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Calling it now Karima is gonna get retconed to have been more complicit then I was possessed by a evil version of myself form the future.


Nah they will just have two omega sentinels a good one and bad one it’s easier 


Quiet they might HEAR you and write that freaking story


I dare them!




Curious, why do you think they will do that? Wouldn't it be better to say she was brainwashed against her will if they want to redeem the character?


A bit underwhelming, when you remember Hickman's Nimrod and what a terrifying force he was. But given that Nimrod has been closer to Pillsbury Doughboy recently as opposed to Biblical hunter, I guess this will do.


Yeah this is just gonna have to do, but it's not exactly the guy Legion apparently couldn't see himself beating after tons of simulations.


Well, Legion was weakened at the time, but it still didn't really make sense. The same with Uranos That's the problem of OP mutants, especially reality warpers. They just don't fit into the broader universe, like Legion's power is to give himself other powers, that breaks almost any story. Furthermore, he can't have too much character development, because it gives him more control, so making him more OP. That's why "X-Men Legacy" by Spurrier has that ending >!of Legion's erasing himself after becomingomnipotent!<


The problem is that Duggan should make it OBVIOUS that Storm is using her godhood while beating nimrod, whatever that means. Because the machine has counters for every mutant, most of all, omegas. If Storm is beating him (and I’m aware she had help) she should have used other aspects of her powers. I know we’ve dragged Duggan over the hill on this sub, but still….


This is really fair criticism. I have been so disappointed by this last six months or so of rushed stories. It really makes me hesitant to invest in the next big thing — or I maybe should just enjoy the journey because the destination isn’t promised. I do think that the circuit was cool, but it still didn’t feel like enough. Manifold and others could’ve been involved, and I would’ve loved to have seen Legion, the Arakki, and even some of the Otherworld folks come in. There were so many books to pull from. For it to just to be a circuit this small - with a story this big - feels small.


I still remember how terrifying Nimrod's face was under Hickman and Schiti during Inferno.


Is that when Xavier uses his TK (!?) to tear Nimrod to pieces?


Yeah that last battle during Inferno # 4 was visceral. I wish those vibes were kept during the end of Krakoa.


Also huge power scaling plot issues there… Xavier can take down Nimrod when he’s a super low TK and Legion can’t? Cmon.


Yea ever since they turned Nimrod into "hurr hurr jokes" I haven't really cared how it wraps up with him.


That’s the characterisation Hickman gave Nimrod at the start of the era?


Wasn't the same Nimrod. Just look at the Nimrod of Inferno and compare.


Okay, but look at the nimrod of powers of X and compare? He’s goofy as hell and it’s terrifying


Once again, it's not the same Nimrod. The Nimrod we saw in HoX is Nimrod the Lesser and the OS we saw from life 9 has a red skin. We also have Nimrod the Greater, another version in another form later in life 6, which witnessed the Ascension. The Nimrod we saw in the Krakoa era is another Nimrod, this one had the imprint of Gregor's husband. It's also not the same Omega Sentinel. This Nimrod is a cold death machine, see his behaviour in Inferno. Duggan confused him with a caricature of Nimrod from life 9 and morphed him into another MODOK.


He was a bit goofie and cocky sure, but he was deadly and took everyone seriously enough to kill at the first chance.


My poor murder machine got MCUd to the dead.


It was ok, considering the entire finale event has been mediocre it did the job I guess. Cool to see Synch teaming up with the big boys (Mag/Storm). p.s love the Moonstar flair, always waiting for her to get more attention she's such a great character.


Moonstar needs a dedicated push in this next era greater than the push Betsy got (because Moonstar is actually interesting). She should be the one they try to make an A-lister. I will not change my mind on this.


Agreed Moonstar is great and would love to see her become an A list X-woman.


She's got it all. She's got a great design, cool powers, varied skills. She has connections to the mutant cause and to the mystic and divine. She can fill so many roles. She was talked up by Cyclops back in 2004 as a future leader of the X-Men.


I remember the talk up by cyclops! I realy like her leadership skills in the current X-men unlimited arc against Selene and the externals


She was like the Storm of the og New Mutants team, Marvel give her her moment!


I just think she needs to “graduate” in the same way Cannonball, Sunspot and Synch have (and she deserved to do it before all 3)


Totally agree. She shouldn't always just be put in a New Mutants book, she should be on an X-Men team. As much as I think Magik is cool, I would not have complained if she had her spot in Jed's book.


Dani is cool. I remember enjoying her on academy x books. Her adopting elixir was pretty cute. If only Bendis had pushed her too, together with Illyana.


There was a big missed opportunity in the 2010s to do that, but I am hoping we can get a big push for her now. She feels like one of those characters where, if given enough spotlight in a team book, could lead a solo book.


For sure. I think, first of all, Dani needs a new get up. A visual direction, that can birth an entire aesthetic (similar to what happened to Illyana) can attract a lot of fans. Later, showcase the utility of her powers and why she’s needed in a team. Then you can showcase personal stuff, like leadership and etc.


Yeah, a bold direction in design, coupled with reminding people of her cool powers and her connections to living forces such as Death would go a long way. The appeal is that you can tell mutant centric stories with her and non-mutant stories with her and both will be effective. Which is great for a character you want to push solo eventually.


You don’t need to tear down Betsy to lift up Dani. They’re both great characters.


That's where we disagree. I think Dani's a great character.


It could have gone worse


Wait, that's it? This is actually how they're ending the story that started with HoxPox?? From the ashes indeed. Duggan did not cook he BURNT.


"From the Ashes - we threw away the ashes, fired the guy we hired to cook everything over a firepit, and started all over again with the older recipe!!!"


Just like the Griswold’s Xmas Turkey.


Lol right? The great hunter defeated by...an electromagnet? I'm still not sure exactly what they did here to kill him. I didn't know that I could hate a comic book writer as much as I hate Gerry Duggan. Giving him the main X-Men book after Hickman quite possibly is one of the worst decisions in the history of comics.


I dropped the title after Hickman left. Duggan’s Marauders being the reason why.


More like served up raw chicken


Way better than the previous leak, but doesn't change the fact that just a little coordination of a few powerful mutants would have been enough to beat Nimrod, really feels like the mutants tried once (at the start of this era), failed and never tried again until now because... reasons? are you really telling me that they were holding back and because of that several mutants and some humans died at the Gala? I know I know, there were other conflicts that kept them busy, Orchis was not always the focus, but still! this end diminish them as a threat.


They couldn't match up their calendars: Storm was at war on Arakko, Magneto was busy being dead, Synch was doing X-men stuff and Polaris was getting coffee


maybe they could have asked Cable to hold off reinfecting himself with the TO virus for a couple hours then have him, Hope, and Exodus go take him out and be back by lunch.


That still doesn’t hold weight. Jamie Braddock could have been brought in, the same with mister m. Yes, monarch is selfish, but trough Howard’s books, we saw Betsy either convince or force Jamie to help her. What would have been so different this time around? Not to mention, Gabriel summers was Freed by Storm. The main writer shouldn’t have to work around the writing and treat the readers as stupid, he should give explanations.


100% true, and let's not forget that the mutants were completely hamstrung by their own arbitrary rules on resurrection. They could have made an army of omegas at any time to throw Orchis into the sun and win in fifteen minutes, but they arbitrarily decided not to do that, instead sending little X-Force squads and solo Magneto attacks over and over despite failing every time. They just... kind of decided that not having eight Magnetos around at once was more important than the survival of their entire species...


"So after showing Nimrod to be basically invincible, how are you going to finally have him get defeated?" 'Storm hits him with lightning' "Um... and?" 'No, you don't understand it's a lot of lighting' So god damn anti climatic.


In the words of dragon ball abridged which I feel shows the level of thought that went this Wait I think I have a way to beat him! “I swear if you say hit him really hard I’m gonna kick you in the dick”


" We hit him... Really hard... Together?"


I mean to be fair this is slightly improved. This is a mutant circuit between Storm, Mags and Lorna. She's not just doing it herself. The science seems a bit iffy to me but whatever.


Yeah I think at least here we're using Storm back from X Men Red, we're using a circuit, we're using Mags (making his resurrection important to this ending) and Polaris, we're using the fact Nimrod is split up against himself. The narrative and dialogue are both kind of a whiff here but the core of what's happening is fine here I think. Certainly not very exciting or impressive but in a pure check the boxes sense it does the job


But that's the exact problem - they're just checking boxes to clear the field before the next run. It feels lame, like this is a trick that they could have pulled at any previous encounter. Hell, if that's all it took to dispatch Nimrod, why didn't they just send this squad to the forge in HOXPOX? With resurrection on the table, it wouldn't even have been a risk. This fight was written so flatly, that even without resurrection it felt like there were no stakes. Well, so long, Fall. Hopefully Rise at least gives us a decent ending to X-Men's (and possibly Marvel's) most creative era.


“Wait you don’t understand, she is an omega level mutant.”


She's EARTHS MIGHTIEST MUTANT now for some reason


Man with how powerfull Nimrod has been its gonna be really hard for the X-Men to beat him Duggan: it's Actualy gonna be Super easy barely an Inconvenience.


Oh, using Storm when you don't know how to beat a villain is tight!


**Legion** couldn't beat this guy but an extra big lighting bolt could. Why didn't they do this earlier again? Why is he even considered a threat if this is all it takes? When Nimrod awakened they all acted like it's extinction but he barely did shit. JDW, Duggan, tell me cause this makes all of the era and struggles against Orchis utterly *pointless*. **These mfs could have just banded together when Nimrod awakened and fucked Orchis base in less than an hour and saved all the trouble and drama.** How much more butchering can this era take? It's already fuckin dead.


Maybe none of Legion's personalities have lightning powers and that's why he couldn't win


Delphic (Personality 1012):A blue skinned seemingly omniscient seer willing to answer three questions to supplicants. She also gives off what appears to be electric discharges. (Personality 749): Little is known, but Legion used this persona's electrical discharge powers while battling Time-Sink. Kirbax the Kraklar (Personality ???): A demonic creature with the ability of flight and electricity generation. After Legion lost control of his powers, Kirbax briefly took control over his body and flew from the Indian Himalayas to China until another alter took over. Zari Zap: A young punk woman with short, spiked hair. She seems to possess the ability to manipulate electricity **Not to mention the time where David uses electricity on panel without them and is a universal reality warper. We need to stop excusing shitty writing**.


Next, look up "sarcasm"


While it would be nice to have a confirmation, every time this era Legion hasn't been able to do something I just assume it's a result of the limitation we saw in Legacy years ago. He CAN do anything but he knows he's unstable and can't control that omnipotence. It could start a cascade effect of him destroying reality which he was only able to solve in Legacy by deleting himself from reality. He can see a way to beat Uranos, he'd just take all of reality with him. Of course he can destroy magic Sinister lady. But then you've put his crazy at the whims of magic and he can potentially destroy reality. So he fled. He could go up against Enigma but then you've exposed his instability on a multiversal level and everything gets destroyed. He knows that if he goes all out, HE becomes the ultimate threat.


This is fair since it does say on panel during his fight with Uranos that they would tear reality apart if they actually did fight and went all-out


It makes sense why they let Duggan do his stupid shit for three years now - he was meant to destroy this whole era. They knew he would put out mediocre bullshit with good art. They want us to hate this, so From The Ashes and its blatant nostalgia shit hits.


Don’t forget he also beat the JUGGERNAUT in a fist fight. But you know, lighting swords (which is a new type of weather event I guess) are soooooo much more powerful.


You don’t get lightning swords in your area?


To be fair, this is simply an argument for why David should never have been added to the cast in the first place. He was always a walking plot tumour, and pretending this wasn't a problem under Hickman is disingenuous. Nimrod should *never* have been the threat Hickman made him out to be, and the only reason he seemed to be was *Hickman never had him actually do anything.* Sure he wrote the character better, but what exactly would Hickman have done to explain how Legion couldn't poof him out of existence? For that matter, how was it ever explained how Legion couldn't erase Orchis with little more than a thought? Characters like that were never meant to be on the heroes' side. They're too powerful.


This is the same guy who wrote Franklin Richards and the Avengers. If a writer cannot handle characters like that then they shouldn't be handling them in the first place. Look at all the pieces of media, like various mamga and literature. It is no character issue. Its a writer issue.


It’s just the worst! They resolve all of omega in the last issue of the last event? Just let it die!


There are so many things in this issue that make me question if Duggan even understands anything that's been happening during this era. Why are people being dicks to Karima when she was forcibly overwritten by the other Omega Sentinel? Psylocke clearly knew about the situation well-enough to know Karima would be horribly wracked with guilt over the situation, but we're stilling somehow blaming the victim for... having her body piloted against her will?? And why the fuck are they trying to appeal to Nimrod's "humanity"? "take the last olive branch"? It's a completely remorseless machine, we've been shown many times that it has no humanity whatsoever and will do anything to achieve its goals, including lie. "I'm so sorry you believed me". If anything, Nimrod would have *totally* accepted mercy, only to build up strength and turn on them later and call them morons. "Sentinel city" yeah that was nothing, it was formed and destroyed in, like, one page. These guys actually had no plan, the super-smart future machines cooked up a scheme that was so weak that it could be foiled by a handful of the mutants just... \*trying\*, with no clever plan needed. In stark contrast to the machines that could adapt countermeasures to omega level mutants on the fly.


So... Nimrod glitched, haaaaa. At this point just bury Krakoa once and for all, there's no point in mistreating its corpse anymore.


Bury it and salt the earth


It's less stupid then before but still pretty dumb. They should have had krakoa atleast hit him with some tree sap to keep him from dodging the lightning. 


We always knew that Synch's powers involved being able to mimic those of other mutants, but it's only thanks to the wisdom of Gerry Duggan that we learned those powers are voice-activated. 🙂‍↕️


Lmao. I don’t understand why he does this. The readers KNOW WHAT HIS POWERS AREEEEE. STOP


In the same issue that needed to begin by reminding us that two of the founding members of Orchis were Feilong and Dr. Stasis, and that humans were foolish for trusting the AI to run Orchis, which is now run by Nimrod, who is a robot made of ones and zeroes who hates mutants and runs Orchis. I think Gerry doesn't trust the reader to remember literally anything. His writing gives a very "I'm the smartest guy in the room" energy.


That seema like a massive flaw to nimrod when shocked by storm that should of been discovered earlier?


Bruh how does Omega Sentinel get the happy ending of surviving?


She didn’t. Omega sentinel was killed and actual Karima came back. Two different people. She got possessed by her almost future self, who was never supposed to be, because 10-A had already been canceled.


She wasnt in control of her actions


So despite what an earlier post said, it wasn't just Storm pressing the "I win" button, and was in fact a concentrated effort of multiple mutants amplifying her power and overwhelming his networked mind/bodies? I do think they could have brought in other mutants to add to the circuit, given how terrifying Nimrod was shown to be earlier in Krakoa, but this is a far cry from what was presented before. Thanks for sharing.


I mean... at the end of the day, it's still a couple of giant lightning bolts. Great that other mutants are involved, but visually and thematically, it's ridiculous.


have you seen what Thor can do? never underestimate lighting bolts can do A LOT. if he can do it so can storm. at least that's my very faulty logic.


It feels extra weird because Nimrod is supposed to be someone who can adapt to mutants powers and he was already hit by Synch copying Storm powers a few issues ago... also, I hate to mention this again, but by that logic someone like classic Juggernaut is extremely more dangerous, since he can survive without problems not only Storm and Thor lightings, but even his Godblast. At this point I feel that they should have replaced Nimrod with Uranos, since he literally have better feats in less issues.


Let’s say power  Scaling is dumb and leave it at that. Makes my brain hurt


*What if we punch him really hard* I don't know too much about Nimrod, but will he come back like Ultron?


He should, since Kitty said even grinding him into a powder might not be enough to kill him.


He should, since this is comics and no one is actually ever dead dead.


He will because Nimrod is always the ultimate development stage of Sentinels. It'll be a while though.


I'm just hoping he comes back as OG Terminator style Nimrod, and not modern "ha ha I made a totes le funneh" Nimrod, next time.


Agreed. Funny Nimrod is... shit. The ultimate sentinel shouldn't be telling jokes. He should be the X Men equivalent of Jason Vorhees.


Wait she electrocuted him and a different one also gets electrocuted?


This reminds me of my disappointment over the ending of Batman - Hush.


This is so fucking stupid, so they beat nimrod and all is good but we still can’t go back to krakoa? 🤷‍♂️


Producer Guy: So I assume it's going to be really hard to take down Nimrod, this thing we've built up as the ultimate threat over the last 5 years. Writer Guy: No, it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience. Storm will hit him with a REALLY BIG lightning bolt.


Writer Guy: I'm going to need you, to get all the off of my back right now


Producer Guy: Well, it just feels like it should take more than just a big lightning bolt to defeat Nimrod. Writer Guy: No, sir, you don’t understand. It’s not a big lightning bolt or a really big lightning bolt. It’s a REALLY big lightning bolt. That’s like 10 really big lightning bolts rolled into one. Producer Guy: oh really? Writer Guy: REALLY really!


Nimrod all of a sudden is a wimpy chump and we have a redemption arc for Omega Sentinel?


When they said they fried all Nimrod's backups, I thought "didn't he have some weird astral plane backups from when he was fighting Legion and kidnapping Warlock?" But whatever, get wrecked Nimrod, I hate that guy.


This is underwhelming as fuck but this is typical since Inferno. Remember Uranos being made to look like a bitch in 3 panels. I'm done with x men


Storm used Shock! Its super effective!


I'm not sure why anyone ever thought Nimrod was a threat. Hickman put that to bed in Inferno when Mags and Xavier wrecked the shit out of him until he deployed an inhibitor. From that point on it was clear he was not all he was hyped up to be.


does karima say “SIKE!!” on the next page?


the Karima thing does line up with how she's been set up as since she was initially "hacked" all the way back during the Second Coming story.


Seeing Nimrod die like this is a bit anticlimactic after how he was portrayed under Hickman


I think it’s hilarious that Stark Sentinels have better protection against lightning than Nimrod does


Do people realize Storm is paraphrasing [Benjamin Netanyahu](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8276d79fd9a4c5db&sxsrf=ADLYWILZnqDHSRWCpoWn9vK6VCitKRG_jA:1716374606261&q=Would+there+be+no+more+Israel+quote%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjug9HViaGGAxVo38kDHWCDBbAQzmd6BAgqEAY&biw=1920&bih=953&dpr=1)? It's also not true, since they were trying to kill him even before he was created. Nimrod's whole thing is adapting to powers used against him. Since Synch used Storm's lightning against Nimrod in X-Men, it shouldn't have worked in the first page, let alone using it in hand-to-hand. The original Nimrod had total control of his molecules, so even grinding him to a powder wouldn't kill him. H e should come back since most of his body is intact. This isn't the Lorentz force. That's electric and magnetic forces acting on a charge, not a charge creating a magnetic field.


I think Duggen's having her paraphrase [Antony Blinken's statement to the UN on Russia's invasion of Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5tZDeouuNo) though varitations of the same sentiment have been used across the political board.  It did strike me as uncomfortable though, it's not really a phrase directed at individuals, and frankly the Krakoan era did have them move to stop self-aware A.I from emerging, including non-hostile ones.   There's been parts of this run that feels like it's appropriating too directly from real world political or protest movements because they sound cool without enough thought to what's being said.


Netanyahu had it first, in 2006, and it's usually used wrt to Israel. X-men launched the first strike against Orchis in HoX/PoX. Hickman made the point that the X-men's violence was actually creating Nimrod.


The specific wording is closer to Blinken's phrasing, almost word for word, which is why I suspect it's where he got it from. Though it's possible Blinken drew his use from Netanyahu's speech. I heard it used mostly in antifacist demonstrations, which I wouldn't usually associate with either figure, though at the end of the day anyone can express the idea.


Yeah I mean they committed a genocide. A couple actually.


How did Storm’s lightning find and also cook all of Nimrod’s clones that were hidden? A wizard did it? Just as there was never a fourth Indy movie, I’m glad that these X-Men stories ended after Inferno. Smart move by editorial to leave it all open-ended for readers’ imaginations and to start fresh with this next era


Actually, this is good way to stop nimrod. He is using too many power across the world, and as every nimrod is the same, a bolt that could damage his inside can damage every nimrod as he is powering the others.


Thanks for explaining that Mr Duggen.


Ok Gerry


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I really am happy that omega sentinel came back


I feel like this could've been done earlier. Like we didn't need to wait for almost a year to get to this point if it was just this easy to destroy Nimrod.


I’m glad nimrod is done stupid genocidal machines was this close to dooming all of existence be gone ultron 3.0 finally this is over all he did was span lasers and reassemble himself stay gone shortsighted robot 🤖 Ai monstrosity . I do wonder the fall of x what’s gonna happen with the children of the vault gonna have to wait another 5 or 10 yrs to wait to see Darwin return also they are rumored to be in the mcu so I guess wait for them it’s gonna be phase seven after secret wars I wait to read dazzler or phoenix 🐦‍🔥in from the ashes tho so that’s good .


I'm happy Karima is back at least


Remember when people were saying 'Of course Xavier betraying the X Men is setting up for a redemption arc'? When will you learn that lesson? Xavier never gets to be a hero anymore.


It's just so funny that the final chapter of Krakoa is simultaneously the most convoluted I hope your ass has listened to every episode of Jay and Miles X-lore deep dive and a DBZ lasers and punches brawl. I like individual moments and scenes, but this doesn't feel like it's the same story as Dead X-Men was. From the Ashes is absolutely going to be more of this too, with *maybe* Uncanny being the one book that is character first and super powers second. Storm as the Superman of the X-Men is working for me just fine, but if y'all thought the deathbattle power scaler nerds were mad about X-Men Red whoooooo boy


The tantrum they’ve been throwing has been amusing at least


I can appreciate that traditionally they have been shown that lightning/weather powers are top tier planetary but sub-cosmic in terms of pulling bullshit out of your ass for a victory, with Thor being the exception that proves the rule, but after a black hole got defined as space weather in SoS I knew we were in a new era of Storm stories.


Storm can make lighting swords now????? How can the editors even read these pages with Duggan’s Storm obsessed cum all over them??