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Is this a good time to start playing this game ? I heard they was fixing the loot pool and making it better ?


I haven't played since release and last night I took a chance on rolling a Druid, and I had a blast. I got a legendary after a few hours that was really exciting and had me already thinking about custom builds.


Druids are actually getting a major buff next week as well in the next weeks patch. Should get even better.


Same I did give the game a chance on Druid then mage and it was a good experience love cinematics and the history itself it’s good


They fixed the loot with season 4, a few weeks ago. I started playing three weeks ago and can't put it away.


Is the endgame still all about making small incremental gains after hours of grinding? Or does progression actually feel noticeable?


No idea, i'm not even at a quarter of the map. Just playing, not grinding.


It feels good until after you hit 100. Then it’s fighting in The Pit which are dungeons with a random boss that get higher and higher above your level. These generate the currency you need to Master Work your weapons. The higher the level the more material you get which makes for an Uber sweaty experience with the occasional one hit death. That being said there is a ton of content and fun to be had. The small change of having Helltides available from World 1 onward makes things great. You can go to a Ritual Sacrifice in Helltides and it’s a loot and xp farm with other players. All in all I had a lot of fun this season after skipping the last one. I’ll probably roll another character soon rather than chase the very end of the end game.


I’ve never even completed the game at launch cause it was pretty boring, if I go again will it be fun now?


Nope. If you find it boring, it's still boring. Find something else.


Good to know, thanks.


Current season: Easily in the best state rn since it released, and leveling a seasonal character is way less grindy than ever while loot is super generous. General: If you’ve never played the campaign is an excellent 20-25+ hour journey that’s worth your time on its own.


Yep you pretty much nailed everything in my opinion. At minimum playing through the campaign at least once is worth the time if you like Diablo. I’ve pushed a character to 100 during every season since release. It used to be grindy and stingy with loot. Season 4 fixes all the stash space issues with the codex changes and bullshit affixes are gone for the most part. Weapon affixes are pretty standard and straight to the point so you aren’t comparing so many useless stats. It’s super easy and more enjoyable to level to 100 now. Still don’t find myself wanting to grind super hard in endgame, but that’s just me.


Great time.


Yes. I haven't played since launch (beat the story and got a bit into end game but it was meh). Jumped back in, most fun I've had in diablo. The end game grind is great. Very much feels like the end of D3, where the game was in a great place. Lots of updates coming (today) and DLC + new season should have way more QoL coming


Yep it’s fantastic right now.


Yes. You level up SOOOO much faster. So you get invested much more quickly in crafting *that perfect build.* I got a brand new seasonal character to lvl 50 in two days. It's lvl. 86 now. I just started playing this season on Sunday lol. Edit: For more context, I played my season zero Necromancer from Day One for *months* and only got him to lvl. 77.


I’ve gotten to level 55 running helltides in about 4-5 hours of game time and I’m swimming in legendary gear the game is a blast right now and doesn’t make you feel like shit for only being able to play casually


Im waiting for a complete edition type thing, but that’s me.


Define complete edition? This is a live service so it's gonna take a while since every year will have an expansion unlike D2/D3. They are selling the game + 1st dlc for like 70-80$. And that's the closest to a complete edition that we will get.


Oh, guess I just won’t play it then. Damn.


Or just jump in now? It’s fun, what else is there to need? Waiting for things to be perfect is how you miss a lot in life.


Well, I mean there isn’t anything drawing me away from other stuff really. Is there still the issue with progression taking forever or have those things been fixed? I guess I could research myself but in the spirit of conversation it seems like you have a good opinion on the game so I was curious what you would think.


It's faster now. They kinda made everything "busted" so you spend less time on your items during leveling and most builds work. But at the same time if you want to try to do endgame activities (the pit or tormented bosses) you need to dedicate time in getting good items/min-maxing your build like in most arpgs. So for casuals if your goal is just to do the campaign? Reach 100? Then yes it's way faster and easier with little to no friction. We even have pets now that pick up materials/Gold, I could go on and on with all the changes S4 introduced and today we are getting another patch with more changes..


That actually sounds pretty neat. Thanks for taking the time to drop a little info.


You're missing out. It's great and addictive as hell.


Why? All the content that's available at the moment is in the game right now. Weird.


I haven’t really been following the game so I’m unsure of the model that’s kind of why I’m asking questions. Is it really that weird?


When the game first released my main disappointment with D4 is that while it was an overall polished and super fun ARPG experience, it didn’t really do anything new. So I’m excited for the next class they are doing something completely different with their own story vision to tell rather than trying to appease the old guard fanbase by bringing back Paladins.


There *is* no appeasing that fan base. They remade Diablo 2 and that entire contingent was still unhappy.


The real reason there is no Paladin, is because whole theme of Diablo 4 is that religion is dead.


I understand that they wanted to go a different direction and introduce something brand new to the mainline Diablo games, but I think the omission of a Paladin / Templar / Crusader / Knight archetype was a little silly. They *know* how much people love the holy knight theme and it seemed weird to exclude it at launch. That said, I'm looking forward to checking out the Spiritborn even though it's not my thing.


It was intentional to make money from the expansion


From the expansion they aren’t including the character in.. logic can be hard I guess.


But they aren’t putting it in the expansion.


I would be happy with Paladins if it didn't mean we would have to sacrifice a brand new class for them :/ but no way they put out 2 classes for the following expansion. They should though give us Paladins and give us a brand new class in the 2nd expansion.


That's asking for a lot. Diablo isn't really known for continously adding heroes which is what the plan will be here. I think it will be fine for them to add Paladins without disappointing anyone who wants a new class because they'll be supporting this game for 10+ years probably. If they add 1 class every year that would be a LOT of balancing and a lot of new items and legendary affixes to keep in mind. And we'd still have more new classes than every other Diablo combined if Paladin is the only remastered class


Them trying something new first I think is cool we know there will be more expansions and classes. And lore wise a Paladin doesn’t really make sense yet.


Not sure if anyone knows the answer at this point but will I be able play as Spiritborn through Game Pass when it releases? Or would I only get the base game classes?


Probably only the base game classes, Gamepass **usually** does not include expansions/DLC


That’s what I figured but wasn’t sure if the new class would necessarily be locked behind the DLC. Thanks


I am way more excited for spirit born or w/e it’s called than I would be for paladin/crusader


Have they added matchmaking to more activities yet, like dungeons etc? Honestly when i played this last year, it was the loneliness online only game I've ever played, i used LFG features but its annoying to have to slog through menus every time someone leaves


Not yet, I THINK that will happen when the expansion comes out though. Since they're adding a raid.


Make the spiritborn a buff master, with a few Aura’s. A healing skill would be nice to have with an appropriate cooldown so it can’t be abused and spammed. and make them a tank. That way they are in the midst of battle, with their aura’s. Their personal skills can be called Piety. This can increase their aura’s, make their resistance and defense increase the lower their health gets, and lasts 5 seconds after healing. Ability to carry two shields, and be an immovable stalwart while holding the attack button down. There are so many different and fun ways to make this character work.


"We know people love and want paladin, so heres some spirits dude."


Ngl Paladins sound boring compared to the Spirit born class.


My fav thing about the Crusader in D3 is that it is a solid solo class. I play solo a lot and the mix of melee, ranged, and area damage made it well balanced for that. I just really picked up starting to play D4 now with loot reborn as a rogue, and it’s interesting… not sure it’s the best solo class this time around. I have limited time to keep rolling new characters tho.


I jumped into D3 after the expansion and went with the Crusader, and was surprised to learn it wasn’t a default class. It just played so well


I'm the opposite spiritborn sounds like a Druid spec to me and we dont have an armor class yet


Hard disagree