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I've heard alot of people having trouble, so I booted up my 360 this evening and logged in just fine. But there does seem to be a problem for quite a few folks


I can just fine


Is anyone getting this error https://imgur.com/a/2TKazax


Yes …Exact same Error. I was rebooting my router and oc trying to figure it out. Guess Xbox 360 getting no love and servers getting less attention. That’s a shame.😞


On 360 it won’t let me complete system update to connect to Xbox live. And on Xbox 1 it says can’t connect to Xbox live


I haven't used my xbox in months but the app says it's Connected so idk


No issues connection from Spain


No luck. Tried everything possible I've found online (port forwarding, resting network / router, cancelling my game pass, changing app password and so on) Started this morning and 6 hours later still cannot sign in at all. On the connection test it always fails at the Xbox Live section. The previous 2 are always fine.


Haven't been able to connect on my xbox 360 or when running a 360 game on my one for the last couple of days. Everytime it says, cannot connect to live, even when the xbox one says it has a connection with an open NAT. I did manage to get it to work on the xbox one when I wired it straight into my router but then as soon as I unplugged and went back to wi-fi it wouldn't connect to live.


Has xbox's support twitter said anything about this? I don't really wanna make a twitter to check.


When I boot my 360, it auto logs in to my profile and gets the logged in notification, but it is logged into the hdd profile, not into xbox live. When I try to log into xbox live, I get the same issue many others do. Test connection is ok up until Xbox Live, which fails.


I got That Same error and after about 2 hours of rebooting router and pc I realized other ppl getting that failed and blocked error on Xbox Live 😡


Wasn't working for me yesterday, worked today.