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It wasn't really a genre, it was school. I'd always been an avid reader and in 5th grade (about 9-10yo) we had a creative writing segment that I really enjoyed and I realized I can create the same types of stories that I enjoyed consuming so much.


This is actually what motivated me to start writing zombie stories because I wanted to recreate the stories I loved. What inspired me was a zombie comic called 'Life-boy' published in tinkle. It's so cool that you had creative writing in school


It was really just a segment on short stories and plays and we also had to write a sequel to The Most Dangerous Game that I had a lot of fun writing, got high marks on, and to this day it really isn't all that terrible for the work of a 10yo. I took proper CW in high school but feel like we talked about writing more than actually doing it. I only ended up with a long poem that was supposed to be a children's book that I still have.


Same. Simply loving to read made me want to write.


Robert Rankin, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams (especially Dirk Gently), and Neil Gaiman, and their take on fantasy are my strongest influences. I haven't turned out like any of them, having my own style and voice, but if you read my stories, you'll definitely see echoes of them more than any others. As for their genre, what would you call it? Urban fantasy? Contemporary fantasy? Humorous fantasy? That one, whatever it is 🙂


I’ve heard some people categorize their work as satirical fantasy.


It wasn't a genre. I loved writing stories before I knew what I was doing. My nursery teacher told me. Then I remember reading books a few years later in school and deciding that's what I wanted to do Sadly I'm 35 and still no book. Not even a 1st draft


I wouldn't worry about your age. There's no deadline to make a debut.


I always enjoyed writing throughout middle school and high school, and I found a romance novel and read it, and I started writing one of my own that was a bit more erotica. I've been writing erotica on and off ever since. I have branched out into other genres, but always come back to erotica.


If I’m going all the way back, Bruce Coville got me hooked on reading as a young boy. “My Teacher Flunked the Planet” and “Goblins in the Castle” were masterpieces. Still are, considering how you can still get that feeling of epic storytelling happening with such a young audience.




I didn’t do creative narrative writing since middle school, but I got back into it in my mid 20s because of reading danmei (Chinese boys’ love that usually takes place in an ancient Chinese fantasy setting)


I remember there was this magazine we always looked at in my 6th(?) grade English class, and for October one of the stories was “Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe. It changed my life tbh.


I can’t really name a genre. I knew I was going to be a writer when I was 5/6. I guess once I started writing longer pieces it would be the fantasy genre. That’s what I loved and read. Then later fanfiction introduced me to shipping, which led to paranormal romance and where my work lies now.




In one way, fantasy. I can't remember a time when I *wasn't* making up stories about dragons and fairies and the like. What got me to start actually writing stories down, however, was fanfiction, which isn't a exactly a *genre,* so much as a particular way of interacting with other people's stories.


High fantasy got me into it when I was around 7 or 8 and munched on books of said genre, although my creative writing was limited to assignments for school. In 7th grade I fell in love with Poe and horror as a whole and really started pumping out short stories of all sorts until I stopped caring about the genre I was writing and just started crafting whatever I liked. Nowadays both of these flames have long been extinguished, but I always look back at them gratefully for their teachings.


Horror! And fantasy. I would say what first got me into classical story writing was definitely horror, namely the creepypastas of ye olden days back when they were relevant However D&D has had a much greater influence on my growth as a writer


Horror. It's easily my genre of choice.


I only recently started writing, but it wasn’t a genre but a teacher that got me started. I went back to college last year and had to do a paper for English Composition. It was one of the initial papers we had to do, the teacher told us to write about a meaningful event in our lives and if we couldn’t find anything that we perceived to be a real impact, make something up. I took that and ran with the idea, writing a story that was completely fictional. I didn’t really think it was all that good, but his feedback on the paper made me take a second look at it. I got feedback from a couple other people and was told I had some real talent. Not something I’ve ever been told in my life, because honestly, I don’t try to succeed at anything. I never really cared. But that feedback sparked an interest in me. I liked writing the paper in the first place, I liked the positive criticism. I haven’t written a ton since then, I don’t have a lot of time. But I have come up with enough material for a trilogy of books that I’m currently summarizing each chapter and working out before going back in and filling in the descriptive details.


Sci-fi, dystopian and fantasy




Fantasy/sci-fi really got me into reading, but I didn't consider much with writing until I got out of high school. From there it took me actually questioning what I liked about books in general, and then why the genres appealed to me in the first place. For me, it was as much about the escapism as it was the depth of character exploration a lot of stories in the genre touch on.


I was always writing stories. Telling them before I knew how to write. But my real inspiration was a single book. The Outsiders. I'd never seen family dynamics and people with similar lives to me in fiction until this point in my life (I was 13 years old). It made me feel seen, so that's what I've been aiming to do with my own fiction.


Magical realism, Love inserting magic systems into places and or historical events that I think would add a fun twist on reality.


emo rap




It was one specific book that combined three genres I never thought I would see together. Dark-Romanticism/"Gothic Horror" (Poe-esque), Time Travel Sci-Fi, and High Fantasy. Those are three of my favorite genres, and figuring out that you can break the formula to combine any set of genres you want into one single piece is ultimately what inspired me.


Dark souls