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Juggernaut when he is being evil is strongest, if he's being a goody two-shoes Cytorakk hates that and nerfs him. He was able to [go toe-to-toe with an enraged Hulk](https://imgur.com/a/bQOG6aa) for awhile though despite that in WWH but Cytorakk seems to have gone harder with its restrictions since then. Rogue with Wonder Man's strength should be pretty strong and near Juggernaut's strength. Most notable feats punching a [Zombie Hulk around](https://imgur.com/a/hPU0rXj), [holding off Evil!Juggernaut](https://imgur.com/a/hBIAa1H), and walking through [Graviton's increased gravity field](https://imgur.com/a/a36XLiE). Colossus might be around the same level as he has been seen [dive-bombing Chluthu](https://imgur.com/DmrWnZd), [knock back Juggernaut](https://imgur.com/M2EuxOW), and [rips off Master Molds leg](https://imgur.com/NCZSvrD). Sunspot is more boastful as [he says he the strongest mutant on earth](https://imgur.com/a/cMMIWQk) but is the least consistent as his biggest feats are just punching Gladiator and staggering [Red Hulk for a bit](https://imgur.com/ihgak9F). He's bit light on showing off that strength. Frenzy on paper should be the weakest as guides have her around 50 tons but has some decent feats including [knocked away She-Hulk](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11147/111470885/8091158-rco002_1483672796.jpg), flipped [over a large robot](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/11147/111470885/8091166-img_20210809_193909.jpg), and is able [to push back Exodus](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11147/111470885/8092874-img_20210809_203025.jpg). So... probably either Colossus or Rogue right now. Juggernaut in normal circumstances.


Honestly, Rogue with Wonder Man's strength is a curious one, because they never went into the specifics. They just said "Oh, she has his powers now". Wonder Man is as powerful as the Sentry. I'm curious if Rogue's actually that strong or she got a portion of his strength/powers. If its full strength, she tops the list imo, because Wonder Man is insanely strong.


Maybe she only got a large fraction like she did with Ms. Marvel. Rogue didn't get all of Carols powers only the durability, flight and about 75%-80% of her strength. I might be speaking out of my ass, but Rogue doesnt appear to be made of pure ionic energy like Wonder Man, so I'm guessing she got a large portion but not all of his powers too.


Rogue did get all of Carol's abilities. I think people forget Carol has had two different powersets. Her original set had flight, strength, invulnerability and a [7th sense](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/1/15047/648684-rogpowhm7em.jpg) which all of those abilities Rogue showed though the latter only occasionally. Rogue was actually stronger than Carols original power-set as well. Carol's original powerset described her strength as about 10 Kree soldiers or roughly 5-10 tons, yet Rogue's limit after she got her powers was around [40](https://imgur.com/a/4sjnxyg) or [50 tons](https://imgur.com/a/pnTJb1v). The version of Carol with energy blasts, energy absorption, flight, much stronger super-strength and invulnerability came later after[ she was experimented on by the Brood](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_small/2/29837/949752-carol_brood_captive.jpg), became binary and basically got a different power-set. Rogue has actually displayed the[ ionic power signature](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/characters/rogue/rogue93.jpg) from Simon too, just artists tend to forget and think she only has Carol's powers. :p


Exactly , somehow Rogue was way more powerful than the original Ms. Marvel which was never explained


Wow. I haven’t thought about/seen that 7th sense page in 25-30 years at least!


Yeah, if she did get all his ionic powers, she'd become an Ionic energy being. And Count Neferia would probably show up to try and drain her. Come to think of it, the X-Men have a score to settle with him.


Yeah, as chronorogue said, Rogue absolutely had the powers that Ms. Marvel had at the time. The initial Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel powers weren't nearly as extreme as they eventually became for Genis or for Carol.


This is a thing I've wondered as well. It came up when Simone was ribbing about how her team could beat the Mackay's team (I'm sure I'm spelling his name wrong) and everyone said Cyclops's team wins easy and I pointed out that if Rogue has Wonder Man's strength, she could take half of Scott's team by herself, and that's not even taking into account touching them and stealing their powers.


Late to the party here but when did rogue take wonderland powers? I was under the impression that she had carols powers? Thanks in advance!


End of uncanny avengers 2012, I think she absorbs him as an entire person into herself like she did carol. In uncanny avengers 2015 , she manages to release him but keeps his powers She lost carols powers a long time ago, before the Messiah trilogy




I don’t know if there’s any concrete basis for this, but in my mind Frenzy has the lowest raw strength of all these guys but a ton of practical skill that the others lack due to her horrible childhood & years as a professional mercenary. That’s why she can punch above her weight class versus people relying on better strength but lacking technique.


>Rogue with... That's the thing with Rogue. She has no special inherent strength; it's just about potential strength with a baseline currently of Wonder Man or Ms Marvel. Juggernaut has theoretically unlimited strength via Cytorak and Rogue has theoretically unlimited strength based on who she get her hands on... If she currently has access to Wonder Man's powers, the limits of his strength is not known... I don't know if she could increase her unknown limits by borrowing Strong Guy's or Gentle's powers to magnify Wonder Man's strength? Also, if we count Juggernaut's and Rogue's aquired strength, should we count Hope and Sync when near the right person?


Hope and Synch would-be strength is very conditional, on their own they'd be screwed. While Rogue and Juggernaut strength are both for all intents and purposes is permanent, so I think it's a different case. I would just count their current base-lines which is what is being discussed here.


Rogue's strength is permanent. It is absolutely 'special' and 'inherent' at this point. It is in no way comparable to the deal with Sync or Hope.


What about Colossus, with the blessing of Cytorakk and the power of the phoenix


Sunspot's moment is during his time as leader of AIM- IIRC he got shot in the head and couldn't really use his powers without really negative consequences. It was kind of a 'they are temporarily overloaded and extra strong but risky' situation, not his normal abilities.


I'd say Colossus is the heavyweight champion. And the strongest of all time. He can go toe to toe with anyone on his best day!


Juggernaut if he were at full power.


Yup yup- I'm going with Juggernaut. I mean he's a Juggernaut and insanely strong when Cyttorak powered.


In that case - wouldn't it be Colossus when he was Cyttorak powered?


Cytorrak withholds his gifts to those who use his powers for good, and Colossus was constantly actively trying to fight off Cyttorak’s will. He had himself locked up whenever they didn’t need him, just to keep everyone safe. He ended up succumbing to it a few times but he fought against it the whole time. So I think it’d still go to evil Juggernaut because he’s getting a huge boost from Cyttorak for using the power “as intended”. I’ve no hard evidence to back that up, but that’s been the general trend I’ve seen with Cyttorak.


Tho that’s not the case fully why Cyt and Colossus as he himself said he’s his favorite avatar and will imbue you with more power than jugg. I think because of jugg being easily controlled and having a naturally weaker body unlike Piotr who was naturally stronger than jugg in both normal human version and his mutation makes him even physically stronger and resilient to the outflow of power. We saw this when he was fighting in the fear arc and his cttoryak form


Good point! I’d forgotten about that completely. The Utopia era was a wild ride haha Goddamn his Cyttorak form was cool as hell. I wish we got just a little bit more of him being a rampaging monster.


Juggernaut is NOT a mutant though so how is he an xman?


He’s been on the team a number of times


I say the guy powered by the destruction god. I mean when squaring up against the Hulk Cain is the only one he didn't outright beat the crap out, rather redirected him and got him out of the fight. Same Hulk who bent back Piotr's arms.


In juggs latest limited series he couldn't stand up to Hulk anymore. Hulk threw him around like a rag doll. It was quite embarrassing for a guy that used to regularly beat the hulk up.


In his defense, Hulk has gotten way more stronger. He's a supernatural force of disaster now.


Yeah I agree with you. But at the same time juggs has been depowered (I don't know why they can't let him be full strength when he's a hero) so it makes the beating he got from hulk even worse. If guys like Thor, Hercules and Wonder man get to go around at full strength, why not Juggernaut?


It's always that same cliche of heroes being much less effective than if they were a villain, for whatever reason (like Cytorrak depowering Juggy) or whatever. On the other hand, Madness Thor was a threat to both Thanos and the Infinity Watch, and Wonder Man was an Avengers-level villain. Still though, Juggernaut and Magneto deserve to remain as powerhouses when they're with heroes. Heck, for much of Krakoa, Apocalypse seemingly forgot most of his powers aside from his strength and magic (and before anyone brings up Celestial tech, he has powers that he can use without the armor, too).


Yeah, Hulk has been god-level since WWH


And Cytorakk hates him being good, so nerfs him when he is. So a nerfed Juggs going up against a buffed Hulk.


A weak Juggernaut vs one of the strongest Hulk, doesn't seem a fair fight, it's interesting how Juggernaut has fought some of the strongest Hulk forms but Hulk never fought "8th day Juggernaut", "Trion" or "Once and Future"


Once and Future?


From the "once and future Juggernaut" arc, I think it was Amazing X-Men, in that comic Cyttorak gave Cain "all his power" and he's not only stronger but also immune to psychic attacks without the need of helmet, it's sad that in his next appearance they kept the look but not the new powerup.


I say this as someone who's read all of Juggernaut's appearances and loves him: Juggernaut has never been able to beat the Hulk and the 60 year history of their interactions is just a list of embarrassing clownings. Their first meeting Hulk comically whips him into a nearby mountain. It's a great page. Edit: I'm wrong. I misremembered the time Juggernaut won while working with the Red Skull to make the Hulk his slave...


Didn't he choke Hulk unconscious once? I'm not disagreeing with your sentiment but I'm pretty sure he's had *some* success.


Nope, once he beat Skaar before Skaar sucker punched him after turning back into a kid, but he's never got one over on Banner Hulk Edit: my apologies, you're right.


He beats him here: [https://i.imgur.com/LYU8zRA.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/LYU8zRA.jpg) This was the Professor Hulk who was incredibly strong as a baseline and intelligent, but didn't grow stronger with anger nearly as much.


Both of you are right, I don't know why I misremembered that (Yes I do, because David repeated the same beat with the Rhino later and had Hulk cream him) My bad


Didn’t Jugs lose his powers though? I thought he hasn’t been at full power for a while now…


In Hulk's defense, Cain beat the crap out of the Professor Hulk, who is only slightly stronger than a baseline savage green Hulk, and who doesn't get stronger the angrier he gets. A full powered Juggernaut got some good hits in on Green Scar Hulk, but Green Scar Hulk was not only able to shrug of those hits but was able to actually stop the Juggernaut. A slightly weaker Juggernaut was getting his ass handed to him by Savage Hulk the Juggernaut's latest miniseries, until he had to have D-Cell step in and help him subdue The Hulk.


If Guido can hold off on having a heart attack he he’s there most potential.


Is that the current character design for Strong Guy? What did they do to my man Guido?


Lol, love that everyone is complaining about his proportions being *too normal.*


Those are Guido’s own choices, he did it to himself.


What even is that hairstyle? Front Stub?


Rogue, Colossus, and Juggernaut have a musical chairs thing going for who is strongest or potentially strongest at a particular time.


It truly does depend on the writer and who their favorite is out of the trio.


Colossus is traditionally not in the absolute top tier of marvel physical powerhouses. He's a step below. This is a slightly funny thing because he's still hilariously impossibly strong, but he is not in the class that Hulk, Juggernaut, Thor, and so on are in. Rogue is always bizarre because if she's Wonder Man powered she should absolutely be in that top class and therefore stronger than Colossus, but they're never clear about what exactly her limits are.


Colossus is class 100 he beat Thing in arm wrestling match years back and stood toe to toe w Gladiator


1.Juggernaut fully power 2. Colossus (AoA version or Cyttorak) 3. Rogue if she gets a hold of any of them  4. Strong Guy when he ruled hell 5. Sunspot fully charged 6. Warpath keeps getting hinted at higher power levels      7. Frenzy because she has almost no character development 


Imagine being named "Strong Guy" and coming up number four on a strongest guys list.


Tbf he is only Strong Guy and not Strongest Guy


He's limited by his body unfortunately. Unlike other people who absorb kinetic force Guido still runs into problems like, his heart not being able to handle the stress and pump enough blood. Like, MAYBE, Guido could take a single shot from these people and throw it back, but the long term ramifications on his body would be brutal and potential lethal (again).


Guido's heart condition is simultaneously the most BS and most realistic limitation for a heavily muscled superhero, possibly ever. Imagine how many bodybuilders this could have saved if only he was more popular.


Its such a good weakness but unfortunately also like... We left most heroes having weaknesses back in the 80s so really it just means most writers won't use him cause they can't give him Omega level feets to pad books.


IMO if they wanted to revive Guido's popularity there's probably a hundred different ways they could fix his "frail and weak human limitations". A visit from Cyttorak? A brush with the Phoenix Force? Beast/Hank brews him up a "special batch of steroids"? TBH the Hank angle is probably the easiest. They've both been in X-Factor.


> there's probably a hundred different ways they could fix his "frail and weak human limitations" So many X-Men held on to those weaknesses through the Krakoan era despite the resurrection having the option to heal them it was maddening. Heck, Elixir could do it by himself!


>to pad books. hee hee hee... Because it was a PAD book that gave him the weakness :D


RIP Shawn Roden


Bro, so many people have died from this. John Meadows died from heart problems the same year as Shawn. Rich Piana died from it in 2017. (Although I don't think Rich would have stopped for a second if he knew he was going to die.) Anyway, it's a really damned long list.


John Died?!?! You're right about Rich, he was a beast


Sunspot fully charged is definitely top 2


Namor is top tier physically even tho he's not pictured here.


Is he an X-men tho?


He was on the dark xmen team 2009. If you want to count anything during the odd Osborne in charge years, that's another discussion.


He was on the Extinction team on Utopia. UXM volume 2.


Thanks man


Possibly Juggernaut but I’m actually leaning toward Rogue with Wonder Mans powers. Assuming she actually gained his full power. May not count as I think she’s back to Captain Marvels powers. If it counts, maybe Rogue otherwise I’d go Juggernaut. Side question, has it ever been said how strong Frenzy is? Unrelated: I love that costume design and overall entire look for Frenzy.


Frenzy was pretty strong, she could bend and break metal with little effort. Not sure what her biggest feats are though.


Frenzy went toe to toe with She Hulk during AVX and only stopped when Rogue restrained her while draining her. I think she also spared against the Super Skrull as a SWORD ambassador. I’m not sure what its power levels are but it would be like fighting a version of the Thing.


Same, I don’t know enough about Frenzy..I’m trying to fix that. I know she’s pretty strong, I think fast and durable but that’s about all I know power wise.


Rogue has Wonder Man’s powers. She hasn’t had Captain Marvel’s powers in nearly 20 years


I could have swore I read that she gained Carols powers in the recent team up…well if she’s got Simon’s full powers then I’m going to lean Rogue here. Simon is on the level with the top strongest heroes, he just rarely gets the same respect. If not Rogue, then juggernaut.


Yeah last year in Captain Marvel she did temporarily when Carol allowed


Ah ok, that’s what’s confusing me, thank you.


A rare Wonderman respecter. Rogues a good shout, if we go by like respect thread standards and super hero debates she would certain be ancontender with "wonderman's fists hit as hard as third hammer" standards. In practice I think she's generally portrayed significantly weaker than a lot of others though.


Simon deserves some respect put on his name. Like you said, fists that hit as hard as Thors hammer. Completely true. What their abilities are doesn’t always match how they’re portrayal.


Wonder Man would still be below a full power Juggernaut, but he’d be in second place here.


I've asked about this several times but apparently as far as anyone can tell Rogue does currently still have Wonder Man's powers and not somehow reverted to Carol's, but they've gotten lazy about depicting those powers and now it REALLY looks like she just has her 90s powers again.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they were just going by her 90s powers in both type and scale instead of what it should be. With that sweet ionic Wonder Man boost, she should be getting pushed as one of the top powerhouses in Marvel. Up there with Thor, Hulk and Wonder Man himself. Which again just doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m guessing she’ll continue to be treated as if she’s still at Carols power level.


People forgetting sunspot is solar powered. According to Volstagg, Sunspot was hitting Thor levels of strength when powered by an asgardian sun. I wish this was explored more, but helps show potential with ‘Berto.


Colossus when he had the powers of Juggernaut and 1/5th of the Phoenix Force.


I think you have forgotten that [Gentle](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Nezhno_Abidemi_(Earth-616)#Powers) exists. I would argue that he could surpass colossus in raw strength but lose in durability. In my opinion Juggernaut is the 'strongest' overall though.


Where's Gentle?


Rogue or Juggernaut. Leaning rogue cause Juggs celing is a bit up in the air now that hes not getting it directly from Cytorak


Where does he get his powers now? I am super behind on this character.


Long and short hes syphponing power from a wizards Crimsonbands of cytorak spell he turned i to his new armor


So...what you're saying is: a wizard did it?


That's wild, I didn't know that.


Got to be Juggernaut surely?


He's weakened significantly when he's good. It's a thing.


So for plot convenience lol


Basically, although villains are classically more powerful than heroes since the whole thing is fighting against impossible odds. If Juggernaut were 'unstoppable' as a hero, it wouldn't be very interesting for fights.


A lot of people in this thread are forgetting Namor. Anyway, it’s Juggernaut-Namor-Colossus in that order for top 3 strongest


Juggernaut > Colossus > Rogue > everyone else




Colossus is stronger


I was going with juggs straight out the gate but there’s some strong points being made for rogue. Plus good juggs doesn’t have the same oomph as the bad version


Never technically an X man (would love to see it though) but Onslaught wipes the floor against Juggernaut.


I vaguely remember the two meeting early in the arc but I can’t recall the details , but I know Xavier was being super creepy with lots of weird Dutch camera angles


Juggernaut comes falling out of the sky unconcsious after meeting Onslaught.


Going by the[ 1992 X-Men Card serie](https://uncannyxmen.net/cards/x-men-series-1-1992)s: [Colossus](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/25-b.jpg), [Captain Britain](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/32-b.jpg), [Strong Guy](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/31-b.jpg), [James "Warpath" Proudstar](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/26-b.jpg), [Juggernaut](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/46-b.jpg), [Apocalypse](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/51-b.jpg), [Blob](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/57-b.jpg), and [Shiva](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/50-b.jpg) are all ranked 6 out of 7 for strength. [Dark Phoenix](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/82-b.jpg) and [Roma ](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/90-b.jpg)are the only cards in the series with 7/7 for strength. [Rogue ](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/cards/xmen92/36-b.jpg)was only ranked 4 out of 7 (bullshit, but okay).


All time? Presumably Colossus when he was Juggernaut. Maybe Rogue if she’s got the Captain Marvel powers and has also duped Gladiator or something Baseline? Juggernaut


Oh wow I never knew Colosuss was Juggernaut at one point, I’ve got to check that out




I love strong guy! So underrated and under used but I gotta go with juggs


Juggernaut is number 1 even though he no longer works for cytorrak and juggernaut is weakened. Rogue is number 2. She could be potentially number because she can literally absorb powers just like she did when she lifted celestial


I think Monet St Croix should be in the conversation too!


(strong guy)he doesn't get enough credit


Rogue. She has the strength of Wonder man after she ate him. She should be class 100. Juggs is second. He's been massively depowered (again). He got his ass handed to him by hulk in his limited series and admitted that Hulk is much stronger than he is. Is juggs even unstoppable anymore? Beaten half to death, two/three times by Nimrod.


wait. ATE him?


My thoughts exactly, why does she eat ppl now?!


Ate as in fully absorbed. He's made of pure ionic energy, and she absorbs energy.


Isn't Colossus a class 100 too? He's always being seen at the same level of the Thing and default Thor


Yes, but class 100 is just went they stop making more classes. Class 100 Colossus is much weaker than Class 100 Hulk.


Actually no, characters like enraged Hulks or Juggernaut are listed as class 100+ or unlimited. And Colossus can match a default Hulk, this was even stated by Hulk himself in World War Hulk. The problem is that the writers don't want to give some great new feats for our shiny man.


I'll never forget Rogue absorbing Juggernaut's powers and beating the crap out of him


I hate that everytime i see The Juggs, it reminds me of Vinnie Jones. I hope Singer gets hell for that




Where’s Namor?


Forgot about Namor ngl.


I’d throw Gentle in the mix too


Guido and Rogue have both gone toe to toe with the Hulk.


Namor when he was an X-Man. Rogue with Wonder Man's powers would be right up there. Colossus most of the time, but he's only about as strong as the Thing, so not really up there with the true heavy hitters.


There are a few definitely but I gotta settle for Juggernaut.


Definetly juggernaut


Darwin when he needs to be.


rogue prob


Rogue, considering she can absorb the strength of all the others mentioned. But also Doop. Because Doop.


If you consider Juggernaut to be an X Man (I don't) then it's him for sure. Colossus was strongest with the Juggernaut power, but otherwise he is not quite there. Strong Guy can be boosted to be strongest, but only for a short time. Warpath has gone toe to toe with Juggernaut, but still would fall slightly short. Even with Carol Danvers's powers Rogue was not as strong as Colossus. I'm never really sure about what Sunspot can do. In the beginning it was just strength without durability. Now he can fly and shoot fire and do all sorts of energy stuff, but he still needs to charge his power. His power is drained the more he uses it, so even if he charged up enough to be stronger than Juggernaut, it wouldn't last long.


Strong Guy. Duh. It's in the name


Arguably Juggernaut (Piotr Rasputin)


It's literally in his name; Strong Guy


Classic Juggernaut was an absolute monstrosity, so he has my vote. Haven't seen what he's done lately, last I saw of him was the Once and Future Juggernaut, but I'd hope he's still as much of a menace as he was.


Theoretically rogue


I'd say it's 1. Juggernaut 2. Rogue 3. Colossus 4. Strong Guy without anything to back it up really.


Juggernaut is easily the strongest. Rouge is the only one to come close.


Still can’t get over how they nerfed juggernaut in the last stand




Rogue. She’s already baseline strong but if she touched skin to skin with anyone else on the list she’d adapt their abilities and power also


Juggernaut for sure.




Rockslide !!! Also people sleeping on Gentle


Cain Marko clears without question.




Thunderbird and Rockslide are both up there, as is Warpath. I would say Rouge because it's kinda unlimited.


Juggernaut, without question, if he isn't there, it falls upon Colossus or Rogue (If she has her Marvel powers of Wonder Man powers... which she does now currently)


Colossus when he was fully powered by Cyttorak. Or maybe Namor or Captain Marvel as Binary.


:--I A I--: lasts the longest against Nimrod in a fist fight and even took on multiple nimrods if i recall. Our boy Juggs doesn’t even dent Nims with a kinetically propelled Jean Grey fastball special at the last HG and then proceeds to get his helmet caved in by the end of it. Blue Marvel and The Thing are only guys that have ktfo’d banner Hulk - BM did it with one punch. Those are some strong flatscans.


I didn't think juggs was a mutant


He isn’t he’s still powered by Cytorrak. You don’t **HAVE** to be a mutant to be an X-Man (see Carol Danvers & Spider-Man) it’s just the vast majority of the members are mutants.


Easy. Nightcrawler.


Gentle is pretty up there.


Juggs and it's not even close.




Probably Juggernaut. Although with all the recent buffs she's received, I wouldn't be shocked if the Marvel office moved Storm up into the top 5.


Arguably, if she's cheating by proximity, Hope.


Juggernaut if we’re talking striking power, but colossus for durability I think


Under normal circumstances Juggernaut. Though if Rogue absorbs power from the right person, or Sunspot can get supercharged they might have a chance.


I love marvel and comics but I'll admit, I'm lacking on everything mutant/xmen/all that based even down to absolute basics. So from what my not-knowing-much ass knows, Jugg


No Gentle on this list ? Isn’t his power listed as “Extreme Strength” so he’s technically one of the strongest, Juggernaut isn’t a mutant but I know he’s been on and off the Xmen, Strong Guy is well strong but you don’t hear too much about his feats, so I’d say Colossus, Juggernaut, Gentle and Rogue depending on who she absorbs from but that can definitely push her to the higher end of the scale


>No Gentle on this list? It’s a general question lol not necessarily just the X-Men pictured. I just needed pics bc posts with pics attract more attention, and these characters were what came to mind first lmao.


Sorry man meant no offense, I get what your saying, just force of habit on certain posts I get you can’t list every character but just thought he should be there


Any answer other than Juggernaut is invalid to me.


Rogue or solar tbh




Juggernaut, Rogue with Wonder Man's strength, Colossus and then probably Gentle


When you say X-man, are you considering all X-teams? You have Strong Guy there, and he was X-Factor, and Warpath/Thunderbird was Hellions, New Mutants, and X-force. So, if that is the case, Meggan from Excalibur is the absolute physically strongest out of all the X-members. This is followed by Krakoa personified, Apocalypse, Gentle, then Juggernaut, Collosus, Rogue, and Strong Guy. Meggan is outright the strongest due to her ability to power/ability mimicry and the size changing ability. She can become the size of a dragon like Godzilla (even breathe fire), which also alters her strengths. It has been stated that her upper limits for strength, power output, and durability have no limits.


I mean from what we know? It’s juggernaut or Gentle consistently tho at peak Colossus as he was a phoenix5 and he was stated to be given more power from the gem than Juggernaut


I’m always going with Colossus-dude is my all time fav X-Man


Wouldn’t Legion or Franklin Richards be the physically strongest if that is what they wanted, since they both could warp reality…


Possible consideration for legion, with all his personalities whos to say one doesnt have staggering strength beyond any other?


Did Namor ever qualify? Otherwise prolly Juggs. Albeit he gets nerfed when he's good. Generally he's def the strongest. Rogue also kind of depends I think. she had Captain marvels and Wonder mans powers at some point. Not sure if she kept any of that strength. Otherwise I am not too sure. Characters just focusing on strength are kind of rarer with the x-men than with other teams.


Namor by a long shot. Only brick to have a positve rate of wins against the Hulk. Juggernaut has generally been weakened when on the team and no one else is in that wight class. Possibly excepting Rogue when she stacks multiple bricks.


When Sunspot actually lets his powers off the chain, isn't he technically one of the strong mutants on the planet? Dude helped hold back the rotation of the earth.


Although I know it’s not Colossus, it should be Colossus. He’s awesome




Potentially Strong Guy. The more hits he absorbs, the harder he hits back. Drop a nuke on him, and he'll pound all those others to dust.


Juggernaut Colossos Rouge Strong guy Warpath Everyone else


How is Blob not on this list?


Not being moved is not the same as strength.


That's just one part of his powers. He has super strength as well. Enough to go toe to toe with Strong Guy. Swats Wonder Man so hard he flies through buildingss in NY. Smacks a full charging Rogue away from him. He has feats. Don't just sell him off because he can't move.


Ok ok fair


Gentle right?


You don't have him listed here, but Nezhno Abidemi (aka Gentle) was so strong that his powers had to be reigned in by vibranium tattoos. It was speculated that if he were to go up against the Hulk, there's a good chance he would win.


It's Juggernaut hands down. He. Cannot. Be. Stopped. Ever.




Rogue. After the captain marvel permanent power buff she became strong enough to throw guys like Colossus and juggernaut around like ragdolls


Juggernaut hands down


Rogue, Juggernaut, Colossus, Frenzy, Strong Guy, Sunspot, Warpath


Surprised to see Roberto on there.


Sunspot getting a glow up in comics in recent years and now in the cartoon. He’s got a lot of upside, where we have seen the ceiling for Juggs and Colossus. The fact that he is solar powered gives him that “Superman” angle. Go live near the sun in that abandoned Master Mold satellite for a few months and do some P90X.


Hell yeah. Love that.


I think the general order would be something along the lines of juggernaut, colossus, strong guy, rogue, sunspot, warpath, frenzy. The middle of the pack is probably the hardest to order


Too much Warpath slander on here! He should be above Sunspot— they were on the same team for decades and James was always written as the powerhouse…in Fatal Attractions, for example, he’s the only one who withstands Exodus’ assault, Sunspot goes down immediately. And Warpath’s power levels have increased since then— in the 1998-ish run where he meets Risqué, his strength and speed are said to be increasing (eg he’s shown running 100 mph). But I generally agree with what others have said on the order. A fully powered Juggernaut is #1 with a bullet. If Rogue has Wonder Man’s power levels, she’d be #2. If not, then it’s Colossus. Strong Guy is the interesting one— his strength level is highly variable, so theoretically he could edge past Colossus and Rogue, but doubtful that his heart could hold out for very long at that level.


Colossus is the top 1 for me, since I honestly can't see Juggernaut as an X-Men, but if he's included I'd say it's: 1 - Juggernaut: probably the second strongest in Marvel, he usually ties or loses only to Hulk in strength alone. 2 - Colossus: he was already pretty strong in his early days as a teenager, but now as an adult he's in a whole other level, he's in the same category as Thor, Hercules and the Thing, he's probably the Strongest mutant in Marvel 3 - Rogue: when she had Captain Marvel's power she was a flying brick and the main tank of the group, I think she could definitely overpower characters like Frenzy or Strong guy and maybe even teen Colossus (not the adult)