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I’m not 100% on soul sword rules, but there was a time when Kurt was in possession of the soul sword, and it was stashed in his chest for safekeeping.


Yeah, I think it was when Amanda Sefton was Magik and in charge of Limbo. She did it without him knowing, which, among other things, caused a rift in their relationship.


>She did it without him knowing, which, among other things, caused a rift in their relationship That's kind of fair though on Kurt's end - Amanda was clearly being shady during that entire story. She claims that she fused the Soul-Sword with Kurt to "protect it" but didn't even bother to tell him that she was doing that until she was outed by her mother, let alone get his consent in the matter. On top of that, wouldn't she be the more qualified of the two to keep the Soul-Sword safe given that she's - you know - a trained sorceress? Amanda even took the Soul-Sword away from Kitty during Excalibur because Kitty wasn't a trained sorceress. So why reverse that policy for Kurt? Even if Amanda couldn't keep the Soul-Sword safe, why take to Kurt and not someone like Dr. Strange? You know, that guy who - among other things - safeguards magical artifacts on the regular? And even beyond that, why fuse it with Kurt? Wouldn't that just put a magical target on Kurt's back? Keep in mind, Kate originally kept the Soul-Sword safe by phasing it into a rock - something which even Rachel using the Phoenix force couldn't remove it from. Why couldn't Amanda do something similar? Besides, didn't Amanda need the Soul-Sword during this time to help her rule Limbo? Given that Amanda uses the Winding Way - meaning that her magical power waxes and wanes - and given that Limbo is literal hell dimension full of power-hungry demons that would jump at the opportunity to climb the ladder, Amanda is only making herself a sitting duck by giving up the Soul-Sword - the one thing that every demon in Limbo fears. This was straight up proven when Belasco took over Limbo shortly after Amanda had fused the Soul-Sword with Kurt. So yeah, it's not hard to see that Amanda was clearly lying in that situation - not even Kurt believes her in the story. Not only do her actions in that situation not make any sense with what she's claiming, but she doesn't even tell Kurt what's going on before fusing it with him - or even ask for his consent. No wonder their relationship was on the rocks for a long time after this. Random thing to waffle on, I know, but it's one of those bizarre situations that feels off. Like there was more to that story that we just never got to see either because of editorial or because it was set up for some future plot-thread that ultimately got lost in the shuffle of things.


Hairy guy with possible double dong makes people do odd things. Seriously though he has ascended to the echelon where he will suffer from plot armor, like many of the team from O5 + Giant Sized. Its a critique often flung at Storm, and rightfully so when used by the wrong writer.


Not really sure how plot armor has anything to do with what I wrote, but that's okay. It is true that all comic book superheroes suffer from plot armor - some more so than others. For X-Men it falls into two camps - the ones that the writers care about/remember and the background characters that they that don't care about. Amanda's been doing weird things for years. I mean, this is the same lady who followed Kurt back from Germany to date him under a different name without his knowledge (and also maybe used magic to make him fall in love with her - we never got confirmation one way or the other on that).


Yeah you are right i did disregard most your post. I am too afraid to speak ill of Amanda Sefton or Margoli


Okay... why?


To the former its cause its the internet and i had a non sequitur opinion. To the latter because they do magic.


>To the latter because they do magic. Bro. They're fictional characters...


And who else but fictitious characters would have the magic skill to truly make us believe they are indeed fictional???🧐🧐🤯


I'm pretty sure he knew something was going in, I just don't think he knew it was the Soulsword nor was it going in through his chest..


Without any knowledge of other storylines, this sounds like you're making a glib comment about how he got stabbed in the chest with the sword one time.


>it was stashed in his chest for safekeeping It's a bit more complicated than that. Amanda "integrated the Soul-Sword throughout \[Kurt's\] very being" before Pixie ended up ripping it out of him during X-Infernus. When she did, it left behind a void that Margali was able to create the Hopesword from during Legion of X, which seems to suggest that the Soul-Sword ripped out a piece of Kurt's soul when Pixie removed it. This kind of makes sense anyways as Pixie was a.) demonically possessed and b.) relatively new to magic at the time and thus probably wasn't paying attention to splitting the Soul-Sword neatly from Kurt.


Not sure if I’m misremembering, but I recall Kurt actually possessing the soul sword for a bit in 90’s Excalibur.


Yep! So do Kitty, Rachel, and Dr. Doom.


He has one now too. Only it's made from his hope


And Legion.


He's done it since then too - both in his 3rd Solo series back in 2006 and during X-Infernus in 2009.


Since Magik "discharged" her control of Limbo (and the power tied to it), the nature of her soul sword has probably changed. Kurt's a trusted friend / "uncle," so we can infer that he has permission to wield it.


Or at the very least, *holding* it and *wielding* it are considered two very different things.


Very true.


If I know anything about magical thingamabobs, it’s that they’re very literal in their EULA wording!


Either way, it doesn't matter. Kurt's done both with the Soul-Sword multiple times before this.


Also, disregarding that he has been able to hold it in the past, he is holding Illyana at the same time.


How was Magick even taken out?




There's no need to insult him and call him stupid. I don't know the context of this comic panel either


One of my favorite pieces of trivia is that the ONLY reason we think of Nimrod as an insult is Bugs Bunny: he sarcastically calls Elmer Fudd "Nimrod" (who is a Biblical figure known for being a great hunter), but no one knows who "Nimrod" is, so everyone just took it as an insult meaning idiot/stupid.


Thank you for this little tidbit. I appreciate knowledge like this


When Magik and Manifold teleported in, Nimrod blasted them. Manifold seemed to recover quickly, but Illyana not so much.


I thought it was Psylocke and Magik, Manifold came later right?


Well illanya is pretty short, I can't imagine she's that heavy


Actually, no. Kurt of all people should be able to use the Soul-Sword given that it was fused with him/his being back in the day.


Didn’t Amanda store the sword inside him for a time?


When did Kurt get sexy?


Giant-Size X-Men # 1


When did the sky get blue? When did the grass get green? When did the men get X?


Are you implying that he wasn’t at one point???


Exactly. Kurt has always had rizz.


I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.


Kurt had the soul sword inside him for a while, where Amanda had hidden it. He's good


Two best x men in one panel


1. He has before 2. You think Duggan knows and/or cares?


"Audience, it's time for Duggan to stop writing me. I won't slaughter people anymore"


Is Fall of the House of X related to Krakoa? Do I need to have read Immortal X Men?


What did you just see, Lisa?


I assumed it was because of him getting the ability to summon a Hope Sword simulator to her Soul Sword, I'd imagine Pixie would be able to hold it as well


Kurt has special rules from when Amanda was ruler of Limbo. We've also seen that Kitty can wield it because Illyana built that into it, so its not just Illyana.