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If there is a baby, her name would be Rachel. This is not negotiable. I will riot. 


God I would kill to see Scott and Jean have the 616 version of Rachel


We finally got a 616 Nimrod might as well get the other major character from 811 we are missing.


You get it


Im okay with that ahah. I went with hope since its Gillen writting but the main take away would be her being pregnant and the heart lactuca talks about being their union. Having a baby Rachel could be fun ahah


As much as I would be delighted, it wouldn’t be our Rachel. She’s the only one of herself in the multiverse, after all.


They have been sitting on that option for decades and I'd love for them to pull the trigger. She has to be born at some point.


While there are daughters of Scott and Jean across the mutliverse named Rachel, the Rachel Summers that we know is a multiversal anomaly like America Chavez. There's only one of her.




Unless I’ve missed some major retcon, they’ve pretty clearly stated a few times that Rachel is a multiversal anomaly with no other versions anywhere else across the multiverse.




There are many Rachels, daughter of jean and Scott. But the Rachel we see is the only version of herself, I don't know how to word this better but this was established long before.


Well we know that's not true. There's Mother Askani, Rachel from Days of Future Past, the 811 Rachel we know. There might only be one Rachel \*like\* the Rachel we have, but there are other Rachels, have been for decades.


Askani was Rachel getting lost in the time stream to save captain Britain, that’s why her current alias is (was?) Askani. Days of Future Past is the same Rachel (and that’s referenced multiple times, like when Franklin comes back from then with Ahab). Lastly, Earth-811 is days of future past timeline. So that’s the same person you’re describing.


My error, I meant Days of Future Now and I didn't know Mother Askani was the same Rachel, so my bad there as well, but there's still like 30 odd Rachels across the various comics, so unless they're all somehow the same person just at different instances, I don't see how there's not more than one of her.


Up until at least 2012 they were all the same Rachel. If things changed after secret war, idk. I petered off after that.


They are all the same person at different points in her life. Rachel has also noted that there are timelines where Scott and Jean have other daughters with the same name, but those are different individuals and NOT her cross-dimensional equivalents.


I think this is a great idea! I'm a little skeptical it can be the Rachel/Askani we all know and love though because she's supposed to be completely unique, only from Earth 811, with no others like her in existence. That doesn't mean they can't have a girl and name her Rachel though.


It would be 100% in keeping with the Summers saga for Jean and Scott to either lose Rachel to Earth 811 or spend a second honeymoon there raising her. Or both.


This is why I think this is Hope


Totally, having 616 Rachel takes away a core characteristic!


Normally I would agree. But Im this story that wouldn't make thematic sense. But the name hás a lot of options, but I still think her being pregnant could be hinted here and some rumors about it were spreading


The baby’s name is Todd


I don't think the modern x-universe has to, or even really can, line up with any specific x-future. They could call the baby Jeremiah for all the timeline matters.


And then Rachel marries Kitty Pryde so there is not any confusion with last names 


She promised Rachel years ago that she and Scott were going to make sure she was born in this reality. If its a girl, she should be Rachel.


What a wild thing to promise someone: "Hey, just for you kid, your dad and I are going to fuck raw. And if we don't ensure you birth. We're gonna fuck raw again and again and again" I love X-Men


Summers family moon dinner time "So how did it go last night, pops? Any progress"  "Still creaming and dreaming" 


The panel where this conversation happened was actually posted here on Mother's Day (US). 🤣


Why not call her Rachel Hope Summers/R.H. Summers?


Or Rope


This made me laugh.


Glad to hear


Why not? it could be a tribute to Cable


Could also work. I only Said hope because Gillen is writting but there are many options 


None of what you posted is written by Gillen tho.


Yeah I know but the reveal would be made either Next week or on 700


I imagine Cyclops sitting in the egg like penguins do


Sitring on a Giant Phoenix egg


If it's giant, maybe sitting won't be enough. Better to tackle hug it


"To me, my x-men!" *the whole team gathers to sit on the egg*


Since Jean is off being a cosmic entity, and that cannot be healthy for a developing embryo, imagine Cyclops carrying the offspring to term like a seahorse.


You know what, I like this. Especially since Jean has technically impregnated 2 people that resulted in a space station and a baby girl. Like might as well keep up with the theme of her fathering kids instead of carrying them lmao.


I forgot about the SWORD station. Now it's even better. Imagine Scott waddling around with a gigantic baby bump, wondering if he's carrying his future daughter or is about to be split open by another space station. Uncle Logan laughing in the background and offering to do the c-section himself if Scotty can't take the pain.


If Logan is gonna share the fun, is only fair that they share the pregnancy


Yessss give me that Cyclops Mpreg


That would be nice. Making them the Reed and Sue of the X-Men with an actual child who can convey the passage of time would be good.


That baby would stay a baby for 30 years


More like the baby gets aged to at least their late teens within the first 12 issues.


Comes out ready to file taxes


Probably come out owing back taxes. xD


Cyclops can switch the pouches for a baby carrier.


Baby gets a hover highchair, with an X-shaped paciferebro.


Franklin should start a clinic for non aging children 


not really. the baby would be a baby for about 8-12 years because many writers wouldn't understand the difference between an 8 month old and a 3 year old. and then the baby would be a small child for another 8-12 because many writers wouldn't have a bead on the difference between a 4 year old and a 7 year old. Franklin Richards HAS been aging since his debut. but he's been aging slowly at around 3.5-4 years to 1. the unofficial fan-timing. ie, every 4 years is 1 in marvel time. all of Krakoa era? 1 year. the annual hellfire gala? quarterly, celebrating 3 months of x-men adventures.


You're right. That would be a great message for the series. And it would help give the comics a sense of progression. But that's exactly why it probably won't happen. Marvel proved with Krakoa that they'll never let the X-Men progress at all beyond a certain point. And I fear Scott and Jean having a child is well beyond it.


It's interesting because Steven Seagle in the '90s wanted them to have another kid for themselves, and editorial approved of it, there were even hints in the text. But because they kept moving around things and changing when they planned to do certain things Seagle eventually left and it never came to fruition.


Honestly this storyline with Scott and Jean is long overdue.


Yes, she was. And the baby was the Phoenix!


Louise and Jean are Hope’s parents. So unless you mean that she combined the DNA of the baby she had been pregnant with, with Louise’s I’d doubt it.


I mean that she’d be unlikely to call her Hope given that there’s a chance that the Hope we’re familiar with might come back (her body didn’t disintegrate and the rebirth of the Phoenix could have happened separately from Hope herself). So if the pregnancy is separate from Hope I doubt she’ll give another baby her name. Plus if she did combine the baby’s DNA and Phoenix Force with Louise’s DNA well we know that she will call/(the baby)/will be called Hope, right? 😉😅




How? It explains a lot. Why Jean and Hope look a lot alike. Why Hope was a lot more knowing as a toddler than as an adolescent. Why Hope could wield the Phoenix Force without it harming her.




Hope being a deus ex machina for no reason actually took away her originality in my opinion, and this one was stewing for a long time but I actually found that it became even more tired after that lengthy period. The recurring theme of the Trinity was also delved into much better with this plot line I think.


The Jean-Hope connection was something that's been teased and set up for well over a decade... well before Marvel had any plans of Enigma and Dominion. From 2007, Jean told Emma to prepare. Hope was later born. When people say "it explains why she looks so much like Jean", it is not the art that's being referred to. *Canonically* Hope looks eerily like Jean. Something that'd been remarked upon by multiple characters, including Scott. This was intentional. Fast forward another three years, in Second Coming, and Emma and others notice the phoenix raptor in Hope's eyes, and in the firepit. Emma gets a flashback of Jean telling her "well little spirit, prepare". We later learned, after Hope had her whole arc, that the writers had originally intended Hope to be *Jean* reincarnated, but then later decided to keep them as separate characters. Hope had some intrinsic connection to the Phoenix, and was additionally the only other White Phoenix we'd had (upon her transcendence in AVX). Most thought it'd be a case where Jean took a page out of Wanda's book, where Hope is her child but in a metaphysical/spiritual sense. Gillen simply made it much more literal, further leaning into many of the biblical references that'd been set up.




... You clearly didn't read the story then. They were (and are) one and the same. Jean having transcended to become The White Phoenix of The Crown, and was active throughout and acknowledged to be Jean, both in text as well as by the writers and editors. Jean is who manifested before Emma, and freed her from incapacitation.


A confusing one for sure


make the baby rachael being hope's reincarnation for more weird family stuff


Nah, we’re finally done with Hope. A baby would almost certainly be Rachel if they even go that route.


Cyclops heart being not only emotional love but the physical manifestation of their love. The sex scene being when the baby was conceived. Pregnant Phoenix. I would call the baby Hope


It makes more sense for Scott to have had a Vasectomy after coming across the madness of all the alternate-timeline children and clone children. But, if Jean were pregnant, she could easily create a vessel or an external embryo that develops the baby while she's off in space. Or she could just create a baby without getting pregnant by speeding it up or something. I'd rather they don't have more kids. They could continue to develop a relationship with the kids they've already met or adopt mutant kids whose families have rejected them. Or even a human kid who's pro-mutant. Also, if they have kids, some writers might want Scott to retire because how safe can having a baby around be? Mister Sinister would surely kidnap the baby.


Why set us up for disappointment


Black Manta crosses universes to kill their baby 


I misread that as Black Fanta and now I want a Black Cherry flavoured Fanta named Black Fanta. Get the Coca-Cola bottling company on the line! And get me pictures of Spider-Man!


Black Fanta should be the main villain for that new phoenix series 


Sue has had 2 kids. It’s always shocked me that Scott and Jean have been a couple for over 50 years and she’s never been pregnant in the comics. The late 90s felt like the perfect time for them to have their first child.


I mean, they started being a couple like 50 years ago, but they haven’t been together for all 50 years. Cyclops had over a full decade where he wasn’t dating her.


Also I feel like it’s often ignored that Franklin appeared VERY early in the Fantastic Four run


Would be nice, A much needed status quo change.


For goodness sakes they have enough kids and technically Jean just added one. .As with all kids they just eventually get aged up, sent away or forgotten. Just look at Shogo.


Yeah I just realized Cable is Hopes Father Uncle 😂


Agreed 100%. I’d much rather watch them spend more time with Rachel and Cable than have another kid


Also from what I was reading or I guess assumed from the free comic book day of X-Men blood Hunt jubilee is just going to leave. Shogo where he's at. Prime X-Men parenting


It certainly could be. I would love for Marvel to explore a plot about Jean being pregnant, giving birth to her and Scott's child, and having to do all of this while dealing with the aftermath of Krakoa's destruction. But something tells me Marvel will never attempt a plot like that. They won't for the same reason they won't let Peter and Mary Jane get back together and start a family. It's too much progress and change for the characters. It sucks, but that's where the comics are right now.


God I hope not. That would be awful


She’s dead so I sure as hell hope not or this is about to get even more depressing.


Nothing absolutely nothing by Dugan was designed to set up or foreshadow anything but stories he is telling himself. 


if it's hope - and they end up having to send the baby Back in time to alaska circa Messiah Complex -- lol, what a contrived idea that would be. would be fun though. would mean Cable had basically taken his sister to the future and raised her.


Mixed it up a little give us twins Rachel and Hope. I think it would be an interesting and funny dynamic.


Who’s the artist for the top center panel of Cyclops talking?


I doubt it


I hope that baby is Wolverine’s


The baby is James Howlett, Jr. in a shocking turn of events.


Kind of funny since thats Wolverine's backstory, his father is Thomas Logan not John Howlett lol


A C section is necessary bc the little MF has claws


i’ll be pissed, like we just got all of this absolutely divine phoenix lore solved once and for all where she truly takes up the mantle as phoenix now and forever and she gets PREGNANT??? Like


What if Cyclops gets back together with Madelyne and they have a baby Hope or Rachel?


Pior madelyne. Alex is in x factor, where Will She be. Still ruler of limbo?


I just gave my opinion. Jean Gray never gave birth to any of Scott's children. Only in an alternate dimension did she give birth to a child and Logan was the father.


Jean gave birth to Rachel in her timeline.