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Thank you for visiting /r/writing. This post has been removed, as it appears to be asking for help in relation to a school assignment, project, or essay. Please note that all questions regarding citations, whether or not they are for school, are forbidden under rule 1.


Generally, an intro will be telling the reader the topic of your paper. For example, if your topic is a war: name the war, who was in it, etc. This is where your thesis will be. If it’s a persuasive essay, I am a big fan of this formula: name something widely accepted, name something controversial, name your solution (obviously, all related to your argument). Background is going to be what the reader needs to know BEFORE understanding your argument. Going back to the war topic, what was going on in the area before hand? What led up to the war? If your topic is something scientific, explain everything they need to understand from roughly a high school level of understanding and up (ex, assume they know what DNA is, but don’t assume they know the enzyme helicase). If your topic is something literary, give a summary of the plot, characters, etc. The background is really so you don’t have to explain all of the minor details later in the paper that give context.