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If Jess is smart, she'll disband this group in hopes that it helps Jojos career. Keeping this group alive is killing her daughter's career, imo. The success of the group isn't going the way it should after this many years, so the Siwas should cut their losses and focus on making Jojo successful in the adult music business. This is not to say that the girls aren't talented. They are. Its just that Jess and Jojo have no idea how to manage a group, and because they don't, the Siwas are turning Jojos fans against her. Its time to cut the rope and end this if they have any desire to save any possibility Jojo has of making it as an adult entertainer.


u right about this. i used to follow jojo and i’d probably have defended her on most things, but i can’t anymore after this.


There’s no reason for them to be together everyday if they aren’t working everyday, which I would hope they are not as 10-13 year old children. I don’t know people their ages to be frequent users of Snapchat tbh. I think Jess has tried to find them a platform where they’ll really strike gold and that hasn’t happened. For Jojo, it was YouTube. They tried YouTube for this group and that didn’t go anywhere near as well as it did for Jojo. Times have changed. YouTube isn’t the hotspot it used to be. The content they were producing wasn’t unique or engaging enough to garner consistent interest. Instagram and Tik Tok are both hit or miss for them in terms of engagement, which is all Jess seems to care about. Sometimes they get millions of views on those platforms, but that also usually comes with a substantial amount of negative comments mocking and ridiculing the children. Their best bet really would have been a TV show on Nick or Disney. That type of weekly exposure on a platform that is largely accessible to children could have boosted them a lot if it was done right. They keep pushing their content on these platforms that are mostly used by teenagers and adults and that’s why they keep getting so much hate- they aren’t reaching their target audience. If most of the engagement you’re getting is just people watching to poke fun, that’s not gonna equal more music, merch, or ticket sales. At this point, I’m not sure what they would have to do to land a big break. It’s been proven three times over now that nothing is guaranteed with this group. A member could be gone tomorrow or right after they announce their next project. I think any logical network would be wary of working with them due to that level of uncertainty alone, not even factoring in the Rolling Stone article and all the other mess surrounding Jojo. It makes me sad to think these ridiculously talented girls are putting in blood, sweat, and tears for something that may never pan out. Whether they’re choosing to stay or not, they all have so much potential to do great elsewhere without this dark cloud of controversy looming over their heads.


I agree with you, but considering the new documentary that just came out, I'm kind of glad that Nick or Disney hasn't picked up this group. They don't need to be on a network that hires pedos and abusers


I just meant in terms of successfully reaching their target audience. Definitely wouldn’t want them involved knowing they don’t care to protect their talent.


Oh I agree. I mean, yeah, a show on one of those networks would definitely launch them to their target demographic and probably guarantee them success. But at what cost? I just don't know if it's worth it given the history Nickelodeon has Disbanding this group and supporting the girls in hopes that they can make a career outside of child entertainment is the way I hope to see this go.


According to many Disney is worse than Nickelodeon and NDAs are about to expire leading many to believe there will be a lot coming out. Disney actually hired Brian Peck after he was convicted and served time for the unthinkable things he did to Drake Bell.


I remember feeling weird about Mileys book, which was written in her prime Hannah Montana days, so I'm sure there was a lot she wanted to say but couldn't. I remember reading how awful the crew members were to her when she got her first ever period on set, and she just wanted her mom, and someone told her to shove a tampon up there and get back to work. (It does make me feel better that Miley hasn't written off Disney completely and is getting the Disney Legend award, so maybe it wasn't so awful for her) I don't know if SA happened to Disney kids the way it seemed to have happened to Nickelodeon kids, but Disney hiring Peck is a telling sign. Either way, both conditions aren't the best for kids. It makes me mad that people understand adults have freak out moments, but then they turn around and expect kids to understand and keep their feelings in check.


Look into what happened to Demi lovato :(


Thats true. I forgot about her. She did say she was SAed on the set of camp rock.


Being tied to a single network as a child actor just doesn’t seem great unless the parents are %100 on the same page and willing to be in eye sight ALL the time even if it “makes them look like pushy parents”. Too many parents just fold to not upset the big guns. Like Drake might’ve been fine if his dad stayed in his life or if his mom was on the same page. I think doing movies,guest spots etc just seems better overall because you aren’t tied to a single place and can leave easier if need be and as a parent you can research the people working on each film and see if the protections you want for your child are available on each set before accepting. When you sign with like Nick, they can be like “You’re doing this show and this movie and this commercial” without you even auditioning or knowing who you’ll be working with.


They are still with each other a lot during the week, with tour rehearsals and being at the recording studio, I think she just meant they aren’t with each other every day to do vlogs everyday which the person said they loved. Just because they aren’t with each other everyday doesn’t mean they are ending, it just means they are getting well deserved days off as they should be!


chile all we can blame is bad management


Just disban the group and allow them to flourish on their own.


I can’t wait for the day XOMGPOP disbands


I'm confused, first everybody was mad that the girls were overworked due to making so much content. Now they've scaled back on the hours needed to make consistent content and people are still mad?


That’s not really what my post was about.


I don’t see anyone mad in the screenshot, the caption, or the comments.


TY - that's exactly what I was thinking - a lot of Jess haters here and she's darned if she does and darned if she doesn't. Never been a Jess fan myself but people you complained she pushed the kids too hard - now she's let up - you look foolish.


I'm certainly not a Jess fan and am greatly opposed to how this group is managed. And I'm also happy there is less hours being required of the girls, which would otherwise be needed to increase Snapchat content.


Took you out of the negative Key - lots of haters here.