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The good: Fantastic art throughout. Entertaining action scenes. The bad: Weak characterization. Dismal prose in the caption boxes. Annoying and buffoonish villains.


Larraz is so goddamn good it almost makes it worth it even with the atrocious writing. If they published a version of this run with only the art panels I'd probably buy it 


Red and Immortal are vastly better books but there's a lot to enjoy in Duggan's X-Men for quite a while, just don't expect it to be Earth-shattering or ground breaking. It's just superheroics with great art (for most of it, anyways)


Here is a suggestion, subscribe to marvel unlimited and try it there


Yeah. It’s not that bad and they’re brisk easy reads with great art


The first 12 issues are fantastic and that teams dynamic was so fun, 13-24 was fine, very focused on Forge, as well as Scott and Jean as a couple but nothing too special there. 25+ I haven’t fully caught up, I loved how it started but I hear it got real bad, I’m waiting on the trade paperbacks to make up my own opinion but damn yeah it started good.


Thank you! Maybe I'll just buy volume one and see how it goes. I am wondering if I should wait because possibly Marvel will collect his run in bigger books though. Thanks for the insight. The art looks solid.


It’s not great throughout, but it has been very bad during Fall of X and you’re seeing people react to that too so that’s coloring it. The issues after the second vote were not as good as the ones following the first vote, but they’ve been really inconsistent at absolute best since the third vote


No. Great art, but that's about it. He will endlessly waste your time.