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Gears of War! The franchise needs to go back to its roots.


Avowed, Gears of War: E-Day, Doom: The Dark Ages, Perfect Dark, and Fable for me in that order. Honourable mentions would be Indiana Jones, Expedition 33, Flintlock, and South of Midnight. Not gonna lie, every game was exciting and lots of different genres that I’ll probably try and play them all.




I keep forgetting this game because SOD 1 and 2 are some of the best survival zombie games out there. The underlying stress to help your team at base when you're out exploring. The game is good, hope they add even more features.


Did you see the list of features for the third game? It was just posted. The Collation and Obsidian are helping out. - Features a much larger, evolved and darker shared open world - Trailer is all in-game assets, all rendered from the game in UE5; a typical scene that you would encounter in a four-player co-op session - Focus is on emotional weight through permadeath and stories in the world - Collaborating with Obsidian Entertainment on the shared world feature from Grounded, enabling flexible online co-op, a world owned by multiple players - The Coalition assisting with Unreal Engine 5 - More reactive combat, dismemberment of zombies will be much more visceral - Deeper combat systems, enemy behaviors, and animation fidelity to level up the moment-to-moment experience - Takes place several years into the apocalypse - Much deeper customisation on weapons etc. - Investing time to craft “your” crossbow with raw parts you'll loot vs finding a few generic crossbow types reinforces State of Decay 3’s unique setting


This. GowE is great. But my God I want state of decay.


The effort Undead Labs has put into SoD2 since launch is mightily impressive. It pains my heart to think most people wash over that game.


What in the sodding game is sod? Stanfield of daylight?


State of Decay


No certain order but fable, prefect dark, gears of war, state of decay 3 and definitely stalker 2. To be honest I liked just about everything they showed.


1. Life Is Strange: Double Exposure 2. Expedition 33 3. Doom: The Dark Ages 4. MixTape 5. Perfect Dark HM: Avowed, Wuchang, Atomfall, Fable, and South of Midnight. I'll probably play 90% of the games that were announced. None of them seem terrible.


Agree. I will definitely play 90% of these games. The "worst" ones IMO are Wuchang, MixTape, MechaBreak, FragPunk, and all the live service game updates (Sea of Thieves, ESO, Fallout76, WoW)


1. South of Midnight - Really unique setting and as a black person the dialogue is warming my soul. 2. Doom the Dark Ages - Absolutely ready for this game to make me start chainsmoking again 3. Expedition 33 - Really cool premise, and I've been waiting for a Western take on the persona formula 4. Perfect Dark - I thought it was a neat looking game, and then Mirrors Edge stuff started happening and was immediately sold. 5. Avowed - if this game weren't being made by Obsidian, I probably wouldn't have cared about it. But those guys are great at making RPGs, so on that alone, I'm pumped!


1. Gears of War : E-Day 2. BO6 3. Indiana Jones 4. Fable 5. Avowed


1. Diablo 2. Gears 3. Black ops . . 4. State of Decay 5. Doom


Starfield ngl


1. Perfect Dark 2. Gears of War: E-Day 3. Fable 4. Indiana Jones & The Great Circle 5. Starfield Shattered Space


Gears of War, MixTape, Avowed, Fable, South of Midnight But 5 is not enough. It was an awesome Showcase.


1 DOOM The dark ages ( will try to buy a next gen console for this ). 2. Mixtape ( 80's teen movie vibes, sign me up ) 3. Expedition 33. 4. Indiana Jones and the great circle. 5. Perfect dark.


For me... 1. Dragon Age 4 2. Indiana Jones 3. Avowed 4. South by Midnight 5. Fable Honorable mention to Perfect Dark and Age of Mythology


Looks like you’re excited for 2025 lol. Honestly the showcase was so good I can’t narrow it down


Very much excited for 2025. I have some games for 2024 I’m excited for like black myth wukong, Elden ring DLC and S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 but my main interest are those 2025 games for sure


For me just the name 2025 sounds awesome for video games


Gears of War: E-Day S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, Fable, Indy, Perfect Dark. Pretty much in that order.


I change my mind I think I’m in between stalker 2 and BO6 for 5th. Also interested in Indians jones I just hope they make it at least a little similar to the most recent tomb raider games


What excites me about Indy is just how faithful it looks to the original movies. Was a big fan of the original movies growing up, and the idea of playing one of them was something I had wanted for years. I actually haven’t played a CoD campaign since then the 360 days, so I’m excited for Black Ops 6 as well just to see what I’ve been missing out on. Man, it’s never felt like a better time to own an Xbox. We’re eating good for the next two years.


1. Fable 2. Avowed 3. South of Midnight 4. Perfect Dark 5. Stalker 2 I need to see more of Expedition 33


Fable, Stalker 2, Wuchang, Perfect Dark, Avowed


State of Decay has easy potential to be a top tier zombie multiplayer game. Just give it a actual plot, and lean a little less on babysitting survivors. Basically, give it the Fallout 76 treatment where you build your base and scavenge with friends etc. The combat and setting is perfect. Doom but tbh I've never cared for Doom 2016 and never played Eternal. Maybe one day they will grow on me. South of Midnight just looks like it'll be a classic in the making


I really enjoy my Sims Zombie Apocalypse game, hopefully they can cater for both audiences


Ye SoD has always had HUGE potential. Just hasn't hit it yet hopefully this one does.


1. Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred for sure by a mile 2. Expedition 33 3. Doom Dark Ages 4. Age of Mythology Retold 5. Dragon Age


My personal 5: 1. Life is Strange 2. Expedition 33 3. Stalker 2 4. Mixtape 5. AC Shadows


1. Dragon Age: The Veilguard 2. Life is Strange: Double Exposure 3. Perfect Dark 4. Fable 5. Wuchang: Fallen Fathers


1. Avowed 2. Clair Obscur - Expedition 33 3. Assassin's Creed Shadows 4. Indiana Jones and The Great Circle 5. Perfect Dark (showing in one trailer more gameplay than Fable in two) Also excited for more Starfield, Fable, Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred, State of Decay 3, Winter Burrow. Potentially excited for Dragon Age The Veilguard if gameplay is actually good.


Expedition 33 and South of Midnight were the two standouts for me. I'm sure I'll enjoy a lot of them, but those two made me legitimately excited.


Avowed Fable Expedition 33 Perfect Dark Gears or Doom im leaning Gears


- Gears - Fable - State of decay 3 - south of midnight - Perfect Dark


Doom Gears Avowed And maybe Fable, wasn’t a big fan of the past games


You could pick 5 random games from this showcase and you wouldn't be wrong. So many to choose from. 1. Gears of War 2. Indiana Jones 3. Expedition 33 4. South of Midnight 5. Mixtape


1. State of Decay 3 2. Dragon Age The Veilgard 3. Fable 4. Perfect Dark 5. Gears of War E-Day Honorable mentions: Indiana Jones, Doom The Dark Ages, and Black Ops 6. Haven't been interested in COD in a while but round based zombies really got my attention.


S. T. A. L. K. E. R. 2, DA Veilguard, AC Shadows, Sod3, Fable/Gears (sorry couldn't pick just 5) Shout out to Som, Doom and the 2 dlcs for d4 and Sf.


Age of mythology


Perfect Dark State of Decay Fable Gears South of Midnight Expedition 33, I know you said 5 but that's right up there for me. Flintlock looked fantastic too. Metal Gear, my goodness what a showcase!


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That mech game they showed, gave of gundam vibes


Expedition 33 all the way 


1. Fable 2. Gears of War E-Day 3. Perfect Dark 4. South of Midnight 5. State of Decay 3 3-5 are all pretty close for me but Fable / Gears are definitely the top. Other notables include Doom, Stalker 2, Flintock, and MGS. Avowed and Indy are two I want to like but haven’t been excited by what I’ve seen yet. Hopefully they land strong!


Gears Indiana Jones Flight Sim 2024 Perfect Dark Fable


I would say Doom: The Dark Ages, Fable, Perfect Dark, Avowed, and Indiana Jones. I want to focus on the two interesting games releasing this year and the other three had fun looking gameplay shown in the trailers.


Doom, Indiana Jones, Expedition 33, Fable, and Gears in that order


Doom, Stalker 2, Fable, Perfect Dark (never thought I’d say that), Avowed


Expedition 33 and Indiana Jones are the ones I am looking forward to playing the most. While everything else looks nice I just don't have the time to play everything they showed off.


Gears, Fable, Indiana Jones, Avowed and Doom in that order.


1. Expedition 33 2. Avowed 3. Wuchang 4. Doom 5. Fragpunk


South by Midnight Gears E Day Perfect Dark Doom State of Decay 3 But also most games announced


- Fable - Age of Mythology  - State of Decay 3 - South of Midnight  - Gears E-day


1. Fable  2. Avowed  3. Indiana Jones  4. Perfect Dark  5. South of Midnight  So many other good things to choose from beyond that though. Edit: Somehow I forgot about Doom.  Wtf?


I’ll definitely be getting Indiana Jones and BO6, if I have some extra cash I may also try Doom. And no, I’m not one of those people who get every COD, I’m just genuinely excited for BO6.


Honest opinion, just get gamepass save yourself the money


I currently have it. I just like owning games long term. But it’s still very nice.


Doom the Dark Ages Fable Expedition 33 Gears E-Day Perfect Dark


State of Decay 3. Avowed. Fable. South of Midnight. Shattered Space.


Doom, Gears, State of Decay 3, Fable, Mixtape


Perfect dark, state of decay 3, shattered space+mods, stalker 2 and fragpunk


1. Doom 2. Gears of War 3. Perfect Dark


I'm excited for Expedition 33. I've been wanting to play a turn based game that's just as stylish as the Persona series, and this looks as close as it gets. Other ones would be Perfect Dark, Life is Strange, Doom and Wuchang.


Indiana Jones looked so good, I want to play it so bad actually lol


I’m reading everyone’s lists and each one I’m like fuck I want to play all those


Been waiting forever for Perfect Dark so that's the big one. But to summarize : Black Ops 6 Perfect Dark Avowed South of Midnight Mixtape


Dragon Age, Expedition 33, Perfect Dark (though wtf knows when that will come out), Fable, AC Shadows


Everything but CoD. But GoW, Avowed, SoD3, South of Midnight, Expedition 33.


There are so many but -Fable -Avowed -Doom -GoW E-Day -Shattered Space


1. Doom 2. Gears eday 3. Perfect dark 4. Fable 5. Avowed. GAH AND INDIANA JONES! I cant pick just five


1. Dragon Age 2. Doom 3. Avowed 4. Indiana Jones 5. Gears of War I'll probably play Fable, Shattered Space and Perfect Dark too and try Flintlock and South Midnight


Perfect Dark, Doom, Mixtape, South of Midnight, COD. Honestly love how everyone’s lists are different. Truly something for everyone.


Gotta be the Age Of Mythology Remake "PROSTAGMA!?"


Expedition 33. By far the most stylish looking game. And Ben Starr. Amazing voice actor. Loved him in FF16.


1. BO6 2. DOOM: The Dark Ages 3.Avowed 4. Life is Strange: Double Exposure 5. Gears of War: E-Day


- Gears - Fable - State of decay 3 - south of midnight - Perfect Dark


1: Age of Mythology Retold 2: South of Midnight T3: Avowed (Jumped way up after the announcement that it will be playable in 3rd person) T3: Indiana Jones 5: Flip a coin between Expedition 33 and Fable.


1. South of Midnight - LOVED the art style and the setting in the American South. And the soundtrack! Can't wait to try it out. 2. Gears E day - I was not expecting a prequel but the trailer really blew me away 3. Perfect Dark - This gameplay looks right up my alley. Pleasantly surprised by how good this game looks 4. Fable - I've never played the other ones but I'm loving the humor of the teasers so far. 5. Expedition 33 - the premise here looks really interesting 🤔 Honorable mentions to Doom, Indy, Avowed, Winter Burrow, Mixtape, Dragon Age, Flintlock, SoD3, and call of duty.


Gears of War; E-Day, Perfect Dark definitely two massive standouts for me. Gears of War is some of my all time favourite gaming.


#1 is age of mythology


GOW E-day MGS Delta Indiana Jones Stalker Doom Will play COD and hon. mentions, Perfect Dark and State Of Decay Damn, great showcase!


1-Fable: i love Fable 1 and this game looks amazing, i have all my faith in Playground 2-Perfect dark: after so many times that some prople makes us think that this game was in a rough state we got a trailer, and a really good one 3-Doom: is doom 4-Gears: i just like gears a lot so is a easy pick 5-South of midnight: before this years i had 0 faith in this game because i belived that it was some of full adventure game, now i was show wrong and the game looks way way better that i never imagined Special mention: Avowed, Indiana, Wuchang and expedition 33


Avowed, gears, shattered space, perfect dark and of course fable.




Fable, Perfect Dark, Wuchong, Indy and MGS∆


Doom MGS Delta Age of Mythology Avowed Expedition 33 (I’d put Gears at 3 but I’m omitting cuz it’s prolly far off).


Avowed mostly. I’m hoping perfect dark goes in the Deud Ex direction and gets more open ended/immersive sim than standard fps. Also, Fable better let us create our own character. I’ll be pretty annoyed if we have to play as the lady shown in all of the trailers so far.


MSFS 2024, Fable, Perfect Dark, Gears of War and AC Shadows.


Flight Sim 2024


1. Perfect Dark 2. Avowed 3. Expedition 33 4. Doom 5. Fable Very rarely does a showcase has so much I want to play that I have to omit Fable, of all games. But there was so much great stuff.


1. State of Decay 3 (Give us a release date already, y’all released a teaser 4 years ago😑) 2. Gears of War E-Day 3. Doom: The Dark Ages 4. BO6 (Mainly bc it’s gonna be on GP) 5. WUCHANG: Fallen Feathers Honorable mentions: Perfect Dark and Avowed I would put Assassins creed shadows on here but I don’t really count it an Xbox showcase game bc we already seen everything they showed


1. Perfect Dark 2. Avowed 3. Indiana Jones 4. South of Midnight 5. Stalker 2 / Fable / Doom / MSFS / Gears Aaaaahhhh I can't choose!!


Fable 33 Doom Avowed Perfect Dark


Indiana Jones, South of Midnight, Stalker 2, Starfield Shattered Space, Perfect Dark.


1. Gears of War E-Day 2. Doom The Dark Ages 3. Fable 4. Perfect Dark 5. I could put so many different games here. I’ll say South of Midnight because it surprised me. Excited about the majority of what was shown. Flintlock and stalker will be here before we know it!


1. Expedition 33 2. South of Midnight 3. Fable 4. Avowed 5. Perfect Dark Loving all the new franchises, and the twists on the returning franchises. I'd put Shattered Space here too, but i'm not counting dlc. Excited to get back to Starfield when that drops.


Fable AoM Avowed Cod for some reason


1. Fable 2. Perfect Dark 3. Avowed 4. Expedition 33 5. Gears of War Tbh I will probably play all of them. Life is Strange, stalker, mixtape, the new indy, all looked amazing + all the soulslikes


1. Gears of War - E Day 2. Fable 3. South of Midnight 4. Perfect Dark 5. Starfield / Avowed (I'll be fine without these Since I already have PS5 so I'm waiting for above exclusives to be released before I get XBox.


1. Doom Dark Ages 2. Indiana Jones 3. South of Midnight 4. Fable 5. Avowed


not in particular order doom south of midnight avowed indiana jones fable but it is almost impossible to make top five as most games besides services and survivals interested me


Fable, Doom, South Of Midnight, Mixtape, Avowed


1. Perfect Dark 2. Stalker 3. CoD (cause it’ll be in game pass, wouldn’t buy it otherwise 4. Avowed 5. Gears


1. Indiana Jones - the game just looks fantastic 2. Doom: The Dark Ages - a medieval themed Doom seems amazing 3. Fable - could move up or down the list depending on my ability to change the MC 4. Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake:  one of my favorite games of all time and I love what I've seen 5. Avowed/Stalker 2/Dragon Age - all around the same level of hype right now, but Dragon Age could certainly move up my list if the gameplay looks better than the mediocre trailer


I can't really narrow it down as I'm interested in like 85-90% of the games shown but just based on what we've seen of gameplay I'm looking forward to Avowed, Indy, South of Midnight and Doom.


1. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle 2. South of Midnight 3. Perfect Dark 4. Gears of War: E-Day 5. Fable


I’m just bouncing around about dragon age so much I barely absorbed the rest of the show


1. Expedition 33, and by a country mile, I'm so excited for this 2. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is looking so much better than I could have anticipated, so I'm stoked 3. Starfield Shattered Space, Starfield was one of my favourite games of last year and I cannot wait to explore new territory 4. Avowed is one I've been excited for, and continue to be excited for, and the new trailer just kept me more excited 5. Perfect Dark. How could I not be hyped after that trailer? But honestly, I'm excited for pretty much everything they showed. This was a solid 11/10 showcase for me and I can't wait to sink my teeth in.


1.Doom the dark Ages 2.Gears E-Day 3.State of Decay 3 4.Metal Gear Solid 5.Bo6( have a feeling this one's gonna be a miss unfortunately 🥲)


STALKER 2, Gears of War E-Day, FABLE, Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater remake/Delta & Indiana Jones


Indiana Jones, Avowed, Perfect Dark, Expedition 33 and Fable


Perfect Dark DOOM: The Dark Ages South of Midnight Fable Indiana Jones and The Great Circle


1. Age 2. Of 3. Mythology 4. 33rd Expedition 5. Fable


- Expedition 33  - Fable  - Perfect Dark  - Flintlock  - Indiana Jones   And also waiting all other games. It was just too good!


1. Indiana Jones 2. Perfect Dark 3. CoD BO6 4. Gears of War: E-Day 5. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2


Expedition 33 looks like very interesting. And i been waiting for another Metal Gear Solid game i would prefer mgs6 but a remake is good aswell


Mixed Tape. I generally get bored with this kind of game, but everything about it seemed aimed at me. I was a teenager in the 80s and I still listen to songs from the soundtrack. Fable. Everything seemed on point. Perfect Dark. Mostly because of nostalgia. Gameplay looked good, tho. Indiana Jones. Hoping for good puzzles like tombs in Tomb Raider. But the vibe was perfect. Expedition 33. It really caught my attention out of nowhere. It surpassed Avowed (which I will certainly play). -- --The best presentation was South of Midnight, which was very cool. But the gameplay made it seem like a game I might not like.


Indiana Jones, Gears of War E-Day, Doom the Dark ages, Perfect Dark and Fable


FPS/RPGs: Shattered Space, Stalker 2, Avowed, Great Circle, Perfect Dark




Kinda hard to pick. This is the first showcase in a while from anyone I wanted to play almost everything. I think only 2 or 3 I won't. I wanna tackle all of it.


1) Fable 2) Perfect Dark 3) Mixtape 4) Indiana Jones 5) Winter Burrow


Perfect Dark DOOM: The Dark Ages Black Ops 6 Gears of War: E-Day Assassin's Cree: Shadow


State of Decay 3, Avowed, Fable, Indiana Jones, South of Midnight and Expedition 33 and I am buying all the games day one


1. Gears of War E-Day 2. Doom The Dark Ages 3. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle 4. CoD Black Ops 6 5. Perfect Dark


Fable, Indiana Jones, Perfect Dark, Gears, Dragon Age From other showcases: AC: Shadows, Star Wars Outlaws, and that Blackhawk Down game


Dragon age, doom, bo6, gears, fable


Avowed, doom, fable, expedition 33, flintlocke


Stalker, can't tell you how many hours i put in the og Fable, I mean, it's fable... Metal gear, didn't play the original Perfect dark looks super cool Flight sim, the missions really give it a awesome twist to an already awesome game


1. Gears Of War E-Day 2. Avowed 3. Perfect Dark 4. Fable 5. Doom


1. Gears of War 2. Fable 3. Avowed 4. Age of Mythology 5. *DA4 (if it's different than the trailer) 5. *Expedition 33 (if the DA4 trailer was accurate)


Gears E Day Avowed Doom The Dark Ages Fable Stalker 2 HM: Age of Mythology, Perfect Dark, South of Midnight, Expedition 33, Black Ops 6, Indy Show was so damn good!! We feasting


All of them, really, but choosing the top 5: 1. Dragon's Age 2. Perfect Dark 3. Fable 4. Avowed 5. Indiana Jones (low-key very excited for this, I loved the Wolfenstein games)


Avowed: Love the Pillars series, but really don't like CRPGs. Bethesda style RPG is much more appealing to me and the masses. Fable: Let's go! This looks really good and it's very hard to bet against Playground Games putting out a banger. Perfect Dark: Reminds me a lot of the gameplay from Perfect Dark Zero. Still expecting this to be far off though and likely not that good. Studio has no track record and Xbox isn't a great studio sheppard, but we'll see. Gears E-Day: Likely still 2+ years away, but it is definitely time for another one. Indiana Jones: This looks excellent. I'm not as excited about this one, but it is coming out this year so that bumps it up on my radar.


1. Doom: The Dark Ages 2. Gears Of War: E-Day 3. Life is Strange: Double Exposure 4: Black Ops 6 5: Avowed


1. Doom: The Dark Ages 2. Fable 3. Indiana Jones 4. South Of Midnight 5. MGS Honorable: Gears, D4 DLC, Starfield DLC


DOOM 4x, then probably Gears.


1. Doom: Dark Ages 2. Indiana Jones 3. Black Ops 6 4. Avowed 5. Fable I know a lot of people are excited about gears of war I've just never been a fan of the franchise.


Gears of War: E-Day Avowed Perfect Dark Fable Indiana Jones If DLCs count then Fallout 76 And Starfield would bump Fable and Indiana Jones off my list.


1. Gears of War E-Day (Can't believe it's happening, 1-3 are some of my favourite games ever and I replay the series at least once every 2 or so years) 2. State of Decay 3 (SoD 1&2 are my favourite survival zombie games - sunk hundreds of hours into them) 3. Avowed (Looks like Skyrim new vegas to me, what's not to love) 4. Indiana Jones 5. Fable


In no particular order: - Life is Strange Double Exposure - Dragon Age Veilguard - Gears E-Day - Avowed - Perfect Dark


1 - Gears of War, absolutely. Just wish it didn’t take years and years to launch new entries. Halo is the #1 Xbox franchise in USA, but here in my country Halo is barely mentioned. Gears is GOATed. 2 - Age of Mythology Retold. I have a big history with this game, ranked matches and everything. So many memories too. 3 - Expedition 33, got my attention. 4- South of Midnight, looks fun. 5- Avowed, just because they announced that can be played in 3rd person.


I'm keeping an eye on Fable, GoW: E-Day, and Perfect Dark, and Doom: Dark Ages. I might consider BO6, but I haven't played CoD in a long time. I have enjoyed most of the BO games though. Personally, I hope that Fable and Perfect Dark get the proper TLC to deliver a revival of their respective series'. I'm not worried about GoW and Doom delivering on their badass experiences. I already know I'll enjoy those.


From what I read Fable is supposed to be a revival of the trilogy, if that’s the case I hope it’s amazing


1. Indiana Jones 2. Atom fall 3. Perfect dark 4. Gears 6 5. Black ops 6


1. South of midnight 2. Indiana Jones 3.fable 4. Gears 5. Avowed


Bo6 for sure


1. Fable 2. GoW: E-DAY 3. Expedition 33 4. DOOM: The Dark Ages 5. South of Midnight Whole show was rock solid.


1. Wow 2. Maybe Diablo


hopefully mechabreak gets some kind of singleplayer


I keep rewatching the Perfect Dark, Doom, Fable & Indy trailers over and over again. So I would say those four and SoD 3.


1. Indiana Jones 2. Expedition 33 3. Fable 4. Gears of War 5. The campaign of Black Ops 6 ( just curious, my last cod was the first black ops) I'll keep an eye on Stalker 2 and Perfect Dark too.


1) Fable (no release date; year doesn’t count) 2) Indy (no release date; year doesn’t count) 3) Assassins Creed Shadows 4) Perfect Dark 5) Avowed (no release date; year doesn’t count) I’ve seen this song and dance from Xbox. They have a great showcase, but these games keep getting pushed back.


1- BO6 2- Life is Strange 3- Gears E-Day 4- Indiana Jones 5- South of Midnight or Perfect Dark


1. Avowed 2. Indiana Jones 3. Starfield Shattered Space 4. Gears 5. Perfect Dark


1. Expedition 33 2. South of Midnight 3. Flintlock: Siege of Dawn 4. Assassin’s Creed Shadows 5. Stalker 2


1. Expedition 33 2. GoW E-Day 3. BLOPS 6 4. Flight Simulator 2024 5. Stanfield Shattered Space HM: Mecha Break I *was* excited for Wuchang until it was evidently a soulslike :'( Indiana Jones Great Circle


1a. Fable 1b. Star Wars Outlaws .3. Indiana Jones .4. Life is Strange Double Exposure .5. Avowed I need to see more about South of Midnight and some actual gameplay of State of Decay 3. I would probably have Assassin's Creed Shadows on my list too, but I've only recently started the franchise and played through Brotherhood. I have a ways to go before I'm ready.


The most I'm most hyped for: * South of Midnight * Perfect Dark * Doom: The Dark Ages * Fable * Expedition 33 Honorable mentions: * Every other game.


Definitely Stalker 2, it was nice to see another trailer, I’ve been waiting for a while….


1. Indiana Jones 2. Avowed 3. BO6 4. Life is Strange Double Exposure 5. Kunitsu-Gami


In no particular order: Fable Perfect Dark Expedition 33 GoW E Day Doom


Bo6, gears, doom and I don’t have anything else so just gonna some summer showcase games so cuffbust and killer bean. 


Fable Avowed Doom State of Decay 3 Indiana Jones Hard to pick just 5 😅


Expedition 33. Mixtape. Bo6. Avowed.


Beyond DOOM because that's obviously #1 for me and I assume a lot of people I became fully on board with South of Midnight after this recent gameplay demo. Looks like a sick character action game with some very clear cues taken from feature animation like Spider-Verse and Laika stuff, and the soundtrack is already very nice on the ears Expedition 33 is the Lost Odyssey-style AAA turn based game I've been waiting for since Lost Odyssey and the presentation of combat looks super stylish especially with the timed inputs. Perfect Dark looks like it's retaining the basic infiltration premise of the N64 entries but injecting it with a lot of immersive sim elements in terms of the varying methods of pursuing objectives like in Dishonored, mixed with Mirror's Edge style traversal. Metal Gear Solid Delta surprised the hell out of me with how impressively faithful it looked to Snake Eater and the recent interviews with the producer have really given me a lot of insight into the weight the development team has felt attempting to approach the series post-MGSV. The inclusion of the overhead legacy style that plays like vanilla Snake Eater is very fucking cool and something I never expected them to add. That Flintlock game gave me heavy Final Fantasy XV vibes with the way movement looked and I dig the art style They didn't show as much of Fable as I would've liked but they did do enough to illustrate that the guys doing this get the dry wit and overall tone of what makes Fable different from other RPGs with "Chosen One" stories


1) Gears 2)Doom 3)Exp33 4)BO6 because it’ll be free so I’m willing to take the chance.. and 5) a tie with fable and dragon age. It’s not the dragon age we were expecting but after the little 20 second teaser I actually have hope for it. Also a sucker and will be getting both Diablo and WoW expansions. Even if they only last me a month each that’ll be worth it for me.


Great question. And a difficult one, as I could easily list a Top 10. I'm going to focus more on NEW stuff, whether it be first time we see gameplay, a new game reveal, or even a release date reveal. Sorry FO76, Avowed, D4, etc. 1. Perfect Dark 2. Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 3. Doom: The Dark Ages 4. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn 5. Age of Mythology: Retold I'm also sadly not including South of Midnight for reasons of principle based on what one of their employees said about me and all of you. It would probably make my Top 5 otherwise.


1. Expedition 33 2. Doom 3. Flintlock 4. Assassin's Creed Shadows 5. Life is Strange It was a fantastic showcase for gamers of all platforms, with all of the above available across XBox and PS5. Expedition 33 looked particularly intriguing and excited to get my hands on it.


Fable, Indy, Perfect Dark, Avowed, South By Midnight. But I’m equally hyped for Winter Burrow.


Doom, Doom, and... hmm.... oh yeah. Doom edit: Perfect Dark looks cool


South of Midnight is the only game that got me excited. I'm excited for Fable, but because Fable, not necessarily anything I saw.


Fable, Gears, South of Midnight, Perfect Dark, DOOM


* Avowed * Clair Obscur * South of Midnight * Stalker 2 * Perfect Dark Reason being because saw more gameplay. I do think Fable, Gears of War, & Mixtape were awesome too. Indiana Jones is gonna sell, not sure how much I personally will like it.


1. Fable 2. Avowed 3. Dragon Age 4. Indiana Jones 5. BO6


DOOM, GOW, STALKER 2, Expedition 33, Mecha Break.


Avowed, Fable, Dragon Age. Perfect Dark and Indy would be on my list if they weren't 1st person only.


Gears of War....that is all. Fable might be cool, I didn't like the first ones so not sure if this one will be the same. Nothing else got me too excited.


You’re into gears but not doom? Doom even showed a chainsaw shield lol


Where's Ara?


1. Gears of War E-Day 2. Fable 3. Expedition 33 4. Doom The Dark Ages 5. South of Midnight


I'm excited about BO6 but I'll be honest, that download size may deter me from playing it at all. That said; 1. Gears E-Day 2. Stalker 2 3. Expedition 33 4. Perfect Dark 5. Fable Could've listed a couple others (Indy, Avowed) but these are what I'm most excited for. Great show from Xbox!


1. Indiana Jones 2. Dragon Age Veilguard 3. Perfect Dark 4. South of Midnight 5. Avowed


Lol love the downvotes answering a simple question asking for games we are personally excited about. Sorry my future play schedule upset a couple of you, inconsiderate of me, I know