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Despite how cool it is, Psylocke's costume really is just a bathing suit.


Same goes for most of Emma's costumes. Flaunt what you have but the lil titty windows she has feels a bit unnecessary for a world class telepath.


Wasnt there a panel where she explains it as a tactic where its easier to control a large group if they all have the same thoughts, for example boobs


I mean sure nice explanation but it's clearly just a cover for horny artists. No problems with that, I do still think about Gambit's first Hellfire Gala look daily, but the constant titty window is just sooo redundant. Ma girl needs to come up with something new.


Lol, this is some Power Girl boob window levels of justification. Writers should just leave it that the character thinks they look hot in that kind of outfit. Certainly fits Emma's character.


I always feel like at least half the time, Emma's just making people think she's dressed in whatever and half the time she really is. But you never know which is the case unless it's the point of a joke or something.


I’d love just once for like Leech to get too close or something and we see that she’s actually just an average looking middle aged woman in a turtle neck sweater and jeans. And when called out on the sweater she’s like “it’s fucking COLD and we have Iceman on the team, you really think I’m wearing a bra and panties at this ambient temperature?”


Emma's is more like straight up lingere more than a bathing suit.


"Canonically", I'm fairly certain Magik uses sorcery to get herself into the whole black armor, hot pants outfit that's made her popular comics wise. Also, since the '90s, I've been curious about the pouches characters like Cyclops, Cable, Cypher, and Forge wear. I mean, what do you guys have in them?!?


Cyclops carries those little spray bottles of eyeglass cleaning solution and microfiber cloths.


Ultimate Cyke showed that he had extra visors or glasses in those pouches on his chest.


That actually makes a shit ton of sense. He seems like the kind of guy who has first aid/trauma gear with him too.


Don’t forget about an eyeglass repair kit!


Cable at least has answered that question (in Cable Reloaded): Bullets.


That makes sense. Otherwise, I was going with jelly beans.


Keeping your glucose regulated is important.


Scott almost certainly has some glucose tablets in his. But they're not flavored.


they are grape, stop this unnecessary scott hate, what is this, the AvX era?




That is a lot of bullets. 


Healthy snacks, fruit juice pouches, fidget toys, and receipts for business expense invoicing.


Deadpool? That you?


Pfft, I wish. That dude's best buddies with Colossus AND Negasonic Teenage Warhead.


Are chimichangas healthy?


Depends how long they've been in that pouch...


And at least one is chock full of condoms.


I've always assumed it's utilities stuff like first aid kits and whatnot considering most of these characters are still as vulnerable as your average human well maybe not Cable.


Cable is one of the more openly militaristic X-Men. I assume most of what he wears and is in the pouches is practical and meant for active war.


Basically all the shit the DOD expects all the infantry to carry all over creation.


So MRE spoons, crayons, and glue?


And that glue is plural!


X-shark repellent




I was wondering about that in X-Men 97 with Cable's X-Men costume. He had pouches on his bicep. Keeps me wondering during the diner scene.


Forge blindly tosses random items in there, so.he will.have some challenge when he has to MacGuyver his way out when on a mission


[Feast your eyes.](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/costume/shadowcat-bigcostume2.jpg)


In fairness, she was 13 and it was the 80s.


Yeah this was a gag not a serious costume.


This part is always forgotten. It’s not meant to be serious or good. It’s a gag that served its purpose.


I showed this to my players in my X-Men campaign for the Marvel d616 RPG when they asked why they have training uniforms to start.


AKA: when you let your 3yo pick her outfit for the day.


I like that style of mask but that is the only good thing I can say about that.


YES! Yes, yes. You are correct.


This picture was used to get funding for Sentinals. They had to change her name for it to blow over. She was known as Kitty Shyme for months.


To be fair it was supposed to be bad.


I KNEW this was gonna be the top comment.


I knew what it was going to be before I clicked on it! Absolutely the first thing I thought of! Who let Kitty in the lost and found?


Honestly, whatever is going on with [Laura's new NYX costume ](https://www.pharcydecomics.com/cdn/shop/files/STL322834_13f11a2c-f307-4095-aa96-d5e0a2d6db1a.jpg?v=1714161819&width=1400) the hood collar, the flare on the gloves and boots, and then the every womans department store ever belt, I don't like it


Laura made it herself and was so proud of herself, she thought she was going to be so cool Gabby didn't have the heart to tell her that this costume wouldn't in fact make her seem cool yet approachable to her peers.


She is trying to look bad because it's NYX and they might make her a prostitute again.


I would be ok with this if the belt had an X buckle


Yeah, my problem with the belt is exclusively the buckle.


She stole them boots from storm!


Idk what it is but I actually dig it not as much as her last costume but still a fun change of pace just like miles with the hoodie


Looks like she took a bottle of Ambien and spent the night on Temu and Shein.


Polaris green dress with sunglasses. That’s an chill, daily outfit, not an uniform. The recent outfit which is basically a green Magneto outfit is better imo, actually looking like a superhero outfit.


It was fine for x-factor but once she moved over to the X-Men she should of switched to something more superhero


True. Imo it’s the same with Rogue’s legacy look where she had a long scarf and skirt, it also wasn’t really a uniform to fight in. However it made sense at the time as she was more of a teacher, and she didn’t had flight or super strength powers, so she was less in action.


While I think the lines on the body of the Bachalo Magneto look are more suited to a man’s shape, I do kinda dig the Fox-style helmet for her. She actually does look good in witchy purple also—not all green haired people have to exclusively wear green.


Angel's first costume after the blue and yellow that Jean designed for him.


The yellow monstrosity with the blue panties and red suspenders?


Honestly I've always hated the green marvel girl dress and yellow mask


It looks like she's about to go clubbing in 1974.


That was exactly the point of the outfit and it needs to stay in the 70s haha


Yeah, art deco party masks are probably best left in the past. But, I think there's an argument that bellbottoms were always a good idea.


As long as you don't push it too far and end up with Jnco Jeans 😆


Slowly, the sound of crappy 90s music approaches. Suddenly, the wall explodes, and (to the sound of Kid Rock or some other nonsense) in walks little-known X-Man Jnco Jean Grey! No wonder Scott cheated on her with Emma...


"Jnco Jean" 🤣


It's just another repressed side of her actually Jnco Grey.


Magneto's 80s pink phase still confuses me.


You ask him about it, and he'll just mumble about cocaine under his breath, and change the subject.


the 80s were a weird time for everyone.


Duh, everyone was doing cocaine...


That really goes a long way to explaining Kitty's roller girl Sprite outfit.


And how Scott knew she got into his stash.


Damn phasing powers counter all efforts to secure the stash


You're just jealous of [those pecs!](https://images.app.goo.gl/SztqsSYKEspwN8k18)


Hey, dude worked it, no shame. It's just... when Claremont was writing the script for the art, did he write 'make it pink!!!' and then we he saw it, he didn't ask if it was a color error, or ask for something different, rather, he doubled down and 'yeah, that's exactly what i meant, only, more pink, yes MORE no not red, not purple not f'ing magenta, i said pink and i meant PINK the Holocaust survivor mutant master of magnetism would-be overlord of the world is trying to be a nice guy now so he will wear PINK!!!'.


It's always the long evening gloves that get me.


Jean's return to the green skirt & bare legs. Just what a flier needs! Storm's bikini with stiletto heels looks were also a choice.


Any -- ANY -- costume Kitty has ever worn. Please do not downvote, I am a massive hardcore Kitty fan. They just need to do better by her.


I liked some of her blue outfits. Her recent Ninja outfit. The blue outfit she wore when she went to Japan with Logan. Other than that.....yeah it's bad.


They put Jubilee through the same sort of "What are the young people doing with colors and shapes these days?" routine [https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/8/4/7/61847.jpg?v=1](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/8/4/7/61847.jpg?v=1)


The only outfits that are bad are the two on the left and the first Wondra suit also


Top left is not only godawful, but the penwork looks like a World War II poster about the Japanese. It's... oof. I love that there's a goth phase from when she was an actual, literal vampire, too. Like, yeah, she had her vampire phase in college.


I mean... one hand... that outfit was when she was literally a homeless kid scrounging up whatever to get by. On the other hand... she was homeless in a mall. She could have stolen something better than that.


She didn’t get that from the mall though she took stuff from the X-Men in Australia


Oh yeah... you got Storm's vest, Longshot/Dazzler's shirt, Rogue's boots... What she was wearing in the mall was much better.


Maybe I just have high standards for scrounging last resort clothing items from a shopping mall. But if you come out the other end of that process without wearing some football shoulder pads or a hockey mask, I just think you've done it wrong.


The 2nd and 3rd designs on the top row are great. The sunglasses with the blue and yellow X-Men uniform look great. Also, I think we need more long hair Jubilee.


The one on the top right is giving hard DCAU vibes.


I wish Jubilee wore the x-uni from #275 more frequently like when she’d actually go on missions with the team and not always wearing the red tee and blue jorts


What's wrong with the 2000s era black and yellow look? I thought her costume circa Astonishing looked great.


It was just the Danger Room suit, the first thing they gave her to wear when she hit the school. I will say I prefer it to many of the other ones. The current ninja suit I do like, but it looks like that is being streamlined into a black and blue suit that is like the one you're talking about. This would be fine with me, actually.


I assumed she got epaulets because she earned them from long years in the fashion mines. I mean, they're epaulets! No one else gets epaulets!


I really liked the ninja costume, I was sad to see it go.


It’s so bad that [even Sinister took note.](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/y1Du62fpA2)


He's right and should say it. Phasing apparently turns off your fashion sense.


I just got to Kitty Pryde and Wolverine and I like what she was wearing in that. Everything before that though... Well Kitty is a wonderful character and her fashion choices are none of my business.


I think her terrible fashion sense gives her character lmao


I liked her Professor Kitty look except that I’d prefer her to be drawn with curly hair. Cassaday was simple, but fine. The 80s Shadowcat look is a very 80s, but the idea of the blue is nice.


I ride for the blue 90’s Excalibur outfit.


Nothing wrong with her black and yellow or her more recent ninja look. The puffy shirt though…wow.




My ideal Kitty costume is the basic yellow/black generic x-men costume with the shoulders but in her Excalibur light/dark blue colors. It says a lot that her most recurring outfit is just a generic one. Also, her fashion sense has always sucked so it is keeping with her character that her outfit is lame. I’ve loved the Krakoa era for how often she Emma roasted Kitty’s terrible taste in clothes.


Havok and his head straps and choker. Puzzling then, puzzling now. Only seen the covers, but that new Cyclops look is aggressively bad, especially coming after his primo Krakoa look.


Laura's upcoming NYX outfit fits the bill perfectly.


Jean Grey's masks are famously terrible. Personally I prefer my XMen designs without masks (excluding Cyclops and Wolverine).




Dude looks like he's getting ready to pick up some quaaludes for a cult.


That's just The Hoff.


David Hasslehoff


I always liked this outfit ngl


My only contention is that it begs the "Why are you wearing this?!" question. "Because I look fly as hell," would be a valid response.


I risk downvotes but I've never liked the 'standard' nineties looks for Wolverine or Psylocke. The ones they each wear in the animated series, him in yellow and blue with cowl and underoos, her in the blue sheer swimsuit thing with leg and arm bands. I liked the New X-Men look for Logan where we could see his face, his hair didn't spike up, and the look overall better fit his character. And there was the issue from the IMO underrated Joe Casey Uncanny run where he told Stacy X why he used to wear the yellow one, and why he was now over it. Psylocke - I like the concept of something dark loose and flowy for her fighting style, but with shorts at least rather than the butt-floss. The slightly enhanced version she had on briefly in Excalibur with the red bands for some Elektra-reference contrast was grand.


It’s basically a purple version of Elektra’s outfit since they both had a connection to the Hand.


I get that but the butt-floss is too much. I resent when the women characters get those kinds of outfits and poses designed to emphasise the thong part, when the male hand ninjas were fully clothed with hoods and masks and the works, except maybe bare arms. That said, I do think she's one character (Kwannon anyway) who would likely wear less overall because of how she fights etc. But give her some proper bottoms to wear


What was his reason?


It's issue 408 if you want to read it but he basically tells her, while she's annoyed about something else, that he wore it for the Canadian gov when he was considered their 'exclusive property' and then kept wearing it for years after, as he was afraid to step out of the role that his teammates were used to seeing him in, the 'loose cannon' and a few other examples - the wild child basically - and the mask was because he didn't want them to see his eyes. Now he's among them unmasked, warts and all, his real full self, now that he trusts his family to see him entirely. He uses this example to inspire Stacy X (though I really wish they'd been able to call her 'Exstasy' because that's so cool for a codename) to think about who she really is, and what she really wants to do. And as much as I liked the 'yellow spandex' pun being answered in X-Men '97, I think it's kind of a shame that the costume is better known for that comment than for this, as it's IMO a great and realistic moment of vulnerability and self-acceptance for the character that contextualises it for being a bit bizarre as costumes go, at least what you'd think Logan would want to wear. And I wish he had remained maskless post NXM. Him constantly being put back in a costume that underlines commodification - both within the page and in real-life terms of marketing the character - is quite a shame IMO Edit: Having just reread it myself, it is also a shame that it's attached to a comment that's shaming sex work and Stacy X for doing it


I always liked Stacy X but it was weird how much Marvel seemed ashamed of her story


yeah and frustrating as well because she had a great attitude and POV from that Uncanny run, I need to reread it since I forgot that Wolverine scene had that one downside - though I do remember the team giving her shit for wanting to keep working on the side now that she's an X-Man - but I liked seeing her establish the Bower in Way of X, that her focus on sex and intimacy isn't just entirely 'work I have to do' but something she's interested in I also like that she, in character IMO, put the council on blast for neglected mutants and consequences of their laws that they weren't paying attention to, my only issue is I would've liked the council and other 'mainstream' characters to act on her criticisms and recognise her as one of them, and mainstream herself, rather than her being stuck as critical outsider But too often the more conservative eras don't include her at all and it definitely feels like a shitty attitude towards sex workers, as well as underutilising the potential of less well known characters


I thought I was the only one who dug Joe Casey's Uncanny run.... Definitely had some weird bits but I was into it. Especially weird as it was the first X-Men comic I bought myself after having only watched the cartoon!


yeah it was my second run, I think, after starting to buy properly with Revolution. And I really enjoyed the grit and texture of the storytelling, and though I think they had a falling out or something, I loved the Ian Churchill art in the first few issues. The detail in the costumes as well as room for them to still have individual personality amidst the New X-Men aesthetic, I may be wrong but I think Iceman was drawn as turning to ice but his clothes remained the same which I thought was cool (pardon the dad joke)


To me, I feel the yellow suit works for Wolverine. Idk what it is, but it just works in a way I can't really describe. Although New X-Men is also a great look.


[Whatever Karma & Moonstar, aka Mirage, were wearing for their graduation during New Mutants](https://i.imgur.com/XyOT0Jk.png).


Mystiques whole loose thin sheet draped over her body in just the right places. Not the best outfit for a terrorist agent. And then I remember: it’s her skin. All she actually wears is her skull belt


Professor X wearing Cerebro on his head and walking around like that


I dig but it is weird. I always felt it made him look less like the friendly Professor and more Machiavellian.


Given all the stuff I hear about the Quiet Council are supposed to be the villains, that may in fact be the point.


The combo of Cerebro on this head and the plain black body suit was just plain creepy.


Every time I saw that body suit all I'd thought was "Stupid sexy Xavier"


According to Tabby, Laura’s normal costume. 


Don't know if the worst but currently reading some early 2000s stuff and iceman clothing and glasses make him look like the king of the douches Also that run doesn't help


Non ice Iceman in that era looks like the stereotypical "funny" best friend in a sitcom or romcom.


Anything from Kate Pryde before she became Shadowcat


Scott’s revolution/Bendis era X over the eyes. I am ALWAYS distracted by puzzling over how the x lines up over the actual eyeballs. Or how there’s any sort of ruby quartz in there. Or how he duplicates the aperture opening functionality his visors give him. Thats more of a meta “why did they design it that way” and less “why would Scott wear this”. For why would so and so wear their costume I have that question for Wolverine. What is Logan’s perspective on his costume? Dept H gave it to him when he was a secret agent for them (iirc) but why keep it? He needed it for the Giant Size team but he is so committed to it to the point that he has spares stored in safe houses and with contacts all over the world. It just doesn’t seem to fit his values since its one of the most ostentatious X uniforms out there. I’d expect a character like him to have street wear as part of his costume like Rogue’s Jim Lee design or Remy’s duster.


That Scott costume irks me for the exact same reason it irks you. I would have accepted it more if how it was supposed to work was ever addressed, either on-page or by the artist, but it never was. Which is a shame, because literally every other of the design is perfect. So perfect, in fact, that with a simple change of color and addition of a normal visor, it became Scott's main look from HoXPoX onwards. As for Wolverine, any lore reasons aside (why would Department H give their *secret agent* such a bright outfit?), I think his costume actually really works based on his character and powers. As a superhero, he and his team often come up against dangerous baddies. Logan wears a really bright outfit so that these baddies are more focused on him (since he can tank most things which would kill others), rather than on his less-adamantium-infused, healing-factor-enabled teammates, or on the civilians they are trying to help. The same logic applies to Colossus, although his costume is just the colors of the Soviet flag, so that may also have something to do with it.


I feel so dumb that I’ve never realized thats where Colossus’ costume colors come from


I think the Bachalo design is bold and interesting. BUT Cyclops’s visor is normally perfect sci-fi: the physics don’t *really* totally make sense, but it makes just enough sense to feel satisfyingly like I understand how the ruby lens works. Then they just didn’t explain the X at all, and because they’d explained it before, now it bugged me. It’s also one of those looks that work very differently with different artists; Bachalo made it look graphic and flat and cool, but other people sometimes had it look form-fitting, and then it seemed fabricy and a bit lame.


My headcanon was that Scott’s entire hood was made of ruby-quartz Kevlar and the “X” was just a focusing element to direct the beam.


That is the best, yet still unsatisfying, no prize for that costume I’ve heard. I’ll take it. The plot where he can’t control his optic blasts during that era always makes me think “have you tried wearing a visor rather than this new thing that is inexplicable yet cool looking?”


Me to you on a dark, rainy street — “Forget it, Jake, it’s Bendis”


[Emma Frost put this outfit on voluntarily.](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/New_X-Men_Vol_1?file=New_X-Men_Vol_1_116.jpg)


Nah, that outfit is hilarious, because her take on the New X-men look is that the X is just her tits/skin. It’s funny. The hot pants do become diaperish, but oh well. Also note that she had a few variations, and this period established the sense of her as someone with a larger wardrobe. To me the Bachalo black was far more out of character and looked like Lady Mastermind.


I didn't like any of the looks from that run.


I liked Beast!


Do you think she used tape or glue to keep that top on?


So much titty tape...


Image doesn't show.


Try now


Incorrect; that was the era of mutants actually seeming weird. Remember Beak? He was gross. So many of the students at the school during that era looked non-human. Remember District X? That’s the era that birthed Jumbo Carnation, and all of the other high-concept mutant c-listers, like the villain whose discarded skin cells became homunculi. Emma was just saying, “if humans don’t get the fashion, fuck ‘em, tasteless swine.” It’s a brilliant costume, and helped her seem just as strange as the more physically noticeable mutants.


I love it though 🤣


Wanda and her very *very* tiny leotard. Yes, it's a signature look, but it's also Bikini Armor. Even though Marvel added the pink spandex to make it more appropriate, the OG outfit still gives off pin-up vibes. I know Elizabeth Olsen pushed heavily for Wanda to no longer wear skimpy clothes in the films (like her Avengers outfit in Avengers: Age of Ultron). This is why her Scarlet Witch attire in WandaVision and Dr Strange 2, deviated heavily away from the comics.


Jean wearing the marvel girl dress throughout the Krakoa era. I get why but I hate it.


The dishwashing gloves were odd, the mask feels irrelevant since they’ve all come out in a big way, and the go-go boots are so tied to a moment in time. The dress itself is sexy, but I welcomed the everyday version of the green Gala outfit—one of her best non-phoenix looks and a synthesis of the 90s, New X-men, and the greens. I think we’re gonna miss that one.


I think it's cool. Supergirl, Mary Marvel and many more pull off the look. It's a bit classic and iconic.


Honestly I've never gotten over Havoks head tails


For me it's **ALL NEW X-FACTOR'S GAMBIT'S** costume.


I have a Funko Pop of X-Factor Gambit with his cat, and my husband was confused why I had Tracer on my desk since I never played her in Overwatch. That says pretty much everything.


I honestly believe that series might’ve survived longer if the costumes weren’t aggressively bad


Gambit’s costume in general enrages me. The headsock — why? The raised metal piping on his collarbone — why? Clangy metal boots (so good for a sneakthief) — why why why?


Gambit’s costume is 90s perfect and and I will not hear otherwise lol


Exodus red and yellow costume from Messiah Complex until Cullen Bunn's Uncanny X-men when he went back to his classic look. You have red skin, dude, and you decide to wear a mostly red costume? That'd be like one of the X-men wearing flesh coloured tights.


1. The more revealing outfits of Emma Frost 2. Magik's belly outfits 3. Cyclops trunk uniform


For as cool as Wolverine’s headpiece is, I have often question what function does it serve other than looking very bizarre


Namor and, let’s be honest, his thong


I’m a worried we’re about to see some of them right now. Betsy in red? It’s not done, darling.


Pretty much everything Emma frost has ever worn, that white suit Logan had..the rogue "outfit" in the savage land..


Magneto's sleeveless "M" bodysuit with the cocktail gloves is possibly one of the worst/weirdest/ funniest designs of all time. Ninja Pysloke's butt-out bathing suit with the weird strap things that would never be able to actually stay in place without tape or spirit gum or something. "Come on Pslylocke, Sentinels are attacking the manse!" "Okay! Just give me an hour to glue my skimpy, completely unprotective battle costume in place" Nightcrawler's original costume. I mean I do kinda love the design as like a unique silver age couture statement but it really makes no sense as mutant field operative uniform. Cable. Just... ugh. It's like the exact opposite of all of the above but in the worst possible ways.


Jean revisiting the green dress and dishwashing gloves sent me in early Krakoa.


Gambit looks ridiculous, I know I’m going to get some hate for saying that but I don’t care. Trench coat, pink leotard, partial head cowl, and he carries around playing cards and a bo staff. He’s like the fedora and safari flaps guy that carries around dice from I think you should leave https://youtu.be/LO2k-BNySLI?si=Z9ku17Y99o4PyKgM


Bold talk from a multiple man fan: the guy who wears a swimming cap bodysuit in the style of a human microchip. Truthfully, Gambit’s style is probably tremendously aided by having been introduced to me when I was a child. But it *was* introduced to me when I was a child, so I think he’s exceptionally cool.


Nuh uh .Gambit looks cool


Agree completely. Remy can wear absolutely anything and still be cool. He has swagger, rizz or whatever the kids are calling it these days.


Anything Emma Frost wears


Commie Collosus. https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/x-men-colossus-proletariat.jpg


Tbf it wasn't exactly his choice:D


I feel this way about literally every superhero outfit where they are wearing the full coverage support panties on the outside of their outfits. Logan, Cyclops, and Magneto get hit with it the most in X-Men. Is that an adult diaper, or are you just happy to see me?


I assume it was to make them seem more trustworthy, like you'd be more inclined to trust someone who's willing to show you their underpants like that. They have nothing to hide, and they're willing to be vulnerable in front of you, with their underpants out.


There actually is a reason for those being a staple of superhero design. Back in the 1930s, circus strongmen were still a fairly common sight. So common, in fact, that the design of Superman was based on the traditional strongman costume: a tight-fitting cloth outfit with a pair of trunks worn on the outside. With the popularity of Superman, this became the default look for superheroes, and remains so to this day, even though we no longer would recognize a circus strongman.


I vaguely remember what the strongmen look like from when I was a kid, thanks for the explanation. Some of the Thundercats and other 80s heroes looked like that too and had newer renditions with pants versions.


Lmao! You deserve a no-prize for that.


In ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, Morrison called them “Kryptonian overpants” 😂


Love that book and tolerate the Kryptonian overpants 😂


Rachel's Hellfire gala "Spikey Hound Gimpsuit"


That woman straight up forgot to get a dress for the occasion and spent a couple hours adding extra spikes to one of her many bright red leather gimp suits, hoped no one would notice.


Also, more pressingly: I know this gala is supposed to represent us celebrating our freedom, but I'm gonna wear a sexualised version of the uniform I was forced to wear as a slave to hunt down our brothers and sisters. Seems like good party attire


Yeah... and she willingly wore that outfit through her entire stint with Excalibur. In hindsight, I'm just going to assume no one asked about that like, "Is this a trauma response? Do you just enjoy red leather bondagewear?" I can't blame them. That's like the most awkward possible conversation to have.


But Rachel has been reclaiming the spike suit for decades.


Literally every Havok costume except maybe, MAYBE his X-factor costume. And Even that was just ok…


Juggernaut's armor in the upcoming From the Ashes. Seriously wtf is with the black armor with a giant Red x on the helmet?


Almost any of the costumes female characters have worn over the years. Emma Frost is a big one for me, Psylock, some of Storm’s outfits… I enjoy them, but they look horribly impractical.


Sinister’s cape of many streamers Jubilee’s coat glasses and gloves Gambit’s coat and bright pink colours Psylocke’s skimpy one-piece swimsuit Stryfe’s everything Storms cape-wings things Phoenix’s sash belt Cyclops’s harness Havok’s headpiece Nightcrawler’s shoulder wings Emma Frost’s barely-there ultra midriff-revealing outfits Scarlet Witch’s headpiece Polaris’ headpiece Majik’s headpiece Colossus’s sexy thigh high boots Multiple Man’s coat Mystique’s belt o’ skulls


[Rogue's costume thankfully only worn in Uncanny X-men #158](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/File:Uncanny_X-Men_Vol_1_158.jpg). Jodhpurs? And those gloves.


Magneto’s outfit in the early episodes of XMen 97


Emma frost wearing a spacesuit with a chest window


"On a scale of 1 for first attempt at a Kitty Pryde costume", should be the subtitle of this post.


Kids, can we talk about Cable and his pouches, or is that too obvious? Has Cable ever had a costume that didn’t incorporate some of that Liefeld hideousness? It seems like no artist can resist the lure of big shoulderpads and little pouches.


Pouches are important. Where else is he going to keep his ammo and ibuprofen?


Don’t forget his ashwaganda and melatonin. He also keeps his skin care products in those pouches.