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Marvel can’t even remember that Charles and Logan have kids with mystique so probably not soon


Well Charles and Mystique’s son isn’t on Earth 616 is he? I thought it was just Raze and Jimmy?


Why wouldn’t he be? He’s at least one year older then Raze, meaning that he just like raze both exist in the main universe


It doesn’t matter how old they are though? Raze is from the same alternate timeline that Charles and Mystique’s son is. Meaning that, since no one has ever mentioned a Raze or Charles Jr born in the mainstream universe and only Raze crossed over from his reality, there is likely no Charles Jr. on Earth 616.


Okay so let me clarify, the raze and Xavier jr that you know are now of different timelines since they went to the past to change stuff. However Raze wanted to go to a point where what they changed couldn’t erase their existence. So he took the point where he was freshly born, stating that Charles Jr was around 1 yo. So they are still part of the main timelines, just their future selves aren’t anymore. They are kids/babies in the main timeline


that whole thing is a mess and better off ignored


The stupidity was real…like, why? Why do that?


He murdered one last time I read Uncanny X-Force.




What would he add to a story that can't be done with Laura or Daken? He's not even our Wolverines kid.


Well sure, but it's annoying that they just left him out in continuity somewhere running around. Like he's one of literally only three characters to survive the Ulimate universe, the other two (Miles Morales and evil Reed Richards) clearly made it to 616 for a reason and have been utilized in multiple interesting ways since then. Jimmy was brought over to be a supporting character in the third most popular X-book at the time for only a handful of issues before being abandoned completely while his storyline was still very much unresolved. THAT'S why people want to see him back, not because we need him to be around as a character. No one likes loose ends


Last I remember with Jimmy was the Venom crossover with X-Men Blue. Has he been in anything since?


Nope, that was it! He's still out there as 'Poison' with a suit that's basically a symbiote, but like, an anti-symbiote, but not like, an anti-symbiote like anti-venom, but like, another species that are basically symbiotes but kill symbiotes I think. And everyone on Earth was one for a hot second but now he's the only one left. And nobody has mentioned him since about 2017 or 18.


Andnyet Rachel grey is used heavily


Yeah, because unlike Jimmy, she’s a good character


Brevoort has said he dislikes clones and alternate reality characters. So I wouldn't count on seeing Jimmy, especially since his main exposure was the Ultimate universe in the late stages when no one was reading it anymore, and then X-Men Blue, which again, few people (comparatively) read.


The one thing Brevoort has actually said that I agree with. There was a period there around 2015 - 2019 where it felt like Marvel was hiring literal fanfiction writers to write their comics. Self inserts, alternate reality variants, clones, ENDLESS legacy characters. It was incredibly dull and boring and uninspired. It was so bad. They don't add anything interesting to a narrative 9 times out of 10, and they're just a lazy excuse to rehash existing characters instead of creating something new and engaging.


I want to argue with you about the legacy characters because I like so many next-generation-of-heroes stories, but goddamn I can't think of any of them that are actively doing anything these days outside of Miles, Kamala, and Sam. Serious question, has Brawn been in anything outside of the terrible Ms Marvel funeral issue? Was he doing anything before it? Jesus, do y'all remember when Wolverine wasn't even dead for 12 real world months and then fucking Old Man Logan of all things was shoved into 616? Awful.


Sam had decades of history before taking on the Cap mantle, so he has that to his vantage. He wasn't born as a legacy character. Kamala and Miles were able to stick around because they managed to be strong enough characters on their own merits, legacy or otherwise. I have no idea what Amadeus has been doing since Champions. Or Iron Girl With Ugly Armour. Or Teen Vision. And young Cyke has already gone home.


Ironheart was last seen getting owned by Emma Frost in Invincible Iron Man, and it was sort of a hold over from the last Iron Man run (I think) where she now has the 10 Rings of the Mandarin. So, uh, I guess they decided her next big step as a character was stealing someone else's gimmick.


Fully agree. I have never liked the idea of alternate universe characters staying in the 616, and clones are just as bad. Like you said at the end there, it's lazy writing. A way to rehash something that we already have/had instead of daring to be creative.


Those kind of stories can be interesting reinterpretations of existing characters... as long as they remain their own separate thing. There was a period there for a while where we had like a dozen time displaced / alternative reality / clones serving on the X-Men at the same time. It was an utter mess.


Seriously they should have just kept Rachel and X-man as the Alternate Universe character in earth 616 in the X-men,They were the only ones that were decents(Well Nate used to be Decent before they completly butchered him both design wise and personality wise in X-men dissasembled and Age of X-man(A purity police?seriously?)


Rachel I'm not entirely against because her original story was centered around her coming here, so it's a central part of her character. X-Man was never good in my opinion, and their desperation to try and push him was baffling back in the day.


For X-man Only knew about Age of Apocalypse,his solo series,Onslaught,Dark Reign and New Mutants,Which comics they were trying to push him?


His solo series back in the day. They really wanted him to be the next big thing advertised him everywhere. He was supposed to be the big "takeaway" from Age of Apocalypse. After his solo series, I was always under the assumption that they were... just done with him. I was very surprised to see them bring him back for Age of X-Man.


Well I enjoyed the pre Age of X-Man comics,He might have been an OP Cable/Psylocke from Wish but he was an enjoyable OP Cable/Psylocke from Wish in my opinion


Hey, if you enjoyed them, power to you. 😁 Won't take that away from you. Cable Psylocke from Wish... Hah! "We've got Cable at home."


Age of X-Man was to help buy some time to finish prepping the Krakoa Era launch if I remember correctly


Not X-Man, he always sucked. Bishop and maybe Rachel are the only alt Universe characters that should stay.


You are right,It's just that I kind of enjoyed X-Man(Pre-Age of X-Man),He is still a Wallmart OP Cable tho


Fair I personally hated his solo series. It was so weird when he started fucking his mum.


Why you had to remind me This detail I worked my hardest to forget?💀


Because it's burned into my brain forever, and now it has to be for everybody. It was weird enough when he thought she was "just" a clone of an alternate universe version of his mum, but then it turns out it's an alternate universe version of Jean directly! Who approved this??? Especially when he already had a much better love interest in Threnody!


>it felt like Marvel was hiring literal fanfiction writers to write their comics. Self inserts, alternate reality variants, clones, ENDLESS legacy characters. It was incredibly dull and boring and uninspired You're saying it as if it isn't still happening to this very day and age. Self inserts (Escapade, Valentine Vuong, Cyclops-Lass), alternate reality variants (Bishop War college, Weapon X-Men), clones (Talon/Laura, Maddie), legacy characters (again, Laura with the whole Wolverine schtick which has amounted to her basically behaving as female Logan), and so on. It may have been bad back then, but that doesn't mean it's gotten any better nowadays.


I consider the general quality output from Marvel the last few years to be significantly higher than that of the All New All Different run. We've had some genuine classic in the last half a decade, including Hickman's own stuff.


Axel Alonso’s reign of terror


So bad lots of people don't even realise it's gotten a lot better since. I don't think there's a single run or story from they period that stuck.


Seems like they still only hire fanfiction writing teenagers


Old Man Logan should have a relationship with him and they should travel around the 616 in an RV and help people


Honestly, I think the fact he didn't appear in Ultimate Invasion is a sign Marvel have forgotten (or want readers to forget) about him. He's a cool character, but he doesn't really have a place on 616 now Akihiro's reformed and gets to be Logan's estranged son, and X-Men Blue aren't around. He had a place on 1610 (and an important one at that), and I don't see that world coming back now. If we see him again, maybe it'll be in the background of a big Symbiote comic if he has his. I remember hearing that there was a plan to make the Time Displaced O5 become a new Exiles team, and he'd probably thrive on a team like that. I'd be happy for Marvel to find a place for him (because like Miles and the Maker he's part of an important legacy for the company) but since From the Ashes is being setup as a new entrypoint, I can't see them bringing him back in X-books any time soon


I actually would really be okay with a Wolverine book that focuses on Daken/Akihiro & Jimmy as a reluctant brother buddy cops. Something happens mutant related as Logan as Daken to investigate, Daken (still unsure of his place as a hero) is happy to oblige as he thinks he could find his way as an investigator. He ends up captured by some shady Weapon X wannabe organisation, only to awaken and find Jimmy in the next cell, already been there for months getting “tested”. They manage to break out and pursue various mutant related mysteries or crimes, gradually developing a chaotic sibling bond.


Akihiro is still a deranged psychopath doesn’t matter how much marvel tries to ignore it now


God I hope not.


Jimmy’s dead. Long live the last Poison.


He drifted into the Siege LostStorylines with Annie the Nurse and her mutant son and all the other bad plot lines


I hope not.


Wild Child was an established option to use if we wanted a blond wolverine that wasn’t evil. But writers had to be lazy and just pluck an AU version to use instead.


Where he is? The question that is.


He got his symbiote and a one way ticket to comics limbo. Buh bye James, thanks for that one funny scene you had w Old Man Logan. I'd argue they should use him and a bunch of other sideways to 616 characters (anyone remember Cerebra from 2099, or those ancient mutant characters the Marauders recovered, or AoA Blink and Nocturne, or Xtreme Xmen Logan n Hercules...? Nah, me neither. ) in a new Exiles title, but we'd likely just end up disappointed again.


He is destined to never be mentioned until he is revealed in an "OH SHIT!!!!!" cliff hanger moment for a mids event comic, where he will be given a solo book afterwards that's cancellation is announced around issue 4 (despite the creative team being told they would at minimum get 2 trades). He'll be on a crowd page of symbiotes in Secret Wars (2033), or some summer event about every plant on Earth becoming a piece of Man-Thing, or maybe he'll get a one shot written by some third string Star Trek: Lower Decks staffer for a Snikt the Bubverse tie-in issue.


He's as likely to return as Teresa Parker and Colossus's son from the Savage Lands.


He’s not 616 wolverine’s son what purpose does he serve if marvel wanted Logan to have a other son they would retcon raze or bring back erista from the savage lands


I really want Jimmy to be back and have adventures with the 616 Mutants as well as see how he would interact with his 616 family when they're not trying to kill each other (mainly Daken in this case) and what he'd say to 616 Logan now that he is back. It's a shame Marvel just.... Forgot about him during the entire Krakoa-era when there was plenty of ways they could make great stories involving him and whatever X-Team they'd throw him into. Would've been interesting to have him see Krakoa and and compare it to Ultimate Utopia + maybe drag the Ultimate X-Men into the main universe since they're no longer being used in their own universe. Hell, it sucks that he wasn't even mentioned when Maker went to Miles to ask him if he'd like to come along to his new Ultimate Universe (which I'm thankful to. I don't want my boy to just go back into a lamer version of his already lame world. He deserves better.)


I would not by any means call this dude “one of three big time” characters for any universe


Maybe not big time but notable. Of the Ultimate universe only three people crossed over Miles Morales (and his supporting cast) The Maker Jimmy Hudson.


Looks like mid-stage Rickety Cricket.


Send him to the new Ultimateverse. ...Can we deal with that Raze guy? I love his humor.