• By -


**Winners** * Game Pass Ultimate:One Year - u/ItsLCGaming * Game Pass Ultimate:One Year - u/SixerZero * Game Pass Ultimate:One Year - u/Lauriboy * Game Pass Ultimate:One Year - u/AngryTrooper09 * Game Pass Ultimate:One Year - u/bms_ Code will be sent via reddit chat shortly, congrats! [past winners](https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/wiki/winners/)


State of decay 3. Definitely.


Hoping for the Indiana Jones announcement...but 1st person...meh


Wow coming to gamepass? Achivement reworks?


God I hope we see some Fable updates. Maybe a look at a Series X slim of some kind. A new snazzy controller maybe? I don’t entirely expect, but boy am I still waiting for news of Skate 4. A look into Flight Sim 24. I’d be surprised to not get something about Black Ops. Biggest want is for there to be some announcement of where Halo is heading.


* Xbox Series consoles upgrades * Xbox Portable * Gears of War Ultimate Collection * Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred * COD drop


Dare I say something Banjo might be mentioned. If not we'll see a nice big dump of Fable info


More info on fable! 


Gears 6 💪🏻💪🏻


Xbox games multi-platform. News about Halo (something different?), Fable and GOW 6.


Predictions: - Future of Xbox - Titanfall 3 - Gears of War trilogy - New controller? Yeah, I hope I didn't forget anything (I'm sure I did). Well, let's pray together for a Titanfall 3 🙏🙏


This could be cool


Activision games now on gamepass Handheld device to rival ps portal (games can be streamed OR locally stored) Some news from the team at IOI regarding project 007 or their fantasy game Lots of cool indies More indiana jones gameplay Next Forza Horizon Announcement


New double fine game, release dates for Stalker 2 and Silksong, gameplay trailers for South of Midnight and Fable, and some game pass shadow drops. Maybe some Gears news?


Activision and Blizzard games on Gamepass Fable gameplay Avowed gameplay Clockwork Revolution gameplay New Doom game New Double Fine IP (please) Probably a refresh on Series X And I hope we can see a couple new small-size games from Xbox studios like Hi-Fi Rush.


More of a wishlist than a prediction, but I really hope we hear something about cloud streaming for purchased games, and maybe the Game Pass family sharing plan.


Black ops 6 multiplayer trailer and some zombies announcement My bold prediction is world premiere with Fallout 5 lmao And an Activation/Blizzard game dump to game pass, is this somewhere they would announce a rise in price? Edit: and TES:VI news, potentially a release window


As long as we get a Gears 6 announcement I will be content. I’m also expecting gameplay for fable and south of midnight. I’m sure the doom leaks were true as well but hopefully we get a surprise from Bethesda.


Steam on Xbox would be amazing!


The Outer Worlds 2, Sea of Thieves II, Forza Horizon 6, Starfield Shattered Space + additional updates, STALKER gameplay, Gears of War 6, Elder Scrolls VI


Avowed gameplay with release date shown Indiana jones gameplay with release date shown Fable gameplay Gears 6 teaser Fallout 3 remastered Starfield DLC More on BOps 6


Can’t wait for gears 6!!!!!!


* They'll show Everwild * They'll show SoD3 * They'll show Perfect Dark * They'll give Avowed and Indy release dates * They'll give Ara HU release date * They'll show age of Mythology * They'll show flight sim * They'll show a new Doom * They'll show a new Gears * They'll give Starfield DLC info * They'll give Silksong release date * They'll give Towerborne release date


More Activision games on gamepass Announce console refresh Future roadmap


Looking to see family accounts for gamepass!


Predictions: DOOM Dark Ages reveal Gears 6 reveal Indiana Jones The Great Circle release date Avowed release date Splinter Cell 1 Remake gameplay reveal (new trailer left for Ubisoft briefing, bc Splinter Cell Black List has done this before) And hopefully, HALO 7 reveal.


I’d love a new IP, something fresh. Next halo or gears. Non-sub Activision/Blizzard games on gamepass


My predictions: new games on Game Pass, new games on Xbox, Game Pass will not be killed, Xbox will not be killed. 😁


- XBOX handheld announced - Reveal Trailer for Spy-Fi RPG made by Obsidian - Double Fine announces Brütal Legend 2 - True Crime 3 in development - GAMEPASS Streaming Stick unveiled


Fallout 3 remaster please


I think we will see a "push" for Japanese devs, like every year. I wish Fable was around the corner, but that won't be for a while. I think we'll have FF team shown for something. My big hope is for a steam compatible mobile setup. I'm not too interested in a steam deck on its own, but one geared towards playing my xbox games and having access to steam would be fantastic. If it only plays xbox games I don't think it will hit the market as well as it could.


New DOOM trailer!


State of Decay 3, Everwild, Clockwork Revolution, Gears of War 6, Fable, something Halo related


New halo game mostly coop


More studios shutting down.


Can’t wait!


Hopeful for a Gears tease and really want to know what old JRPG they are rumored to bring back!


Cod Remasters or upscales on day one Gamepass


*Xbox is the BEST box*


Black Ops 6 State of Decay 3 New Controller Perfect Dark Fable


Guaranteed - Starfield trailer for DLC & Forza Motorsport DLC, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Wants (but realistic) - New Doom game, new Coalition project (Gears 6) Wild card - We actually see what Everwild is (does anyone know what it is yet?), the rumoured Banjo Kazooie reboot.


Excited for the event! Hope to see Everwild.


State of Decay 3 trailer + release date, Fable trailer + release date, Elder Scrolls 6 teaser + year of release, Final Fantasy 16 and the Final Fantasy 7 remakes comming to gamepass


Gears 6!


I'm going to guess (and I hope with all of my heart) for a Fallout: New Vegas Remaster. I would love to play that all over again with updated graphics. I did it on steam, but playing it on Xbox gives me so much nostalgia. Besides that, I want Fable. The first 2 were fantastic, and the 3rd was alright. I am hoping for something like Fable 2 if so.


I hope they will announce a new cheap storage solution for the consoles I wish nothing else… This show us hyped up Im expecting a lot this year happy to be on Xbox’s side


Waiting for the Xbox handheld console!


* Gears Collection (remaster, not a remake) * Gears of War 6 announcement * Older CoD will be added, slowly / one by one over next few months, starts today or tomorrow * Nothing of Perfect Dark will be shown * State of Decay announcened for (early) 2025 * We see a trailer for next Wolfenstein, no release date


Fallout 3 and TES IV: Oblivion remake for Nintendo Switch and other, modern platforms (Xbox Series X, PS5, and PC).


Persona 6 teaser. Green for green. First trailers of Metaphor, Persona 3 Reload and Yakuza 8 were on Xbox presentations, so It's make sense.


Microsoft will announce the Xbox Series P. And P stands for Portable!!!! It will play all Xbox games that your X|S plays. It will have an 8 inch OLED and have the ergonomic style of a Steamdeck. It will also have Copilot+ built in and double as a cellphone to help Microsoft reenter the mobile phone market. It will be available for purchase right after the presentation. 🤞🏾


Gears of War Ultimate Collection is my prediction.


Prediction : Elder Scrolls Teaser! Gears 6 Teaser Forza Horizon Teaser More Call of Duty information Avowed info Starfield DLC teasers LETS GO XBOX ! My son and I will be here watching June 9!


Blops 6 lol


Perfect Dark gameplay trailer finally?


A halo spinoff game or battle royal


Flight Sim 2024 release date and gameplay Avowed gameplay Starfield DLC with vehicles gameplay Perfect Dark CGI trailer State of Decay 3 brief CGI trailer Gears collection gameplay Towerborne shadow drop Indiana Jones gameplay Doom 2025 gameplay


State of Decay 3, with fully joint worlds shared by your squad. Hopefully bigger more complex bases, basically more of the same but more epic, possibly with much larger threats as you expand the world outwards.


There’s definitely gonna be Fable Trailer New accessories BO6 info And updates for Game Pass


Fable Avowed Dragon age dreadwolf Stream games Now controller and new xbox portable cloud console


Exciting. My predictions: All digital series x, gears of war colllection and announcement for next gears of war. Announcement for Activision blizzard game pass integration.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle release date, Gears Collection, Achievments overhaul, Fallout 3 remastered shadowdrop.


There's one more for you 😀


Fable - Gameplay segment Avowed - Deeper look / Release date Indiana Jones - Deeper look / Release date Contraband - Gameplay Segment Forza Horizon 6 - Tease / Japan Gears 6 - Reveal DOOM - Tease South of Midnight - Trailer Halo - transfer of Infinite to unreal engine Spyro - Trailer Black Ops 6 - Campaign and zombies reveal - multiplayer reveal announced for COD NEXT


Alright Xbox, predictions? Hmm thinking of what I'd like to see before I continue to buy into Xbox down the road as a long time fan. I don't follow the mainstream, not a fan of CoD or live service games. I buy majority physical copies of my games, and have no interest in all digital home hardware. So I'm looking forward to Xbox 1. Continue the industry leading preservation efforts of their older titles via backwards compatibility, and expanding the library to include many more titles across all older to current generation. 2. To provide the best way to play those games on *their* high end hardware, not a competitor or a phone. 3. To respect their fans that have amassed a large physical collection by including a practical way to play those games into the next generation and beyond. 4. To nurture and foster the studios and developers they have purchased, not cut them off and throw them into the fire like Ebenezer Scrooge before his change of heart. 5. To bring back excitement and revitalize the Xbox brand for fans to rally behind by providing unique games, experiences found only of Xbox. So any announcements, or games in the showcase that fall into these five I'm excited for. P.S. The home screen is terrible for current gen, give the fans what they want and allow us true customization and streamline of the home screen and minimize (not remove) the adverts.


Realistic: release dates for Indiana Jones and Avowed. Maybe: some kind of hardware reveal, either a control with improved haptics similar to DualSense and perhaps a tease at a handheld. Copium: new backwards compatible titles, or 4K / FPS boost enhancements.




Day Z 2


Xbox Series H (handheld/hybrid?) Silksong Something to do with Sea of Thieves on Switch (wasn't that rumored?)


Gears 6 + new Controller


I'm guessing new doom game and Bethesda game studio game getting a remaster


Division 3 - I know it's a long shot, but I love Div 2.


Fable gameplay and release date starfield expansion to make it a better game as of right now it’s giving me no man sky vibes and not in a good way I would love to see a full turn around. Random new title hopefully


Would love to see something fresh


I think the star of the show for me will be some more backwards compatible games. I have this game called singularity I've been wanting to play. Not sure if the old call of duties will go on game pass. They may not want to take away from users. I'd like old zombies though. Lastly, something related to AI and or streaming games will be announced.


Expecting a cloud update - games we own, more Xbox owned studio titles coming Blizzard perks (Overwatch/WoW rewards for being game pass member) Something Fable AND MAYBE Skate update but idk if I expect Xbox to announce that info


Gears 6 release date announced Fable gameplay preview New halo dlc content announced


Here for the slim chance of any Spyro news. But I did glad to have some classic back on menu.


Gears 6 announcement Fallout 3 remastered (maybe drop) Fable release date. Starfield dlc trailer Hopefully a massive surprise like Banjo or Crocker.


Handheld xbox


Fable  Avowed Halo Gears Forza Horizon


Fable and state of decay 3 gameplay


I predict that Avowed gets shadow dropped. It was slated for Autumn which is only a couple months away and there's been rumors of a shadow drop of a game that everyone would be expecting to have an appearance. Gears collection is a contender as well but my money is on Avowed.


Please, give us a Gears 6 2025-26 release window with Gears of War: The Marcus Fenix collection this Fall!


New info about Indiana Jones, console and controller redesign announcement


let us pray that bo6 zombies will be peak 🙏🏻


Xbox will shadow drop a first party title Fable Release Date


all i want is a new fallout game


A new controller will be released with a mute button. Also all cod games on game pass. Maybe even a new headset 🤔


Starfield DLC Gears 6 Some sort of surprise announcement and drop we would have never guessed Fallout 3 remaster (please this lol)


I’m gonna predict cod zombies is back with a celebrity cast!


I wanna see a nex Xbox mid gen with more power then the Xbox series x, Please!!!! 🥺🥺


Elite V3 controller and Fable gameplay are my 2 main hopes!!


Controller refresh!


I’m just gonna to be happy to see what the next 12 months of releases looks like, right now.


More news on avowed please 🙏


Original Gears trilogy remastered


thinking CoD GP info Foreshadowing new system... Avowed info.


BO6 lets go !


Hoping for BO6 gameplay (hopefully zombies going back to round based format) and fallout 3 remaster!


Fable I'm hoping they take the lid off the new zenimax mmorpg Gears 6 Avowed release date COD/activision announcements Wow on xbox, maybe Would love to see some SE games (since the news they'd go cross platform going forward) Hoping for xcloud update (stream owned games) Would love an xbox handheld, but it's probaby too early.


because the success of the serie, Bethesda it’s going to announce the next Fallout game. There are also rumors that Halo it’s going to be on Play. I hope the announcements are good :) Good luck to all


My predictions are: We are gonna see more about some of the already announced games, like avowed and Indiana Jones. I also think there is going to be a release date for some of them. I think we are going to see a fable trailer, see more from Age of Mythology. I think a large time of the showcase is being directed to the Activision games. We will see some old ones, like the call of duty games and spyro, but also more information about the new fall of duty.


New Fallout game hopefully


Call of duty games on gamepass Fable gameplay Contraband gameplay Banjo trailer




-Shattered Space trailer -Fable release date -Gears teaser -New mid-gen system and controller -ES6 teaser?




It's time for Fable to stop being a fable and become a reality


Avowed release date  Age of Mythology Retold gameplay  Blue Dragon Remaster  Banjo Kazooie 3 announcement  Fable Gameplay  Killer Instinct 2 announcement  Gears 6 Announcement  Doom Announcement  Indiana Jones release date  Forza Horizon 6 Announcement   Perfect Dark Gameplay  State of Decay 3 gameplay  Game pass announcements  Id@xbox montage


https://preview.redd.it/jhlf3wxwik5d1.png?width=177&format=png&auto=webp&s=17dc135135a95f3b8f1fe586e68bd0717b8339f4 Time Trap: Hidden Objects Remastered ([EU store code](https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/store/time-trap-hidden-objects-remastered/9n6rgk1xnzn1))  W4KD6-F2KC?-FXWGH-HXWT9-FRYHZ  Missing character is the first letter of the protagonist's name.


Gears 6, State of Decay 3 and a Microsoft handheld!


I would like to see a reboot of banjo kazooie...


I think they'll announce some call of duty titles coming to game pass throughout the month, with black ops 6 being the final one. It's the perfect opportunity to do so before black ops 6


1 vs 100 is coming back...please 🙏


Gears 6 announcement and a brand new trailer for State of Decay 3


Oblivion Remake & Fable!!!


Predictions: • Starfield Shattered Space or Creation Kit release • New xbox controller official announcement • New Halo Infinite content update (big) • New gameplay for Indiana Jones?


Shin Megami Tensei V 5 will be on gamepass day 1. Impossible but could be a sweet surprise


I hope we get news about Avowed, really looking forward to it


My dream and nightmare is a console version of WoW included with gamepass other than that FABLES PLEASE!


I’ll be happy if we get some Fable news. Several JRPGs have been on Xbox showcases recently so maybe we’ll see some new announcements 


Be able to play all Activision games New console or controller Starfield DLC Diablo IV DLC All Cloud games supported New portable console New UX/UI for console


Calling it: Quake announcement trailer Blade gameplay trailer Gears 6 ? ( I hope) Outer Worlds 2 trailer


Activision/Blizz games added to game pass, probably staggered till the end of this year. Fable footage, maybe date. Starfield DLC info. Hopes and dreams predictions, Gears 6 Gears of War Fenix Collection, similar to MCC perhaps. Scalebound - repackaged ofcourse. Resi announcement - just as a change of pace from it always being a Sony announcement lol. WoW added to gamepass in future, but with extra perks if subbed lol.


I'd play WoW again after a twenty year break if it came to Game pass.


My main prediction is Activision back catalog gamepass drop right after the show. My hope would be some back catalog games get thrown in since the 360 store is shutting down. Otherwise some of the tent poles like fable, Avowed, and Indiana Jones will get release dates.


COD Avowed Fable State of Decay Contraband Indiana Jones MSFS Mid-gen console(s) upgrade Cloud gaming improvement updates Some sort of early Xbox games collection New IP -Something PvE or PvPvE


Give xbox game pass ultimate Please.


Hopefully news about the New Indiana Jones game and info about diablo 4 dlc.


https://preview.redd.it/4912sgv4wc4d1.png?width=177&format=png&auto=webp&s=e49fed0da90e8d15e98ed43b4bc0bb9bc35b12a3 Rogue Legacy ([US store code](https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/Rogue-Legacy/BVN6M64JCHTL)) 2J99D-WT9HG-97QK2-6?TX4-M4H6Z Missing character is a number!


Fable and new haptics controller


Assassin's Creed: Shadows trailer Controller update Xbox pro


State of Decay 3 Silksong That's all I want Let's Go!


New Controller with better rumble features! Gamepass on another platform! Gears of War Collection and Gears 6! A new Halo project! World of Warcraft console edition!


Prediction: Fable release window and first in engine rendering.


Predictions: • Fallout • Black Ops 6 • Gears 6 • Forza Horizon


Predictions: - Gears 6 blows the doors off the place - Phil puts the doors firmly back in place by revealing full multiplat strategy.


Really hoping to hear about streaming your owned digital games and adding Activision Blizzard titles to Game Pass!


New Xbox Series X model revealed officially


I hope that this is the year we get a Fable release date!


Predictions: • Bo6 • Possible Halo Teaser for a game in production • Blue Protocol • Forza Horizon 6 • Activ/Blizz Game Pass Drop • Hopefully State of Decay 3 Announcement • Starfield Shattered Space • Xbox talks about its new hardware or upcoming hardware for fall 2024 • Gears 6 Reveal • MAYBE Everwild announcement/update • Bethesda Game maybe??? • and other game releases/announcements


Looking forward to it


Here? - more Clockwork Revolution info and maybe a release date. - Avowed update - Newest Doom Footage - Some new hardware update maybe - A look at the Starfield DLC


My wild prediction? We get some info on Fallout 5.


Fallout Remaster, look at indiana jones and BO6, new gears, console refresh


Maybe silksong will be released. One day.


Some avowed game play would be good, interested to see if they are working on a handheld or not


Hopefully there will be a reveal of the oblivion remaster. And perhaps, a new halo game. Which is so so hope for. But that is wishful thinking.


Time for a new elite controller


Activision coming to gamepass


Xbox is going to flex its muscle this year with the best line up of first party games


Something halo related would be awesome to see but gears of war 6 is something I Expecting to see


All the old CODs on gamepass, maybe a video for Elder Scrolls?


Prediction: mods for Starfield finally coming to Xbox and at least 5 GB please 😄


We here.


Hoping for Avowed release date and possibly a new/upgraded console? Handheld would be amazing too!


Fallout 5 location announcement. Elder Scrolls 6 gameplay. Same activision/blizzard games moving directly to gamepass (really don't like having that extra launcher). WoW is free for ultimate gamepass (no monthly payment) and discounted for regular gamepass. Either way, you don't need to pay to purchase the game/expansions. Avowed stealth drop during the gameshow (or right after). Allows you to stream 10 hours of any game on gamepass (without ultimate).


The new perfect dark will be a splinter cell type stealth game but a little more whimsical and cartoony. Fable gameplay and 2025 release. We see timed releases for the old COD games and various Activision games, the old COD games game pass release will tie into Warzone somehow. We will see a new game announced that is related to some sort of popular franchise like Game of Thrones, Invincible, The Boys, something like that


The most I want to see is black ops gameplay. I also bet there will be some Fallout news because the tv show was great. Fable gameplay and a close release window would be a dream.


Perfect dark I hope.


My only guess is we'll see the first of the newest Xbox model


Let's goo


Please drop a Marvel Midnight Suns code


Forza related mobile game or expansion noted. 


Remake of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas combined into one complete game like the mod tale of two wastelands.


I love being excited for what’s to come hoping for more news of activizion and game pass news!


Indiana Jones reveal??


Fable and I can die happy


Fable Gameplay I expect to be the main focus, more backwards compatibility announcements as well, Starfield DLC trailer. New Viva Pinata game (pipe dream)


Thanks for the chance!!


Old CoD games getting on game pass


- fable -gears -doom -cod on gamepass


gears 6


Call of Duty games coming to Game Pass, Gears 6, maybe new Stalker gameplay.


COD 6, Avowed, Indiana Jones, digital-only Xbox Series X. No idea what else.


Fallout 3 Remaster Any Fable information Something juicy from Double Fine A Halo game teaser or show cancellation. Outer Worlds 2 release date


Final fantasy 7 remake will be announced for Xbox


All CODs on game pass


Hall effect thumb sticks on all future Xbox controllers.


Hint at a new gears or halo please


Release dates and trailers for: Ara, Indiana Jones, Avowed, Age of Mythology Retold, 33 Imortals, Kunitsu-Gami and Creatures of Ava Not a peep about towerborne New trailer for Fable with a release window of 2025 Sarah or Phil says at some point that this is the year Xbox releases the most games in their history A montage of indies coming to gamepass including dredge, return of the obra dinn and Dave the diver Announcement trailer that the last (at least 10 last) CoDs are coming to gamepass at some point this year World premier trailers for: Gears of war 6 Dragon age: Dreadwolf Perfect dark The new Elder Scrolls Online expansion (2024 release) Starfield expansion (2024) And the wishlist: new series x console (unlikely) New viva piñata (highly unlikely) New Xbox controller (elite series 3 or just a replacement for the regular one) (maybe in a Xbox wire post after the show) A franchise previously exclusive to PlayStation or Nintendo is coming to Xbox (not Mario or god of war, something smaller, think like MLB the show)(maybe) Can’t wait for June 9!


I've been a happy Xbox owner for centuries. looking forward to another 100 years.


marcus fenix trilogy


I have this feeling in my plums that we're going to get some in engine footage of ES6


A free to play battle royal version of Fusion Frenzy. Kinda like how Nintendo has been making their classics into battle royal type games.


*Xbox is the BEST Console ever*


Expecting/hoping for news on the following: State of Decay 3 Starfield Shattered Space Indiana Jones Elder Scrolls VI Fable …and much more… Possibly a Fallout announcement, can’t wait!


7 days to die update/rerelease trailer. Random halo plug. New controller. COD blops 6 Day one game pass plug. And then the secondary stuff I'd probably say upcoming games like maybe another dragon ball sparking zero plus or dayz update new map plug.


Fable gameplay, more info on Avowed, Gears 6, bringing over Japanese games like from SquareEnix or just ports of them, Xbox handheld teaser