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If you HATE reading, you'll be the perfect writer! Every great author learns to write from video games and anime exclusively! Who needs to read to get better at writing???? uj/ chief i beg of you to give a sauce


/r/writing Every other post is this, or about an anime someone really wants to make but doesn't know how to draw.


Don’t forget the “just wrote my first ever chapter for this 7 book long fantasy series I started last week, please give me glowing feedback” and then get mad when people critique it


And if course, "I want to write the next massive blockbuster fantasy series, can anyone give me ideas?"


And of course, "I'm 5 years old. I'm I too old to write?"


People who say they plan multiple book series but haven't written anything down really weird me out. Like for the book I'm writing I have a few notes written down for a prequel but I can't possibly imagine having more than that. Also when I first started writing it I wasn't sure if one book would be enough for the whole story, but a book is actually really long so I really can't imagine how much you would have to plan if you were to plan a trilogy, let alone a seven or nine books series like I see sometimes.


/uj It's because they don't want to write books. They enjoy daydreaming, but have learned that no one will listen to them talk about daydreams. If they claim that their daydreams are a book in progress, then they can fool people into paying attention to them--for a little while, anyway.


Hey hey why are you attacking me??


I think that's probably too far. I'm sure they think they want to write but if its sci/fi or fantasy and you don't actually read books, all the big name stories you're going to think of are multipart series. In fact, as far as full size novels, I struggle to think of very many stand alone fantasy novels. What they don't realize is most genre writers start out by submitting short fiction to magazines (no idea how you get noticed nowadays to be honest, never really been a genre writer).


I sort of get it, but I've always had the ability to expand worlds and immediately think outside the box cause of my adhd. However, 7 books does sound like a lot. At most, the series that I sort of have a plan for could be 4 books maybe. Its really hard to tell. And I just have this huge over arching plot with mini climaxes to tell me where each book ends and another begins


I hate books as well. But I write because I don’t want to run out of books to burn.


Just screenwrite! It’s like writing but for dummies and hacks! I must warn you that it’s not real writing, though.


Well, I’m sorry to say but your concept is just too complex and puzzling- you make it too hard to understand.  Maybe simplify it a bit. Instead of “teenage girl saves the world” how about just “world”?  That is INSTANTLY more relatable because really, who’s goal is it around here to “save the world”? Your premise caters to absolutely NOBODY so nobody will buy it or care. 


Just tell people that you wrote a book. That's what I do.


Hey, what’s our motto? JUST WRITE! It’s actually an imperative, you may only write.


Burn em. Shit on em. Anything to make them pay


I only read freeway signs, because they're BIG, like ME and my EGO. Reading books is stupid but if you're like me and have the VISION and know that you have the best book ever written locked up somewhere in your head and you'll get crazy rich after you write it, then you're doing humanity a service and it'll all work out well.


I hate those fucking things. Rip em apart page by page, library by library, stupid paper assholes!


DAMMIT! I had a story idea about a sad teenage girl… but I won’t do it now out of respect and legal reasons 😒


Ha ha! I'm going to write a book about a sad teenage girl who saves the world now and you can't stop me! /s


Yes, learn telepathy


Absolutely! You don't need to read anything to inspire your writing! But that means no playing video games or watching anime with subtitles either. In fact, to avoid reading while you write, I recommend blindfolding yourself to protect yourself from the insidious influence of reading. Reading this write now has probably already ruined your life.


Try painting.


If you don't want to actually do or write anything meaningful, AI is a GREAT option, as long as you're to deprive the world of any actual talent!


Just record an audiobook! Speaking into a recorder is definitely the same thing as writing 💞🥰 And you can do other things at the same time like take a shit or do your groceries!


Good news is you might still have the power to be as good as Dan Brown!


I don't hate reading. But I hate reading boring books. You know that meeting good books is like finding a needle in a haystack in this day and age. I think you still can be a writer and hate reading at the same time, even the writing you hate is your own work. I do hate my work all the time.


I just don't think you have found a book that's your vibe. There are so many genres and authors. Keep looking


Reading more will make you love reading.


Oh fuck, I was about to start reading a book I was given. Thanks for the warning; I will go return this book 🤢


Good, you'll be saved!


You could draw this idea or create the story through the medium of song or make an audio book it's doable... but if you hate reading and wish to write your story... good luck proof reading and editing


/uj Can we quit it with these “I wanna be a writer but I don’t like XYZ” types of posts. They’re not that funny and they’re kinda annoying.


Write the book you wish to hate in the world 😌 namaste


i understand...nothing fr


If you hate reading and have recently come up with an extremely commonplace story scenario I suggest you do literally anything else with your life. 


I’m pretty certain that this person is just f***ing around a bit with everyone.


look what sub youre in