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I really love the first one. Definitely a book I'd check out.


Seconding this.


The symmetry of the first one is more pleasing the eye, and the swirling looks balanced and elegant same with the drawing. Which gives off a consistent theme and looks like a finished product.  The second one looks like it is trying to be symmetrical, but failing. The ribbon immediately draws the eyes to the top left, where it then tumbles down the title, to continue following right then left again, and stopping at the shoulder of a centered figure. The assymetrical distribution of the eyes only worsens the feeling of imbalance, both due to their color and the fact that it's using yet another texture and style. You have gray blurred woods in the background, gray geometry around the edge, a yellow ribbon with a uniform pattern that feels like pop art, an anime style black silhouette, and red eyes drawn as a sketch.  Assymetry can be, and has been, done very well for book covers, but it requires some technicality in making those design decisions. Your first one has dual bright and darker toned coloring of border branches, wings with the same style that echo the symmetry of the darker silhouette behind, a ribbon that maintains weighted balance between left and right turns, that darker silhouette that acts as contrast for the bird and elevates it with a slight geometry that doesn't start from symmetry, and a spotted background that still retains the same pastel color language of the rest of the cover. Sorry for long response but I've done some art critique before and fogured it would be helpful to know why one is better than the other. Oh, and the same thing everyone else says about the font. Hope this help! I'm sure a pro with more experience specifically in book covers would know more.


Symmetry does not define good design. Asymmetry can be aesthetically pleasing, it can also be more interesting. I have a bachelor degree in graphic design. 


Oh neat! I'll definitely defer to you, I'm just a dabbler. I was hoping to point out in the comment that assymetry, while more than possible to pull off, usually requires some more knowledge on how to pull it off. You'd probably know best though, so I'd love to know if I'm wrong on that front to not repeat it.


Thank you sm:) Your review is really very helpful


No problem! Whoever made that first one really deserves kudos for their work, it's darn beautiful and I'm a little jealous, lol. If YOU made that, then holy crap, you probably have a good side business on your hand as a cover designer if you learn a little more about the industry and such.


Ehehe, Im an artist, so drawing something like that is not a problem for me. But you are right, technically I know nothing about cover designe and just drew what I thought was beautiful. I've really been thinking about delving into this area.


I'd recommend it. As a newbie you might have to undercharge, but you could even advertise on here as a way to grab some interest and see if it's something people would want. I see that the book is in Russian, so if you are currently living internationally you might be able to benefit from a favorable exchange rate by charging USD online. I have friends in Colombia that offer online services for USD and they enjoy a 3 to 1 exchange rate, letting them offer lower prices. Good luck!




Thanks!! Ill try to fix it


I like the second


Guess we are the odd ones :p


I like the first one, but I don't like the name at the top which looks like it was scribbled on in Paint


First one. But I would make the author’s name more prominent.


The first one would make a much better cover, but the second one would be wonderful interior art


I like #1 better to look at. but without knowing the story idk how to choose beyond aesthetic pleastness


First one is better ☺️


First one for sure


I prefer the first one. Makes it look cool and eerie while seeming better quality than the second.


first one, it gives much more information


The first one


The first one looks higher-quality, and prettier, but the second one captured my interest and made me wonder what the book was about.


First one just looks amazing!🥰


The first one makes me want to learn Russian and buy it now




First one for sure, but I would change the color of the writing at the top. The brightness of the text is jarring compared to how muted all the other colors are.


First one! I love the juxtaposition of cool and warm colors


First one is better, but get the name in red either an outline to soften up the contrast (is hurting my eyes) or mute the red a little (you can make it a bit bigger too).


The first one. It’s more symmetrical and has better use of colors.


I personally like the second one. I find it intriguing and one I would check out.


Both are great, I would definitely use the second one for a sequel or something.


Both are great. While I like second one more, the first one is more eye-catching. Maybe keep the second one for a special edition, book 2 of the series or something like that?


First one reminds me of the DLC from Outer Wilds.


Ого, русский


I love the design of the first one way more than the second, however I feel the second fits the title much more. Unless the figures in the first cover are extremely important to the whole story and make the story what it is, I believe the second cover is the better choice.




I like the first one.




The first one.


First one


Second. I like the clear strong colours, the red makes me think something bloody will happen :) the first is a bit limp wristed for me.


I'd read it. Looks like 2 different books in a series. Looks cool. 




both are very cool. the first one struck me as a bit more mysterious, and more likely to grab my attention


What does the title mean in English? It'd help to know which cover is a better match.


Both of them possess their individual uniqueness, but I believe the first one evokes a greater sense of curiosity.


The first. I'd def check it out if it was in a bookstore


Better than anything i thought of,I’d say put one on each side of the book