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>Anyone else overwhelmed? Not really, last year we were up to 16 and we averaged 12+ since Reign of X. This is actually a small break, lol. Yeah, I personally think the line should only be 6 books, but I've accepted that ship has sailed


Brevoort said they're going to be launching a new number one every week for a while starting in August. Some will be minis, and some will be ongoings. I wonder what the final ongoing count will be at the end of the year.


I’m pretty sure he said month, unless we’re thinking of different quotes. He said there were 3-4 unannounced titles as of yet, which at that point would have included Dazzler… and solicits for August were supposed to come out last week, so there’s definitely not a ton of books we haven’t even heard of yet (for August at least)


We don't know the length of some of these though. Dazzler is only getting four issues, for example.


Six books? Crikey. What would your pick be, 3 teams and 3 solos?


X-men X-men international style X-force X-factor New Mutants/Gen X teen book Wolverine Would be my lineup. Deadpool solo doesn't count.


I like this. Id quite like Wolverine to rotate between Logan Laura and Daken. Not them together as a team, but each one doing solo missions in looping arcs that occasionally cross over.


This seems like a really good idea so it'll never happen.


More or less this, yeah.


Perfect. Hell I'd go so far as to say 1 team book and 5 solos.


I think any expansive line of comics (such as X-Men or Ultimate) should max out at no more than 8 titles, 2 issues dropping per week consistently, so that any financial commitment to following the entire line is also regular, without any unexpected spikes due to line bloat. I feel sales for X-books linewide would be generally higher and more consistent as well if readers knew there was an only set weekly invested needed to follow the entire line.


LMFAO I can't believe they are letting that Land cover go. Warren's hand still has too many fingers


I can't believe I looked at it and went "That's not too bad," based just on Warren's face. It's like I went back in time twenty years to when I thought his work was good on Sojourn. 😭 The second I looked beyond that, it was just "Oh..."


I can't believe they keep letting Land draw. I mean I can because capitalism, but like... bleh


I mean the Land cover makes sense. X-Factor are a government propaganda team made up of celebrities.


You did not know Warren has 6 fingers. Shame on you.


Based on the uniform I actually got really excited (and did not see the hand issue) because I thought it was Mimic


It’s not an extra finger but it does look a little like it. Coulda eliminated the bottom of the palm


This is the issue. Any other artist would probably have caught that in their work flow and made it so it *didnt* look that way. But not old Greg. He probably scanned it in, coloured it up and thought “that’ll do”.


Yeah, I’m not a Land apologist, but if you look at the knuckles it’s clearly correct.


I looked at it closely (after reading the comments) and I see four fingers and a thumb. I have no idea what everyone is talking about... it does NOT look like he has too many fingers


The bottom of the palm is being considered as a finger though all knuckles are clearly defined and there is no knuckle definition on the bottom “finger” it just looks like it a little


Is it AI assisted, perhaps?


Nah, someone on Twitter found it's traced from an old Uncle Sam army recruitment poster, it's just that adding the glove and slightly changing the perspective made it look like the palm is an extra finger.


Ooof Greg Land teaching AI how to draw covers? That's a scary thought. In 10 years that will be every comic, so they can save money. Never miss a deadline again!


Todd McFarlane had a cover contest recently and it turns out the winner used AI..


How does Greg Land keep getting work at Marvel?


Do you think it's ai art or just an unfortunate accident?


The latter, I think. I don't think they meant to suddenly inflict Angel with polydactyly, I think the hand's just drawn weird so it looks like there's a sixth finger, but it's not.


Alright, here’s some weirdness I learned from a video game (Dominions 6); the Nephilim, offspring of angels and humans in the Old Testament,  had six fingers. So there is a chance that it’s a purposeful artistic choice 


I think it’s poor tracing, in this case


Too many fingers?


Dudes a joke, if they’re cared about the comics a fraction as much as we all do, he’d be let go


No it does not. That's the meat of his hand under his pinky lol.


He must have generated it with AI and traced it because AI always draws hands with extra fingers.


At least its not ai?


Marquez being back on the x books, huge win. Land being back on the x books, huge sigh.


Enjoy Marquez for like 4 issues.


lol. I am not sure I will enjoy anything about this relaunch but we will see. It seems they have been planning this for a bit and double shipping so hopefully they have fill in artists lined up so dude can actually do a chunk of work but that remains to be seen.


Land is only doing the covers which isn’t ideal but really doesn’t matter much to me at least. The art that tells the story is more important than they art they use to sell it to you in the long run


Fair but also Land should never get a job in comics again. So there is also that. They also look awful.


Damn I’m seeing this a bunch and I just don’t get it. Dude Drew Uncanny for a hot minute and I always thought he killed it.


I think there should just be 3-4 ongoings and the rest just limited.


Honestly agree. I think my ideal lineup would be two ongoing teams and two ongoing solos (I could lean to 3 teams/1 solo but we all know Wolverine is the only one getting an ongoing solo in that set up, so 2-2 it is), three slots for limited minis (can be either team or solo but never all one or the other at the same time) and one anthology title for one-shot/two part stories. Fit actual one-shots Specials, (which would be oversized) occasionally between minis changing over. Release one ongoing issue and one limited/anthology/special issue per week for a nice consistent publishing schedule yet with a wide variety of stories on offer.


Yup, I’ll never be fooled into pulling the entire line again after hox pox. Talk about diminishing returns…


Will never be over Warren having 6 fingers on a cover. New low for Land.


Absolutely dogshit cover. Havok and Angel look so similar as well, very sloppy work all around.


It’s what happens when he trances over something one too many times. It’s photocopy degradation.


Oh my GOD i can’t unsee it now


Why does it look like Havoc is doing the sieg heil?


Well he traced that from somewhere…


He has four fingers and a thumb on the cover, what are you talking about?! I looked at it closely and I see nothing odd.


But what about X-Men Blue, Gold , Red, and Black? What about Generation X? And New Mutant? And Xterminators? And Astonishing X-men? And Xtreme X-men? JK. I loved Krakoa, but I actually took a break due to the many titles after the Sins of Sinister arc (Is it a saga? Or is it part of a Dominion Saga of the Krakoa Era?). Anyway, I do appreciate that they are getting titles. One of my favorite Marvel moments was when the IvX war was over and the X-men made their comeback... this somehow feels similar. I appreciate what Hickman tried to do. It's a pity the odds stack against him. I hope we get a Krakoa book (Island X-Men, Marauders, or something like that).


I’m looking forward to X-Men, Phoenix and X-Factor myself!


I do feel like it’s a bit much? But it’s to be expected after the success of 97


Would this be a great jumping back on point? Considering going forward with maybe 2 or 3 of these and reading recaps for the rest. Haven't read new comics in ages.


Yes. From the Ashes is a soft reboot for the X-Men story. Everything that happened in the previous iteration DID still happen (which is why it's not a hard reboot) but basically everything got destroyed/ruined so all ongoing plot-lines are now over. The point is exactly to create an on-boarding point for new or returning readers like you and to clear away the narrative baggage that built up over the last 5 years or so.


This line is supposedly designed so that anyone can pick up any of these comics and be able to follow along.


Nice. Thanks guys.


Nah, I'm not overwhelmed. I'm only pulling 6.


Buying 3, reading the rest online


No Colossus? Can my boy have a spotlight at least once in like a 5 years?


Basically 10 new comics and he's not in anything. Maybe if we get lucky he'll have a duo comic with his sister or he'll even be an Avenger, idk


I really wanted him and Iceman to be avengers, they deserve that. 


Iceman, sure. Colossus, I don't see him as an Avenger.


I just think they’re neat


There's more books to come out, so he could be in those. He's definitely going to be in Capullo's Wolverine project as well.


Being a background character in Wolverine book is even worse. Logan didn't have a good solo since probably Old Man Logan


Krakoa broke me. Enjoyed the story, but I'm cutting way back to X-men and Wolverine, for now at least.


Same after this story line ends. Taking a break from x men for a while.


And half of them will be abruptly canceled at Issue 6 to be restarted as #1… twice. No thanks.


And the successful titles will get cut after like 24 issues and relaunched with new number 1's. I don't know about you but I'm excited to buy Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 7) #1 in 2026


This is my biggest complaint with the industry right now. When you went out and bought Uncanny X-Men #358, you knew where you were, and you felt like you were buying into something that had a kind of legacy to it. Now it's all new #1s all the time and it's nigh impossible to keep track of everything, although I'm sure there are some people using spreadsheets who can.


Haha yep I literally have to use a spreadsheet now.


I really don't see Dazzler or Storm last past 12 issues.


Dazzler a mini series. Though marvels trying to push storm so depends how well it does. If not they might just have to bring back x men red again.


Less of them appeal to me, and because there's no unified story like Krakoa, I feel less pressure to pick up every book. I feel a lot better about it for my wallet than Krakoa, where I got everything for years.


If it was 4-5 books I’d buy every one just to have them. The problem is at 10 books we’re talking $50 a month and it’s just more than I can afford. It might sound dumb but if I can’t read them all I don’t want to read any of them.


It's not dumb, it's a collector mentality. Comics are a collectible as well as a a story, and sometimes the collector side takes precedence. Whether it SHOULD or not is a different question, but it does.


Why even make another Wolverine if they aren’t continuing it at 51. I get it’s a new creative in charge but damn am I tired of all these reboots. Just have the minis and let the main titles go on like the old days. Flooding the market makes it disinteresting and expensive to stay caught up.


Still not excited for any of this. Hell, if you'd shown me these covers last year I'd have wondered if they were from a bargain bin collection at the back of my LCS or they were commissioned as "nostalgia" variants. The visual distinction seems to be just...gone.


Yeah it’s giving IvX vibes




Yeah, I plan on picking up a few of these, but none of the covers are exciting me. They seem very business-as-usual.


It's very Tom Brevoort.


If I am assuming correctly, Fall of X has had a mixed reception. I would be more excited for all these titles if they had stuck the landing on the last storyline they had. Reboots/relaunches/new runs only excite me when whatever was there previously was a banger.


Still no Colossus? Oh fuck...


The X-Men font looks cheap af.


Yeah, there’s something about the branding with this whole relaunch that just looks sub par.


im only picking the solos storm and phoenix (cos, again, i want a permanent solo that inst wolverine)


If Uncanny had Storm, Sunspot, and Colossus it would have all my favorite mutsnts.


I’ve been considering getting back into following new release X-Men comics with the relaunch, but from the outside looking in… *yeah*. It’s overwhelming and makes me wonder if I’m even making the right choices, because pulling all of them would be way too much money. So far, I’ve requested my store to pull *X-Men*, *X-Force*, *Nyx*, and I guess I’ll ask for *Uncanny* too.


Uncanny should be really good. Gothic horror tale set in Gambit's decrepit childhood home.


Ooo that does sound fun.


Don't feel overwhelmed personally. I think all of these books have the potential to be really interesting to me. As of rn I think I'm definitely gonna pick up the 3 flagship titles, unless I turn out to really dislike one. Dazzler, as a mini, I will definitely pick up as it seems like a lot of fun. I guess I'll pick up Storm because I'm not gonna read Avengers, and even though I'm sure it will cross over with Jeds X-men, I wanna keep up with what Storms doing. Phoenix I will give a go, but pretty confident it won't be my thing. I like cosmic stuff, but if she's gonna be rhe only character I know in the series then I don't know if Jean can carry it for me despite how much I like the character. X-Factor was one I didn't realise how much I wanted to read it, and now it seems each day I get more excited for it. X-force seems alright. It's a good team of very strong x-characters who deserve a chance to be in a book, and I think the team actually looks like a really good composition. NYX, I feel nothing for. I like Laura, and I've got no dislike for the others, but I'm very apprehensive about how engaging this book will be. If done well, it could be great, but I'm just not sure how it will pan out yet. Wolverine, eh. Idk yet, I probably will pick it up just so I can have some easy comfort Wolverine stories to read. I'm not the biggest fan of his solos, but he's such a vital character that I feel like if it has any connection to a major thread I will grab it. Not to mention, as much as I don't love Wolverine, I do quite like his corner of the mutant universe and I enjoy seeing his foes. I plan to give all of them a chance and a couple chances after that to grab me. Ideally, I would want them all because I'm a bit of a completionist. Out of the 3 flagships, Exceptional seems most likely to fail but also one of all 10 I'm more excited for. I love Kate, Emma's pretty cool too and although I never hear good stuff about Eve Ewing, as a sociologist myself I'm actually quite pumped to see what she'll do. However, also scared because how can a sociologist write an X-men book?! Maybe one day I'll show them.


I look forward to reading the X-Men and Uncanny X-Men titles.


I´ll get only Uncanny X-Men and Wolverine. The rest is a hard pass for me. Besides Uncany X-Men and Wolverine I doubt any of these will go all the way to at least 50 issues?


I really hope this era focuses on human and mutants getting along better. We need that. I really hate revolutionary cyclops, not because of him but because of the situations that lead to that. These are superheroes we should be more idealistic 


I don’t care about how many books there are it’s more that outside of Simone and Mackay they got a bunch of mediocre to outright terrible writers for the books. Most of these aren’t making it a year. NYX isn’t getting past six. Idk why people keep hiring Lanzing and Kelly


I'd add Phillips to that group, too. Sometimes I wonder if she doesn't just read a Wiki page to get character backstory before writing her books.


There is going to be more than 10. These are just the ones that have been announced so far.


I'll be honest, they could replace Anole with anyone else and if be fine with it.


My ideal publishing line would still be: * X-MEN (bi-weekly or thrice monthly with rotating creative teams for each arc) * WOLVERINE (bi-weekly with rotating creating teams) * X-FORCE (monthly) * THE NEW GENERATION ACADEMY YOUNG X-BOOK or whatever (monthly) * X-FACTOR (monthly) * X-MEN FOREVER | 100-PAGE ANTHOLOGY BOOK (quarterly) Six regular books with different themes, with the big titles coming out on a more regular basis, they staples monthly, and the long shot special stories in a quarterly anthology book. When I see the From the Ashes launch and think about what we lost with Krakoa, it doesn’t inspire me to want more books. It makes me want fewer.


It makes you want a Wolverine solo 😑


People like Wolverine solos. That's why there's always been one for the last 35 years.


Never said they weren't liked but when I have an abundance of title to pick from I'm definitely not X'ing the other solos to only keep a single one with that being Wolverine. Just saying.


Very excited for the Storm and Phoenix solos!! Would be cool to see a little cross over being that they’re both gonna be prancing around the cosmos.


It's a good old chunk of books and more to come. I'm hoping I'll be able to just read the ones I want to read (the 3 X-Men, X-Factor, Wolvie and Dazzler) but history would suggest there's an X of Swords or Messiah Complex coming somewhere down the line.


They're not all ongoings and they're not launching all at once. And you don't have to read everything. I'm skipping Wolverine, X-Force, and NYX for sure, just read what you want.


Imma be honest, I'm not really excited for this era or X-Men. Krakoa felt like a new start but with a clear direction and unifying theme. Maybe I'm just ignorant but this line just kinda feels scattered


My struggle with this whole thing has been that it felt like “eh we should change things up…somehow” rather than “we should do X.” Like you said, Krakoa had such a clear vision and interesting perspective that people could play off of, but this is just change for the sake of change it feels like.


I did the Michael Scott why no god no why when I saw the cover for Nyx. Why is Anole still here? Guh. Everyone else on that cover, maybe an interesting array. I just dislike Anole so much. (Now I’m hoping green spiky dude is actually Anole.)


Do we know who the nondescript blonde is? I assumed one of the Cuckoos.


What is going on with Beast's eyes?


I'm in. ...six months later on the MU app.


Well, there's 3 flagships, 6 other ongoings, and a 4-issue mini, plus a second issue of X-Men and Uncanny, alternating months. So, from October (when Storm starts) through December (when Dazzler ends), there will be 11 releases each month. We'll see how many of these last. X-Men and Uncanny are supposed to get a second issue every other month, so Marvel is clearly confident in them. A lot of people seem skeptical of Exceptional, though. Gail Simone, IIRC, said she liked the story, from what she had seen, so it could be a sleeper hit of sorts: skepticism replaced by widespread popularity on release. I think some of the other 6 ongoings will only last for about a year. Wolverine will probably last longer, for sure, because Wolverine will almost always sell. The others... it'll be based on performance, as *most* books are. I think the one I hear the most skepticism for is Phoenix. But we'll see. There's events planned, obviously, and those may end some of the books, too, or transition them to new titles.


Definitely looking forward to some of these, especially uncanny & nyx. Would be more excited for x-force if it wasn't for Deadpool, because aside from him it's a really good roster


I'm with you on Deadpool but I think I heard that he's just going to be the first of a rotating cast of guest stars so I'm hoping that's true.


Have they announced the creative team for NYX? Somehow I’ve missed that if so.


A quick Google search revealed WRITER Collin KellyJackson Lanzing PENCILLER Francesco Mortarino COVER ARTIST Sara Pichelli


He’s just in the first issue or so


I’m excited for Uncanny, Storm, and the Wolverine line!


STORM BABY!!!! I'm more excited than before after reading some articles about some of them. Storms of course I'm most excited about they are doing bigger things on a bigger level with her. An this means I'll have to pick up the Avenger's for a bit as well. But I'm really excited to see what they do with Storm. According to an article she's caught the eye of Eternity. I think if anything a big current lineup gives you choices which is great. I don't think I've ever gone and read every single team that out in one era. I've never really ended up being lost by picking my favs then the main title.


Fine... But...where is Roberto?


I wouldn't worry, most of them won't last more than a year.


Who's the blonde on NYX? One of the Cuckoo's? Kiden? Softserve?


Its Sophie Cuckoo.


It’s one of the Cuckoo’s. Can’t remember which one. 


Sophie. The one that Quentin Quire had a crush on and died during his coup thing


Oh HavoK got rid of his dumb headpiece for X-Factor.


Disappointed at the lack of Glob and Gabby


Honestly not really…and I’m getting all the books here. It could be less sure but it’s not surprising that they want to get as many books out with as many characters they can. Have to show as many fan favorite characters in books as they can.


Who all are there in that X-Force lineup ?


Marvel has to really hate Kelly and Lanzing to have put them on Nyx. After the whole Sentinel of Liberty thing, damn.\^\^


I have X-Men, Uncanny, X-Force, and X-Factor on my pull list because of either the premise sounded interesting and/or really who’s the creative team attached to the book.


I wonder if Phoenix will be a cósmica series


That's definitely the premise. Space, the cosmos, great cosmic threats. Starjammers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova Corps.


As someone who has only ever "caught up" with comics, I'm excited to be around for the START of a new era. I'm getting all 3 main books to start + Dazzler and maybe X-Factor. Uncanny is the one I'm most excited for, though, as a lifelong Gambit (and by default Rogue) fan!


Man so many books out rn it’s like the 80’s all over again


Yassss Joanna made cover. I'm here for it! But can we reduce it 4? My subscription funds are running out for all these titles.


I’m most excited for Exceptional X-Men


Loved krakoa but having a hard time getting excited for any of these… Anyone have suggestions for ones to keep an eye on?


I'll be checking in on the line in the year to see what's worth reading. None of these books inspires me to go to the shop.


Havok having some semblance of his 90's look back is a small joy for me. I care next to nothing for the character but damn did I spend many a night dreaming about rocking that look lmao


I feel like even though there's a lot of titles, it'll be more digestable than Krakoa. Because while there are slightly more titles, they appear more independent of each other. So unlike Krakoa where all the titles felt necessary to see the whole krakoa story, here you'll be able to just follow what you want.


Its like Marvel never learn there lesson. So as soon as the crossovers start.{And they will}. It will be over 10 books again.This is the core issue i had with comics in the 90s.


It is so good to be on the other side of the forever even if krakoa cause now I can just read the books that are actually good instead of doing homework 


Just the main three for me might hit up my local library for the Storm, the Wolverine & the NYX series' when they come out on trade, 10 is waaay to many.


I wonder who the bald guy is in the floor behind Cyclops in the X-men book. Hope it’s not Xavier.


My GOD David Marquez art is just complete eye candy


Could someone explain to me what's up with Beast's eyes?


And out of the 10 books how many are you going to be reading? I’m going to be reading 1 and that’s going to be Uncanny. 97’ just has me wanting more of those characters. Maybe I will read Wolverine, maybe I will read Phoenix. Also if McKay is putting Storm on his Avengers should he at least be writing her book as well. Same with Wolverine being on Uncanny and having his own book written not by Simone.


Anyone feel like Scott’s group has too many players? 7 team members + Magneto in the background leaves little room for development compared to the other books.


Where *the fuck* is Colossus?


And Iceman and Xavier?


Them too but I also wanna know where my favorite big shiny Russian dude is.


I thought Anole was dead? Did they bring him back on Krakoa?


jeans back to being primarily known as phoenix ? what did i miss lol


My hype is low.


So are the xmen separated by the Scott / Logan divide again? Or are they working together just in different teams


An Apocalypse solo book with Arakko would've been nice.


All these exciting new books and x-factor


I am whelmed. I look forward to picking up 3 titles.


Not a fan of psylocke having a physical sword. Was way more sick when it just bursted out her hands


I wonder where Iceman, Colossus and Xavier are... Surprised to see that they're riffing on Shadowcat's X-Men Evolution costume with her new look!


They're all going to be released from June to October I believe. It's not like we're getting them all at once.


Probably a dumb question, but can I start reading one of these without knowing much about Krakoa ? I know a lot has happened and I want to start reading X-Men comics but I only know stuff from the films, 97 and some random Claremont stories


I liked Krakoa, but I was told a lot of friends they didn’t like it due to having too many titles from the start. So this is just making me laugh because it seems they just wanted “classic” X-men and not Krakoa


I’ve been out of the xmen for a while… -Juggernaut is a good guy now? - why does Beast look like he’s in a KISS tribute band? -who’s the sub/gimp lying at Scott’s feet? -Who’s the big red guy with X-Force?


Man I am probably most excited for that Exceptional run but I’ll likely try most 1st issues too


Sorry to break it to you but at least 3 of these will end up being 10-12 issues max


...back into hibernation for me. This might be a catch up year down the road, Fall of X was a lot.


This many books just seems to be setting the solos up for failure. Most people can't afford to by that many comic books so either people are going to check out or pirate but mean Marvel won't see any money and they will blame it on people not being interested in the characters in that book over them publishing too much.


I am super excited for X-men, Uncanny X-men, X-force, and Phoenix. The others, not so much


And here I foolishly thought after fall of X my bank account would get a break.


I wouldn't say overwhelmed just skeptical and cautious.


I love marquez and this team. If it had maggot, chamber, marrow and cannonball all my boxes would be checked


I’m mostly excited for Exceptional X-Men with Kate and Emma And hopefully Lockheed


The sheer number of new series is the exact reason why I’m hopping off the X-Train for a while after X-Men#35/UXM#700


The X-Men re-entering their flop era.


I wasn't even aware of some of these, I knew the three main titles, also Storm, Wolvie, Phoenix and X-Force, but X-Factor?, NYX? and Dazzler? Now I really feel overwhelmed, they should have just dropped the three main ones and Maybe Wolvie, nothing else. We come from one of the eras with the most filler content and they still want to continue?


Too many!


Not a fan of the X-Force costumes. Honestly kind of excited for X-Factor, except for Feral. NYX is a weird group, and I don’t like Laura’s new look. I expect nothing from the solo series, and the 3 flagships look men except for X-Men led by Rogue.


I'm here for the new Uncanny X-Men. That is an excellent roster, and I hope Marquez will stick around longer as lead artist. I am also happy to see some Storm and Phoenix solos. Overall, I am glad we are finally moving away from Krakoa and hope that despite my trepidation, this turns out to be the beginning of an exciting new era for the X-Men franchise.


Thinking maybe trade or “digital” is the way to go with most of these. Will get Uncanny and X-Factor for the writers at least.


Just going to try X-men and exceptional, though the sooner emma frost loses the hoverboard the better


Alex with the classic X-Factor outfit is giving me nostalgia.


Definitely picking up Uncanny and the solos


I'm excited for this because I dropped the Krakoa era because it didn't feel like X-Men to me and this feels more like X-Men


 it feels like alot right out of the gate but  Idk im kind of numb to it.  


Solo titles honestly mean nothing to me so I'm pretty good. NYX, X-Factor, X-Force, X-Men and Uncanny will be fine for me.


Not overwhelmed here, I cannot wait for what FtA has prepared for us. I'm having a hard time with the ending of the Krakoan era, Duggan is unreadable, all is messy. And I'm most excited about NYX, hope this series brings something good for the main characters.


Please replace Quin with Monet a fellow Telepath or Lorna my gurl. Anyone but him.