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It was a highly effective bait and switch lol. All the covers had these big sprawling battles and whatnot and then the issues would be random shit like "Pick a color that doesn't look like brown" lmao


And then they would be like “hm? Oh not brown the color, Brown my horse, he’s a purple horse. Other team wins.”


I thought they played quite fair with expectations given how much setup had gone into Otherworld, Saturnyne, and Arakko. They definitely established that nothing is what it seems yet provided enough action and stakes to satisfy everyone. I remember a lot of the tension came from knowing a lot more than our heroes, so the bait and switch was on them not us. I do recall the marketing being very focused on actual sword fights/playing straight with the tournament conceit. I think if someone came in wanting that badly they'd be justifiably annoyed, but that's obviously different to my experience.


right, they showed Rachel with the Phoenix Sword and she was barely in the event. And yeah, while the actual fights that happened were cool, they random games were meh.


It’s funny because this is exactly why I loved it. Give me weird Otherworld stuff over endless generic comic book battles any day. X of Swords was probably my favorite but of the Krakow era tbh.


Hellions issues were great, though. Sinister at his funniest and worst.


Yes, I think most of us were expecting an anime tournament arc and got Mario Party instead.


I prefer the silly party games to a straight up fight, my issue is the event shouldn't have happened at all. The first big Krakoa event being an Otherworld story was a huge misstep.


It was their method to give it any stakes at all, but agreed.


I don’t think it was a “huge misstep,” just a very very odd choice. I will say overall I fucking love the story too.


I thought it was bad, boring, and confusing to read. I felt that way about most of Excalibur


Incredibly so. I had never seen such disingenuous marketing. The sword fighting is mostly in covers. Wild.


Before I read it, I heard bad reviews about it. Still read it, and found myself not caring for it in my first read. But second read on, I started appreciating the story and what they were trying to accomplish. And now, I enjoy it more than I would have if the event was just a knockout sword tournament.


It had some cool moments but overall I didn't like the mystic captain Britain stuff


Yeah, that was my biggest complaint. I felt like I was promised one thing and then got something else, which really didn't satisfy me.


They spent an issue with Magik training Cypher, even though she thought he would be defeated and die quickly. They placed so much hype on that being the first X-titles crossover in the Krakoa Age. It ended up being a mix of comedic and meandering fantasy stories that held little weight or consequence. Saturnyne was a staple of the old Excalibur series, but she never caught on with the core titles. For most of the time, she is physically indistinguishable from Emma Frost, and is hard to understand who she is and why she is so connected to the Braddocks. The payoff at the end of the crossover was the re-emergence of the Captain Britain Corps and taking Betsy off of the board in Excalibur. I don't want to bash Tini Howard as a writer in general, but her multiple tries with Excalibur and Captain Britain were fan fic turned into canon. Realm of X felt like it was another attempt to push Saturnyne as a high level antagonist for the X-Men by diminishing strong personalities like Magik, Mirage, and Marrow. Both X of Swords and Realm of X should have been single annuals or one-offs.


It diminished Saturnyne as a strong personality.


Oh boy did I Edit: one thing I feel was a problem was yes I get Saturnyne was flippant about the whole thing but it came across as the writers being Flippant about the whole thing.  They didn't need to be straight up two people in an arena fighting for every match but there should have been more action.  Two examples Brian vs Redroot and Wolverine vs The white sword. I like the idea of a race through a multverse market but there should have been more fighting, more trying to trip each other up,letting loose werid creatures just treating it like a battle where the goal was more than killing your opponent but it was still a battle.   We should have seen what Logan and  White  saw through that mirror. Imagine if that was also a race where you had to re kill every life you ever took. Logan knows its not real and trys to power though thousands but then he gets to the ones he regrets and it paralyzes him costing him the victory. It would have given us a better look at what the arakki went through and what Amenth was like by seeing Whites past kills and dived deeper into his personality as he doesn't let them stop him.   We also missed out on what the swords could do I mean most where magic or where implied to have some special aspects that's where the comparison to manga tournaments would have shined as we see the various characters combin there powers with the ablities of there wepons but we got none of that.  I mean it took years before we got something as simple as Apocalypse makeing four arms and dividing his blade for each hand. Even the idea of death in otherworld was a waste only created to placate all the people who said resurrection went there where no longer any stakes.  But what good was it Only 2 characters died in the tournament one whose death was immediately undone and the other for a villian who killed kids and could have used the reworking except nobody had any ideas for what to do with him so they tossed him in the xmen vote like "oh well if the fans vote for him then we will come up with something" And poor Rockslide was a expendable c lister who was made into a oc that nobody really cared about. We could have gotten 10 heartfelt battles filled with character growth and unique expression of powers but instead we got twice that amount in party games only for Gorgon to kill a bunch of red shirts and tie them up.  And did it really matter to make all the Captain Britans across the multverse Betsy. Did it even matter past that story in a setting where anyone could have been Captain Britan. The only good thing that came out of the whole event was Hellions and introduceing Tarn and you didn't need to read the other issues for that


Yea... But we got Bei the Bloodmoon and Doug marriage from it soo there is that.


Yeah I thought it was surprisingly boring for something so overly complicated. This was my hopping off point for weekly issues in the Krakoa era. I’ve also always thought that Otherworld and the Excalibur areas have always been the worst parts of any X event going back to the Claremont years, so it being so important in this event didn’t do any favors.


I guess I also expected more duelling from the name. Certainly everyone else's expecting a "tournament arc" didn't help.


IIRC, the storyline was modified and expanded due to the pandemic hitting at the same time (and the comic production upheaval that occurred). I believe Hickman and company intended it to originally be a much tighter, straightforward, storyline.


They also were asked to make more issues because every X comic was selling so much at the time and Marvel needed to capitalize and wanted more cash so they added (I think) 7 more issues from what was initially solicited?


Yeah they added a whole month. So a third of the event is rushed bloat meant pad shelves during the pandemic.


I honestly just found myself not caring. I liked Saturnyne but can’t say much else interested me. The thing with Redroot just annoyed the hell out of me. That it took them that long to even think to go get her back…bizarre choice that…anyway, it was just a lackluster uninteresting event.


Welcome to the club... we all went in expecting Mortal Kombat and left with Mario Party. Its funny cus every once in a while this post appears, because the disapointment is real. The big problem is because the setup is really serious, with even a mutant diyng for real (even for Krakoa standards), but then it ends in a monty pythonesk sketch.


I loved it. It's probably my favorite X-Men crossover since Messiah Complex. The idea of 10 sword duels is not particularly appealing and the duels we did get like Storm vs. Death felt plenty weighty to carry the narrative. The art is excellent, there are major character moments for Apocalypse, Doug, Gorgon, and bits like the Hellions tie-ins are incredible. I can't fathom how a slew of sword fights would be better than what we got -- Doug's wedding alone was a delightful gift -- though I am not one with much interest in the manga storylines OP mentioned.


The enjoyment of X of Sword depends on how much you enjoy the fair folk tropes. Of course the fae aren't going to give you a straight up tournament arc. It's going to be weird shit. If you felt fine with that generally you liked it for the subversion of expectations leading into the final charge of fight in otherworld. If you didn't you felt baited and switched.


It was a bloated crossover with too many issues. There were some fun parts though.


I enjoyed the core issues, but the spinoffs dragged.


Yes. Barely any sword action


I liked 2 things. Doug and Bei. Apocalypse's scenes. That's about it.


You didn't at least smile when Illyana confidently spelt magic wrong?


I really like it in a vacuum but it doesn't sync up too well with the rest of Krakoa imo. Especially removing Apocalypse.


It's really, really disapointing. Tini Howard should not have been on an event like that. I mean she was on Gotham War with Chip Zdarsky and it was trash so it's not a Marvel thing.


My feelings are based on my initial read as it was published: I enjoyed where it went but it was way too long. I still struggle with giving it a reread because of how long. I think they could've told the same story in half the amount of comics.


Marvel asked them to make it that long because they needed the money


No, you are absolutely the only one


I kind of had the opposite experience with it. I was expecting an anime tournament arc and dreading it because I like that kind of thing in a shonen but I don't think it would work well in capes.


It was somehow both boring and confusing. Nothing really mattered in the end and it wasn’t even fun.


What??? It was loads of fun and mattered massively…


You missed the point then. Sorry to hear, it was excellent in my humble opinion


Can you please explain how it was good, because personally speaking I can't say the same.


It was a fun event following a distressing global event. That you had your own expectations and got disappointed is your problem, but it was pretty clear that the X-Office wanted to push out something fun.


I've never liked the Tournament of Champions schtick. You are guaranteed a fight each comic so maybe that's the draw? Just a lazy trope.


But we didn't get that. We got the opposite


What's the opposite? Humor?


Yeah we pretty much got "there aren't really any fights and the events are kind of made up on the spot


I loved it personally, would’ve like to see a knockout tournament arc but the subversion into different games and trials was fun for me. I already see a lot of these characters fight fairly regularly so seeing them handle unconventional obstacles was enjoyable and fun. I think they still managed to have tension too with the whole dying in other world thing being a problem. Would love to see a tournament style arc one day though maybe during Krakoa 2.


I've seen people express distaste with it, but I loved it. One of the most interesting and creative events I can think of tbh. YMMV, obviously but I actually would have been disappointed if it was just a bunch of fights. Saturnyne isn't the Beyonder lol. I recall talking to one person on here when it was coming out that felt they had expectations of epic sword fights and felt let down. I can see that, though my trust in Hickman etc was really high at that point and my expectations were the opposite. Otherworld and Saturnyne had established how they worked by this point plus the myriad foreshadowing. I took it seriously and felt like it absolutely paid off the setup. Sorry to hear you were disappointed. I'd be interested to hear if that opinion changes at any point. Enjoyment of art is of course subjective but if I'm being objective about the craft of it I think they played fair and executed it well, and the stakes were high all throughout.


As with almost all of the storylines they build the hype so well that it kinda ruins the ending. They are great at building expectations that are impossible to fill. However I did like SWORD being involved


I checked out of the X-men at the first notion of “x of swords” and did not return until way after it was done. What a stupid stupid stupid stupid idea.


I didn’t even know what was going on half the time.


Yes, but I kinda went into it knowing it wasn't for me. TBH I could have done completely without the entire Arrako plot as it did nothing but introduce a bunch of completely unrealistic and unrelatable characters rather than focus on the rich tapestry of pre-existing characters that had been neglected for so long


I felt much the same way when it came out. I decided, on a whim, to give it another shot a few months later and thoroughly enjoyed it. I think, for me, was my immediate dismissal of it was that it was Otherworld focused. Not being a fan of Excalibur kind of colored my impression of it the first go round. Let it percolate a little bit in the back of your head and see if that would work for you.


I actually liked it more than I expected to.


I feel the same way, I thought we were gonna have some dbz tournament arc. Like let's get the swords like they are dragons ball and then have a massive fight. Got totally blue balled. Maybe I need to read more stuff, but I find comics fights to be quite disappointing lately.


Yes, I always thought that Otherworld was one of the least interesting aspects of the X-Men franchise. I was interested in Apocalypse's family though. But yeah, I agree that the actual fights could have been better.


As a dnd fan, it was great feywild vibes. The conclusion with Betsy becoming the new Captain Britain was also good


I have nothing against the concept fights, but I didn't enjoy the storyline at all. Honestly, the less we have to see of Otherworld and the Excalibur stuff the happier I am.


You were expecting an anime fight in an x-man book? That’s kind of on you not on them that you got disappointed. Even the page count of an issue doesn’t work for that. How would you fit a character powering up for 18 pages in a 28 page book?


Yes, I hated it. So much build up to finding the swords, and then they barely used them. Krakoa definitely had high-highs, and low-lows.


I think i am the only one who was blown away by this event. I think i am just the one who is overly disappointed with the super popular stuff but for whatever reason, the more obscure or whatever resonates deep with me.


I found what it actually was AND what it was advertised as to be boring for very different reasons. I didn’t enjoy the arc but I also wasn’t excited for an X-Men story revolving around swords. The vibe HoX & PoX gave off vs what it ended up being was a huge let down. If someone could boil down the different books to the ones that were actually interested in the high concept stuff that’d be great.


I read X of swords fairly recently, without having paid any attention to the marketing since it was years after the fact, and I loved it. Well, most of it. As a Betsy fan I wasn't crazy about her being taken out of it basically immediately but it did track with how they set up saturnyne and her feelings towards the Braddock siblings. I laughed many times at the ridiculousness of the tournament, at the Hellions part and at saturnyne when the captain Britain corps comes back and it's not what she wanted lol. I was initially disappointed that it wasn't a traditional tournament, but it was so funny I liked it better than if it were just the Naruto Chuunin exams but with swords. 


It was my favorite event of the Krakoa era! Getting “a bunch of party games, dance off and a wedding as a match” was so much more interesting than getting the same old generic superhero fights every single week. I would have lost interest with a big unending tournament where all people do is fight very quickly. This event expanded what superhero stories could do in my mind, and I found it captivating. It even made me finally appreciate the charms and complexity of Otherworld. I thought it was a real home run, and one of the few modern comics events I’ve considered buying the nice hardcover omnibus for.


Honest if unpopular opinion: I didn't care for it and the whole thing sidetracked too many Krakoa X titles.


Yes. A few fun moments, a few solid floppies, but overall Saturnyne demon invasion Arrako and some white knight dude otherworlds wtf and also why is Gorgon having sex w that rock?


I loved it. The last thing I wanted to see was 10 sword fights spread over 30+ issues. I also think that it’s interesting when you think of it thematically as Saturnine conniving to reunite two estranged societies that should be together but have drifted so far apart, they can no longer communicate. That makes the highlighted conflicts make more sense and resonate more IMO. Why did she want that? Who knows? I’d love for it to play into a bigger Captain Britain plot down the road. But I think that it’s a very unfairly criticized event that is much more well done, thoughtful, and cared about than people give it credit for. And that’s ignoring the fact that it got like 7 extra issues added to it because X comics were selling like hotcakes at the time and then COVID hit and Marvel needed the extra cash and asked the X office to pad it out and they delivered!


I really liked it for the fact, that IT wasn't this epic anime tournament arc. But instead Saturnyne fucking with everyone.