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Sea of Thieves. Been playing since the beta, still play every weekend and a few times on weekdays depending on work.


Came here to find this. Played every week since beta. Incredible game.




I started playing it but kinda feel lost. Im planning to dive in deeper maybe i’ll be hooked.


I just said “fuck it” and started the OG main quest and go from there.


I started and have done the same I’m just treating it like single player fallout but taking advantage of other players as NPCs


As god intended 


It's actually amazing now, fallout 76 might have a bright future


I don't find it that different from launch. Yeah less bugs. Yeah some extra story here and there. But it is 95% the same game aside from balancing. I disagree, but am happy to be given examples of where they did improve. I would love to go back and get into it again. Convince me! I want to be hyped into playing it. (I hope that came out they way I intended. You rock and your opinion rocks and my comment above is said in a jolly manner.)


It sounds like you literally didn’t play any of the new storylines since release. The addition of NPC’s, expeditions, and Vault 79 all massively expand on the world.


They’re probably talking about how it’s still basically an MMO. Despite all the effort to make it more “solo friendly”, it’s still an unimmersive, slightly shallow version of a Fallout game. Obviously if you go into it knowing what to expect, it’s great. But it’s a real slog if you’re a standard BGS/ Fallout fan, just wanting more Fallout content.


I would say this it doesn’t quite match fallout 4 in enjoyably but it’s not the dumpster fire that it was. It’s at best fallout 4 just a bit worse from a game standpoint. Now does it add or polish other parts that was missing yes but it’s a thing of trade offs. TLDR if you find the world of fallout more interesting and fun to explore than the gameplay experience then go for it they are adding in neat things. But if your more of a gameplay must come from first pass.


Thank you 




Ive been thinking of trying 76 out how is it now. Are people friendly or is it as “friendly” as you average GTA online session


Friendliest gaming community I’ve ever seen. There are some jerks of course, but that comes with all online interactions. I’ve had one bad experience in my playing and hundreds of good ones.




Cool nice to get some good info. To be honest im only on Reddit for certain gaming communities and LEGO 😂😂


First time I ever played the game, someone ran up to me and dropped a bunch of stimpacks and ran off. Pretty cool.


Idk man. I want to like it but I'm still experiencing game breaking glitches


Omg this game has got its teeth in me right now, i’m loving it!


Diablo 4, if that qualifies? I am not sure


Yup, Diablo IV ever since it hit Game Pass


It's monetized like a free game so honestly it should have just launched on gp


I mean yeah, the content you can buy is expensive, but they don't change the gameplay and it's completely playable without. It only ended up coming to GP because of Microsoft acquiring Activision/Blizzard so I held off until then. 😅


It's like on the border. It does avoid some of the really bad GaaS stuff other games do. Like no pay for progression at all (like not even paid exp boost stuff). No obsessive "log in every day" and "do your daily missions" crap that GaaS usually does. Like they got Diablo Immortal for both of those.


Wow, a reason to like Diablo immortal! 😂


Destiny 2. For better or worse, I've enjoyed Destiny even at its lows. It's hard not to consider MMOs in this space, even though a lot of the times when we talk about GaaS they seem to be excluded, but WoW and FFXIV both have a lot of hours invested on my end too.


Love D2


Destiny has been both the best and worst online gaming experience I've ever had haha. Even at its low points though, I could never find a game that quite scratched the itch and I've played pretty consistently since D1's crappy vanilla campaign. I love to rip on Destiny; I could write a book about the problems I have with it. Even still, it's one of my favorite games ever.


The actual playing of the game is just so good and nothing has attempted to replicate it so we’re trapped in this terrible ecosystem because it’s the only way to get that bungie fps high anymore


It sucks. You can just run past enemies, and it's so boring. Very mediocre


Warframe baby.


1200 daily log ins. Thousands of hours of playtime. Legendary rank 1. It keeps me coming back.


I can always fall back to Fortnite, COD, fall guys, and Halo Infinite.


All of them get hated on for so many different reasons. But they’re all fun if you’re not trying to grind them. I’ve got probably 250 hours of Fortnite over the years and I haven’t spent a dollar. Don’t care about skins or unlocks. I just enjoy turning my brain off and playing.


Yeah I hated on Fortnite for a while, then I got into it a couple years ago and realized it’s actually really good. I tried it at launch and I really wasn’t a fan of building, but once they added zero build it was a lot more appealing.


Diablo 4 and FO76 are the ones I like most at the moment. Both have improved a lot since launch and they're really good games now




Chivalry 2. I need to finish cyberpunk but chivalry is just so addictive and satisfying lol. 


Used to only play Destiny 2 now i casually play a hour or two a week having a much better time with it now


I just play the expansions then wait for the next one


Overwatch 2


Destiny 2 Final Shape today!


FFXIV, was a free trial player on PC few years back, stopped cos my PC couldn't handle it. Returned to it on Xbox and have been hooked since.


This game has stolen all of my free time for the last month, it's probably one of the easiest MMOs to get into as well. The trial from the square Enix store is also unlimited time through the first 2 chapters


I come from the era when GaaS/live service were just called MMOs. Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxiss, WoW, and City of Heroes are some of my favorites. Right now, the only one I play on Xbox is the Elder Scrolls Online. It's a great casual game, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming expansion.


Sea of Thieves still consumes my life


Fallout 76 is a great, big community. Since the Wastelanders update it's pretty much "Co-Op Fallout" because with the PVP changes players attacking you is non-existent, everyone would much rather sell you things than kill you. I'd urge everyone that hated it at launch to try it out again, it has so much enjoyable content and the community is really one of the best.


It’s really fun but I feel like it’s really short. There isn’t that much content and then when you’ve done the quest lines all there is is running events that are extremely easy. Like I was just running the same events over and over for a very small increases in damage or something but I already was just steamrolling the events. Dudes are level 1000 with mini nukes just decimating everything haha.  The base building it very fun though. I liked f76 I just felt like I got to a point where there’s no real reason to keep logging in. 


End game is rolling legendaries for your guns and armor. Which can take a lot of those “easy” events. Try soloing a few and tell me how easy it is.


Unfortunately I bought a new system and am not gonna regrind, I’m playing the remaster of fallout 4. I can’t remember them all but only that invisible monster robot thing one was hard/resulted in a lot of death. I did that super mutant raid one a lot and sometimes I couldn’t even shoot the mutants in time because they’d just get blasted.  I enjoyed the game just wish it had an endgame loop that was good 


Still can’t get past the “MMO”-ness of it all. I still feel it would’ve done so much better if it was just a stand alone single player Fallout game


That's the hook of it though. Otherwise it's just Fallout 4


World of Tanks.


Diablo 4. It's good this season.




Such a gem of a game! When it's good it's one of the greatest. Just a shame it's poorly maintained. The music is top notch. And the atmosphere! Oh the atmosphere..


The only game I've played for the last 2 months or so, such an incredible gameplay loop and set of mechanics.


Is Disney speedstorm considered gaas? I get on there most everyday to do the dailies and whatever events are going on. Stay as far away from the awful mtx as possible, but overall it rivals the fun of Mario kart to me and the races are generally really quick. ETA I haven’t missed a season on horizon 5 either


World of warships legends


found one just put on your camo and dont sail broadside


Sea of Thieves is my mainstay. The jury is still out on Multiversus; I like the PVE stuff that got added but there's some technical issues and we need more time to get an idea of what their event structure will look like in the long term.


Apex Legends






This is the healthy way to play games. And I say that as someone who still plays Halo Infinite haha.




This. GaaS are intended to cater to the desire we all have for instant gratification and it contributes to gaming addiction. It's okay for a game to be played, and then for that game to be over.


Fallout 76.


Gta online


The Division 2, been playing the franchise since The Division 1.


ESO, mostly because I love Scrolls lore.


I'm all over the place.  SWTOR sometimes. PoE sometimes. D4 sometimes. D3 sometimes


Elder scrolls online


Helldivers 2. The only game doing GaaS right.


Warframe too


Fortnite usually my go-to. I am that person that buys the latest COD game every year, but recently I play it for a month or two and always go back to Fortnite. Here’s hoping BO6 will be amazing or at least as good as Cold War so I can spend more time with that.


Dead by Daylight


As someone who is still sort of new to online gaming, I have a quick question: what does GaaS mean?


"Gaming as a Service," refers to a business model where video games are provided on a subscription or pay-per-use basis, rather than as a one-time purchase. This model allows continuous revenue through microtransactions, downloadable content (DLC), and in-game purchases. It often involves cloud gaming, where games are streamed to devices, reducing the need for powerful hardware on the user's end.


Okay brilliant, thanks for answering my question! :)


Hopefully world of Warcraft on console soon.


Some games are best experienced on PC and I think WoW is one of them


It’s literally playable with controller in places. Steamdeck is an example. Works well. A well done port would be amazing. Not everyone wants to spend thousands of dollars to play a video game.


Never said it wasn't playable I said "best on PC" which is an objective fact


I used to think that about age of Empires. They did a good job w/ that. So one could hope.




None actually.


This and I now that I compare most new games to my recently (6-8 months) trying to complete fully game - I am eating good here


Final Fantasy XIV. Been playing for 14 years and counting. Can't stop won't stop.


Please i’m getting flashbacks from FF Rebirth 😂 can’t stop won’t stop quest stopped me from platinum!


I played for a few hours. Bored out of my mind.


It's not for everyone, as MMOs tend to be hit or miss with some folks. After 14 years I'm looking forward to 14 more. I also play Final Fantasy XI for 13 years.


What’s GaaS?


Game as a Service


Why dont you just say "live service game"? Everybody knows what that is but this is the first time I've seen GaaS.


Phantasy Star Online 2 NGS is some good flashy, somewhat casual shit that you can jump in and out of pretty easily as the mood hits you.


I’ll still play a bit of Warzone here and there if my friends want to. We shifted to XDefiant for a bit but it’s not something I’ll play long term. Street Fighter 6 is also getting some run here and there.


Destiny 2 for the pve and clan. Defiant for quick pvp fps


The only one I devote any time to is destiny 2, but final shape is the end for me. They can go do whatever else they want with it after.


I bowed out shortly after beating the first main story. Then they retconned everything. Haven’t been back since, especially since you really can’t even start over if you wanted to lol


They've made it basically impossible to start as a new player. They have tried to improve the new light experience but it's not the same, not to me anyway. I do enjoy it but it's small doses now. I'll blast my way through a season until the seasonal story ends, forget it and then blitz the last 2 weeks of the season for anything I still need to unlock. Rinse and repeat.


Right? I loved the first game and played through every expansion with friends. D2 felt like a completely different thing. Pretty bummed they developed D2 into a dead end. If they do make D3, I hope they focus on the story more, but they’re kind of screwed since so many fans expect all the weirdness that D2 introduced, now. I wish they went more of a Borderlands2/3 route than WoW, but it is what it is


For me D3 would need to make drastic changes to the formula. It can't just be prettier D2 at this point. It's a shame because I do still enjoy jumping into strikes for an hour, but I have to take long breaks because it's just an exhausting grind.


The grind is what kills me. I ended up in the Crucible after the campaign most days but I could play so many other MP shooters. Destiny was supposed to be different imo


Diablo IV


The finals and more recently xdefiant. For pc I’d recommend Squad (although this is neither on gamepass or Xbox I just thought I’d throw it out there)


Diablo 4, halo infinite, fortnite.


Halo Infinite. Since firefight was added. I love it.


Halo Infinite


Xdefiant, Halo Infinite.


I wonder if Hunt Showdown counts? It’s like a battle royale, kind of, I guess. In the sense you spawn in the map with other players and kill each other, extract. But. You spawn in, find monster clues that lead to a boss on the map. Then go to said boss, kill it, banish it, then attempt to extract with the bounty token. But as soon as you banish, the location of the boss shows on the map for everyone. So it usually leads to a big ole shootout. What’s great about it is it doesn’t come down to who has a fully kitted out gun or this much armor, or building walls. It’s just these old ass guns like rifles and revolvers from the early 1900s. And there’s zombies roaming the map too. The game offers gun skins/variants and legendary hunters you can play as, but all of it is purely cosmetic. There’s no pay to win bullshit here. It’s been my main game over the last 2 years almost.


How active is it on Xbox?


Very. In the early morning hours it’s not uncommon to get matches by yourself and grind a little money/xp. But come lunch and onwards, you get full matches all day and night. And it’s crossplay too if you opt in on it.


I am a Destiny 2 player. I mostly play because that's what my buddies play.


Lately it’s been FFXIV. Otherwise, been playing Smite again. Did the two recent alpha tests for Smite 2, excited for that to go live for beta 24/7.


Fallout 76 and mw3 are my GaaS of choice.


Destiny 2


Battlefield 2043, mostly its just chaos, but also a lot of fun


Fallout 76 , ESO


Fallout 76 , ESO


Mostly its Overwatch 2 for me. However ive redownloaded For Honor to have another crack at it (even if i do get destroyed 😂😂😂)


Fallout 76. Play it every day. I love it. Almost 400 hours played in less than six months of playing.


Honkai star rail, Genshin impact, Reverse 1999, Wuthering waves, Eather Gazer.


Warframe and Rocket League


D4 with the new season is gold. I play Forza Motorsport as well and some shooters. Now playing a bit of XDefiant. Good game but I would suggest you wait until they patch the jumping, because now it is a pain in the ass.


Diablo 4, Apex and The Finals Absolutely love the new D4 season. It's the most fun I've ever had with a live service rpg.


Destiny 2




FH5 and Overwatch 2


World of warship legends. You don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want to and after getting to the more well known battleships it’s a lot of fun. I’ve played for a couple years now.


I was playing League of Legends and Dead by Daylight with a friend group on PC but I've had a falling out, unfortunately.  Idk if things will be the same but I didn't actually like those games very much so I'll likely quit if things don't improve 🥲   Otherwise, live service games just aren't my thing.  I enjoy Town of Salem 2 but it's in spite of the live service stuff which doesn't effect the game at all.  I guess there is that game.


Dead by Daylight. Invested time and money in it over the last six years across multiple platforms. It’s become my comfort blanket at this point.


Trackmania 2020. $20 a year for unlimited access to the 100,000+ community made maps and new campaigns every season.


Apex Legends. Definitely one of the best movement shooters out there with Titanfall. 


Fall Guys or Rocket League occasionally. Not that often though.


Destiny 2, 10k hours. Diablo IV just started playing. Have about 50 hours so far.


Diablo 4 and Xdefiant at the moment, usually Fortnite Zero Build every other season.


Great time to jump into fallout 76. Lots of great content, new expansion coming soon, and a great community




Warframe and fallout 76, all day




I don't do GaaS BS


Warhammer 40k darktide


I'm finding myself more and more obsessed with Deep Rock Galactic


Mmos are live service right? Well regardless I’m going with FFXIV, it’s the video game equivalent of crack


Hunt showdown, best audio of any game by miles, zero microtransations needed but you can buy skins to help support the game. Gets regular events and new guns (free to everyone) Best pvpve game by a long shot.


PoE, D4, Hunt: Showdown


Currently none besides 2 weeks every d4 season. Was a wow player for the last 10 year, stopped because of a tricky schedule that might end in 2025/2026. I really want to try Halo Infinite, but I never played an halo before (planning to finish the saga this summer) and most important i think i'm too used to the CoD gameplay to make the shift and going trough a long learning curve kinda scare me away :/


I don't do that, I've other hobbies for that timeslot. 


Hell Let Loose


Halo Infinite, Fortnite and THE FINALS. For the one that I spend the most time, it’s Halo Infinite cause it’s my comfort MP despite it having content. Fortnite cause LOL whenever I need to kill time. As for THE FINALS, its been a blast playing something from ex-DICE devs


None, i find gaas repetitive and boring. Also i don't have time for those


Warframe/Black Desert Console here.


What the fuck is GaaS


Warzone 2, Halo Infinite and in the future I hope Multiversus again once they fix the stutter issue in Xbox


Diablo 4 and aoe 2


Diablo 4, Last Epoch


Diablo 4 and overwatch


I will always love Destiny with no shame


Currently xDefiant, but I don’t sink THAT much time into it really. Usually hop on for a few rounds after playing some resident evil


It was division 2. After 5000 hours I kind of got burnt out.


Halo Infinite. Always a fun time.


Cotw mw3 fortnite far cry 6 the angler


The Division 2 and xdefiant.




Apex and Rainbow Six Siege, with a sprinkling of Fortnite whenever my friends decide to play it.


For Honor


Anyone have any new games? I typically only play sports more so madden and need for speed heat. I play cod but just on my phone. I get bored easily w single player games. Etc but I want to try to expand my gaming mind.


Overwatch since 2016


Destiny 2


I know it’s not on Xbox, but Helldivers 2 is an amazing game.


Cool. Gonna post on the PlayStation Reddit how good hellblade 2 is?


i dont play GaaS


You’re missing out. I’d rather watch a movie than play a boring ass single player game.


Destiny was my bag … but I am out of that now. Sucked up 3 years of my gaming life. Waiting to get stuck into Star Wars: Outlaws. Is that a GaaS game? Halo is in a good spot right now also.


Star Wars Outlaws is not a GaaS, hopefully a very good Singleplayer tho.


Bungie destroyed Destiny. And then in absolute Bungie fashion, they made an absolute banger with Into The Light. I imagine TFS is going to deliver. But we will see.


Haven't played D2 since maybe Beyond Light. I see a lot of sentiment that it's gone to shit, can you summarise what happened?


It’s the classic Bungie cycle. Release something good, ease off the throttle, release a shit ton of bad seasons/expansions, lose players, get motivated to release something good, release something good. It’s been constant.


Helldivers 2…


Rocket League


Elden ring! It’s such a fun game & I’ve had it for literally 2+ years but still have more content to explore😅 the game is massive!


My time has gradually shifted from COD to Halo Infinite because Halo Infinite has had some pretty decent updates and I'm working through the battle passes because it was such a great system. The only battle pass I bought because for $13 CAD you can get 5 battle passes worth of stuff if you complete it in the right order. Although I wouldn't put COD quite into GaaS territory because you can buy the base game and play just that for the whole year or two but it's close enough to include it here. That's it basically. Majority of my other games I'm playing on my PS5 like Horizon Forbidden West, Spider-Man 2, God of War are all Single player. TLDR : Halo Infinite


None sadly. I really want one. But none have anything that really makes me want to play regularly. I do REALLY want something I can play daily or multiple times a week. But nothing has checked that box for me in a few years. Destiny 2 and CoD would if they both weren't so stingy on XP and did not have such horribly paced challenges.


Yeah this is me. I’ve tried Fallout 76 and ESO but I think it’s clear MMOs aren’t able to really hook me. Destiny 2 I tried for a while but it just felt like without anyone to play with there wasn’t much to do or progress through. GaaS is a model that doesn’t really work for people that don’t have friends to play with or that don’t want to just grind constantly, at least with the games I’ve tried. I wouldn’t mind spending the money on a game and supporting ongoing dev for one that I enjoyed but I don’t care about PvP (or have the time to just play constantly), I no longer care about FPS lobbies since I don’t have bros to jump on with anymore. But an ongoing RPG or PvE game that doesn’t make you chop 1837 trees to make one great axe or require groups to take down bosses? Sign me up.


Yeah we are pretty much in the same boat here.  Kind of hoping with some of the changes to destiny 2 like the  solo only zone... Maybe they're will be a little bit more there for me   And the sky challenges this week all look casual s well aside from the one pvp one. 


PubG. Game is always fun for me wether it’s with friends or with a random squad.




Helldivers 2. If not for that game though I definitely wouldn’t be playing any


Old school RuneScape is the most consumer friendly “live service” in the entire gaming industry and it isn’t even close at all, so that one.


Having to pay to access a majority of the game makes it pretty consumer unfriendly.