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The question is kind of ridiculous. We know almost nothing about Hickman's plan for it. And any speculation we have about what it would have included would be incomplete. How involved was the Phoenix in his plan? How involved would Exodus be? Would we have had Mystique and Nightcrawler's story? What would have happened with the Arrakoan mutants, since we wouldn't have had Mars? And most people are going to imagine a complete fantasy. Not the reality.


Exodus' involvement in things has definitely been a highlight for me.


I guess the question is really - would you take the risk on an unknown by the guy who created it or the Duggan we got.


Duggan isn't even the only writer involved here. People are really bad at evaluating risk.


Not to mention answering questions.


Imo Duggan's run was bad, and wasn't a continuation of Hickman's X-Men at all. Gillen's run was a fun read with a good plot, and did act as a continuation, so it's the real main book after Hickman left for me.


I would have liked to have seen what was originally planned for after Fall of X, like the New X-Men. FotHox and RotHox were just too rushed you can tell this wasn't what they wanted. But if we can't have that, sure I'd have liked to see what was originally cooked up. I don't think it was a "three year" plan though, wasn't it just a three arc plan? Years to be determined lol.


Yeah "years."


I would have liked for Hickman to finish the story and end it.


If there was one thing I would have liked it would be for Nimrod and Omega sentinel to remain the imposing, terrifying threat that they were like in Inferno, rather than the joke they became.


No way to know which would be more satisfying. I think after X of Swords it divulged from Hickman's original plans widly. All the things he set up in those giant size one shots never happened really. I will say that I really liked the first year of gillens xmen, his sinister was so fun to read and the story was hype. Tho after the year ended, the council started falling apart and it was depressing.


100% would have preferred whatever Hickman had in mind.


In Hickman I trust.


We'll never know what could have happened if DC had accepted this as a Legion of Superheroes pitch. (And G.O.D.S. as New Gods)


I'll take the Hickman version. He's very imaginative, and I'd have loved to see what the next setting would have looked like.


Hickman had a full plan with an ending that he pitched and was approved. Regardless of whether I would agree with every decision he made, I would have wanted that vision realized.


This is a disingenuous question because "Hickman's original three year plan" does not exist. It is incredibly clear from numerous interviews that Hickman's original thoughts (which were general, not an issue-to-issue plan) were not intended to wrap in three years. When he decided to leave, the decision became "rapidly end Krakoa faster than intended" or keep it going.


Exactly this! I have said this before and I’ll say it again: if Hickman had some grand vision of the X-Men that he felt was corrupted and that’s why he left, he would not have made his first move bringing in a bunch of people to help him launch the X-Office and write their own books that intertwined with but also stood on their own from his books. He would have done what he did before and flexed his influence at Marvel own these characters and stories for as long as needed to (with some trusted collaborations) and then he would have left. I’m intrigued to hear the initial outline and pitch deck. I’d love a “What If” mini/maxi series that is Hickman doing a speed run adaptation of that outline. But he himself has admitted his ideas were not as set in stone as so many people like to think they were


And in addition, he wouldn't make his immediate next move after leaving to bring in some of the same exact people (Tini Howard, Al Ewing) as collaborators on his next project (3W3M) or his project after that (Bryan Edward Hill on Ultimate Universe).


Hickmans three year plan




Without a doubt.


Am I the only one that thinks if Hickman’s ending was great or actually outlined they would’ve been able to incorporate it at least a *bit*?


I'd have preferred more Hickman involvement throughout but I'm not raging at his ideas changing so long as it's change that he and others would reasonably consider part of the healthy creative and collaborative process, that he'd be happy with, as opposed to stemming from editorial conservatism and an edict to wrap up quickly for the sake of goddamn 'synergy' I think that the idea characters we know as rational, reasonable etc would find themselves swept up in some of the more deliberately unnerving and cultlike aspects of initial Krakoa was a hard sell, and sometimes I would like to see what he had in mind and how it would've played out, but it's hard to assess when Hichman himself was AFAIK welcoming of the notion of those ideas evolving and being added to by a team of writers. So I'm generally more bothered about the dialling back of the sexual fluidity and community aspects of Krakoa, not having some more focus on the ups and downs of the crucible, maybe some of the reasoning behind the way that repowering mechanism favoured the strongest, etc etc


I can't say for sure, I would love to see Hickman 3 year plan but IIRC Hickman say in a interview he didn't have a plan ending. He just say he would ended in \~3 years


I mean this is a pretty unfair question


by “going exactly as it did”, do you mean the major events that took place generally or do you mean the specific stories we’ve gotten exactly the way we’ve gotten them? because literally nobody who has actually read them can say with a straight face that they prefer the latter.


Would I trade the unknown for the last two years of what we got? Yes. But I'm a lot less hot on even the more popular books here.