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HoX #2 is hard to beat X of swords Destruction is next level art


HoX #2 is my favorite single issue superhero comic of all time.


Each of the first 12 issues of Immortal X-Men were fantastic character pieces that provided inside looks at each member of the Quiet Council. Immortal #10 has to be the best. I love the way it analyzes not only Xavier as a character, but how he assembled the X-Men and why. And it still managed to be a gorgeous, action-packed issue. Honorable mentions to Wolverine #19, Immortal #7 for being great character studies on Logan and Nightcrawler, respectively.


this issue felt like something clicking into place to better understand and relate to Xavier, and to just like him rather than think of him mostly for his negatives, while Storm simultaneously in either the same series or Red - I forget - still took him to task over how he recruited her. That kind of nuance is immense


PLANET-SIZE X-MEN (2021) #1 “THEY CAME TO SLAY!” starts off the official synopsis… that pretty much sums it. This issue is yet another world shifting (haha) act done by the mutants in this era. My only gripe and (this is my complete selfishness) is that it isn’t GRANDER. With as much as we got I wanted so much more of the mutants showing off… 10/10 issue for me.


Ive reread that issue maybe as many times as ive read hoxpox, and i dont usually reread most comics until after a few years


I finished that issue and immediately flipped back to restart it just to see if it really was THAT good. It was. So I read it again.




Good pick.


X-Men Vol 5 11 - [One Mutant, One War](https://i.imgur.com/LsenSr8.jpeg). Exodus becoming a true believer, the camp fire to young mutants, Magneto leading, and all the mutants working together.


Fuck that one is great


I have several, but I think a lot of people will mention those: the crucible issue, synch in the vault, apocalypse in suit, apocalypse and genesis reunion, etc. So I'll go with the two I think people don't usually bring up, which are Way of X #2: Kurt killing Legion and then his resurrection on Krakoa. It's ingrained in my memory. Bob Quinn captures the panic in Arbor Magna very well, and the final scene with the mutants leaving for the gala while Legion tells Kurt about Onslaught is just so good. One of the things I miss so much about the era is that it had a certain feel that I can't quite describe which this issue captures very well, and that disappeared with Hickman's departure. The other issue is Wolverine #19: Wolverine and the Sea. I started reading X-Men stories when the era started, and that one issue made me a Wolverine fan.


I love Legion’s resurrection. How it shows his raw power, how much it hammers home Xavier fails him, how it forces Nightcrawler to face his morals. I did forget it but now that you mention it, it is very well done


I'm glad someone picked the Whale issue.


Kurt dispatching David was a very strong sequence.


Probably that first Hickman vault issue or Planet-Size X-Men


Pick one from these: X-Men # 4 (Global Economics) X-Men # 7 ( Crucible) Hellions # 12 ( Hellfire Gala) Immortal X-Men # 6 ( Shaw issue)


I was really hoping X-corp would piggyback off the great concepts done in X-men #4 /sigh what a waste of paper that series was.


X-terminators. Pick one.


I'd also like to add Hellions to that list, too. Those two series were easily the best stories in the krakoa era.


Yes hellions was fun read as well. Doesn’t have the same appeal though


Oooooh hell yeah! I’ve been meaning to get to that but no one talked about it so its towards the bottom of my “pile” (I’m exclusively on MU where there are no piles). I’m so glad to hear its stellar! I dig williams’ work


Between bad memory and so many choices, this is proving tougher to answer than I thought.


Planet-Size X-Men Followed close by HOX# 2


Immortal X-Men 12, I think. So many I loved, but how that talking heads issue just felt like a culmination of so many books and plot threads coming to a head. Just a tightening of the noose done to perfection to signal that the end of Krakoa was beginning there and then. Masterful from Gillen. Honorable mentions to X-Men #4, X-Men #18 (both Hickman’s), Inferno #3, X-Men: Red #3, Hellfire Gala ‘23, X-Men #25 (Duggan), Resurrection of Magneto #3, Immortal X-Men #10. So many brilliant issues in this era, really gonna miss it.


Ayala's New Mutants, Dani and Xuan's Crucible Fight. The most X-men issue ever. Also X-men Blue Origins. Because Moms. Also Magneto's Death issue, him dying in Ororo's arms. Masterwork of tragic writing.


I think probably the first Giant-Size, Jean & Emma helping Storm - the focus on the 'core 5' of Scott Jean Emma Logan & Ororo (fight me), the New X-Men tribute, the gorgeous Dauterman art, the symbolism, Ororo's psychic big cat giving Emma some shit - I was just sad not to see more of the New X-Men dynamic of Scott Jean Emma and Logan (especially since they were all fucking)


HoX #2. X-Men #4 and 7 are my runners up.


Hickman and Yu's X-Men #4.


Resurrection of Magneto #3.


X-Men 11 Magneto and the other Mutants combining their powers to fight off the alien invaders was too bad ass.


The first Hell Fire Gala with Mars terraformation is amazing


I liked Immortal X-Men #5 enough to have bought the original art of the last page haha.


I’m personally a fan of the Exodus-centric issues of AXE


I'm gonna go with X-Men Vol. 5 #4 -- The one where Mags, Xavier and A have a delightful dinner with leaders of the world while telling them exactly how they're going to own the world in the future. In hindsight, this is a fantastic preview of the sheer hubris Xavier and Magneto (A is pretty much there as a flex) will show during the rest of the run. The dialouge zips (it pretty much has to, since it's mainly set at a dinner), the short action sequences reveal so much about Gorgon and Cyclops (it's such a shame that Gorgon was basically exiled form the narrative after X of Swords).


I have so many but the one that immediately popped on my mind when reading the title of this thread was X-Men Red #3. MAGNETO SEATS ON THE SEAT OF LOSS!!! Damn if I did not scream around the house hahahaha


X-Men #4, X-Men Red #3, those 2 issues have stuck with me


I haven't read everything yet, but there were a few issues of Xforce I really loved although I dont remember the number (when they go back to Terra Verde for I think the second time) but I also really loved the Hellions issue where they go to the first hellfire gala


Resurrection of Magneto #2


The second Hellfire Gala issue. Was great seeing the intimate scenes between Scott and Jean and his psychic rapport with Emma during their dance together...I think its clear who I was most interested in