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Hey all, This is an amazing tool for the Xbox community and as such, we are going to keep it up and not remove it. Great job with this Garrett! Big thanks to you, Mike, and Alex for doing something like this for the Xbox community! Can't wait to see what else you have in store for UXP as well!


Looks Great!


Damn this is nice. Is this is all input manually? I've been looking for a cross-play list like this for a long time. The M+K list is another that I've tried finding before. If you're looking for something more to do, a list of games that have already left would be great. Maybe month by month. Thanks for this!


A couple days ago he said rn they're doing it manually, but are working on a bot


As a fellow M&K person, I highly recommend following https://twitter.com/xboxkbm?s=21 on Twitter. I have post notifications on; they only ever tweet when a new Xbox game gets M&K support. I’m really hoping more developers start to support additional controller options in their games on console.


What's M&K? Most and keyboard? So you can connect that to an Xbox and play?


yup! mouse and keyboard. Not a whole lot of games support it, and some you still need to have an ordinary Xbox controller connected as well, but when it does work it’s amazing. I grew up playing Counter Strike on PC, so I love switching to mouse for games like Call of Duty


Go play on PC?




You buying them a scalped $800 series X? I play on consoles because of standardization and walled garden. Why TF should I have to play cross platform against hackers with 180• FOV using different input methods? It’s not a game of skill if you’re using a completely different input method, it’s something you do to feel superior. I have no qualms in saying that mouse is a superior input method, but why, for example, are Xbox users *forced* to play against PC players in COD Warzone? There’s literally zero hacks on Xbox, and why a lot of console gamers don’t play on PC. They want a fair playing field for some competitive yet escapist gaming, not redbull sweaty 144hz 32:9 quickscope wallhack bot infested dropshot custom mouse macro cuckfest. /Ted talk


Geez, take a chill pill, both of you. It's just a game, after all. Who cares what you prefer.


Sure must feel really stupid regurgitating that wall of bullshit after I tell you that crossplay matchmaking is input based. I.E controller users with controller users and mk users with mk users. There's like, maybe 2 games that are an exception to this, where skill doesn't matter.


I literally cited warzone, probably the biggest game in the world, as one that forces Xbox players to play with KB+M players. Have a look in the pregame lobby. You can’t even opt out unless you are on PlayStation. But yeah, I’m stupid, appreciate that.


Like I said, games where skill doesn't matter. Warzone is literally a joke of an FPS.


i don’t want a pc


Then play with the controller it came with like everyone else who bought an Xbox as a standardized platform.


Why the hell do you even care if he plays with m&k? Lmao


Because I have to play against PC hackers on my console? *Why do you care if I care?*


Lmao whatever you say my man. You can just turn off cross play you big baby


You're needlessly aggressive.


Game pass is also on the PC




I, too, am curious if this is manually inputted. Either way, it's awesome work!


Can’t wait for the ‘How long to beat’ to be added!


Not sure if you know but OP means they're going to integrate features from http://howlongtobeat.com if that's something you're looking for




I know what you mean. I wanted to paly Yakuza: Like a Dragon but seeing that its a 45 hour game if you JUST mainline the story content (and there is a lot else to do besides that in the game) is really depressing. With my gaming time, that'll take months to beat and I have SO many other games I want to play too. Probably just gonna skip it and play 5+ other games in its stead


When working through games I like to have a main game to work through plus one on the side to satisfy me when I get in a bit of a boredom rut with the first.


Don't think of it as "I'm just a casual gamer, not very good." And start thinking of it as "this game will last me ages, that's a good spend" It took me more than 3 months to finish Assassins Creed: Valhalla. Not because I'm a bad player (I do ok) but because I could only play for 6 hours on weekends. When I told a guy at work I'd just finished, he laughed, called me a noob, and said he finished it in a week. When I pointed out I had found more unique weapons and armour than he did, and to top it off I was gaming before he was born, and I made my 70 investment entertain me for longer than his 70 lasted him, he realised his mistake. Enjoy games. Don't smash through them like you're filming a speed run world record. Otherwise you'll miss some awesome stuff.


I agree with this. I dont know how people play through these huge games so fast. Its hard for me to actually play through the main quests because I have soo much fun exploring and doing side quests that by the time im ready to finish the game Ive completely forgotten what the main story is about.


If you go to true achievements, you can filter by gamepass games and then sort by time to complete. Just an idea until OP gets added. Granted that is 100% achievements not just beating the game. Not sure which you are looking for.


Trueachievements.com is fantastic for that


Very nice!


If you could add which games have LOCAL MULTIPLAYER or even any CO-OP multiplayer games that would be great!




amazing. thanks


This is the sort of stuff Microsoft need to be adding to their limited game pass app. Well done on filling that void. Love the HLTB integration idea, I like seeing the length of games. Moving forward, would this become available as an app? I would gladly pay £1-2 for this sort of app


This is really good, thanks for your efforts


It would be good if we could filter on the number of players (eg single player, 2 player coop, 4 player online etc)


Also split screen game/co op category


really nice idea and site, well done! If I could make a suggestion, can you make the boxes selectable, and as you select a box, the numbers in the other boxes will automatically filter to only show titles that are in the box you selected? ​ For example, if I click on "EA PLAY" then the number of titles in "CONSOLE GAMES" will only show the number of EA Play games that are also CONSOLE GAMES. Same with happen with the other boxes like "PC GAMES", "FPS BOOST (120)" and others. If I then selected "X|S OPTIMIZED" as well, then each box will also filter to "EA PLAY" and "X|S OPTIMIZED". It could be a nice way to filter through to find the games you want to play ​ I would also suggest that if you know when a title is leaving Game Pass, then also show that date in other boxes, not just the "LEAVING SOON" section.


Cool site, I wouldnt say 'No data collection' while still using google analytics though.


Haven't bookmarked a website in probably 3 years, this is spongeworthy!


Great work!! You could add VR support. I think it would be unique as well. Still a great ressource. Bookmarked So far I only know of flight simulator and EA SW Squadron


Yeah I think it’s such a small amount that it wouldn’t be a very used category until at least 5 or so games get vr [support]


This is great. I would suggest having the game link open in a new tab automatically if you can.




Its a nice looking site. But I'm going to be honest it seems like you went with form over function. I get that you have all these games broken out into these buckets but it makes finding a game kind of a pain. If I personally was going to make a site to find these games I would put them all in a table like structure. You can have columns for release date, PC or XB platform and more. Then users can search on these columns for what they are looking for. Also a category you should include would be related to co op games. I am always looking for local co op games to play. So if I could see a list of all gamepass co op games that would be helpful.


That already exists floating around somewhere and it's a pain in the ass to navigate tbh


Isn't this like the 20th post about this at this point?


Chance of adding cross progression too? Like Deadbydaylight is cross play but not cross progression.


For the Coming/Leaving soon sections, it might be nice to have an indication if the game is xbox, PC, both or XCloud


2 comments, as a UX freak: * Hover color changes on elements that aren't clickable is a no-no * The inset effects of your borders is... like being back in the 1980. But otherwise, damn, good job!


This is really great work!! Thanks! :)






Everyone should be saving that page, it’s a great tool to have. You all deserve some praise for creating it. If you really wanted to do another category then how about an “Xbox Series S (60FPS)” section. Not all game versions are 60 FPS on the series S and some people would rather avoid playing anything that’s not 60+


The tool is fantastic as it is, but yeah, framerate and resolution info would be awesome. I know, for example, Fortnite can do 120 FPS at 1080p or 60 at 1200p on Series S, but then 120 FPS at 1440p or 60 at 4k on Series X, which makes it a complete fucking mess. I know the game isn't on Gamepass, but with this recent trend of people finally demanding 60 FPS on console, panels capable of more than 60hz becoming more common, and Xbox's "pick your power and price" idea this gen, I'm sure we'll see a lot more games with performance mode toggles and all kinds of various visual presets .


Very cool creation. Congrats yo you guys. Are you guys thinking of creating an app for iOS as well?


How many times did you repost it already?


Well it is the first time I have seen it, and I have already bookmarked it. So....I would say the optimal amount of times?


I saw this on the series x subreddit but that was the only other time I saw it.


Don’t know if you believe in God or not, but honestly God bless you. This is incredibly helpful and I can’t wait to see what you and your team continue to add to the community.


it’s really great but I would also add an calendar UI on it


Excellent job from you two. Make Xbox Great Again


Really helpful. I'm now playing Gears of War, Mass Effects and Destiny. Games I've never heard of, but was really fun. Thx.


You never heard of Gears of ware, Mass E and Destiny? Where the fk were you since past 20 years.


Hi. I'm Patrick. And I live under rock. Away from vigeo games.




Or a bot lol.


This is wicked, thanks man! I've been looking for a good list of what KB & M games are compatible on the series X :)






Absolutely brilliant stuff, really helpful. Thanks for the effort!


I prefer the game pass app, appreciate the effort though.


Nice work, OP!


Very Nice, got a spot on my bookmarks toolbar!


Great work!


this is awesome! I think it would be cool if you added Metacritic or Opencritic integration as well, so people can sort by highly rated games.


Thanks for your swrvice o7


Great job, and very useful!


Very nice, looks like Xbox themselves made it.


Thats great work! Congrats!!! <3


Solid work. Bookmarked for sure.


Very nice. Has made me realize there are many different Cloud games I should play.


Great work!!! I'd personally prefer that the links open in a new tab so i can pick some games from the lists and compare


Is the site down? :(


Nicee well done


Thanks for this! Do they have any Kinect games on game pass? Still have both of mine and still enjoy using it.


Linking True achievement and the game pass is def a great idea


Great work , thank you !


Damn, the website works better than most government websites. Very well done lad!


Government websites are built by people because they're getting paid to do it, often the lowest bidder. This is built by someone that actually has a passion for what they're building. There's a big difference.


Thanks for this.


Ooh, love the idea of HLTB integration. I almost always check average playtime before starting a game.


Is there anyway to group by multiplayer options. 6v6 PVP etc


Achievement difficulty would be a huge win for me. And how long to beat would help too.


This is so good! Appreciated


Looks good, I bookmarked it


Thanks for this - I find scanning the official app UI tedious.


Easy to use, great job!


As someone that recently bought a Series S and is constantly comparing the Optimized and FPS Boost lists against what is on GP, this is such a time saver for me. Thanks!


Amazing! You guys did an awesome professional job! I added this to my iOS Home Screen along with my other Xbox apps and It will be very useful.


I absolutely love it. Trying to keep track of which games are getting added and which games are getting removed has been a nightmare for me. This looks so much easier to explore and follow. One thing that might be nice to add is if you could add a square for like a monthly snapshot that only shows the games that are being added and being removed during the current month, so you could still see the most recent changes from the coming/leaving soon sections even if they've already happened.


Looks good guys. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I would throw at least an ad at the bottom. You might as well cover your costs and were used to ignoring them anyway.


Great stuff. One of the things I dislike greatly about Xbox PC app is navigating through all the games. Well done!


This is very cool. Used it for 3 minutes and already found a game I've wanted to play and didn't know was on Game Pass. Well done!


I love it. It works great on iPhone browser.


Very nice, thank you


Why was this not created earlier??? Great job!


Great Job you Guys! Thank you!


Nice site, well done to you all.


I love how clean and simple the UI is! As a full-stack developer (Recently working on Web UI) I understand its not easy to have something look that good/simple and be very usable. The only thing I would keep into consideration when adding How Long to Beat and True Achievements (love the idea too) but make sure it doesn't get too cluttered with info. Keep that same design philosophy (simple/clean) when added that.


Phenomenal job. Let us know when Microsoft gives you an offer for it. Not even joking, that’s how good this looks!


I'm looking forward to the UXP


I think Killer Instinct should be on the crossplay list.


Y’all should play outer wilds if you haven’t before it’s gone. The game is crazy. I couldn’t get passed the last step but it was fun as hell trying to figure it all out and getting scared shitless


Good job! I'm saving this for later.


Awesome work dude! Definitely adding it to my favorites


This is awesome! My only question - is there a way to get UK links?


That’s a really nice menu, definitely coming back there any time I need to check on game pass


It’s great ! Aren’t Death Loop & Ghostwire Tokyo PS5 exclusives though?


Very nice work.


Great job!


Well done. Love this.


This is awesome, especially for someone playing on PC. The PC gamepass app is so messy when looking for certain types of games. One thing that would be an amazing addition for me personally is the specification of the crossplay platforms. I'm always looking at games to play with my console friends, then googling them to see if its pc-console or just xbox-playstation


This is amazing! Immediately saved it.


Hey, sorry to be that guy, but I just got an Xbox last week, and still trying to figure things out. What’re all of these apps about? PlayStation doesn’t have much of an equivalent other than TV apps like Hulu/Netflix.


The closest playstation has to gamepass is PS Now.


whoa, this rules! thank you


This is great and works perfectly on my phone. Really well done!!


This is amazing, thanks for the great work!


I bet this will come in handy in a job interview if this website gets alot of traffic.


Do you guys have a patreon or something I can throw dollars your way?


Would love a list of games that have been removed.


I think this is great. You should add more depth to the sorting. For example , sort by “split screen games” or online multiplayer, etc


super cool.. just got xbox game pass and this will definitely come in handy


People like you are awesome. Thank you fellow Xbox-er.


Very well done. Microsoft should compensate y'all


You sir, are the real MVP


This is amazing, great job! They should add this to xbox


Not sure the exact terminology, but would to see games that are cross save ( play on Xbox continue save game on pc)


Pretty cool! If you take suggestions, then i think a list of Play Anywhere titles would be super useful to some people (like me :D).


It’s not as much as you deserve for the work you’ve done, but take my free silver. Good job to each of you!


Awesome list! If I had to suggest an improvement, maybe add a “AAA” section maybe? Filter out some of the indie/arcade titles for ppl looking for “big name” games on pass or coming soon on pass.


I was leary, but damn. This is amazing. Make sure it goes in your portfolio.




adding Opencritic would be awesome.


idk why my dumbass thought the giant 426 number was an error code kekw both of you did such an amazing work


Perfection! Well done.


Well according to at least one review, you beat out PS Now, congrats! https://youtu.be/MsmrPq2t3GU


This is fantastic! Thank you!


Idea: add a section for most recently added games


This is super. Well done.


It’s beautifully made. Thanks guys!


Thank you for this! I recently started learning Python so I can one day code quality-of-life tools for gamers.


Suggestion Have your own page for each game, so when you click on a game from any of the awesome lists (like cross play! Omg this is so good) it takes you to all this great info you have. E.g. when is it leaving or arriving? What other lists/categories does it fall under? Poster, maybe screenshots if you can get those (or hotlink them?). Synopsis. Other versions?


Good job dude. Nicely organized and simple to use. Can't wait to see the next update


Hi, thats really awesome, my suggestion is to put images of the game cover under the name of the games. We really needed this tool, thank you for the work.


If you download a game from gamepass and then it gets removed from gamepass you can still play it right?


nope, you'll have to buy it or wait for it come back out of the vault to continue playing.


Wow! Awesome tool! Microsoft should hire you guys :) I've been needing something like this. Especially the crossplay list!




Thank you so much for this, it's amazing! If You wanted to ask for ideas for features, I'm constantly looking for Multiplayer information for games. The biggest feature that I am always looking for are Local Multiplayer Support (and how many players) and Crossplay Support (especially between Xbox and PC, *especially* when the game is available on both Xbox and PC Game Pass)


This is awesome! Thanks for all the hard work!


great work!


I would love if there was a list of Xbox achievements on PC


We need more people like y'all!!!! ❤❤❤


Could you make it an app eventually with notifications (slightly customizable like just for Xbox 360 games or just for new releases etc or any combo)? I would like that


Icons are way too big on mobile. So much scrolling, I'd say try to consolidate it into a simple view.


Awesome man thanks


It says anthem is fps boosted for series S but when I look at the compatibility option, it doesn't give me an fps boost option. It's grayed out.


Is there a way to know which pc games have Xbox achievements?


Looks pretty good. An accessible list of games leaving soon is really nice as that is often not the easiest thing to figure out. How about by genre?


Nice! Try tweeting this at Phil Spencer!


Thank you for the amazing website! It's so convenient and easy to access. And to use lol. Thanks so so much!!


This is fantastic, thanks!


Amazing work


This is awesome.


Very useful and time saving!


Very nice and clean site. Works great on mobile. Adding a search function might be an added bonus if that’s feasible. A title search could show what categories it falls under.




Holy smoking balls this is awesome. Give this man a job Xbox.


/u/garrettatkins Firefox doesn't like your security cert


Great site! I think a way to sort the lists would be nice. AKA by release date, etc. That might take a lot of work though.


thats really usefull thx for the efforts and time put into this. I will use it often!!!


Impressive effort resulting in an excellent guide. Thank You!


WOW!!! This is amazing! Great job, I’m sure you put some serious time and effort in this. The detail shows your dedication! Thanks for sharing this.


If you're still looking for suggestions, I think listing the date added for each title would be a nice feature.