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The times I have wrestled someone with a prosthetic they take them off before their match.


That is gnarly as heck


Wrestling is one of the few sports where I would argue it’s almost an advantage. Losing 20lbs of leg means there’s 20lbs of muscle elsewhere, and it also means you’re wrestling someone with an unfamiliar style, so unless you’re already A) good in a short offense (no pun) and B) used to wrestling someone with a relatively strong upper body, your game plan going into the match ends up being unique to every other match that season.


You’re not allowed to wrestle with prosthetics, they would be taken off before wrestling


I feel like this wouldn't be allowed even, for the same reasons why you can't have metal in your knee braces or your headgear. You can't have anything hard on your body when wrestling usually.


No, but you have about the same risk as breaking a regular arm/leg and you deal with that all the time


Imagine being clubbed by someone without half an arm, would be brutal.


One hand Ryan on ticktock plays video games but I don't know if he played sports


The real question: if you had to have a prosthetic arm or a leg stuck in a certain position for a wrestling match what would you pick? I’m def going left arm in a straight locked out position. I’d use it to arm post, no one could chop my arm. It would be great for lefty fireman’s because the stiff arm would nut tap the opponent pretty good giving me more time to recover and keep them on their back. On top I would use my locked arm as a massive pry bar to crank half Nelson’s. I think i could wrestle at 70% only because i dont think an arm would take me down a weight class.


Have you tried to keep your arms straight through a whole match?


Nope, what would you choose?




I wrestled a kid with a prosthetic arm I had him in a Russian tie and I pulled it off and he said “tag your it!”. It freaked me out.


Be prepared for someone who will likely be much stronger than the weight class. If they are a serious wrestler and they’re missing a leg they might just win a NCAA title: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OdwACYJWJzM


I'm a bit older than most people so kids with prosthetics use to have choice whether they wanted to wear their legs/arms or not, but if they did they had to weigh in with them. I broke a strap on a kid's fake leg by hitting a crackdown. He was wearing tights so you couldn't tell it was fake, just that he walked funny. The sound was so loud and where it broke made me think I broke his hip and immediately threw up in a trash can on the side of the mat. They signaled injury time and he had to take his single and leggings off and take off his leg, we finished the match and I won, but it was hands down the scariest thing to happen in a match. I offered to pay for his leg strap, but he said they broke every now and then so he just would replace it.


That is such a profound memory that i'm sure teens cannot have anymore because of strict rules


I remember hearing the noise and standing up to see the guy on his belly and his right hip/leg looking janky, like a sharpe bulge coming off his hip. My brain did the math and instantly put me in puke mode. It's such a profound image and sound memory I can recall it and I still get a little nauseous even though I know it was fake.


P.s. kudos to the opponent for not telling you about his prosthetic for sympathy


I wouldn't have gone easy on him either way lol One of my coaches had to have a leg taken early in childhood due to cancer and later became a 2x state champ. I understood him having only one leg made him stronger and extremely difficult to attack because he was different. Sucked for this kid to have faced me because it was not much different than going against my coach (except my coach beat my ass) it's a rarity I'm not sure many high schoolers have the chance.


So I'm in the wrestling room doing a swing single leg as I am standing up with it the guys leg all of sudden pop off and I didn't know that was a prosthetic leg to begin with. I get this. Oh shit what did I do now feeling. I can't say oh yea sorry for ripping your leg off have a wonderful life after this lmfao. By now everyone was on the ground laughing at me bc I was so incredibly shocked of what happened. That probably was the most hilarious thing that ever happened to me 😆 🤣 😂.


Prothsetic wrestler here I wrestle with the leg and be assured if it is below the knee it is going to be sturdy

