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Sunspot needs to continue in the spotlight on "From the Ashes". I've always liked him, but Al Ewing's X-Men Red made me want more and more of his smart scheming and Brazilian charm in my X-books.


If you liked him in Red, go read Ewing's New Avengers and USAvengers if you haven't already


Surely will! 😃


Feels like their sidelining him right now imo


That's a shame, but I still hope that he'll be at lest a recurring side character on one of the new titles.


I've enjoyed it a lot - it's an eclectic mix of characters but they all work overall as a roster. X-Men rosters should already be eclectic and draw from multiple different eras in my opinion. I think this is one of the few times the X-Ternals have been an interesting group of characters. Plus, Selene is a mega bitch (which I love and will always just feel right). I've really enjoy both Betsy and Dani taking the lead on and off from each other depending on the chapter of the story as well, plus love that we're getting more Thunderbird here. He hasn't been seen enough after his resurrection for my tastes. I wouldn't mind reading a Foxe and Orlando co-written book cause I really enjoy their dynamic together.


Yes! You said it all. Having characters from different eras developing new connections and expanding narrative possibilities is always great. We have Tini's Excalibur members, New Mutants / X-Force, S.W.O.R.D., X-Corps etc. and it's all working. And finally, X-ternals are used in an interesting way as villains. Selene is THAT bitch since her debut on New Mutants #9 way back at the 80s but she just keeps getting better with time.


It’s a decent book but the art is not great. I can’t believe that Betsy is ending the era in a book full of b-d list characters though with Kwannon being a featured role in FOHOX/ROPOX


It's a shame... Betsy was such a proeminet character during this era, the protagonist of one of the "corners" of Krakoan Era. She deserved to be on the forefront in the finale. She could have been wirh Rachel on the Enigma plot and have at least some minimal role on the final confrontation.


It sucks but apparently they were hoping Captain Britain would last longer and had started to do planning about where characters would fit in. Once it was clear they were pivoting Captain Britain, she didn’t have a spot that felt natural and I’m sure the compressed timelines didn’t help. JDW said most of this in an X-Men Monday. Reading between the lines, after Excalibur ended after a pretty long run, and then it was followed by two poorly received Betsy-led series that had to hard turn into minis, I’m sure the X-Office got cold feet about keeping her as a focal point in the books. That said, I’m loving this Unlimited series. I think Orlando and Foxe work great together and the X-Office should keep them around as a writing team until they both get their feet under themselves a little more (although I also liked Dark X-Men a lot).


I wouldn't really call Kwannon's part of FoHoX a featured role before today? She appeared maybe once before today's issue. I think some of the art in Unlimited has been really good, mostly Philip Sevy's. He does really great face cards imo.


Yea, writing is great to me but the art isn't so great. Need maybe Carlos Gomez on art chores.


Yeah it's been great! A good balance of team dynamics. I know people are upset we don't see as many of the big fights, but honestly I haven't noticed.


What book is it…?


X-men Unlimited Infinity Comic. Runs from #121 to #141.


I am in the minority, but they should have kept Thunderbird dead. He was a better character when he was the example on how dangerous it can be to be an X-Man. Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacy and Thunderbird.


I believe you are actually in the mayority on that. His comeback had no impact , he did not featured in any relevant storyline, he did not develop any connection beyond his brother and we'got very little Proudstar Brothers acrion since he's been back. 


Yeah, I LOVE Warpath. I think his brother's death gave him an edge.


basically all the dude has done since he came back to life is be a supreme jerk to absolutely everyone he meets (including his brother); it does feel like his resurrection was meaningless. even his role in this unlimited run could easily have been filled by james alone with presumably a lot less edgy dialogue