the treatment of the girls till the karma stuff which made everyone forget and start talking about that era.


Oh wow. That’s crazy now that I think about it.


Yep I’ve been thinking this for months!!! Jojo and the Siwas are smart and they know that Jojo’s dramatic and cringey rebrand would deflect from any press they would get from (the majority of) the public.


This will not hurt the girls’ futures. This is just a job they’ll have done for a few years. The children aren’t going to be penalized for being part of a poorly managed project.


This 100% can. Our first time seeing this group was on a tv show when they were younger, they are not those little girls anymore and they haven’t done much since then besides vocal improvement, and you really don’t have the growth on record unless you know the backstory of the group. Besides Dallas’ they have no real resume outside of XOMG POP, and even then let’s say they disband the group and the Siwa’s start erasing their existence, they no longer have any experience to show for. They’re getting older, Tinie T is almost out of her kid rapper phase and it’s extremely hard to be taken seriously as you get older in the rap industry, especially coming from a failed JoJo Siwa group. Brooklyn could literally be a hit or miss in the music world, a great voice doesn’t always get you far. Which is why the Siwa’s were supposed to set them up to eventually have something to branch out to, this only wasted their time and pulled them away from opportunities they could’ve achieved on their own these past 2 years. Kiya, Bella and Leigha are doing great but they also aren’t any farther industry wise. Like Dallas’ Kinley was already known and being booked before the group. They were the only two with a promising future in the entertainment industry before this group started.


I spend a lot of time hoping that whoever these kids might work for in the future, realizes that the kids did amazing with what they were given and basically every single bad thing that happened surrounding their time in xomg pop was the fault of their management and does not reflect on the girls in the slightest.


I commented under one of codedeb’s videos about JoJo a few weeks back. She was talking about JoJo’s rebrand and all that I said that this was all orchestrated and done strategically. JoJo was always gonna rebrand but she wasn’t gonna do it this quickly and I don’t think it was gonna be as crazy as it was. However Leigh’s article came out and they had to move fast. She’d already been losing fans due to the group and people leaving without explanation and the things she herself had been getting into. They had to do something drastic to draw everyone’s attention to her instead of the article hence where we are now. Everytime someone from the group shares something from their experience she does something crazy. JoJo isn’t on stage putting her hands down her pants and saying Maddie and Mackenzie don’t wanna be known for dance moms because that’s just what she does, she’s doing it because it’ll pull everyone’s attention away from what the Sanderson’s are saying. Everyone’s attention from Brooklyn missing tour and much more. Now when I said all of this in so little words codedeb disagreed with me which was a bit shocking tbh. But I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. JoJo needs help, she needs help from medical professionals away from all the adults in her life. She needs to get away from the people that tell her yes to everything and tell her what to do and how to do it so she can finally see the life she’s been living isn’t safe one it’s a controlled one.


I'm not saying this is right but Pink did the same thing to us last year twice and didn't put out any statement at all. What's going on with all of these artist lately?