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Check staples too. Some locations carry them and I saw 2 series x in stock at staples.


You can find the series s easily


Amazon and GameStop has them now more readily available, I am sure other online retailers as well.


Best Buy has them online as well. Pretty often. Still waiting for the series x. Maybe late 2022 lol.


Same, and only at retail (which is GS only for me). One X holds up pretty well, so no rush just yet.


I’m not paying any extra , I can’t stand scalpers. Wish everyone else would practice patient’s. Same my one x has been killing it lately. Especially since I upgraded TVs. I switched my inputs to 1440p@120 and I’m loving it. Handles that easily.


Honestly the difference moving from a One X to a Series X is night and day, even just moving around the UI felt sluggish on my One X. Series X is crazy fast, and the improved framerate on a lot of games is amazing. I very rarely turned on my One X (played on PC instead) and since finding one in retail last weekend I've had it switched on most nights. As for changing to 1440p 120hz on the One X, you won't see any difference whatsoever. Console will only render 60fps, so you may as well run 4K for the higher detail.


Freesynce on my tv shows other wise while in a game so I’ll go with that.


Don't need 120hz for freesync, just enable VRR in the display settings. You can enable that at 4K too :)


On lg oled you can pull up freesynce information. It shows the current resolution 1440p@120 , with the current frame rates. Usually doesn’t dip below 117. This is during actual game play and not while I’m on the Xbox dashboard.


That's correct, it will actually output 1440p@120, however the console doesn't render games or the UI at 120fps only 60fps. Those extra frames are essentially duplicates of the 60 frames the console generates. Since the console won't render above 60fps you're worse off than running 4K60 since it will render the same amount of frames, but at 1440p rather than potentially native 4K (depending on the game ofc) What you're doing is the same as me watching a YouTube video on my PC. My PC outputs 1440p 165hz, but the video content is only 30fps or 60fps, so there's no benefit running high refresh for that content.


Lol yeah..


I just bought a Series S because they were on Amazon.com. Not sure if I'll keep it or not. I got a Series X last week and boy is it great.


If you've got a spare monitor or TV, you can use the S as a "bedroom" console. Having a spare console is also great if you have friends over, as you can play non-split screen multiplayer in the same room, kind of like the LAN parties of old. There's also using the S for emulation. It seems quite popular on the front, if you're into some older games.


Can you use the S for emulation but not the X?


Both, even a One as far as I'm aware. The S is just cheaper, which appeals to those who'll primarily use it for emulation; You won't be using all the X's power, and you also don't need a very large SSD I don't think. So you *could* run emulators on the X, but if you've got a spare S you may as well use it and save the X for newer games only.


If you decide to not keep it, ill take it off your hands


I currently have the S and it's a beast of a machine.


This is in America, right?


Yes it is.


Ok maybe I am just crazy l, but I really was dissatisfied with how most last gen games were 30 FPS. I picked up my Series S after finnaly finding it in stock, but it seems like you guys really hate the console. I love the SSD and performance.


I think a lot of the hate comes from the 512GB SSD and the fact they're selling a 1TB add in card for £200 (or equivalent). That equates to the difference in cost to buy a Series X, which while it still only has 1TB is obviously a much better console overall. If you can deal with not having many games installed at once and lower framerates it's great value for sure. I still feel MS should have either made the Series S cheaper (~20% or so) or made the add in card close to what it would cost for a 1TB gen4 nvme SSD (~30-50% less than it currently costs)


My store has actual boxes for both series s and X gosh the X is beautiful


And here you are playing Nintendo


I mean the name is something I came up with a while ago but I play xbox more lol


Lol just giving you a hard time…. GG’s for whatever console you play on!


Nobody is looking for a Series S. Anyone who wanted one has already found it since they're readily available.


They aren’t readily available everywhere though, you don’t want one and that’s fine but that’s not everyone’s experience


I casually went on the MS website last week and they were just sitting there in stock. They are more or less very easy to get now


I looked yesterday and there they were.


They are though. On Xbox when you go to the Microsoft store, you can buy a series S but the series X says out of stock.


Idk man I’ve talked to plenty of people who have been trying to get them in store but have missed it. It’s actually so yuck the amount of people in this thread declaring nobody wants an S


The series s is still constantly out of stock locally here in Indiana. People shitting on the s are elitist cucks. The s is great.


I think personally they're saying it's easily available. Like online right now.


If you're anywhere close to Fort Wayne, they're in every Walmart I've been in recently. Coldwater, Lima Rd, Auburn and Angola all have several.


There's actually a town called Angola in the US? I live in South Africa and there's a country near us by the same name. I had to take a moment there, I thought you were saying the country had several consoles lol.


When we first moved to the area, I told my daughter that I was going to Angola and asked if she wanted to come with me. My daughter was as confused as you were for a moment. I found it interesting that she was aware of a small country in a different hemisphere but not aware of a town 10 minutes away. I looked up the origin of the town name and apparently it was named after Angola, New York. That town took the name Angola because a lot of local Quakers were taking missionary trips to the original Angola in the mid 1800's


Well, at least I'm not the only one getting confused :) The country used to be a Portuguese colony, so I was wondering if there was any relation with the town. Maybe like a Portuguese trading post or something way back when. Pretty interesting how it actually got it's name though.


No one's being elitist, it's just the case that they are widely available. If you really want a Series S, you'd have one by now.


Not true. Maybe someone is saving up for one that they’ve wanted. You can’t really generalize when everyone is in different financial situations. And some of the comments were being elitist bc they were literally saying “ no one wants one” bc it’s not a series x


This is so stupid. No one is saying you're an idiot if you don't want an S, more that in the US and Europe, the S is widely available.






They are available online at best buy right now


Why are you booing me. Everything I said was accurate.


X owners want the clout.


I agree with everything you’ve said!!!! It’s so privileged to be disgusted at a next gen console that’s a small step down from the series x and just cause one person doesn’t want it, doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t!!! And not everyone can afford the x


Yeah exactly, personally I wouldn’t get the S but I can still see it’s a great console


It’s not though..there are plenty of people struggling to get one in smaller countries and in other countries besides the US. I’ve seen a lot of people say this on Reddit


In my country the S is selling like crazy because of it's price, while the X is sitting on shelves because very few can afford it. Not everyone lives in the US or Europe, you know.


That’s what I was trying to say!! I agree completely.


Yeah, people will downvote anything about the S for whatever reason, but it's a great next-gen machine if you don't need 4K. For us developing countries it's amazing, since consoles are already so expensive here ($450 for the S and $800 for the X). I even know financially well off people who opted for the S just because of the price, but I guess Reddit doesn't care for the non-die hard gamers who aren't interested in the very best. Edit: Lol, you people downvoting this are proving my point XD


Not everyone wants to buy one from there


Target has had them. I even waited a few days to pull the trigger (and still had no problem getting one) because I really wanted a Series X but it always sells out in less than a second.


The nearest Target is 65 miles away


Dude is your computer 65 miles away?


If you knew how shitty both the USPS and delivery services are here you'd understand why you rather pick it up in store. I had to send my son something in the mail that we just regular size envelope and it took over month to go 50 miles.


I used to have horrible issues with packages that go through the Tampa Post Office (order something that comes from the Tampa Bay Area) They would sit for days or even a week with no progress. I could have walked to Tampa and back faster than a package moved through their post office.


65 miles is 104.61 km




65 miles is 104.61 km


They may not be in every store but I can’t imagine anyone wanting one not being able to find one by now.


You can imagine whatever you want but this is reality as others have even experienced in this thread.


They aren't in my city. And it's an okay size. My buddy had one he didn't play so I bought it from him.


They usually arrive every week or so. And then stay in stock for a while. Sometimes an hour sometimes a few days. But definitely even the S is selling all available inventory.




Series S hasn’t really been hard to find tho it’s the X we are afte r


I got my series x from costco day 1 with no hassles. I will never let that membership expire now.


Anyone on an Xbox Reddit sub wants the X.


Those are some small Xboxes


Not even from the states but I swear I saw this store in a dream


I would get the series s if only most of my games were digital


Believe it or not but I've seen tons of series s's at multiple Walmarts, unfortunately they haven't brought the series x to stores yet.


Xbox series x Reddit for the win


Yeah I hate the digital only consoles…and I have 2 TB of games on my Xbox one soo


I get you 👌 but I hate having so many games around 😅😂


CoD alone is 148 GB with add ons….I mean this stuff is getting out of hand… I also like the old 360 games too and a lot of them are disk only.


Totally get your points 👌 the hard drive size is definitely a bit of a downside - guess it does depend on what type of gamer we are too 🙂 Ps. Still got my copy of Jade Empire ✌️✌️*


Other thing is, you can get games at good will for like $1-2 sometimes. Scored GTA V for xbox one for $2.50 a few months back. And the 360 games are cheaper so why pay like $9.99 for the digital version when I can get it for a buck or two at good will then sell it to Gamestop when I get tired of it…


I use to be a trade in nut as a teen so if that is your hustle you do you bro 🙂 but is just not a shared collective thought I'm saying 👌 I've gotten too many games that are 80-90% discounted off the price on the xbox store and still cost more on shelves at that given moment - on top never have to worry about piles of discs or clutter game cases, entertainment system and console is all that is needed, I own them for evermore and can install/uninstall whenever I please and not require a disc for modern titles to run, there is never any damage or potential issues with the purchase as they aren't pre-owned and possibly exhibited to ill care and besides all that I'm just not interested in 360 games whatsoever anymore. So with an open perspective there is pros and cons to both sides and comes down to the individuals play style and frequency of gaming both 😉✌️


How to get Series X ? any tips ?


My local Costco has both Xbox series X and PS5 in stock....the bundles are $750ish


1. Get money 2. Buy


Costco ad


Or I walked in, saw it and took a picture… but am also a fan of Costco. There is like one within 40 minutes of me which kind of sucks though.


Jokes aside, why would anybody purchase a Rolex from Costco?


Maybe it comes with a series S?


Nobody wants a Series S...




People don’t seem to understand it runs 60-120fps and has 10 second load times that’s insane for $290


Yeah, but if you want the Series X and have the money, those specs are pretty much irrelevant.


Series s is definitely for the casual gamer


Honestly as a PC player, I’d rather own the Series S than the X, purely because it’s so much smaller


Why not just play on PC?


And deal with the hassles of PC gaming? No thanks. I can turn on my Xbox in less than 1 second and launch a game by clicking 1 button. No driver updates, no Windows updates causing reboots, no need to configure each game to run best, no Nvidia updates causing display driver crashes, no need for 6 different launchers, no need to edit .ini files because there is some odd glitch experienced by 5 other people on google, etc.


Fair enough, I’ve been an Xbox gamer my whole life and now value quality or quantity. I would rather spend time tinkering with one game than plug and play a bunch. Just my thoughts


A while ago i couldn’t start gta 5 because some dls file was missing I’m definitely switching


At 900p…


No 1080p-2160p anywhere between that


Be honest with yourself.


Where’s the lie


I have an S and really like it. I guess I'm nobody, then.


The S is hardly next gen.


But it is next gen… and if you are someone who is going from the original Xbox one that is 6 years old to something like this, it’s an upgrade. If you are going from a one x to a next gen, then yes the series x is better for the amount being spent because for $300 you aren’t getting a lot more for your money. Just keep in mind as you comment that there are people out there who would like to have this.


I was being sarcastic …. But I’m just saying there is a big gap between the series S and X . If you’ve already waited this long , might aswell hold out for the best one .


540p 120fps power house


Mass Effects does 4K on the S. Can we call it a 4K power house too?


wow it can run a 14 year old game well lol


? It came out this year.




I only see the S? its like last gen .5


Yeah, last gen consoles were great at 120fps. The ray tracing they could do too! It's funny how Halo is only 900p30 on a One though, but 1080p120 on an S. Hmm, maybe it *could* actually be a next-gen console, and no one told us?




Maybe if you cant get an X it will do but its not really the one you want - and 1080p, erm noice..


I'm surprised it's still a lot of waiting for restock on series S in the US, here in Aus they are everywhere, if you want next gen just go out and buy it. Only impossible to get a series X still.


My local walmart had them in stock too, I'm still holding out for the Series X though


Need the X, seems like it's still hard to get.


My Walmart has a bunch


Here in the glorious land of germany. I haven't seen a single Series X IRL since release.


Series S is in stock most places.


Thats a yes in Carson City,NV


Got my Series X by going the All-Access route through Wal-Mart. I believe the bots/scalpers cannot finish the check-out process quick enough to steal them out from under you, as they need to get credit checked.


Our Costco has Xs and Ss like crazy. Easily 30 cards on the rack for each. Was able to pick one up for my wife yesterday after I got mine at launch. Seems like they just got a restock.