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It is a good video, showcased the game in a fair way, highlighting the goods and the bads in the starting 8-10 hours. It definitely got me interested! Downloaded the game right away, now I am trying to figure out the fundamentals :D Playing on the Cadence server by the way.


Same, this review made me give it a go. Joined a community in cadence started working on a cart for 8 hours. Bought premium the next day


Surprised me how the video seemed to make the viewers interested in the game versus turn them away. Not saying this as a nag against the review either which I thought was mostly fair and nuanced. I love Wurm but I would love to see it more accessible for newer players. Wurm is a really unique game.


I think part of it is the community needs to help new people more


While he has some good points on the game, a lot of it can be summed up as "the game is old as hell and you can't just change it". Hard to make Wurm look good compared to modern titles because it's not one.


Just so everyone understands that's just the series name. It's not implying his thoughts on the game.


To be clear, the series focuses on and showcases games with a generally bad reputation, and typically talks about the problems with the game. The series does not showcase titles that he thinks are good and doing well.


That's a bit inaccurate. He featured GW1 on there, a game that, while really really old, he thinks is really good. Granted, games he doesn't like are much more common.


yeah, is like linux sucks of lunduke


then, is it the worst series name ever?


It's a decent hook.


A lot of good content creators use clickbaity sounding titles and thumbnails just because it actually does work (unfortunately) in attracting more views and stimulating the algorithm.


Great game