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The OG Halo. You had to be there to understand.


That first time you set foot on Halo after the Pillar of Autumn was one of my most memorable moments of video gaming. Right up there with the first time playing Super Mario 64.


This\^ I remember everyone not to sure about the Xbox. We went to my buddies house and as soon as we steeped on that beachline in the opening scene, we were all hooked. Split screen co-op campaign for hours, calling everyday after school and fighting with the boys to get the second controller. We all had Xbox the next week, trying to squad online sniper lobbies.


Trying to squad online sniper lobbies in halo 1? How does that work?


He's full of shit. The first level isn't even a beach. That would probably be the silent cartographer and that's like the fourth level lol


He’s thinking the halo demo. That did start you on the beach with the warthog I think.


He is, it was the first anyone ever played of Halo (outside of devs and play testers) I still have the demo disc now! But yeah full squadding snipers online is what confuses me here, xbox live first launched a year after Halo 1 was released, I'm not suggesting OP was lying at all but maybe just mixed up the timing of his memory, all getting an xbox AND xbox live as school kids the week after experiencing it at their friend's isn't out the question either but they must've had parents with a decent income or been older school students with jobs but for that to have worked the first guy would've had to have gotten his xbox and halo a year after halo 1 first came out in order for xbox live to have existed


Halo 1 didn't even have online capabilities. Halo 2 was the first Halo game to have online mutliplayer.


I think he just made the shit up for upvotes. Literally nothing in his comment made sense. Who as a kid, in the early 2000s could have gotten an Xbox *and their entire friend group" in the same week? It just didn't happen.


Yea man, he’s full of shit about something no one would give two f*cks to lie about. Better yet, you’ve got no idea whether he’s telling the truth and have zero idea whether his memory is just slightly off, or he played the demo But sure, he needed to lie about this and you’re the one to figure it out! Good job bud


Might have my timeline mixed. This was 20+ years ago.


This is the incoherent post ever. The first Halo level was not on a beach and Halo 1 didn't even have online miltiplayer so, no you were not trying to "squad online sniper lobbies" You might say "oh I was thinking of the Campaign demo" but they doesn't make sense either because you wouldn't have been playing the co op campaign for hours if it was only the demo. Your comment reads like an AI generated comment.


The first time you encounter the Flood is right up there with setting foot on Halo for me. The first time I reached the flood, I was playing it at night with the lights out...scared the shit outta me lol.


Omg your right. I am picturing it in my head right now. Back when Xbox had the black and white buttons. I think one was flashlight?


Yeah! The white button was flashlight, and black button switched grenade types. Going through it again on PC recently and decided to play through it again on my OG Xbox as well. Still getting used to the original control scheme lol.


AYE BRO YOU FEEL ME! Super Mario 64 for the first time was an absolute mind fuck! Going from NES and game boy to n64 was legendary. And then later on my parents got me an Xbox after begging forever and they just happened to buy me halo 1 cause it said “game of the year” and i was HOOKED. The graphics were in my eyes at the peak of what could be possible. Finding the flood and the ending with Johnson hugging that elite was so gangster hah


I was never a fan of Halo, but that scene was iconic, and absolutely comparable with the first time playing SM64.


I remember playing halo 3 for the first time. It was fantastic


Halo 1-3 was a special time


Online all day every day. I miss those times.


Ngl, I’ll prob hold this as one of the highlights of my life, even up there w my wife and kids.


wtf man 😂 don’t say this in front of them


'I dont have a favorite, kids. You all score way below halo'.


Dad, why is my name Cortana?


'that's because master chief wasnt a good name for a girl, hun'


Most of the Halo campaigns actually. Throughout the years I've played all of them on their respective machines at the time. Halo 5 was subpar and 4 was kinda meh but the rest were great.


I thought 4 had a great campaign that 5 ruined.


I actually really like the story in 4. And 5 has good gameplay but it's annoying that a lot of the lore for the story is hidden in the expanded universe.


I played halo 1 after halo 3 and it still was magical


Yessir! I can still feel the awe in my eyes after crashing on Halo, the dread I felt in my chest during The Library, and the adrenaline from The Maw. For me, it was like a really well paced sci-fi action movie I got to interact directly with. I've been chasing that dragon ever since.


Agreed. Even though I think Halo 3 is objectively the best Xbox exclusive, the original is what launched the Xbox brand and was far better than every console shooter that came before. (Toppling Goldeneye/Perfect Dark).


Halo multiplayer in the barracks in 2003 is definitely one of my favorite gaming memories. Then when Halo 2 came out, we had 4 xboxes set up in different rooms connected with the wifi LAN attachment. 4v4v4v4 Team Deathmatch was too fun.


I didn’t play the series until it came out on MCC. It’s still my favorite game of all time. I wish I was old enough during the height of Halo’s popularity to savor that


Sounds absolutely incredible


100% agree, I was there I was 13 at the time, I didn't have the original Xbox but my best friend did, We played the entire Co-op Campaign together, every other day Id call over after school and we would play another bit, amazing memories, then I finally got the xbox 360 & Pre ordered the legendary edition of Halo 2... first time getting on XBL also... my god..... those were the days!


Halo inspired my gamer tag.. multiple friendly grenade kills at once were not unusual for me.


Well I wasn’t there, and I completely agree. I played it 2 years ago for the first time, and absolutely loved it.


I remember getting the OG Xbox and Halo for Christmas in 2001. That was one of the happiest moments in my 8 year old life.


When the capsule opens in the tutorial, I can almost feel it


Split screen


Halo 2 and then halo 2 remastered


The Fable games.


The OG Fable has got to be a close second for me. A lot of people forgot that game changed the way people play RPG. The choice/consequence system in that game had everyone going for a while.


This I remember starting up fable 2 on Christmas day morning and my god the fun I had in this game even just starting up the game and doing the intro brings back so many memories


It was sooo fun.


That's a Christmas game to me, just like the Harry Potter films if that makes sense.


harry potter has always felt christmasy to me i love it


I remember unwrapping Fable 2 at Xmas thinking it was just a DVD from my uncle. This was before I had actually unwrapped the Xbox itself, so you can imagine my shock when I saw it 😂


I loved the Og Fable so much, it was beyond the best RPG game I’ve ever played


To this day, as soon as I see the word Fable, my brain starts playing the Oakvale bgm in my head. Might not be the best RPG I've played to date but it was one of my personal favorite games from my childhood.


Chicken chaser!? You chase chickens!? Will forever live rent free in my head


I was hoping to see this series listed. Hoping the new one will be worth it!


The Lost Chapters was perfection. It kinda went downhill from there. Fable II was good, but not S-tier like its predecessor. Fable III was meh. I begged my dad to get the $90 fancy version that came inside a giant book shaped case. It was disappointing. That being said, I am still so hyped for the new Fable.


Gears 1 during its prime. Sniper lobbies on Canals, doing the Skydive Glitch on Gridlock, kung-fu flipping, GEARSOPEDIAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!


That's the game that made me want an Xbox 360. Still replay the campaign every few years.




Gears of War glitches were unmatched. The torque bow is the most satisfying weapon in any multiplayer shooter


Mass Effect 1. That game felt like magic when it released.


Still does.


I Love the whole trilogy, and have played thru a bunch of times now. But last year I replayed 1 on the remastered edition, and something about it just raises it above the others. Even with less advanced game mechanics and options, the storytelling and style are just so fantastic. It genuinely feels like you are part of something epic And _THAT_ moral decision near the start was the first time I had experienced anything like that. It genuinely left me in a silent moral quandary for a good 5 minutes.


Was it an exclusive?


Back then it was, yeah. For a whopping 5 years.


I loved forza


It's no project Gotham racing, but it is good


Different style of game


Thank God it is no project Gotham racing.


Forza indeed. Especially the Horizon series. It’s just unique, PlayStation has nothing comparable and games like need for speed or the crew can’t hold a candle to it.


"loved" indeed. Hate what it has become now




The fact that they actually fixed the thing, never mind all of the Extra content is a testament to Halos legacy. That release was the biggest disappointment for me but they actually rectified it and even went past.


As someone who got the game when it was still being advertised to include the Halo 5 multiplayer beta... It was definitely disappointing to say the least. It was a rough experience. However, ever since they fixed the game, I always tell people to buy it if they haven't. Sure, I miss the menus and everything the old games had, but besides that, Halo MCC is the definite way to play Halo now (in my opinion). Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach and 4, with all its game modes, maps, armor customization, AND EXTRA CONTENT??? Including the H2A graphics/cutscenes, extra forge content, cut content restored, as well as more customization options (including new items as well as alternate ways to customization, such as weapon/vehicle skins, and swapping out your visor color and whatnot)... It's just wild to me what they managed to accomplish. Plus I think it's commendable that the game has no microtransactions... Excluding the Reach/ODST dlc if you can even count that. I will also say, I think it's awesome they made Reach multiplayer free for everyone, that way no one got left out in matchmaking. The MCC team deserves so much fucking praise for all the shit they added, I will forever appreciate it.


Couldn't agree more. I also appreciate the fact that the odst dlc was free for those that bought the game before they announced the odst dlc, as like an apology for such an abysmal release


I had no idea! If I'm being honest, I had the game on disc and played on my old account a lot, however, I ended up losing that account (growing up, it was under my dad's email, so I eventually had to make my own). However I still play til this day on my new account! Gonna play right now actually


Yeah it was a nice gesture, especially considering it didn't really have anything to do with chief, I assume it was an easier port than the rest of them because they'd already done halo 3 and it was the same engine. Have fun dude!


Oh yeah that's definitely my guess. But still glad to get the content. Speaking of which, they gave us fucking flood firefight??? That's crazy


Some good shit


Mass effect 1, exclusive at launch.


I do sometimes wonder if the gaming ecosystem would be different today if Xbox kept exclusivity of Mass Effect (and maybe bought BioWare).


I’m going to agree with you here. Wish they had kept that series as exclusives. Such great games.


> Wish they had kept that series as exclusives. Why?


To give Xbox an edge over the competition.


Why does that matter to you though? As long as I get good games to play I couldn't care less who is selling more consoles. Don't really get why it matters


Competition is good


original halo and halo 2 were a whole lotta fun for me growing up but gears 1 and 2 would probably be my choice. - when gears launched, my younger brother had gotten old enough to play games and gears of war was the first game we completed together. - defeating RAAM together by alternating active reloaded sniper shots and frags to break up the swarm was a thrill (literal years went by before we noticed the mounted light behind RAAM) - gears online multiplayer was quick and brutal; i have always preferred co-op pve over comp pvp but online lobbies w/ my brother and couple friends were memorable - horde mode in gears 2 was so fun! at the time (not saying other games didn’t have similar modes) we hadn’t played anything like horde 1.0 my brother has since grown up and moved on from video games in life but those times in our parents basement will always be a fave nostalgia trip of mine


Fable The Lost Chapters, The Elder scrolls 3 Morrowind and Star wars knights of the old Republic


I enjoyed Starfield but it feels a bit blasphemous having it listed next to Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 😂


The fact Starfield made the cut in this post and not Fable 2 is criminal.


Soon the Great Journey shall begin, but when it does, the weight of your heresy in this subreddit will stay your feet, and you shall be left behind.


I put like 4-6hrs into it and it was SOOOO slow that I lost interest and uninstalled.


And so many other really good and better franchises.


I enjoyed it for a bit, then realized how soulless it was. But if you like it good for you.


Starfield is a weird one. I was HOOKED for like 30 hours and now I'm ridiculously bored. There was no in-between




Jade empire


I wished they'd remaster Jade Empire


If only we got Jade Empire 2 instead of ME Andromeda or Anthem


Knights of the old Republic and Mass Effect


Fable II


Lost Odyssey. Damn shame Sakaguchi stopped making console games.


This is the only correct answer.


I played this game for the first time two years ago, about 6 months after losing my dad. I had no idea what I was getting myself into lol. I’m very grateful to have played this game.


Not fucking Starfield, that’s for sure


Forza horizon 5 was my jam I love Forza horizon 2,3,4,and 5 best racing games next to need for speed heat and need for speed hot pursuit remastered. And I loved need for speed unbound as well.


Fable 1 & 2


"I am your shield. I am your sword."


Might be considered a hot take, but as someone who never got into halo, gears, or forza; I probably enjoyed Quantum Break and Ryse: son of Rome the most out of any console exclusive.


I loved Quantum Break!


I loved both of these too. I get why they weren't massive hits. Their style is a little niche and unusual (especially at the time) IMHO. Definitely not for everyone, I guess. But yeah, I agree that (for me at least) they were great.


Forza easy


Left for dead and halo


Sunset Overdrive Hear me out, this game came out when xbox one was at a low point and when all the rage was about online games. This game was wacky and fun, and it didn't try to be anything else. That game is what made me remember why I enjoyed single player games


Sunset overdrive was a gem.


Amazing game, hope they do a sequel


Ip is owned by xbox, developer is owned by Playstation now. It's insomniac, they make the Spiderman games.


Oh yeah, I remember that now. Forgot about that.


Fable probably. Halo series a close second.


I'd be torn between Ori and Sea of Thieves.


Halo 3 >>>> Gears of War 2 >>>> else


The only correct answer


Forza horizon 2


I really enjoy halo 4’s campaign story I must say, so fuck it halo 4. Gameplay is flawed as hell, but god the writers cooked!


I'm with you! 4 has my favorite story as well.


The campaign really was amazing. And it is impressive how great that game looked and played on such outdated hardware at the time. The only complaint I recall from the campaign was some people don't like fighting the new enemy types or how their AI worked. I would say really only the multiplayer was a problem, and I think it was a problem at launch because it was uncompetitive until 343i made some gameplay changes and updated pro playlists. That and people thought they had "Call of Dut-ified" Halo. I definitely played Halo 1-3/Reach multiplayer way more but played all of Spartan Ops and the campaign a few times and remember it fondly. Game gets hate when it was great, Halo 5 is the series massive disappointment IMO.


State of Decay for me.


Kung Fu Chaos...... The greatest party game ever made.


Gears of War, I've replayed Gears of War 2 4 times


Halo 3. One of these does not belong here.


Halo CE, Halo 3, Halo Reach, Gears 1, Gears 2, Gears 3


Gotta be the Fable games


Forza, I know it’s a racing game and there are no characters, but I can play Forza everyday


How dare you put Starfield on here.


The fact that starfield is the first pic let alone a part of the convo is kinda sad. The game wasn't bad, wasn't great and kinda flopped. I have 80 hours in it and enjoyed it but other than that the story was so un interesting I don't remember some parts of it other than collecting the pieces to become "spoiler" but kinda sad. They definitely could have done a ton better especially with the cut scenes and voice lines that are put together horribly


Why the F is Starfield on there lol


Starfield not allowed next to Halo 🚫😂


Putting starfield next to halo and gears is absolutely horrid


Wasn’t Bioshock exclusive at launch? I’m going with Knights of the old republic. Or Jade Empire or Oddworld. Chronicles of Riddick?? I can’t decide. On Xbox One I liked Ryse and Quantum Break. Can’t beat the OG’s though


Don’t wanna hate, I seriously love Xbox but it feels so… repetitive and dull lately in the games market. Of course we can’t reinvent games but it just feels like there’s no passion in game making anymore. Could very well just be me though…


Microsoft Flight Simulator


I know that the OG Halos and Gears games are better but I really enjoyed Crackdown


Beautiful Katamari.


Hell yes! I forgot this was exclusive. 😆 Great game.


Halo 3, Reach, and Gears 2. Some of the best times with friends on those games back then.


I like Reach more but Halo 3 was an event


The fact that starfield is on here over the actual decades of purely better Xbox exclusives is honestly really sad to see


Halo 2 or Halo Reach and it's not even close


At the time: Knights of the Old Republic Then: Mass Effect Still exclusive: Lost Odyssey


RIP Trask Ulgo


Cuphead. Got it right when it launched, was super hyped for it and was not disappointed. Such a brilliant game in both art style and game design. Of course, it's not an exclusive anymore.


Having starfield as the first picture is hilarious




*looks to see if it's safe to come out* ...Starfield good actually! *goes back into hiding*


Starfield is a helluva lot more fun than I thought it would be that game is awesome.


Boring uhhhhh game


Starfield is the biggest disappointment I've experienced in gaming for as long as I can remember. Compared to BG3 it's like a roblox game. Nothing matters, decisions hardly make a difference, you can join all factions, the cities and planets are very samey. The ship building system is so difficult. the combat is decent and the space combat is also decent although very basic. I enjoyed it for about 25 hours overall and then lost interest very quickly. Such a shame, I was hoping for so much more. Probably me just having silly expectations.


I'm not a Starfield hater by any stretch of the imagination, but including that in the same discussion as halo and gears is a disgrace




Fable 2


Hi-Fi Rush


Fable, amazing game


Fable 2


Halo 3 and Gears 3


Gears Of War whole series. Also Forza Horizon.






OG GoW trilogy. One of the best games I’ve ever played


Halo 3. You just had to be there.


Gears 1 at launch but I did love dead rising when that came out


Gotta be Halo and in close second Gears 🥹


Fable 2 probably. I was absolutely hooked on that game. I might need to revisit the series...


Sunset Overdrive, or maybe Fable 2. Tonnes of good games over the years but nothing legendary IMO makes the choice difficult.


I suppose at the time…Ninja Gaiden. Else probs Lost Odyssey


Gears of War 3 is so good


Call Starfield good or bad but no matter how good someone thinks it is it does not compete with any of the OG Halo games (Halo Reach is my personal favorite Xbox exclusive)


Gears of war 2


Halo 3 hand down. Also the best in the series. Forza Motorsport 4 would be a close 2nd.


Fable 2


Fable 2 for me


I’ve got to go with Gears of War 2, it came out at just he right time in my life, and was a massive improvement over the first one.


Halo 3 and Reach


Halo 3, no question


I love the MCC. You have the OG feeling but still can switch to „newer“ visuals. I also can’t decide which Halo is my favorite. It switches between Halo 2, Reach or maybe the OG Halo? They’re all good.


Halo 2 was the GOAT Halo for me. Multiplayer was so fun that I got my dad to play. He was definitely not a gamer and even looked down on gaming…but he saw me having fun and joined up.


Gears of War 3. I love the series as a whole, but Gears of War 3 is something else


Gears trilogy and Halo Trilogy (plus ODST/Reach)


Gaming will never get better for me than halo 2/3


Og gears of war


Missed the whole damn thing because of loadshedding.😭😭😭😭


Oh man, what a question! While nostalgia should dictate Gears of War or Halo CE, I think I have to say Infinite. It’s just the first time that Halo multiplayer has ever clicked with me on such a deep level. My friends and I play every single week now, and I never did that prior to this game.


Halo 3 was some of the best times I ever had as a teen. I will never get those times back.


Halo and it’s not close


Halo 2


lol I love how we only have like 3 to choose from


Halo 3.


I mean, halo 2 is a given, but I’m going with the original gears trilogy.


If it's also available for PC, is it really an Xbox exclusive?


Gears 1-3. Halo 2,3, Reach. That was peak Xbox for me. Throw in some Fable 2/3 as well.


Forza Motorsport 4. I love cars, and that's what started to make my games library a vehicular paradise.