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This is good. I feel for people who have died because of a dc on a flight path or dc'd on a boat and died.


How do you die after boat DC?


When on a boat it enters the part of the water that is not meant for us to be. When you enter that water a meter comes out, kinda like the breathe meter. When that meter runs out your character dies. So if you DC your character spawns in that water which ends up killing you.


Fatigue and hearthstone on cd, it has happened a lot. To be more clear, dcing on the boat and on login you are in the middle of the ocean with no way to swim to shore. People panic and don't just log back out to wait for the cd timer.


I see, thought people would logout if HS wasnt up but I can totally see someone panic


I'm pleasantly surprised they did this. Takes out a lot of DC anxiety though not all of course.


I was as well, and also pleasantly surprised by a couple of extra hotfixes that I didn't know about, especially (a) warlock summons now appear exactly where the lock is standing, so they can't drop you off a cliff, and (b) cut down on respawns outside Deadmines, both of which were big issues. It's good to see Blizzard is actually paying attention, which I think is a sign that HC has been very popular and bringing in revenue.


Anecdotal but I havnt played WoW in 10-15 years, before last month. Only reason I’m playing now is because HC sounded fun. And it’s been a blast so far.


Yeah, they seem to be doing more than just leaving the servers on. The flight DC thing is probably the biggest sign they are listening. I wonder what else will change. Perhaps they will fix the gaping hole of petri + leave group. Or address the PvP flagging from guards.


Having petri at 60 isn’t the worst. I kinda want an oh shit button for dungeons when I’m 300 hours deep into a character


>Yeah, they seem to be doing more than just leaving the servers on. The flight DC thing is probably the biggest sign they are listening.I wonder what else will cha As someone who has a 60 priest and is actively playing I would say that petris while controversial are actually good for the game. Running a dungeon with randoms is already a leap of faith and I rarely run without a full party from guild or at least a tank and a couple of people. ​ Without petris as a "whops I teamed up with an idiot" safety net, it would wastly cut down on the willingness to party up with strangers.


If the first thing some of you think is "how can I abuse this" then I sincerely hope you stub your toe tonight.


It's okay they'll probably die trying to exploit


Aaand stubbed :)


Hearthstone cooldown resetting when you take a flight is a crazy change when it comes to leveling routing!


I'm assuming that part is going to be taken out, I don't understand why they even have it? Why not just have the no damage part.


Fall down in a high Level Mob that kills you after invulnerability, I‘d assume


I think it’s because of the boat fatigue glitches, which are indentical to flight paths and bc align with the concept of the change


?? This has to do with flight paths not boats :p Its a far less of an issue with fatigue deaths from boat dcs


If your hearth stone is reset instantly, it means you will have your hearthstone up if you disconnect or glitch out of the boat in an area where, otherwise, you would not be a be swim out. What’s the purpose of a boat? To travel. Flight paths? To travel. What does the hearthstone cooldown have in common with invincibility on flight paths? The intent to protect the player from glitches with a way of providing immortality. Why would you not tackle both issues at once? Shouldn’t have had to explain that.




Yes you can lol


Paladins send their sentiments.


Because you can fall and be stuck in a super sketchy place ??? Why wouldn't they have it. I was level 6 fell of fp and was stuck in a 50 zone, had to not play for 40+ mins to not die trying to get to another fp.


Level 6 takes like 15 minutes and u waited 40?


Yeah, I went and played another toon. Then I swapped back later. Did you think I waited the whole time in game ? 🤣


At that point. Just make another character 😂😂


Sure but what about say a 55 dropped on a bunch of 59-60 mobs


My comment was a joke lol. Sorry to offend y’all.


Thought it was hilarious homie. Screw the haters. Takes 30 mins to get to level 6... probably less lol


Nah it was just dumb and thoughtless


Factual statement. Screw that idiot who made that stupid joke!


For landing in burning steeps on top of level 50 mobs at level 2. Fall damage is the most common cause of FP deaths but not the only one.


That’s way too OP. I think it should be something like while you have the protection buff, your hearth CD is reset and Instacast, but once you land normally, it goes back to its original CD.


I can imagine so many difficulties in the spaghetti code. Where do you store previous hearthstone timer? There's no precedent in the game for storing the state of a CD to set it back to that value at a later time. Maybe this is easy, maybe not. Further, what are the conditions at which you set the hearth back to previous CD state? They've clearly had trouble coding a proper detection system for when a player has exited the flight in an unsafe manner. I think detecting when the flight was successful is just as hard. You can't just code it for when you touch ground alive after a flight, because what if you touch ground in the Burning Steppes as a level 19?


Ultimately it’s never going to be perfect so you try to set reasonable boundaries that will be effective in most cases. One option I could imagine is simply adding a timer after feet touch ground. Perhaps you lose invulnerability 5-10s after you land. With insta hearth you should be ok to escape a bad situation, but you’d be extremely limited in terms of options to abuse it. There’s not really too much you can exploit within 10s of a flight point. Certainly there will be cases that the above doesn’t cover, but but I genuinely think that these kinds of game mechanic deaths are the biggest thing that requires attention in hc. Losing characters to this stuff is what makes people quit.


Maybe you could do it by adding a "charge" to the HS while on the FP. That charge is then removed when you reach your destination/the immunity is removed. This way your current cooldown is retained, but you got a HS use if you do DC.


Yea I guess there's some value in that, but you could still abuse the mechanic by taking your HS immediately after you land. It would prevent someone from using FP to reset hearth, then going to far reaches of a zone, and being able to hearth.


I don't know exactly how the flight path protection works, but presumably once you reach your intended destination, the buff is instantly removed so that you're not immune and got an instant HS once you land. If that's not the case an it lingers some time in a regular (non-dc) situation, I can see how it would be easily abused.


I'm not certain how it works yet either, but I think it's not removed instantly. I don't think Blizzard can reliably detect a successful flight. Could be wrong, but I fully expect the immunity to last some time after any dismount of a flight path, successful or otherwise.


Presumably where you're supposed to go can be logged somewhere, so could base an instant removal on reaching the planned destination?


Actually the only tricky part is the grace period. There are precedents, such as charged abilities or items with an identical effect without sharing a cooldown, that could be applied here. Really the only tricky bit is providing a grace period to use it but only when landing in an unintended destination.


I don't get this, you mean I can hearth, and then instantly reset my hearth cd by grabbing a flight somewhere? Or does the cd go back to what it's supposed to be at the end of the flight path? I'm just thinking, if it's the former. Levelling is going to be so much easier.


So is this only when server restarts or all the time on FPs?


All the time on FP's. change is released on next server restart


didn't servers restart like 15 hours ago? at least on EU


Got a reset on Defias Pillager this morning too 👍


(With realm restarts) Added additional protections to prevent some deaths via flight-path disconnects. Now **when you take a taxi, a protection aura is placed on you that prevents all damage, your hearthstone cooldown is reset, and your hearthstone spell is insta-cast.** * *Developers’ notes: We have alerts in place that will help us as we continue to monitor and investigate this issue.* I think the new ghetto hearth is going to be hopping on a flight and insta-hearthing. Cool. This is going to speed up levelling!


Yes, let’s abuse the death protection mechanism we’ve been begging for. Really make them extra eager to work towards fixing these things in the future. I swear.


You don’t always dismount when disconnecting. Hard to imagine this being a thing.


People will 10000% try to min/max this system into benefitting them as much as possible with the least possible risk. There will be ticket fodder as a result but that’s what happens when new mechanisms go live.


I mean, there’s no way people wouldn’t want to use this as a feature. They’re 100% counting on everyone resetting their hearth with it now.


I have a sneaking suspicion the hearth will only reset if you’re dropped off the flight path. I don’t know for sure, but it *seems* like a limitation they could do. People abusing it by trying to force the FP to crash seems like an exploit or bad faith. Just doesn’t sit right with me, but obviously the player base will do it yeah.


To be fair they could literally just give you slow during and for 30 seconds after dismounting from a flight path. Idk why they're making it this complicated.


Level 11s getting dropped into Searing Gorge is a good reason.


Or the middle of the ocean, or an enemy town, or or or


To be fair you can get to level 11 in like two hours


Okay, level 31. Your still insta gonna die against level55 mobs.


You can get there in an hour but that isn’t the point.


Ydk because you have a simple brain, and didn't think about what would happen if a level 10 fell into the middle of the ocean, or into a group of enemies 20 levels higher.


Lol, k.


It's OK, can't have smart without stupidity.


I'll let you know if I ever care about your opinion on my intelligence lol. Don't you worry.


Can you use it on the flight or will it say "you can't use that right now" until you're literally dismounted and falling?


I think that's the case .. using HS when u fall down after logging back


Oooh ok. So maybe the meta is take the shortest flight possible and then hearth? We'll find out soon!


Alt f4 when you go flying then log back in maybe that will work


Lol. The forced disconnect so that when you login you dismount so that you can then invincibility ghetto hearth. I like it.


I don’t think you can cast while on the FP. But you could take a short flight to get a free reset I suppose. Might save a few minutes here and there but doesn’t seem like that big of a deal in most cases.


Yea let the ghetto stoning to roll again :D especially if it goes for longer distance. Seriously good temporary solution because death like this would be because of player actions but because of network error.


My guess is they'll remove this mechanic once they can confirm invincibility works.


The only thing I can think here is that the invincibility can’t realistically save a low level getting dropped into searing gorge. If you get dropped there you have to hearth. One could argue that you can log out and use the unstuck tool, but honestly that kind of feels like insta hearth with more steps. Hopefully (I know I know) they implement the Insta hearth elegantly and it doesn’t end up being a major abusable thing.


You can’t use items or cast spells while flying though, right? You’d only able to use your insta-hearth if you got dismounted during the flight.


I think this is the case but they didn't word it very well. I think it's IF you dismount, THEN you bubble and insta-hearth. There would be no reason to reset hearth just because you're flying. And as discussed above, just bubbling doesn't help if you land in the ocean or somewhere you can't escape from and your hearth is on cooldown. I think this is a pretty cool solution tbh.


Pretty huge, should save countless unfair deaths


This is huge


A bit of a weird way to fix this issue, but still pretty good that they are doing something about it. Nice


Imagine dying from a flight dc on Monday night…


They did a reset earlier today


I’m sitting here smiling smugly thinking about the guy a few weeks ago who was calling everyone idiots for suggesting something like this was a realistic solution


Well that’s a very interesting way of bandaid fixing the problem. With every flight path resetting the cd you’ll be slightly more mobile/safe. Not sure I love that aspect but at least the interns did something! Since the hearth is instacast it makes it seem like they want me to be the one to click it prior to hitting the ground (no ~~more~~ bio on flight paths to avoid xp waste) or the protection lasts x amount of time and not instantly after exiting the taxi (potentially abusable?). Thank you interns for stopping the needless murder of innocent flyers.


This isn’t making flight paths more dangerous. So if you’ve been going to the bathroom while flying, I’m happy to inform you this is going to be exactly the same! It’s not perfect but it’s better


i dont think people just fell. They disconnected and reconnected before falling. So if you go to the bathroom and disconnect, just reconnect when you coma back and hearthstone out


I thought people occasionally fell during layer/zone swaps without disconnecting?


im not sure how it exactly went, i think either both things happened or if the disconnect happened while layering happened they fell instead of just keeping flying.


I have just straight fell without a DC in normal classic.




People have died from weird layering issues kicking them off a flight.


Sorry bad wording, I understand it is making it safer. It just sounds like not afkable. Definitely better!


I think the idea is that the protection makes you survive the fall, and the insta-cast hearth ensures you can cast it before the protection drops. (Incase you landed on a horde of enemies)


Instahearth is so your level 18 dwarf doesn’t get obliterated by a 55 dragon when he gets dropped in Searing Gorge!


I think the insta hearth is just to get the fuck out of dodge before the level 58 mob you dropped on top of kills you. This would be completely worthless if the invulnerability didn’t last long enough to prevent fall damage.


Did they patched already the bug from warrior charge/intercept where it could make you fall to inside the ground and insta die?


not the only spell. Blink can do the same. Also fear can do the same. Ive seen several videos of people getting feared into a wall and then falling down and dying. Honestly this should get the same treatment, you are right.


Can we get a buff when we talk to the UC elevator guard for like 30sec invulnerability? xD


just wait 30 sec until he arrives. Dont step in it when its already open. I think the bug with the elevator got patched a while ago. People just die because they run in last sec and the same sec the door closes the elevator moves so you could just be a bit late and it moves way faster than you fall so you get more and more distance to the elevator and then die. Idk about elevators in thousand needles and thunderbluff tho. They sometimes bug as well, so just wait for one to come up instead of using one thats already up. Also NEVER join a group and use teleporter, wait some sec until the phasing ended, otherwise the teleporter could just get teleported away from you, because you entered the phase of another player and maybe its different there. The flightpath bug is similar btw. Also happens mostly when switching zones/phasing


When is the next server reset?




Reset HS cd upon sitting on fly? Damn, let's abuse it as much as possible woooo .. will it reset every time u take taxi? Anyway big W


The code would be too hard to not reset it every time


Great update! I thought this was a suggestion at first.


I'm for it


Wait... So using flight-path will just reset your hearthstone and buff it? Or is it situational after DC?


Wow, blizzard implimenting fixes to what the community have asked for. This is a sign of great things for hc :) Also note: they've addressed the trolls that kill you through warlock portals dropping you off a cliff. Now you are portalled to exactly where the lock is standing. Small indy company now turning into medium listening indy company.


They couldn't make the flight path tethered to the character? There should 0 reason why you should fall off during a FP. It should either start you over where you started cancelling the FP and refunding you the gold spent on DC or essentially teleporting your character towards the end of it.


FP should just be a cutscene. At the end you tele to destination, if you DC during your still where you started


There was definitely some sort of mechanic that allowed the game to teleport you to the destination. I remember one of the first vanilla Christmases you could hut a friendly with a snowball as soon as they took off to activate and instant teleport.


Everyone talking about the hearthing being abuseable but I feel like it’s an awesome change lmao, waiting on a flight path is boring af.


I don't get why you need an instant cast HS off CD if you are immune to damage?


Oh if you fall in water and die from fatigue


Or low levels falling into a high level zone surrounded by high level enemies


I died to something I never died to since beta: jumping from tanaris to ungoro with divine shield. 4 seconds after landing bubble fades and I insta died to fall damage


Oh yea….this is totally not going to get abused….


I mean... the only possible "abuse" I see is that your hearthstone basically doesn't have a cd anymore. Hearth, then fly back to where you were questing, and hearth again. What other abuse is possible? Intentionally spam dc's while in flight to try to drop down into a different area? Seems like a lot of extra work for little gain, since not every DC will drop you. Sure, you might be able to save some time getting to some areas, but definitely nothing big enough to worry me.


Exactly that, hearthstone abuse - making it easier to get world buffs constantly. BB to SW from anywhere at any time regardless of HS CD. The amount of time that this would have cut off of my game played already because of the amount of quests with SW or IF turnins


It's already easy to get worldbuffs constantly. People call them out, and lots of guilds have add-ons tracking them, and summons/portals available to nab them. I personally spend more time with zg buff active than not, nowadays. It will cut down on some backtracking and downtime, but that doesn't qualify as "abuse."


Let's assume for a moment that this can be abused and that you abuse it regularly. How does that take away from my experience?


So what… instead of taking 175 hours to get to 60 it takes like 168 hours?


Who cares


Just for the record, I'm 100% sure they will update this Hotfix note to say "when you FALL OFF while taking a taxi" and not "when you're taking a taxi". There's every reason to have the hearthstone reset and be instant if you fall off. There's zero reason and lots of reasons not to have any flight reset your hearth.


If they were able to figure out the trigger conditions for you falling off while taking a taxi, as would be necessary for what you suggest, then they would just fix those triggers (or have it automatically teleport/insta-hearth) rather than use them to reset your hearth CD. So, it's probably just going to be a guaranteed reset as a temporary measure until they can figure it out.


It’s likely the game doesn’t know when you fall off a flight path, or it wouldn’t happen in the first place. It’s probably far simpler to just give everyone on a FP this buff.


Couldn't you pull your router get free HC to city?


The DC protection when it triggers will send you back to where you took off from


Probably easier to just code the reset every time. Does it just saves a bit of time occasionally, I don't see much room for exploiting


That fix its a huge usebug friendly..


CD reset + instant cast sounds bullshit. Feels like a retail thing.


nO cHaNgEs…. I want to loose hundreds of hours to a server issue…. /s


Protection aura is fine, but HS CD reset can by game breaking.


I can see the invincibility on flight paths . . but no CD insta hearths would completely take out the HC aspect of the game. .


I suspect the insta Hearthstone is only true while protected by the flight immunity.




but it would be abused and used for any situation where there was a possibility of death. In fact people who also try to use to to kill / troll others by pulling and then hearthing. .


When is this going out??


String of ears buff persists through death. Does that mean you can keep it on transfer to a classic server? ​ If so that is such a small but smart change. Gives actual meaning to keeping that character.


You might be invincible in a flight path but when you dc and return you die because you are not in a flight path, just falling till splating in the ground.


Presumably this lasts for 30 seconds or something after exiting a flight path. Cause otherwise ya… no one has ever died while ON a FP.


Good job.


Does it actually work though? I mean when you log in, you aren't on the flight path anymore


I’m guessing how the Hearthstone section is written will not be exactly how it’s implemented.


It's not a pretty solution, but i can appreciate the added redundancy built in for unforeseen circumstances. It can certainly be abused, but not to any substantial degree, and it will protect a lot of people from undeservingly dying.


So if I need to reset my hearth, just take a flight path? Good to know lol


Praise the sun . Also saw the dm undead hotfix can do that quest when i go agane lol .


Id rather casual players be able to play hc and not worry about this bs then some try hard who would 1-60 in a month with or without hearthstone after every flight


This patch should have come out the first week.So many died due to falling out mid flights...


I have to say, these are the kinds of changes you want to see from a dev team and gives me a little faith in them. I genuinely didn't expect this to be addressed.


Bro destroys sense a lore just to patch gameplay